Unions WA in Perth, Western Australia | Trade union
Unions WA
Locality: Perth, Western Australia
Phone: +61 8 6313 6000
Address: Level 4, 445 Hay Street 6000 Perth, WA, Australia
Website: https://www.unionswa.com.au
Likes: 4275
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23.01.2022 Our full statement on the passage of the Work Health and Safety Bill 2019. Work Safety Bill passage welcomed UnionsWA has today welcomed the passage by the Legislative Council of the Work Health and Safety Bill 2019.... Owen Whittle, Assistant Secretary UnionsWA said: This is an historic occasion. WA will go from having the weakest and most outdated workplace safety laws to having the best in Australia. Our workplace safety Act in WA has been virtually unchanged for more than 30 years. Passed with amendments by the Legislative Council, it is now just a matter of its passage in the Legislative Assembly. Rightly, the headline reform has been the introduction, for the first time in WA, of an offence of industrial manslaughter. If a negligent driver causing a fatal accident can be charged with manslaughter, so too should an employer that badly mismanages a dangerous workplace. The families of loved ones who have been killed through work deserve acknowledgement for their tireless efforts. There will be no justice for their family member lost, but there is now a greater likelihood that there will be justice for others in future. Most importantly, this clear message in law will reduce workplace fatalities. Less contentious but also very important have been reforms in this Bill that acknowledge mental health impacts from work, improve standards of training for workplace safety representatives, provide vital whistle blower protections and the closure of a loophole that allowed employers to insure so that they never have to pay penalties for unlawful conduct. A criminal should not be able to insure themselves against penalties. As with any significant reform there are many who deserve to be acknowledged. Many governments in the past have discussed harmonising and updating WA’s workplace safety laws with those across the nation, but it has taken a determined McGowan Labor Government, guided by Industrial Relations Minister Bill Johnston to achieve this important outcome. In the Legislative Council the Greens including the Hon Alison Xamon MLC who has responsibility for this area, have been early supporters which is much appreciated. "The Western Australia Party and the Hon Charles Smith MLC have been supportive of workplace safety reform without which this Bill would been much weaker. I shall thank last, those that are, frankly, most important those working women and men who have committed to their rights at work by joining their union and being active in their workplaces. Workplace rights such as those for safety, are won by disciplined struggle over many years by union members and that has been true for this reform.
23.01.2022 If the work health and safety and industrial manslaughter law reforms don't pass this year, the Parliament will pull up stakes until after the election in March and it could take ANOTHER YEAR before a new law is considered. We've got to put the pressure on NOW. Be there!
23.01.2022 At 8:30 am we will livestream here a media conference with Minister Johnston, family and UnionsWA on the passage of the Work Health and Safety Bill 2019.
23.01.2022 It's a reality of politics that MP's do deals over legislation, which for something as important as Industrial Manslaughter leaves us all with a bad taste in our mouths. The report that the Liberals ratted on a deal to pass these laws is just sickening. JUST DO IT!
23.01.2022 Meet Ange. She is a mum and a cleaner. She is also just one of the millions of workers who will be affected by the Government’s dangerous IR omnibus bill. At a time when working people are crying out for security and safety, the Government’s industrial relations bill is doing the exact opposite of what Australia needs. Email the crossbench senators to stop this dangerous bill: https://utm.io/uc8wB
23.01.2022 The 2020 Labour History Society Harold Peden Lecture is given by Carolyn Smith from UWU.
22.01.2022 How good are these volunteers? Our rally about the Work Health and Safety Bill is on at noon and has been a snap action, so these activists dropped their plans and came out tonight to make calls for turn out. Will you be there, steps of Parliament House, 12:30 pm tomorrow (Tuesday)?
20.01.2022 Our sympathies go to the families, co-workers and friends affected. Media Statement from WorkSafe: WorkSafe investigates two regional deaths WorkSafe is investigating incidents leading to the deaths of two men in regional areas at the weekend. WorkSafe has been notified that a 55-year-old truck driver was killed at Emu Flats (near Kalgoorlie) on Saturday when the water truck he was driving rolled on a dirt road.... Notification has also been received that a 38-year-old labourer died after being thrown from an all-terrain vehicle on a farm at Benger (near Harvey). Inspectors will investigate the circumstances of both incidents to determine whether they are work-related and with a view to preventing future incidents of a similar nature. WorkSafe WA Commissioner Darren Kavanagh said any work-related death was a tragedy, and relayed his sincere condolences to the man’s family. See more
18.01.2022 The Work Health and Safety Bill 2019 is at a critical point and UnionsWA Assistant Secretary Owen Whittle explains why following today's rally.
17.01.2022 Addresses to media by Minister Johnston, families of those killed at work and Unions WA Assistant Secretary Owen Whittle.
17.01.2022 The news this morning that the Morrison govt is withdrawing its undermining of the ‘Better Off Overall Test’ (BOOT) is welcome. BUT, the rest of the Omnibus IR Bill is about wrecking workers rights & it should ALL be rejected!
16.01.2022 UnionsWA were proud to attend the 30th Annual Silent Domestic Violence Memorial March. This year there have been some staggering statistics and tragic deaths. Today we re-affirm our ongoing commitment and support to stop domestic violence and violence against women in WA.
15.01.2022 DONATE TODAY to Union Aid Abroad - APHEDA to stand up and build a better future for tomorrow. Across South-East Asia, southern Africa, and many other locations globally, governments have used the cover of COVID to enact repressive policies against workers and other marginalised populations. With your generous support, Union Aid Abroad - APHEDA can continue working with refugees, students, workers, and others involved in the global justice movement.
13.01.2022 NEWS LIVEINDUSTRIAL MANSLAUGHTER BILL PASSED: WA Industrial Relations Minister Bill Johnston’s press conference after the bill passed the Upper House.
12.01.2022 Every worker should always come home safe. But the workplace tragedy we saw last week was an awful reminder that they don't always come home. And that will neve...r be acceptable. Tonight, after a long journey through Parliament, our legislation to make industrial manslaughter a crime in Western Australia has finally passed the upper house. The bill will put stronger penalties in place for employers who contribute to a worker's death, as well as preventing insurance being used to pay for fines relating to workplace safety breaches. It's long overdue, and if it prevents even one Western Australian from being injured or killed on the job, it will be more than worth it.
11.01.2022 Meet Rob. He's a FIFO electrician who spends weeks and months and away from his family. He lives the toll FIFO takes on a worker's mental health and life at home. Now imagine doing that when the chance to improve these tough conditions comes just once every eight years? That's the reality for workers like Rob if Government's IR omnibus bill is passed. It will strip the bargaining rights of workers on large-scale construction and mining projects for up to eight years.... Rob and his colleagues would be signed up to agreements that force them to spend weeks and months away from, with no ability to address any issues they have until nearly a decade later. Email the crossbench senators to stop this dangerous bill: https://utm.io/uc5Xp
11.01.2022 Today transport workers protested against Qantas - which despite being gifted around $800 million by the Morrison through the pandemic - is proposing to outsource essential jobs, making the employment of their workforce insecure. Transport Workers Union WA Branch - TWU WA Secretary Tim Dawson addressed protesters.
11.01.2022 Work Health and Safety 2019 Bill Update from Owen Whittle, Assistant Secretary, UnionsWA: I am sending off this quick note as I think you deserve to hear this before the news bulletins. The Work Health and Safety Bill 2019 has not yet passed. However, a number of crucial votes have been held this week in the Legislative Council on key clauses including those that deal with industrial manslaughter. ... The Legislative Council have adopted a number of key provisions argued for by the trade union movement including an industrial manslaughter offence. It would not have been possible for us to get the votes to pass this provision if it wasn't for the hard work of the family members of deceased workers and union members. We have to wait for another few weeks for a vote on the whole Bill, and then if passed, it has to go back as amended to the Legislative Assembly or lower house before it becomes law. But we're nearly there. In unity, Owen Whittle Assistant Secretary UnionsWA
10.01.2022 Update on Industrial Manslaughter Law Reform: It would be sad indeed if the hopes of family members of deceased workers were to have had their hopes raised without a just outcome. Later than hoped, the Legislative Council has been debating the Work Health and Safety Bill 2019 over most of this week. Further debate and a final vote is now not likely until next week. Maybe. There's been some predictable, last minute pressure from big business and some in the media. Three Committees of the Legislative Council have supported Industrial Manslaughter law reform in WA. Time to get it done.
10.01.2022 "The Reserve Bank Act has two objectives price stability and full employment. Well, for the moment, we don’t need to worry about price stability. One would need a microscope to find any serious impetus to inflation. But we do need to worry about full employment." Paul Keating
07.01.2022 Fight for Life Rally at WA Parliament
07.01.2022 Sad news today of the death of Helen Reddy. She will be forever remembered by this great anthem. Sung this year, as it has each year at the WA International Women's Day Rally 2020, led by The Android Sisters.
07.01.2022 Today’s tragic workplace death at a Carabooda tomato farm is the second of it’s nature in two weeks. It is clear that more needs to be done to keep workers safe on Western Australian farms.
06.01.2022 The Burmese Rohingya Community in Australia has issued a Media Release on the Military Coup in Myanmar calling on the Australian govt to impose targeted sanctions and cease any and all ties with the Tatmadaw (Myanmar military). #SaveMyanmar ##Feb19Coup
06.01.2022 These union members have something to say #standwithus #dontletthemdivideus
06.01.2022 Workers have carried Australia through the pandemic. Support our hidden heroes. https://fortheworkers.org.au
06.01.2022 The West on some of the in’s and out’s of industrial manslaughter law reform.
05.01.2022 On the weekend we launched our joint public sector unions campaign for the state election. Fighting for a strong public sector, fair pay increases and against privatisation.
05.01.2022 Cambodia: Free jailed union leaders now! Please support Rong Chhun, president of the Cambodian Confederation of Unions (CCU), and Sor Saknika, president of the Cambodian Informal Labourers’ Association (CILA).
04.01.2022 Our full statement to media is below. NOTE: Proceedings of the rally will livestream here from 12:30 today. Work Safety Bill delay costs lives UnionsWA will today co-host a rally of working people on the steps of Parliament House and will join calls for the Work Health and Safety Bill 2019 and industrial manslaughter law reforms to be passed by the WA Parliament this year.... Owen Whittle, Assistant Secretary UnionsWA said: Lives will be lost if we have to wait until next year for workplace safety reforms, which is now a real risk. Arcane parliamentary procedures mean that if the Work Health and Safety Bill 2019 and its industrial manslaughter law reforms don’t pass in the next few weeks, then it will not be done before the March 2021 election. All the delays have been from the Legislative Council and after the election a new Legislative Council will not take office until the middle of 2021. If the Bill is not passed in the next week or so, then it is likely a new Work Health and Safety Bill will not be enacted until late 2021. This Bill has been directly interrogated by two Legislative Council Committees in details with another committee supportive of aspects the Bill. The Legislative Council has almost completed consideration of the Bill in detail, including having decided to support the crucial industrial manslaughter law reform measures. The parliament should stay on the job until this Bill is done. Despite exaggeration and misrepresentation by some employer groups on the impact of industrial manslaughter reform, the reality is that the offence provisions that the Legislative Council has already agreed on will ensure the harshest penalties apply for the worst of preventable workplace deaths. The bottom line is that passage of this Bill will save lives and further delays will cost lives. Working people in Western Australia want a clear message sent about work health and safety, one that values their lives.
02.01.2022 Fight For Life Rally at WA Parliament
02.01.2022 Powerful memories, to music, with a laugh at the end. Thank you Terri Brown, Bobbie Mackley and, "Good Sport" John Preece.
02.01.2022 "To put it bluntly, farms are killng far too many people." Assistant Secretary Owen Whittle, 9 News Perth last night.
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