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Universal Coaching Systems

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to load big map

25.01.2022 Peter Wallman is a world leader in techniques to discover, ignite and direct passion in people and organisations. In this episode Peter and I discuss a powerful coaching process that he’s invented called Passion Mapping. In our discussion you’ll also learn from a master, new ways to think about life purpose, intention and mission. If you’re looking for a new coaching tool in your tool kit to help take your clients to deeper levels, you’ll love this one. Enjoy!... Finding Highest Purpose (with Peter Wallman) #findinghighestpurpose #peterwallman #passionmaps #passionmapping #coachingprocess #benaydyor #coachpeptalk #podcast #coachingmodalities #coachingtechniques #universalcoachingsystems

24.01.2022 Do you keep hearing about Sales Funnels but arent quite sure what they are? Or maybe you know a little but want to understand them at a deeper level so you can use them to help you convert your ideal prospects into paying clients? Ive recently interviewed one of my all-time favorite marketing guys, Marlon Marescia, who is a heart-driven marketer.... Thats marketing that delivers tangible value so its a win-win situation for the coach and for the prospect. SAY NO to SELF-SERVING MARKETING! Marlon is a digital marketing strategist with a specialization in Facebook Advertising and websites that make sales. I have shared the online stage with Marlon in more than a dozen trainings and have also hired him to help me in my business. Basically I vouch for him hes AMAZING! In this EPIC interview, Marlon gives you the low down on Sales Funnels. .#coachpeptalk #salesfunnels #marketing #coachingmarketing #marketingforcoaches #Marlonmarescia @heartdrivenmarketer #clientconversion #convertleads #getleads #universalcoachingsystems #benaydyor

24.01.2022 Cindy Scott, of Evolving Women, is fascinated by the differences between the male and female brain. In her research, she discovered that (generally speaking) men and women are gifted with different special skills. Unfortunately, Western society typically tends to favor masculine skills. But what would happen if we honored the masculine and feminine? In this interview, Cindy and I explore the power of the feminine and how aligning with our unique gender qualities could ultimat...ely create heaven on earth. .#coachpeptalk #benaydyor#podcast #youtube #feminineskillsvsmasculineskills #evolvingwomen #cindyscott

24.01.2022 Do you want to keep your life and coaching business simple?. In this Coach Pep Talk episode, Milana Leshinsky, the founder of a million-dollar coaching and information business empire talks about her relatively new quest for simplicity in business. Looks like we CAN have it all lifestyle, money, meaning and fulfillment, IF we are willing to keep it simple. ... Finding Simplicity in Your Coaching Business (with Milana Leshinsky) .#milanaleshinsky #coachingbusinesssimple #meaning #fulfilment #money #lifestyle #meaning #universalcoachingsystems #benaydyor #coachpeptalk #podcast

23.01.2022 "A thinker sees his own actions as experiments and questions - as attempts to find out something. Success and failure are for him answers above all." - Friedrich Nietzsche #success #failure #answers #purcoaching #benaydyor #universalcoachingsystems

23.01.2022 Are you a coach that struggles to feel organized? Or a new coach looking for a way to start your business effectively and efficiently? Universal Coaching Systems has what you need to make your coaching business effective and organized. Our Coach Kick Start Pack gives you the tools that need to make your coaching business a success. It includes forms that are fully customizable and easy to use, eBooks, and worksheets. Or buy any part of the pack that you may need individually.... With prices starting at $14.95 you really cannot lose! Get your great start or awesome restart today! #coachkickstartpack #readymadecoachingtools #universalcoachingsystem #organized #benaydyor

22.01.2022 I wrote this article in 2017, but I think it fits perfectly with much of what is happening and changing in 2020. From my article The Next Wave of Entrepreneurship Ease and Balance: "I dont know about you, but I have been soulfully rethinking my own approach to business this year. Ive been asking big questions of myself like; What do I really want? and How can I best use my unique gifts to help the world and also be fulfilled myself?.... Interestingly, in the last 12 months, four of the handful of mentors I follow are also in the throes of transition. These people have made 6 and 7 figures and they are asking themselves the important questions too. In two cases they have gone so far as to close their businesses and start over! What about you? Have you also felt a new energy rising within you? Have you been noticing a shift with your entrepreneurial role models? If so, it could be a special nudge from the Universe encouraging you to try something new" .#nextwaveofentrepreneurship #easeandbalance #masculineenergy #feminineenergy #universalcoachingsystems #benaydyor

20.01.2022 Feeling stuck or lost within the roles you play in your career/family? Are you longing to deepen your connection to self and rediscover your inner-child? Ready to get out of your head and into your heart?... Then you need Ignite Your Passion and Purpose, a 4-week program that helps you get clear on your passions and turns you into a magnet for naturally drawing your passions into your life. Through a technique called, Passion Mapping, I help you get out of your head and into the innate wisdom held in your body. Be gently guided from your head, into your heart, into full embodiment of the things that make you feel most alive at a soul level. #passionmapping #passionmap #igniteyourpassionandpurpose #feelalive #benaydyor #universalcoachingsystems

19.01.2022 When we are no longer able to change a situation we are challenged to change ourselves. - Viktor E. FranklWhen we are no longer able to change a situation we are challenged to change ourselves. - Viktor E. Frankl

18.01.2022 "All I have to do is decide what I want and talk myself into it." - Ester Hicks #esterhicks #inspiration #quote

15.01.2022 Do you consider yourself a beginner in getting your coaching business online? It can stop some new coaches in their tracks just trying to decide what they actually need. And then to figure out what to do first? It just seems impossible. But it doesnt have to be that way! The good news is you dont need much to get started!... If you are feeling overwhelmed by what you need and how to start your coaching business, this quick 10-minute video is for you! #toolstostartyouronlinecoachingbusiness #onlinecoachingbusiness #startyouronlinecoachingbusiness #universalcoachingsystems #benaydyor #videopost #video

15.01.2022 "Take on Greater tasks, and you draw the support of greater powers"- Robert Moss #greatertasks #universalcoachingsytems #robertmoss #inspirationalquote

15.01.2022 The most important thing in life is to stop saying "I wish" and start saying "I will". Consider nothing impossible, then treat possibilities as probabilities. - Charles Dickens #probabilities #nothingisimpossible #charlesdickens #iwill #universalcoachingsystems #quote #inspiration

14.01.2022 "Dont let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use." - Earl Nightingale #dontgiveintofear #earlnightingale #quote #staystrong #universalcoachingsystems

13.01.2022 Do you have all the outward measures of success but you still arent happy and cant figure out why? Are you longing reconnect to the carefree YOU, you were back in the day? Ready to get out of your head and into your heart? To FLOW rather than force?... You might like to have your Passion Map done. Learn more: .#passionmapping #passionmap #igniteyourpassionandpurpose #feelalive #benaydyor #universalcoachingsystems

12.01.2022 Ive always been really impressed by coaches who combine two or more tools or modalities in their own unique ways to help their clients. I find that kind of alchemy inspirational AND aspirational. This passion of mine has led me down a rabbit hole of exploring and experimenting with different modalities on myself and writing about them for The Coach Guardian. In my column, Tools for Transformation, youll find one article covering the basics for every single weird and wonder...ful coaching and healing modality, processes, and system I can dig up. #CoachingTools #Modalities #Transformation #NLP #BodyCode #EmotionCode #TheCoachGuardian

10.01.2022 As a coach do you wish for an online platform that does it all for your coaching business? Have you been looking around and just can find something that fits your needs? Well, today is your lucky day! ... Let me introduce Life Coach Office. Life Coach office is a completely online coaching business platform that was designed by coaches for coaches. Benay, founder of Life Coach Office, designed this system originally because she couldnt find a platform that made it easy for her to manage her coaching business online. So she made one! Through the years Benay has listened to customers and coaches and upgraded the platform to meet all your online coaching needs. Life Coach Office makes it so that you can easily manage your coaching business from one platform. It is the one tool that provides you with clients invoices, meetings, calendars, client journals, lessons, resource library, and more "I love, love, love Life Coach Office. Ive tried several others, but they were always lacking in some way. This one does everything I need and they always have time to answer my questions." - RoseAnn Waters, Change Catalyst for Entrepreneurs Success Vision Now for the BEST part - You can sign up for a FREE 30 DAY TRIAL of Life Coach Office RIGHT NOW! No credit card is required, you just need an email address to sign up. .#lifecoachoffice #universalcoachingsystems #Benaydyor #onlinecoachingplatform #onlinecoaching #LCO #testimonial #freetrial

10.01.2022 Have you considered streamlining your coaching business and using worksheets for your clients? Life coaching worksheets help your client move forward fast on foundational coaching topics like values, beliefs, goals, work/life balance, etc. When your client completes a specialized coaching worksheet out of session it means they get an additional opportunity to learn even more about herself and experience the added value of your coaching program. ... Have you tried to create your own only to get overwhelmed with everything else you need to do to get your business started? The Coaching Tool Kit already has everything you need and takes the overwhelm out of the whole process. You can change them as you like, add your own branding, and start using them right away. .#coachingtoolkit #coaching #coachingprogram #universalcoachingsystems #benaydyor #motivation #inspiration #coachingbusinessdevelopment

09.01.2022 Got a great idea for a coaching program but unsure if people will pay for it? OR Have you been burned in the past with a coaching program you lovingly created but not enough people bought?... Its a vulnerable spot to be in and you can quickly spiral into that terrible place of self-doubt questioning your ability to ever be a valued coach. Lots of coaches get stuck here and unfortunately give up their dream of having a successful coaching business. I dont want this to happen to you. I want to help you get over this important hurdle. One of the first key steps to coaching business success is to stop selling blocks of your time and to start selling coaching programs (with guaranteed client outcomes) but how can you create a program that will sell and be worth all the time you invest in creating it? This check-list contains the 7 must-do tasks that I teach all my clients BEFORE they go to market with a new coaching program. By going through each step you gradually build a program that your ideal clients love to buy. Imagine how different youd feel if you knew that your program would sell. Youd be able to make money from your first launch without the stress and uncertainty that comes untested ideas. Youd earn your stripes as the go-to expert without feeling like a fraud, and without wasting time and money on ideas that wont fly. Find out if you have a coaching program that will sell for the price you want or not by completing my checklist. Download the checklist now at #7stepstocreateyourcoachingprogram #universalcoachingsystems #freechecklist #benaydyor #coachingprogram

08.01.2022 "Anybody who is one with what he or she does is building the new earth." - Eckhart Tolle #buildanewearth #universalcoachingsystems #echkarttolle #quote #positivevibes

08.01.2022 Are you a coach that is feeling like giving up? Does the journey youre on feel like it just isnt the right one? It just isnt fulfilling and feels like a constant uphill battle? It may be because you actually arent on the right path! ... In this episode of Coach Pep Talk, I spoke with Simone Leslie about how to find your true purpose. It is my sincere hope that this interview will find the coaches who are feeling lost and are on the verge of giving up. May you find wisdom and inspiration to stay on your quest and to awaken to your true calling. .#findyourpurpose #coachpeptalk #universalcoachingsystems #simoneleslie #benaydyor #podcast #findwisdom #truecalling

07.01.2022 Coaching is a humbling tool, a magical sword of truth that not everyone can wield. But for those of us who can, we are the self-appointed guides influencing social change by serving as conduits for others to explore and discover themselves in this age of awakening. Read this article on @TheCoachGuardian Coaching Today... #purecoach #purecoachmovement #universalcoachingsystems #benaydyor #coachingtoday #coaching #coachinglife #thecoachguardian #takingcoachestoanewdimension

06.01.2022 Universal Coaching Systems is proud to announce The Coach Guardian, Launching Today! The Coach Guardian is a new conscious business - an online news site just for coaches. With this project, we are reinventing the way business is done. Were tired of the old hierarchical, stressful business models of the past.... Love, Sovereignty and Unity are our driving force. Uniting the masculine and feminine gifts to create a business structure that is new and nurturing. Founded on Loving Intent. Like all brave explorers we will get things wrong but well also get things right. As we learn and grow it would be awesome to connect and share. Wed love to connect with other businesses who resonate with our quest - contributing to the new business paradigm. If thats you please comment below - we are excited to meet you! Also, if you are reinventing the way business is done on this planet through your own business OR you are open to the idea, ADD your logo to this graphic and share! #thecoachguardian #newbusinessparadigm #onlinenewsforcoaches #freeonlinenewsforcoaches

06.01.2022 Are you a coach that struggles to feel organized? We can help! Our Coach Kick Start Pack gives you white-label tools to make your coaching business a success. It includes forms that are fully customizable and easy to use, eBooks, and worksheets. ... Or buy any part of the pack that you may need individually. With prices starting at $14.95 you really cannot lose! .#coachkickstartpack #readymadecoachingtools #universalcoachingsystem #organized #benaydyor

04.01.2022 Every great story on the planet happened when someone decided not to give up, but kept going no matter what. Spryte Loriano #greatstory #keepgoing #dontgiveup

02.01.2022 Do you know where to begin with pricing your services? Are you charging what you are worth with your coaching clients? In this video, I teach you the secret of pricing your coaching AND then give you a 4-part formula to work out your own pricing structure thats right for your clients and your lifestyle.... #benaydyor #videopost #universalcoachingsystems #4partformulatopriceyourcoaching #pricingstructure #secretofpricing

02.01.2022 If you are struggling to figure out what products you want to offer your clients, then I have just the thing for you! Ive started a new mini video series on Easy Online Coaching Product Ideas for your coaching business. This video is Part 1, make sure to tune in for the next episode dropping soon!... #easyonlinecoachingproductideas #coachingproductideas #universalcoachingsystems #videopost #videoseries #productideas #coachingbusiness #benaydyor

02.01.2022 Struggling getting coaching clients??? It may be that your niche is not specific enough. With so many coaches out there its essential that you carve out a unique space for yourself based on your passion, experience and working preferences. ... The Find Your Coaching Sweet Spot self-study exercise workbook guides you through exploratory exercises to help you find several niches that resonate. Here is a testimonial from one of our happy customers: "OMgoodness! Completing The Sweet Spot was definitely the moment my life changed direction! What a journey it was! I can totally recommend to anyone wanting more for their coaching life." -Tracie Ison, CEO, Barefoot Business Women If you need help finding your coaching niche, click on the link, download your copy of Find Your Coaching Sweet Spot, and get started today. #findyourcoachingsweetspot #workbook #coachingniche #findingyourniche #Benaydyor #universalcoachingsystems #happycustomers #testimonial

01.01.2022 Take the first step in faith. You dont have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step. Martin Luther King Jr.Take the first step in faith. You dont have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step. Martin Luther King Jr.

01.01.2022 Completed coaching school? Unsure of the next steps? In this video with Benay Dyor and Peter Wallman, we reveal the steps needed to start your coaching business after graduating from your coach training. #benaydyor #universalcoachingsystems #peterwallman #howtostartyourcoachingbusiness #coachingbusinesshelp #videopost #coachingbusinesssetup

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