Uniting North in Coomera, Queensland, Australia | Church
Uniting North
Locality: Coomera, Queensland, Australia
Address: 6-8 Esplanade 4209 Coomera, QLD, Australia
Website: https://www.unitingnorth.com
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25.01.2022 Passion has little to do with euphoria and everything to do with patience. It is not about feeling good. It is about endurance. Like patience, passion comes from the same Latin root: pati. ... It does not mean to flow with exuberance. It means to suffer. - Mark Z. Danielewski Online Church Theme: Living With Fire Sundays at 8:30am or whenever you want it. https://unitingnorth.online.church
25.01.2022 The story of the Bible isn’t primarily about the desire of people to be with God; it’s the desire of God to be with people. Much Grace Orrell... Sunday at 8:00am Personal worship 8.15 8.30 live church chat begins 8:30am Joint worship/announcements and message ...
25.01.2022 The Floodgates of Heaven In Malachi 3:7, the Lord says, "Return to me, and I will return to you." The Israelites had wandered away from God. I don’t think it was intentional, but the results were monumental. They were guilty of wage theft. Neglecting the most vulnerable in their community. Mistreating refugees and last but not least withholding their tithes, which, amongst other things, provided for the needy in the community. ... All of this reads like a very modern-day list of offences. All of which, God took very personally, and by all accounts still does. As a result they were far from God, and consequently, not experiencing His blessing. In keeping with His characteristics, God makes the first move in restoring the relationship: "Test me in this, . . . and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it" (Malachi 3:10). God makes the first move, the next was up to them - and it’s up to us! Online Church Theme: Gateways Arrivals, Departures and Floodgates Sundays at 8:30am or whenever you want it. https://unitingnorth.online.church
23.01.2022 Happy Thursday Church! We hope you're excited for church this week, Jayden is bringing a message for you all this Sunday on defiant joy and what it looks like to cultivate joy despite the circumstances you find yourself in! Tune in at 8:30am this Sunday to join us for church at:... unitingnorth.online.church See more
23.01.2022 Ten things faith can teach us in this coronavirus season: #4: Jesus can empathize with our loneliness and fear. In the garden of Gethsemane, he prayed for God to relieve him of his distress (his pending death) but then says, not my will but yours be done. Submission to God’s will is a huge act of trust, and it is good to lament or complain to God about injustice, about sadness, about anything that hurts like this virus. Hold onto Him ... Orrell See more
22.01.2022 Ten things faith can teach us in this coronavirus season: #3: Before he died, Jesus not only healed and comforted many in distress, but he left, promising comfort. Peace I leave with you. My peace I give you not as the world gives do not let your hearts be troubled. Peace to you,... Orrell See more
21.01.2022 Over the next ten days I want to share ten things faith can teach us in this coronavirus season: #1: Doubters are welcome among the Jesus-followers. Doubting Thomas was one of Jesus’ favourite people. ... Jesus both understands and challenges doubters to believe even what they cannot see. Online Church Sunday mornings or whenever you choose Sunday at 8:00am Personal worship 8.15 8.30 live church chat begins 8:30am Joint worship/announcements and message https://unitingnorth.online.church
21.01.2022 Ten things faith can teach us in this coronavirus season: #10: Last but not least, remember that the resurrection was not a grand celebration in a massive temple full of people. It was the discovery of an empty tomb by a group of fearful women, followed by appearances of a risen Christ to fearful followers isolated in an upper room. ... Expect hope through emptiness, grief, isolation, and fear. The fullness of Christ’s loving presence, is real! Choose hope Orrell Online Church Sunday mornings or whenever you choose Sunday at 8:00am - personal worship 8.15 8.30 live church and the live chat begins 8:30am - joint worship, announcements and message https://unitingnorth.online.church
20.01.2022 The Coronavirus has changed our lives. We are all feeling a sense of loss but may not have found the words or the space... to acknowledge it. This Sunday we begin a new series: ‘The Big Question’ What’s the big question you should be asking yourself? Your friends? Your family? Online Church, Theme: The Big Question Sundays at 8:00 Personal worship 8:30am Joint worship/announcements and message https://unitingnorth.online.church
19.01.2022 Ten things faith can teach us in this coronavirus season: #7: The Christian faith may not answer ‘why’ bad things happen, but it does answer ‘how’ we can get through bad times - with the hope that is ours in Jesus Christ. Hang onto hope... Orrell See more
19.01.2022 Don’t Pour Cold Water Has someone ever poured cold water on a plan or an idea that you shared? Did their criticisms dampen your enthusiasm? Don’t dampen someone’s passion for God by pouring cold water on their vision or dreams, even if they strike you as a little over the top. ... Rather, fan the flame. Enthusiasm literally means to be divinely inspired, which is one of the many actions of the Holy Spirit. Let Him do His work, with whom He chooses, how He chooses and when He chooses. Better still, give Him a hand, fan the flame! "Do not put out the Spirit's fire (1 Thessalonians 5.19). Online Church Theme: Living With Fire Sundays at 8:30am or whenever you want it. https://unitingnorth.online.church
19.01.2022 REDISCOVER May we rediscover our deepest identity as people who belong to God and to each other. As we learn to live in this limbo, may we truly learn to live.... Grace and peace Orrell
18.01.2022 The Floodgates of Heaven Take the Test. Money is one of the few areas in which God tells us to test Him. If we follow His instructions, He will open up the floodgates and pour out more blessings than we can handle. ... God isn’t saying that you will be wealthy but being faithful, with all the resources entrusted to you, will bring blessings, God in fact guarantees it. It’s really a matter of trust. Do you trust God? Are you trustworthy? Can God trust you with even more resources? Online Church Theme: Gateways Arrivals, Departures and Floodgates Sundays at 8:30am or whenever you want it. https://unitingnorth.online.church
18.01.2022 Ten things faith can teach us in this coronavirus season: #6: Strength from a Father who is in heaven. Happy Father’s Day! For all of you who find this particular day difficult, I hope and pray that you can draw comfort from our Father who is in heaven, through Jesus His son, who said,... I will talk to the Father, and He’ll provide you another Friend so that you will always have someone with you. This Friend is the Spirit of Truth. The godless world can’t take Him in because it doesn’t have eyes to see Him, doesn’t know what to look for. But you know Him already because He has been staying with you and will even be in you! I will not leave you orphaned. John 14.15-18 Grace Orrell
18.01.2022 Ten things faith can teach us in this coronavirus season: #2: One of the most frequent commands in the Bible is Do not fear! The reason we can contain our fear is that we believe we belong to God in both life and in death. Nothing can separate us.... In this together Orrell Online Church Sunday mornings or whenever you choose Sunday at 8:00am Personal worship 8.15 8.30 live church chat begins 8:30am Joint worship/announcements and message https://unitingnorth.online.church
16.01.2022 The Floodgates of Heaven Malachi 3:9-12, is one of the more well-known verses in the book of Malachi. It seems to offer a simple formula to receive God’s blessings. Give to God, and He will give back even more. But people who care only about material blessings are going to be disappointed.... Both the material and the spiritual blessings come through first drawing closer to God. God is not interested in religious formulas that appear to coerce Him into blessing us. Instead, God wants a relationship in which He can be our loving, generous Father. Do you have that kind of relationship with God? Prayer Father, thank you for putting our relationship first. Help us to give with the right motives and appreciate you beyond all the blessings you provide. Amen. Online Church Theme: Gateways Arrivals, Departures and Floodgates Sundays at 8:30am or whenever you want it. https://unitingnorth.online.church
16.01.2022 What’s the big question you should be asking yourself your friends and family right now? Online Church Theme: The Big Question... Sundays at 8:00 Personal worship 8:30am Joint worship/announcements and message https://unitingnorth.online.church
16.01.2022 There is no passion to be found playing small in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living. - Nelson Mandela... Online Church Theme: Living With Fire Sundays at 8:30am or whenever you want it. https://unitingnorth.online.church
15.01.2022 Happy 90th Birthday, Bob! Congratulations on achieving such a significant milestone. Bob (aka - Bolton Bob) and Christine (aka - Christina Ballerina) Rollinson are living treasures. ... They are an inspiration, as well as heaps of fun to be with. We hope you have a wonderful and elongated Birthday Bash. All our love From UNC
15.01.2022 The Big Question What am I missing most right now? What has COVID-19 taken away from me? ... I’m missing my ‘pre-planned life’. I’m now adjusting to the ‘provisional-plan lifestyle’. It’s very different, it’s a world where all plans are subject to change. COVID-19 has taken away from me my freedom to travel to the UK. I can’t visit family or friends for the foreseeable future. This is a cause of great sadness. It’s going to take some time to work through this one. I’m carving out some time and space to begin this process. I’ll let you know how I get on. Stay safe, stay focussed, Orrell Online Church, Theme: The Big Question Sunday at 8:00am Personal worship 8.15 8.30 live church chat begins 8:30am Joint worship/announcements and message https://unitingnorth.online.church
15.01.2022 Can you believe it? It’s almost six months since Rebekkah began work as our new Op Shop Manager! Today we had the six-month review, where together we got to consider how far we have come, what we have learned and what, if any, adjustments we need to make going forward.... It was a very productive time. On behalf of the UNC I want to thank Rebekkah and the whole Op Shop Team for their great work under extremely difficult circumstances. I also want to give a shout out to Christine who has been giving up her day off to help me with some of the pastoral support to Rebekkah and the Op Shop Team. Last, but not least, a big thank you to the good folks of Coomera, without their generosity there wouldn’t be an Op Shop.
14.01.2022 Somebody once said that the biggest difference between you and God is that God doesn’t think he’s you. Let’s hope this pandemic helps people be very clear about not being God. Much Grace Orrell... Sunday at 8:00am Personal worship 8.15 8.30 live church chat begins 8:30am Joint worship/announcements and message ...
14.01.2022 Please pray for the people of Lebanon. Stay prayerful, Orrell... Online Church, Theme: The Big Question Sunday at 8:00am Personal worship 8.15 8.30 live church chat begins 8:30am Joint worship/announcements and message https://unitingnorth.online.church
13.01.2022 EMBODIED My prayer is that as believers in Jesus we will rediscover the power of embodied community. When we no longer have to limit physical contact, I pray we will cherish the gift of being together again. Christianity is not (and never was) an individual activity. ... We need the family of faith, the Body of Christ. See more
11.01.2022 If you have a strong purpose in life, you don't have to be pushed. Your passion will drive you there. - Roy T. Bennett ... Online Church Theme: Living With Fire Sundays at 8:30am or whenever you want it. https://unitingnorth.online.church
11.01.2022 The Big Question What are you missing most right now? What has COVID-19 and its many consequences taken away from you?... There are two truths to grief and loss, the first is that they both come in many shapes and forms. The second is that they both suck - big time. Although there is little, actually nothing, that we can do to avoid them, there is a lot we can do about our relationship to them. Right now I’m choosing not to ignore them in the hope they just go away. I’ll let you know how that works out. Stay safe, stay connected, Orrell Online Church, Theme: The Big Question Sunday at 8:00am Personal worship 8.15 8.30 live church chat begins 8:30am Joint worship/announcements and message https://unitingnorth.online.church
11.01.2022 STRIPPED COVID-19 can transform us, if we open ourselves to the Holy Spirit. Entering an unwelcome season for which we have not planned exposes ways that we have misplaced our priorities and anchored our identity to shifting sand. ... Stripped of our routines, we can rediscover the precious truth that God is with us. No quarantine deprives us of his presence. Much Grace Orrell Online Church, Theme: The Big Question Sunday at 8:00am Personal worship 8.15 8.30 live church chat begins 8:30am Joint worship/announcements and message https://unitingnorth.online.church
10.01.2022 Is it possible that you have unconsciously, diminished the power of God in your life by putting out the Holy Spirit's fire? Today you can turn that around and actually fan the flame. Simply ask God to help you be more attentive to the quiet voice of the Holy Spirit. Ask Him to renew His power and work within you, through the Spirit.... Do not quench the Spirit (1st Thessalonians 5.19). Online Church Theme: Living With Fire Sundays at 8:30am or whenever you want it. https://unitingnorth.online.church
10.01.2022 Sing Like No One’s Listening Because of COVID-19, churches no longer reverberate with song; hymnals are neatly stacked, and video projecting screens are blank. Even as we plan for reopening, health officials warn that it might be too early to resume singing in groups. ... Though such restrictions are understandable, they rob congregations of an important aspect of their Christian faith. As the Apostle Paul wrote in Ephesians 5, be filled with the Holy Spirit. 19 Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord. So, this Sunday at 8:00am we encourage you to find a space where no one can see or hear you and ‘let go’ for about 15 minutes. .Consider this a warm-up for our very own ‘Spare Room Session.’
10.01.2022 Ten things faith can teach us in this coronavirus season: #8: Love really is the answer. Jesus reminds us repeatedly that true faith is seen in the way we love one another. The Great Commandment comes in two parts. ... - Love God. Love your neighbour, as you love yourself. Goodness and love are following you Orrell
09.01.2022 Ten things faith can teach us in this coronavirus season: #9 Stay connected. Congregate ‘online’ if public worship is not an option. ... Gather with two or three others if ‘online’ is not possible. There is strength in staying with people who, like you, are praying and longing for relief from this situation. We may have a very long road ahead, stay connected. Jesus will lead us. Better togther Orrell Online Church Sunday mornings or whenever you choose https://unitingnorth.online.church
05.01.2022 Ten things faith can teach us in this coronavirus season: #5: The Christian faith will not answer every question of why. Why do bad things happen to good people?... Bad things happened even to pure goodness, the prime example, Jesus, - God incarnate. When bad things happen, can God use them to accomplish good? Online Church Sunday mornings or whenever you choose Sunday at 8:00am Personal worship 8.15 8.30 live church chat begins 8:30am Joint worship/announcements and message https://unitingnorth.online.church
05.01.2022 Our theme for November: A Goodness You Can Taste Taster # 1: Kindness Matthew 5. 38-42 - Be Kind to Others... Quote for the day Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind. Henry James
04.01.2022 A Goodness You Can Taste The body of Christ, given for you. The blood of Christ, shed for you. This Sunday we are planning to celebrate Holy Communion. ... This holy act is neither routine nor rote. This is Christ reaching down to broken sinners. Astounding, isn’t it? How Jesus Christ invites and accepts us, how He delights in the breaking of bread with hungry beggars like us? We don’t receive forgiveness by rights or gold-star performances or eloquent prayers or by trying to impress God. We don’t pull ourselves into heaven. We are carried there. See you Sunday Orrell Sunday 8th November 8:30am @ Blue Care Esplanade, Coomera.
04.01.2022 Our theme for November: A Goodness You Can Taste Taster # 1: Kindness Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle. ... Plato See more
03.01.2022 Don’t Miss Out The Holy Spirit is at work in the world. But, if we fail to listen to the Spirit’s prompting, we will miss the opportunity to be part of God’s work. ... It is for this reason that Paul the Apostle said, Do not quench the Spirit. Online Church Theme: Living With Fire Sundays at 8:30am or whenever you want it. https://unitingnorth.online.church
03.01.2022 Good morning church!! Sorry for the delay, we had some tech issues this morning, but if you refresh your browser the service is back up and running! Come and enjoy church with us right now at: Unitingnorth.online.church
02.01.2022 In Jesus’ day the shepherd would sometimes act as the gate himself by placing his body in the opening of the sheep pen for the night. Doing this insured the shepherd that all his sheep were safely in, that they rested undisturbed for the night and in the morning found their way out into the pastures to eat. The gate is the key to all this, and the shepherd acting as the gate shows his personal care for the sheep. Online Church Theme: Gateways - Arrivals and Departures Sundays... at 8:30am or whenever you want it. https://unitingnorth.online.church See more
01.01.2022 Hi Everyone! Despite previously stating that we would be physically congregating this weekend, we will continue to be online only. This is due to the current COVID-19 circumstances and restrictions on gathering. Please note that as of this weekend there is a limit on 10 person gatherings at home, so if you are meeting together to watch church together, please keep this 10 person cap in mind!... This week will look a little different to 'normal', Eddie and Jayden will be going through some questions and answers with the current COVID-19 situation, what some of the restrictions are and ways we can move foward as a church, as well as examining the christian response to grief and lament in the face of taking longer to return than anticipated. We miss you all and hope to see you online this Sunday!
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