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25.01.2022 It’s not easy to see the picture from inside the frame - unknown People often ask why is coaching important? If you want to be an athlete you would have a coach guiding you and instructing you on your technique, on your form and giving you the best practices for success... Why should business be any different!... It’s important to have access to the best practices, the knowledge and tools to help you succeed! A coach who has experience, lessons and shortcuts is valuable to help you be the best you can be and fast track your growth and success. So why is coaching important? Because your success is important! #businesscoaching #unleashed #success #businesssuccess #entrepreneurship #successcoaching
24.01.2022 There are three pillars to building a strong successful brand. 1 - Brand Strategy 2 - Brand Identity 3 - Brand Marketing... I spoke with Lou Marx from Branded X on all things branding in a branding masterclass style episode of UNLEASHED The Podcast. Check out the full episode of Unleashed the Podcast on I-tunes or Spotify. #unleashed #branding #marketing #business #businessstrategy #entrepreneurship #startup #youngentreprenuers #podcast
24.01.2022 As the year comes to an end here are our 5 tips for businesses owners to make the most of this time and get ready for the new year! 1 - Review the current year Take time now to review 2020, take an in-depth look at your business performance throughout the year understanding not only the results but also the patterns that led to these results.... 2 - Plan smartly for the new year Create a strategic and operational plan for the year ahead for your business. Take the time to look at developing targets, budgets, operational plans and strategic plans for each department of the business and actioning items/issues from your 2020 review. 3 - Invest in yourself Invest in your own growth. The business will never outgrow you, as you grow within yourself the business will grow. Take time to look at your own development and invest in your own growth through coaching, learning, courses, reading, podcasts and so much more. 4 - Focus on your people Connect with and support your people! Focus on your people; staff, clients/customers, suppliers, network and market. Take the time to connect with them and build deeper relationships. They will support you as you head into the new year. 5 - REST!!!! Take a break! Enjoy the downtime and celebrate the years end! Head into the new year feeling re-energized and refreshed! Make sure you take the time now to set yourself up for success in the new year! #entrepreneurship #businessconsulting #businesssuccess #business #youngentreprenuers #businessstrategies #strategy #entrepreneur #businesscoaching
21.01.2022 One thing we know is that as you grow so does your business, but the business will not grow if you don't grow!!!! That's why its so important to take the time to focus on your personal growth, building the essential skills and creating the conditions within your life for success and transformation to occur. The Pyramid Of Self Growth allows you as an individual to focus on the basics in your life before laying the foundations for success and allowing yourself to grow and tra...nsform into the best version of yourself in all areas of your life. Learn to be the strong visionary you need and your business needs in order to grow and to make an impact. #Unleashed #youngentrepreneurs #youngentrepreneur #youngbusinessowners #youngbusinessowner #business #businessowner #entrepreneurship #selflove #selfgrowth #selfdevelopment #mindset #keystosuccess #leadership #entrepreneur
20.01.2022 Entrepreneurship exists to solve meaningful problems... People don't buy products or services, they buy solutions and experiences. The strongest and most powerful entrepreneurs know that it is never about the product it's about the problem they solve. A business, a product, a service is merely a tool to that we use to solve problems at value. In starting your business ask yourself:... - What is the meaningful problem i'm trying to solve? - What is the Vehicle (product or service) i'm using to do that? - What role do I play in the business? By starting from the top down you are able to become more clear on the intentions for your business. A strong entrepreneur is a leader who inspires others to take action. If you are solely focused on making $$$ you will never have enough, and you will be limiting the growth within your business as well as limiting your own personal growth. Be that leader, inspire your audience and your market to take action. Make an impact through the solving meaningful problems. What problem are you solving? #UNLEASHED #youngentrepreneurs #entrepreneurship #purpose #vision #business #businessowner #youngbusinessowners #leaders #leadership #entrepreneur #keystosuccess #growth
19.01.2022 I am excited to announce that The Young Entrepreneurs Membership Program is officially launched Over the last 6 months I have been working hard at creating a program where young entrepreneurs could come together, celebrate one another, learn valuable life and business skills and unleash change within the world and continue to inspire young entrepreneurs for years to come. Online learning... Private community Partner discounts Coaching Expert advisors + Mentors Live workshops and training Click here for more details https://www.unleashedconsultancy.com/youngentrepreneurs Kicking off in October!!!
18.01.2022 The newest episode of UNLEASHED The Podcast is now live... In this episode I speak with Daan Nooteboom, a successful young entrepreneur who has built a Global Digital Marketing Agency that helps companies stand out and elevate their social media channels. Daan is a global entrepreneur and digital content specialist having worked in so many places around the world including across the UK, Europe, The Middle East and now Australia and New Zealand.... This episode is a masterclass in all things digital content and social media marketing as we discuss all things social media marketing and content and the tips, tools and strategies to build a successful digital content strategy across multiple platforms. Check out the latest episode on your favourite podcast platform.
16.01.2022 This could not be more true!!!! If you want to have a successful and thriving business, you must create the systems and conditions for a thriving business.... -You must create a marketing system that a thriving business needs -You must create a sales system that a thriving business needs... -You must create the environment and culture a thriving business needs and so on... BUT.... You, Yourself must be the visionary or leader of that successful business. The business will not grow if you don't grow! You must focus on your personal growth, building the essential skills and creating the conditions within your life for success and transformation to occur. Whatever "success" is for you in your life or in your business, take the time to think about what conditions do you need to create for that success to occur! #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #business #successmindset #success #businessowner #youngentrepreneur #youngentreprenuers
15.01.2022 For so long we have glorified the hustle and the grind and too often we push ourselves to the limit and suffer from burn out. Instead of glorifying this view instead we should be highlighting the need for alignment. The importance of rest, recovery, reflection and aligning ourselves with our purpose and with our core. Instead of grinding away and forcing energy when you have none, allow yourself time to align yourself and focus your energy where it is naturally flowing.... #entrepreneurship #youngentrepreneurs #unleashed #businessowner #business #mindset #hustle #alignment See more
14.01.2022 These last few weeks have been so busy working with so many of our clients helping them review 2020 and create strategic plans for 2021! Its so important to take time regularly to review your business. By doing a S.W.O.T of your business you are not only able to have some visibility of what's working internally and externally for you in your business but also what things could be improved and what opportunities you can create. When was the last time you sat down and reviewed... your business and direction? Check out our free SWOT guide and template on the link below. https://www.unleashedconsultancy.com/resources
11.01.2022 Many young business owners do not take the time to get clear on what they are trying to build and as a result the business and the brand can be damaged in the process. Take time to get clear on your intentions and identify what you want to do and more importantly why! Check out the full podcast episode on your favourite podcast platform. ... #unleashedthepodcast #youngentrepreneur #vision #businessstrategy #business #entrepreneurship #businesscoaching #youngbusinessowner #smallbusiness #branding #marketing #podcast
11.01.2022 6 Questions every business owner needs to ask themselves.... So often in business it's easy to become lost doing the day to day operations that we often forget to take time to look at the bigger picture of the business and align ourselves with the vision. It's so important to take time to reflect and ask yourself:... Why are you doing this? Who am I doing this for? Are you Still in alignment with your business? What does this business and this brand provide to people? As we head into the new year make sure you take the time to reflect and ask yourself these 6 key questions to ensure you are heading into the new year fully aligned with your goals and your purpose. Download this guide and so many more to help you in your business and prepare yourself for success in 2021! https://www.unleashedconsultancy.com/resources
10.01.2022 When you start with why the how becomes clear. It’s impossible to know where to start, where to grow or even how. How do you start that side hustle? How do you start that business?... In starting a business, a side hustle or even a new creative outlet, there is a process you must follow in order to ensure that you are not only successful in your venture but successful in serving your purpose and living life without restrictions, unleashed. 1. Understand and develop your foundations 2. Learn to communicate effectively from a strong sense of purpose 3. Enrol others into your purpose through partnering with them - not selling/promoting 4. Learn to scale and live your life on purpose without restrictions of time or money. Book in for a free consultation and get started today. https://www.unleashedconsultancy.com/book-your-free-consult
09.01.2022 "its not what you do.... it's WHY you do it that makes a difference" - Simon Sinek There is a simple pathway to go through in being able to live on purpose. - DISCOVER... Take the time to discover your core. Question yourself and understand a deeper connection in who you are. - DREAM Allow yourself to use your imagination and think big! What impact do you want to have on others? What impact do you want to have on the world? - DESIGN Develop your platform, develop your business model, how are you going to deliver your purpose and make that impact? - DELIVER Deliver your purpose and make that impact. Use what have designed to make that dream come true and make that impact. It is essential to take the time to follow this process and start with your why! When you start with your why, the what and the how become clearer! Take the time to go through the path to living on purpose. #unleashed #purpose #passion #entrepreneurship #simonsinek #entrepreneur #business #entrepreneurshiptips #discover #dream #design #deliver
09.01.2022 Simon Sinek said it perfectly..... "It's not what you do..... It's WHY you do it that makes the difference" ....."and what you do simply proves what you believe!"... #simonsinek #youngentrepreneurs #youngbusinessowners
07.01.2022 Business owners right now have an opportunity.... Times of challenge and times of difficulty can often bring out the best in businesses and in people. I spoke with Taj Pabari from Fiftysix Creations about entrepreneurship and the power of a compelling vision. Right now, businesses and indiviuals have the chance to reflect. We can reflect on how we want our futures to be and innovate the pathway to make it so.... check out the full episode on your favourite podcast platform. #unleashed #unleashedthepodcast #innovation #entrepreneurship #youngentrepreneurs #entrepreneur #business #smallbusiness #change #positivevibes #reflection #whatsyourwhy #buildyourfuture #smallbusiness #covid19
05.01.2022 A simple 3 step process for your content marketing strategy.... In a recent episode of UNLEASHED The Podcast, I speak with Daan Nooteboom, the founder of Be Sociaal, a Global Digital Marketing Agency, in a masterclass style episode in all things digital content and social media marketing. We discuss all things social media marketing and content and the tips, tools and strategies to build a successful digital content strategy across multiple platforms. ... Check out the latest episode on your favourite podcast platform.
05.01.2022 A strategic plan is more than just a list of goals or objectives in your business... An effective strategic plan needs to be a living breathing document that not only outlines what you want to achieve but how you achieve these goals. Take time now to get started in your strategic planning for the new financial year and set yourself up for success in the new financial year.... https://www.unleashedconsultancy.com/strategicplanning
03.01.2022 Meet Our Mentors.... We partner with a range of service providers - from content creators, to web developers, CRM specialists and more - to provide you access to specialized services to help you learn and grow. As a member you'll get access to and learn from these experts and mentors who are available to help you solve your challenges. ... Daan Nooteboom is one of our mentors with an extensive knowledge base and expertise in content marketing. He is an incredibly knowledgeable content market specialist working with various clients helping business elevate their social media. Daan has travelled and worked extensively around the world including across the UK, Europe, the Middle East and now Australia and New Zealand. With such expertise and experience Daan now runs his business, Be Sociaal globally helping businesses around the world. We are very lucky and grateful to have Daan as one of our partners and mentors in the Young Entrepreneurs Membership helping many of our members learn to make the most of their content and grow and elevate their social media. Check out the link below to learn more about how you can learn from daan and many of our other mentors. https://www.unleashedconsultancy.com/youngentrepreneurs #unleashed #business #businessstrategy #strategy #entrepreneurship #socialmediamarketing #contentmarketing@
03.01.2022 We are coming into the new financial year... It’s vital that business owners take the time now to think strategically and build their strategic and operation plan for the next financial year! The biggest mistake I see businesses make in developing their financial plan is not taking the time to break down larger targets into what actions they take along the way to achieve the bigger goals.... A strategic plan needs to not only look at the large financial goals of the business but also the operational goals of the business and the tasks and activities that will be completed along the way in order to achieve these goals. Break down your goals and identify what resources you need to achieve each task, whether that be team, processes or systems. Take the time now to develop your strategic plan and build a strong strategic and operational plan that will hold you and your team accountable to achieving success in the new financial year! #businesscoaching #businesssuccess #strategicplanning #financialyear #business #businessowner #entrepreneurship
02.01.2022 Meet Joshua Taylor the founder of Unleashed and the host of UNLEASHED The Podcast. "Simon Sinek said it perfectly....."It's not what you do..... It's WHY you do it that makes the difference" My purpose as a business consultant and entrepreneur is to help other aspiring business owners create change, build strong sustainable businesses and live life without restriction, to help business owners live life unleashed. ... My belief is that entrepreneurs are not just business owners facing risk to make a profit but entrepreneurs are those that face risk to make an impact, make a change in the world and create businesses for good. Entrepreneurship is about solving meaningful problems, creating and inspiring change within the world. I wanted to create a place where young entrepreneurs could come together and celebrate one another. Where they could learn valuable life and business skills and together, as a community, unleash change within the world and continue to inspire young entrepreneurs for years to come." To learn more about Josh's story or Unleashed head to our website - (Link in bio). #Unleashed #youngentrepreneurs #youngentrepreneur #youngbusinessowners #business #businessowner #education #entrepreneur #leadership #leaders See more
01.01.2022 The key to business growth is understanding the lifecycle of business and recognizing the different stages of growth.... We have found that the viewing the lifecycle of your business as a similar lifecycle to a child is key... VIEW YOUR BUSINESS AS A CHILD!!! Understand that each stage of business growth reflects that of a child and has different needs. Each business is unique however the growth we go through is much more predictable than people think. - INFANCY ... Your business needs constant attention if you want it to be healthy and grow - CHILDHOOD As the business grows you have become more experienced and you have allowed the business to sustain itself. You can take a step back, while still keeping a close watch. - TEENAGE YEARS Like most teenagers, your business needs control. As a business owner ensure that you take the time to focus on doing things right and not wanting to do too much. - ADULTHOOD Your business is now ready to be self sustaining and will be able to run without you. You may still face roadblocks but you have developed the business to be adaptable. You must understand that each stage of development of growth is unique and requires a different form of nourishment to enable it to grow. What stage of growth is your business in
01.01.2022 Young entrepreneurs across Australia and around the world today, are starting to make the biggest shifts in business and in the world. Statistics show that over 60% of young entrepreneurs have a long-term vision, with established social impact orientated goals . Why? Because when young entrepreneurs are educated and empowered they know that they can make a difference. Now more than ever its easier for businesses to create change and make social impacts in the world. Young peo...ple are seeing big world problems and are becoming action-oriented entrepreneurs using their businesses as a vehicle to solve these problems. Its so important for young entrepreneurs to not only feel supported in their journey and love for entrepreneurship but to also have the tools, knowledge and skills to be able to make change because when they realise what they do can truly make a difference and when they have to tools to do so they can indeed change the world. What problem are you solving? #youngentrepreneur #socialimpact #socialimpactbusiness #business #businessforgood #businessesforgood #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship
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