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United Services Union
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25.01.2022 Big kids, middle sized kids, and small kids, they're all UNION kids! Check out some of our smallest supporters in their Union t-shirts. Show us your Union kids in the comments section below. ... Looking for Union merchandise? We are launching our merchandise on our website soon. Stay tuned to find out more!
25.01.2022 Hurting workers won’t fix the economy! Employer lobbyists and politicians are trying to remove the rights of workers who have carried us through the pandemic. Australian Unions is running campaign For the Workers. Workers need our support as we rebuild our economy. When we support working people, we can rebuild the economy for everyone.... Find out more and sign the petition today > fortheworkers.australianunions.org.au
25.01.2022 Did you know you can save hundreds (even thousands) a year just by being a USU member?! USU membership entitles you to use Union Shopper who has partnered with different providers to bring you the best shopping discounts around! Check out some of the participating provider's below: The Good Guys... Freedom Furniture Union Health Budget Direct Travel Deals Plus many more! Check out a full list of providers and discounts here: https://www.unionshopper.com.au/
24.01.2022 Union Health Fund loves to spoil their newest members! As a USU member, you’re eligible to join the health fund that believes in fairness. If you join Union Health, not only will your health insurance premiums go up by a grand total of ZERO this year, you’ll also get your second month FREE!* Now that's how you welcome someone to the family!... *T&Cs apply. Find out more > https://unionhealth.com.au/usufb
23.01.2022 Are you a USU delegate? Register today for one of our online training sessions this week. Session Topic: New to being a delegate ... Tuesday 24 November, 12 noon 1 pm Wednesday 25 November, 1 pm 2 pm Visit our website for further information and to register: https://usu.org.au/usu-zoom-training-2020 We look forward to seeing you there!
23.01.2022 Meet USU delegate Donna Baxter. Donna works at Shellharbour City Council and is a proud USU member, delegate and deputy chairperson of the Workplace Consultative Committee since 2018. Donna explains what being a delegate means to her and why you should consider becoming a delegate.... "I became a delegate as I wanted to be a voice for my colleagues who weren’t too keen on asking the question if they were not sure they were being treated fair and equitable in the workplace and in accordance with the award. I enjoy liaising with management and Human Resources and I am happiest when we get a positive result and the member is happy and satisfied. Since becoming a delegate, we have created a Union page on our intranet for each of the unions that cover our council to allow information to be put on the relevant union page and members have easy access. I have also created a members list for distribution of emails to all members making it quick to disseminate information to our members." We want to thank Donna and all USU delegates for the amazing work they do. Do you have a delegate story to share or would like to find out more about becoming a delegate? Contact us at [email protected].
22.01.2022 Do you work in Children's Services? Make sure your accreditations and qualifications are up to date. Don’t rely on your employer. It’s time to check if your First Aid Certificate, Working with Children Check, accreditation or other qualification expires this year. Why not join our Facebook page for helpful discussions with fellow Children's Services professionals: https://www.facebook.com/groups/USUChildren/
22.01.2022 Unions have lodged a formal dispute against the AFL before the industrial umpire, accusing the league of imposing a major restructure and hundreds of job cuts without engaging in genuine consultation. Find out more here > https://usu.org.au/unions-take-afl-to-industrial-umpire-ov/ Not a member yet but have been thinking of joining? Call our support team on 1300 136 604, email us at [email protected] or join online at https://usu.org.au/join/
20.01.2022 October is National Safe Work Month. This week's focus is how understanding the common causes of injury and the industries most affected helps reduce work-related fatalities, injury, illness and disease. Read the key work health and safety statistics to provide an overview of the latest national data on work-related fatalities and workers’ compensation claims.... Find out more here > https://www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au//key-work-health-and-
20.01.2022 Do you work in Local Government and are currently working unreasonable hours because your workgroup is understaffed? With the introduction of the new NSW Local Government (State) Award 2020, the Resourcing and Directing Employees clause has been added to provide support to staff. Read the full update and new clause here > https://usu.org.au/2020-nsw-local-government-state-award-n/... If you have any questions regarding the new clause, please speak with your organiser, the USU support team on 1300 136 604 or via email at [email protected]
19.01.2022 The USU Women’s Committee is very excited to announce an Online Evening with Ruan Sims on Wednesday 21st October. Ruan is a leading female NRL player and past captain of the Australian Rugby Union squad that played in the Rugby World Cup. Ruan will be speaking to our members on what motivates her to be a leader in her field.... Find out more here > https://usu.org.au/usu-women-special-online-event/
19.01.2022 Congratulations to the New Zealand DIA negotiation team! Your hard work has paid off and now the new EA has been approved by the Fair Work Commission. The USU has been working with the New Zealand Government since 2018 to secure these conditions and pay for NZ employees working in Sydney by way of an Enterprise Agreement (EA) to replace existing individual contracts.... Read the full story here > https://usu.org.au/new-zealand-dia-enterprise-agreement-ap/
19.01.2022 On this day in 2010 members at Snowy River Council paid this tribute to Graeme Kelly as he became General Secretary. Today, ten years later, we pay tribute to his amazing contribution to the United Services Union. Read tributes from President Glen McAtear, former President Steve Birney and Manager North Stephen Hughes here > https://usu.org.au/congratulations-graeme-kelly/
19.01.2022 Today is Early Childhood Educators' Day. Early Childhood Educators' Day recognises and celebrates the work of Australia's educators in early learning services for their wonderful contribution to the wellbeing and healthy development of the young children in their care. The USU wants to thank our amazing children's services members for all they do for the community every day. We know it's not always an easy task but we are proud of you, our members, for the hard work you do everyday! #LoveMyECE #EarlyChildhoodEducatorsDay
18.01.2022 Are you a USU delegate? Register today for one of our online training sessions this week. Rights and Responsibilities of a Delegate... Tuesday 22 September, 12 noon 1 pm Wednesday 23 September, 1 pm 2 pm Visit our website for further information and to register: https://usu.org.au/usu-zoom-training-2020/ We look forward to seeing you there!
18.01.2022 Today we celebrate Labour Day. Did you know that this public holiday is brought to you by the union movement? Labour Day is an annual public holiday to celebrate the achievements of all workers. Australian workers have celebrated Labour Day since 1855.... The USU has a proud history of marching for the 8 hour work day and other union rights. In NSW we recognise those campaigns and the workers who fought them with a public holiday on the first Monday of October.
18.01.2022 The ASU Career Launchpad is running webinar Leading Change Management tomorrow Tuesday the 15th of September at 7pm. Topics covered include: Examine basic concepts of change management... Explore the balance between commercial change factors with people change factors Planning using change management tools and methodologies Practical takeaway tips and strategies Find out more about the webinar and register here > https://asu.member365.com//d05df0ec238f9a44966e95ce2651c/1 To register for your exclusive member-only account or if you'd like to catch up on previous webinars recorded, please email us at [email protected]
17.01.2022 Do you work at AFL NSW? Following announcements made by Mr McLachlan on Monday 24 August regarding the future of AFL, the ASU will be hosting a second information session tomorrow for USU/ASU members and non-members interested in joining. *****Information Session Details*****... Time: 6:00pm Date: Wednesday 26 August Location: Online, register here: https://bit.ly/31mUL4d Participants will be sent a link to the session after registering via the link above. Read more about tomorrow's session here > https://bit.ly/2QjgLXB Read the latest USU AFL media release here > https://bit.ly/31ns5bj
16.01.2022 Privatisation = job cuts. Job cuts = less reliability & affordability. Time to step in, Premier!
16.01.2022 Are you a USU delegate? Register today for one of our online training sessions this week. Building Union Power... Tuesday 15 September, 12 noon 1 pm Wednesday 16 September, 1 pm 2 pm Visit our website for further information and to register: https://usu.org.au/usu-zoom-training-2020/ We look forward to seeing you there!
16.01.2022 Today is Equal Pay Day. The gender pay gap is the difference between women’s and men’s average weekly full-time equivalent earnings. Did you know:... * The national gender pay gap is 14%. * On average, women working full-time earned $1,558.40 while men working full-time earned $1,812.00. * Full-time average weekly earnings difference between women and men is $253.60. Find out more here > https://www.equalpayday.com.au/about
16.01.2022 USU/ASU WIN AT QANTAS The USU/ASU, together with the TWU and FAAA took Qantas to court as they are incorrectly applying JobKeeper and delaying the payment of shift penalties and overtime. The Federal Court has just handed down their decision and we won! ... Read the full update here > https://usu.org.au/usu-asu-win-federal-sides-with-unions-i/
15.01.2022 We are looking for USU members to submit a 15 second video of themselves talking about how we support you. Share a video with us for your chance to win a $100 Eftpos voucher! Find out more here > https://usu.org.au/share-a-video-to-win/
15.01.2022 Are you a USU delegate? Register today for one of our online training sessions this week. Session Topic: Grievance Handling... Tuesday 13 October, 12 noon 1 pm Wednesday 14 October, 1 pm 2 pm Visit our website for further information and to register: https://usu.org.au/usu-zoom-training-2020/ We look forward to seeing you there!
15.01.2022 Listen to Mark Buttigieg MLC call on Cumberland Council not to abandon its workforce by privatising its services. Cumberland Council childcare jobs are at risk and we need your help to save them! Sign our petition to help save our childcare > https://www.megaphone.org.au//save-our-childcare-at-cumber... Jobs need to stay under the control of council to ensure high quality services are delivered to the community. The USU is here to do everything we can alongside our members to ensure that top quality childcare and childcare jobs stay at Cumberland Council!
15.01.2022 Today is World Mental Health Day. This year's theme, Do You See What I See?, challenges perceptions about mental illness in Australia. We need to reduce the stigma and make way for more people to seek the support they deserve. The USU will be adding the Heads Up program to our scope shortly. Please contact USU Training and Education Officer Narelle Rich with any enquiries at [email protected].... There are many different ways to look after your mental health during this time. Check out some tips here: https://lookafteryourmentalhealthaustralia.org.au/mental-h/
15.01.2022 Meet USU delegate Stuart Slough. Stuart works as a Team Leader in Community Planning and Funding at Central Coast Council and is a proud USU member, USU delegate since 2010 and is on the Newcastle Branch Committee of Management. See what being a delegate means to Stuart and why you should consider becoming one below.... "I came to Local Government knowing of the USU as a membership based organisation and its critical role in representing and negotiating for employees, including myself, in maintaining a professional and industrial environment based on consultation and agreement that we all benefit from. I became a delegate to be part of the solution and work with my fellow delegates to represent and assist the workforce at all levels. I know from my work during and before my job in NSW Local Government that work conditions and security are only improved through employees being organised and active and creating a place at the negotiation table. Chairing the Consultative Committee as elected by co-delegates and other Committee members is an honour and an important role in facilitating the discussion at the key consultative forum between staff and management in Council. The Committee has enabled discussion and debate on a wide range of matters that impact many staff and allowed staff representatives to speak directly with senior management on behalf of members in a formal forum supported by the Award. This has been most important during the 2016 amalgamation and other structural changes as well as generally making sure that the employees have a role in Council’s actions and decisions. People come to work in Local Government because of job security, conditions, pay and opportunities for career and professional development which are all in place and maintained by the professional and industrial unions. To be a delegate is to play an active role in maintaining and growing our sector and to create pride and professionalism in serving the community." Do you have a delegate story to share or would like to find out more about becoming a delegate? Contact us at [email protected].
14.01.2022 To celebrate Child Protection Week, Sheridynn from NSW Paramedics, daughter of our Southern Executive member Jeff Wearing, reads children's book Pig the Pug. Find out more about Child Protection Week here > https://www.napcan.org.au/national-child-protection-week/
14.01.2022 Cumberland Council childcare jobs are at risk and we need your help to save them! Sign our petition to help save our childcare > https://www.megaphone.org.au//save-our-childcare-at-cumber Council Childcare Centres and Preschools, Family Day Care and OOSH Services ensure the community receives high quality, affordable, culturally sensitive and accessible childcare locally.... Jobs need to stay under the control of council to ensure high quality services are delivered to the community. The USU is here to do everything we can alongside our members to ensure that top quality childcare and childcare jobs stay at Cumberland Council!
14.01.2022 Hundreds of United Services Union members at council depots across the Central Coast have unanimously supported a motion of No Confidence in Central Coast Council CEO Gary Murphy and all members of the Executive Leadership Team (ELT). USU organiser Luke Hutchinson said that as a result of this collective action, significant progress was now being achieved, including through a direct meeting with the newly appointed Administrator Dick Persson AM and Acting Interim CEO Rik Hart last Thursday. Read the full update here > https://usu.org.au/unanimous-no-confidence-vote-against-ce/
14.01.2022 R U OK? Day is this Thursday. Check out their website beforehand to get familiar with some of their resources to equip yourself for the day. https://www.ruok.org.au/work
14.01.2022 The USU Women’s Committee invites members to join us for the launch of 16 Days of Action for the Elimination of Violence against Women and the new workplace resource Working From Home Isn’t Safe When Home Isn’t Safe: How to respond to family & domestic violence in home-based workplaces. Speakers include: Karen Willis, CEO Rape and Domestic Violence Centre and Natalie Lang, Secretary ASU NSW and ACT Branch. Meeting Details ... Date: Wednesday, 25 November 2020 Time: 11:00am Location: Webinar Register here > https://actionnetwork.org//we-wont-wait-16-days-of-action/ Don't forget to join our women's Facebook group here if you haven't already > https://www.facebook.com/groups/USUWomen
14.01.2022 NAIDOC week has started. This year's theme is Always Was, Always Will Be. NAIDOC Week celebrations are held across Australia each year to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NAIDOC is celebrated not only in Indigenous communities, but by Australians from all walks of life. The week is a great opportunity to participate in a range of activities and to support your local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander commu...nity. Find out if you're entitled to leave here > https://usu.org.au/naidoc-week-one-day-leave/ Read more about this year's theme > https://www.naidoc.org.au/get-involved/2020-theme See how you can get involved in NAIDOC week events > https://www.naidoc.org.au/get-involved/naidoc-week-events
13.01.2022 Introducing Neil Johnson, Delegate at Cumberland City Council, Neil also represents Cumberland members on the Sydney Metropolitan Branch Committee of Management. Neil is the Systems Support Specialist Applications for the Council’s Library Service. Extremely busy with his job at Council and despite being a USU member since 1997 and on the Consultative Committee since 2000, Neil felt he had to decline the many requests to become a Delegate. Neil finally agreed to become a De...legate due to a good long standing Delegate moving to another Council. Neil said, We needed someone to take up the mantle. I felt I had to step up, I could not leave the position vacant, we needed representation. Neil has achieved much for the members at this Council, both at Holroyd and Cumberland Neil tells us, There was an issue at Holroyd Council with Union Picnic Day, Council gave it to all workers, we fought against this and won it back just for Union members. Another issue was over annual leave conversion to sick leave when someone became ill injured on annual leave. Prior to our campaign, members who became ill or injured while on annual leave had to stay on annual leave for the full period that had been approved. Once this policy was changed, if a member became ill or suffered an accident and advised work as soon as practicable that they were unable to "enjoy" their leave, then their approved annual leave would be reinstated for the period covered by their medical certificate and personal leave used instead. When asked for any advice Neil would give to Delegates, or members thinking about becoming Delegates, he said, Do training straight up, it is invaluable. Even though I had been on JCC for 19 years, I still had little knowledge of the Award, I learned so much in Delegate Basics training. Also, do any other short courses available. Knowledge is power. Do you have a delegate story to share or would like to find out more about becoming a delegate? Contact us at [email protected]. Find out more about USU delegate training > https://usu.org.au/training/ Register for an upcoming delegate online training session > https://usu.org.au/usu-zoom-training-2020/
12.01.2022 Are you a USU delegate? Register today for one of our online training sessions this week. Session Topic: Support Person vs Delegate... Tuesday 6 October, 12 noon 1 pm Wednesday 7 October, 1 pm 2 pm Visit our website for further information and to register: https://usu.org.au/usu-zoom-training-2020/ We look forward to seeing you there!
12.01.2022 Are you looking for the perfect gift for a proud USU member or supporter? Or just want some new USU gear for yourself?! Look no further than the USU online store! Our USU Web Store offers our members and supporters clothing, accessories, and gear to show off their USU pride. Check out our store today and shop our selection of shirts, hoodies, hats, caps, office accessories, and more! All orders come with FREE postage.... Check out the store here > usu.org.au/shop
10.01.2022 The Fair Work Commission has approved the new Virgin Australia and ASU Guest Services and Guest Contact Centre Agreement 2020! The agreement will come into force on Tuesday, 9 February 2021. Read the full update here and download a copy of the agreement on our website > https://usu.org.au/fwc-approves-virgins-new-guest-services-
10.01.2022 Meet Sinead Francis-Coan our Delegate at Wine Selectors in Newcastle. Sinead is a Wine Consultant in sales, so she might be the one calling you with wine offers! In early 2017, Sinead joined the USU and since joining has become very active in our Union, holding a number of positions.... Sinead is a member of the NSW Clerical and Administrative Branch Committee of Management, the Women’s Committee and is also a Conference Delegate representing her branch. Hear from Sinead why she became a delegate, I felt leadership and advocacy was needed in my workplace and the Union provided a great pathway to do this. Sinead has enjoyed attending Delegate Basics Training and looks forward to USU@WORK to further her skills in campaigns, she has also registered for a number of our Lunch and Learn sessions, check out the website for details. When asked about her greatest achievement in the workplace, Sinead has this to say, I am working on normalising union activity in the workplace and I have managed to improve some procedures and consultation along the way. In her spare time, Sinead is really into music, as we saw at Conference last year when Sinead was amongst the winners of the Delegate Karaoke Competition, she also enjoys travel and cultural pursuits. With an academic background in leisure and tourism, Sinead is will nominate as a candidate in the Local Government elections in 2021. Find out more about USU delegate training > https://usu.org.au/training/ Register for an upcoming delegate online training session > https://usu.org.au/usu-zoom-training-2020/
09.01.2022 The ASU Career Launchpad is running webinar Mental Health Awareness in the Workplace: Understanding the Basics on Wednesday the 9th of September at 1pm. Topics covered include: Understanding basic signs and symptoms of mental health challenges... How to manage such challenges in the workplace Managing mental health at work for yourself and others Understanding support role/responsibilities and referral sources Find out more about the webinar and register here > https://asu.member365.com//6f058486a1832e811288697f0501d/1 To register for your exclusive member-only account or if you'd like to catch up on previous webinars recorded, please email us at [email protected]
09.01.2022 Senator Deborah O'Neill visited USU organiser John and USU delegate Simon today. A big thank you to all of our amazing delegates during this time.
09.01.2022 Today is Daffodil Day. Every 4 minutes an Australian is diagnosed with cancer. This year due to COVID-19 you may not be able to buy a daffodil, but you can still make a donation online in support of life-saving cancer research.... Find out more about Daffodil Day > https://www.daffodilday.com.au/ Make a donation > https://www.daffodilday.com.au/donate #DaffodilDay
09.01.2022 Not a member yet but have been thinking of joining? Call our support team on 1300 136 604, email us at [email protected] or join online at https://usu.org.au/join/
08.01.2022 Qantas has announced that they are outsourcing their entire ground handling operations and cutting 2,500 jobs. Read the full update here > https://usu.org.au/qantas-job-cuts/ We’re calling on the Morrison Federal Government to immediately bring in an AviationKeeper payment scheme for all aviation workers across Australia.... Sign the petition here > https://aviationkeeper.com/
06.01.2022 102 years ago on 11 November 1918, at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, millions of men laid down their guns. This was Armistice Day, the end of the first world war. We remember those who died or suffered for Australia's cause in all wars and armed conflicts. Please join us for a minutes' silence at 11am for the soldiers who died fighting to protect our nation. Today we share the story of the two Ashton boys who volunteered for war service. Their story was publ...ished in the September 1915 edition of The Counsellor (the union magazine of the Municipal Employees Union), under the heading of Two of our Boys. "Sergeant George Robert Ashton and Private Henry Thomas Ashton, the two sons of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Ashton of Woollahra, Sydney. Mr. G. C. Ashton is, of course, the general secretary of the Union. Sergeant Ashton is 20 years of age and Private Ashton 18 years old. Before leaving to do their duty, they were entertained (with several of their comrades) at their parents’ home, and were presented with wristlet watches and money belts. Sergeant Ashton was only 19-years old when war first started, and was one of the first to enlist and served at Rabaul for over nine months, where he was wounded. He was then home only a fortnight when he and his brother heard the cry of their fellow-heroes of the Dardanelles, and left to answer their call." We are eternally grateful for the men and women of this country who have put their lives on the line for us. Find out more about Remembrance Day here: https://www.awm.gov.au/commemoration/remembrance-day #LestWeForget #RemembranceDay2020
06.01.2022 Everyone, meet Col Myers! Col initially joined the Union in 1970, when he first commenced in local government. He had a couple of years away from the industry before starting at the former Canterbury Council. Col is a Public Place Officer and Head Delegate at Canterbury-Bankstown Council. Col joined the Municipal Employees Union, as it was then, again in 1994, and was elected as a Workplace Delegate soon after. ... Col is a member of the Sydney Metropolitan Branch Committee of Management and has held various positions on the Branch over the years. Col is looked up to and admired by other Branch Committee of Management Delegates as a role model and mentor. Col is also an elected Conference Delegate and wears this responsibility as a badge of honour, he is proud to represent the views of the members at his Council. Col tells us the reason he became a Delegate is to keep the b@$%@$ds honest and accountable and to level the playing field when change happens in the workplace. His greatest achievement is still being passionate, committed and dedicated and having the ongoing support and confidence of his members as a long standing delegate for almost 30 years. Col’s advice to any Delegate or any member thinking about becoming a delegate is that this is a role that is underrated, undervalued & unpaid but vital in any organisation. Col thinks a delegate should possess the following qualities: someone who is well respected, committed, passionate, a good communicator & resilient. Do you have a delegate story to share or would like to find out more about becoming a delegate? Contact us at [email protected].
06.01.2022 Listen to USU Organiser Luke Hutchinson speak about issues surrounding Central Coast Council on ABC Central Coast radio this morning. Luke's interview starts from 1 hour 39 minutes.
05.01.2022 As part of National Safe Work Month, we recognise Mental Health Day this October. Under WHS laws, employers must minimise the work-related risk to psychological health and safety as much as possible. Download the work-related psychological health and safety guide here > https://www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au//work-related-psychol... Safe Work Australia is also hosting a free webinar with Comcare this week. Find out more about the webinar and register here > https://www.comcare.gov.au//news-e/events/comcare-webinars
04.01.2022 Yesterday the USU and the AFL had a conciliation conference at the Fair Work Commission. We were successful in having the Commissioner recommend to the parties that they set aside time in the very near future to discuss our concerns at length in a formal setting. This is a great outcome for our members and employees and we look forward to working with the AFL to resolve these issues.... Read the full update here: https://usu.org.au/usu-afl-a-seat-the-the-table/
04.01.2022 The AFL have reduced employees' redundancy entitlements without notice or consultation!! The USU and our AFL members are now calling on the AFL to reinstate the pre March 25 redundancy entitlement, an entitlement to 3 weeks’ pay for every year of service capped at 52 weeks. Please sign the petition below to help reinstate these entitlements: https://www.megaphone.org.au//restore-afl-staff-entitlemen
04.01.2022 See what we can achieve when we stick together! Not a member yet but have been thinking of joining? Call our support team on 1300 136 604, email us at [email protected] or join online at https://usu.org.au/join/
04.01.2022 Are you looking for a new role and would love to work for us? The USU is currently recruiting for a CRM Support Officer based in our head office in Sydney. The USU has a vibrant and friendly culture, providing staff with a challenging work environment whilst still allowing for a work/life balance.... Find out more about the role and apply today > https://usu.org.au/position-vacant-crm-support-officer/
04.01.2022 Congratulations to USU member Dave McDonald from Inner West Council on 50 years union membership! Dave joined in 1970 as a concreter at Marrickville Municipal Council. Read our interview below with Dave to find out more about his experience with the union over the years, what’s changed and advice to people entering the workplace now: https://usu.org.au/50-years-congratulations-dave/
03.01.2022 Don't forget it's daylight savings this weekend! Remember to set your clocks one hour forward before you sleep tonight.
03.01.2022 Meet USU delegate Danni Hunt. Danni works as a Member Service Officer for Newcastle Permanent Building Society. See what being a delegate means to Danni and why you should consider becoming one below.... "I want to be able to help my fellow staff members and make my workplace a fairer and happier place to work. I enjoy the challenge of being a delegate but also enjoy having the support and guidance provided from my Union Organiser. I always feel like I can ask any questions and get a clear answer. It’s rewarding to get great outcomes for people. My biggest achievement in the workplace? Changing workplace policies/procedures to make it safe for staff and supporting my colleagues when they need it the most. If you are thinking about being a delegate, my advice would be DO IT!" Find out more about USU delegate training > https://usu.org.au/training/ Register for an upcoming delegate online training session > https://usu.org.au/usu-zoom-training-2020/
03.01.2022 When Alexandria Child Care Centre was established by South Sydney Council many years ago, all full time staff were employed on a 9 day fortnight. This meant that the staff worked a longer day to ensure the coverage of child/staff ratios while also matching with South Sydney Award conditions at the time. This is no longer the case. We want City of Sydney to approve the 9-day fortnight at Alexandria Child Care Centre.... Sign the petition here > https://www.megaphone.org.au//approve-the-9-day-fortnight-
03.01.2022 We could all do with some festive sparkle after the year we've all had! This December, our mates at Union Health Fund are playing Santa and are giving you a chance to win a tree full of fantastic gifts worth $2,000 just in time for Christmas! Join now for a chance to win and get your 2nd month FREE.... Find out more: https://unionhealth.com.au/usufb
02.01.2022 Are you a passionate Unionist and would love to work for us? The USU is currently recruiting for a Union Organiser based in our Grafton office. The USU has a vibrant and friendly culture, providing staff with a challenging work environment whilst still allowing for a work/life balance.... Find out more about the role and apply today > https://usu.org.au/organiser-northern-grafton-nsw-2020/
01.01.2022 Are you a USU delegate? Register today for one of our online training sessions this week. Session Topic: Consultative Committee Basics ... Tuesday 10 November, 12 noon 1 pm Wednesday 11 November, 1 pm 2 pm Visit our website for further information and to register: https://usu.org.au/usu-zoom-training-2020 We look forward to seeing you there!
01.01.2022 Today is R U OK? Day. Check out these resources this morning to see how you can approach someone today and ask if they're ok https://www.ruok.org.au/work... Always remember that no matter how hard things may get at work, your union, the USU is always a phone call away and ready to support you in any way we can! Contact us on 1300 136 604 or via email at [email protected]
01.01.2022 The combined unions commenced consultation with Ausgrid on their proposals to re-structure (yet again) its workforce. Despite requests from the USU for Ausgrid not to monopolise the time of your union’s resources, so as to enable us to represent our members effectively, Ausgrid did just the opposite by sending out meeting requests for every single day of the weeks beginning November 16 and 23. On a lot of days, up to 4 meetings had been scheduled. Your union was advised late ...Tuesday afternoon that the consultation process has been placed in dispute. Your union advised Ausgrid yesterday that it supports the dispute and is a party to it. Read the full update here > https://usu.org.au/usuausgrid-consultation-in-dispute/
01.01.2022 Who misses this?
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