Unlimited Moves in Kunda Park | Dance school
Unlimited Moves
Locality: Kunda Park
Phone: +61 417 700 896
Address: 5/33 Enterprise St 4556 Kunda Park, QLD, Australia
Website: http://www.unlimitedmoves.com.au
Likes: 374
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25.01.2022 Exam setup ready #exams2020 #bboexams #covidexams #nostoppingus
25.01.2022 Again again again junior eisteddfod group drills #favword #biggestlieonemoretime #UMkids
24.01.2022 Junior acro working on handstands!! #competitions #winnerlollypop #handstandcommence
24.01.2022 Hope every one is well and safe.. Just for fun and staying fit!! I have to do 2min plank followed by another 45sec plank nooooooo
24.01.2022 First day of ‘tap tap tapping’ for our new dance floor!! #tapisthebest #tapismyfav #tapmayhurtmykneesbutstillmyfav #longtags #newstudiospamcontinues
23.01.2022 Wednesday kiddos!!! Preprimary and primary using scarves for partner gallops. Last week we used tissues for our sways. Covid restrictions making us get creative
21.01.2022 Happy Easter dance family!! What’s your bunny name? I’m ‘Jumpy Whiskers’
20.01.2022 When you yell out ‘bottoms on the barre’ this is what your Gr1s do!! Term 2 has started. Still taking enrolments for dance 2021
20.01.2022 Back to dance, senior exam classes. 10 weeks since they were last in class; way too long!!! #mykneeshurtalot #theyweresoquiet #danceisgoodforthesoul
17.01.2022 Theatre Awards 2020 only 3 entries but happy say all 3 Well done Ella, Ruth and Kyla!! Best dancing and performing for all of you! Well deserved Golds!!
17.01.2022 Working on our Muscial theatre #aladdin2021
17.01.2022 Copied and pasted : so true just had to share. So powerful and beautifully written: for all My students past present and future ... Tonight I saw your picture dressed in your pretty dance costume with a big smile. Your mom posted it so proud of who you are now with hopefulness to watch you grow into the dancer she envisions you to become. My emotions went from pure joy to pure sadness when I watched your dance journey in mind from the little girl you are now, to the young lady you’ll become. When I decided to open a dance studio, I didn’t think about having my heart broken every year. I didn’t think about what it’s like to watch you dance and grow until that senior solo takes the stage. I didn’t think about the relationships that are bonded by dance and when dance is no more, the relationships slip away. I didn’t think about what it would be like one day to watch you dance at your peak in your teen years and flash back to that little cutie in your tiny leotard. I definitely didn’t think about being such a big part of your life for so long and when it’s time for you to be a grown up... you won’t come back and visit me like you do your mom. No, I didn’t birth you or raise you but I’ve loved you for many years and you are such big part of my life. I call you my kid because to me, you are in so many ways. It’ll be hard to let you go one day. Each year my family breaks and renews at the same time. There’s a day that comes where you’ll get too old for me to be in your life the way I am now and you’ll move on. You’ll outgrow me. I look back on the generations of goodbyes and feel like I’m standing in the same spot as the first generation that had to go. They’re engaged now. They’re married now. They have children of their own. And I’m still here; procrastinating the next set of goodbyes as long as possible. And one day, I’ll have to say goodbye to you. They didn’t know I cried when their time to got too close. They were ready. But I wasn’t. One day, I’ll be crying over you. I wish you could stay with me forever. I wish dance years weren’t so short lived. I’ll miss you one day like I miss the others. I’ll fear your departure one day like I fear the ones now. I’m going to walk in those same classes and look for those same faces like I do every year and they won’t be there one day. It’s an empty moment when I realize she won’t stand in her spot anymore. In the same breath another girl moves in and becomes my normal, until her day comes too and I have to do it all over again. No one told me this. No one told me about this part of dance. And it’s the part I dread. I’ll miss you one day, like I miss them now. I try to teach you so much more than dance like I did them. I hope you’ll carry something from me with you when you go. I carry all of them and even though they are gone, I never let them go.
17.01.2022 Yayyy back to Dancing we go!! #partytime #readysetgo #butimnotready #whenindoubtDANCE
16.01.2022 Senior Acro kids training on their side Aerials!! #firsttime @hayley.fraser_ #gettingitback @kaesharich13 and #noprepneeded @jade.mcheyzer well done chicks!!!
15.01.2022 Exam Day 1 done!!! So proud of you all, intermediates and seniors exam 2020 completed. Congrats to the advance 2 jazz girls completing all jazz levels!!
15.01.2022 I think this is how all the kiddos are finishing term 2 (me included)!! What a crazy term it has been!!
15.01.2022 Classes start next week. Come for a free trial.
15.01.2022 Covid Safe ready #letsdance2020 #covidstyling #itsnotpretty #butwecandancenow
15.01.2022 Haha couldn’t help myself!! #wishfulthinking #whataboutme
14.01.2022 Zoom Dance!!! Dance 2020!! Cats can dance too trialling zoom it’s not the same. But we still have 4 more weeks of online just got to do what we got to do!
12.01.2022 Acro workshop!! There will be sore muscles tomorrow!! #headstand #handstand #cartwheels #aerials #backhandsprings #2021challenges
12.01.2022 This is great to see, helping kids stay in their afternoon sports.
12.01.2022 Dance 2021 coming at ya!! Emails have been sent. If you didn’t receive yours or would like to receive one, or know someone who’d like to receive one; message me. P.s spot the mistake.. starting 2021 with a bang
12.01.2022 Classes start next week!! Free trial classes.
11.01.2022 Happy kids Happy dancing Happy handstands #lollipopstoo #happyface #handstandallday
11.01.2022 Junior back in action last night. Bet ya there were some sore legs this morning!! #allornothing #jamming6weeksinto1 #likeitwasyesterday #theymissedmesomuch
11.01.2022 Senior open classes back to studio boogie!!! #10weekslastclass #kneeshurt #backhurts #goodtobeback #nextchapter
11.01.2022 Sad face dropped in to grab my dance shoes and some props to start recording some videos at home!! #sadtimes #coronasucks #socialdistancing #nodancenolife #
10.01.2022 Senior know how to parrrrrtayyyyy #not #muscialchairs #musicalstatues #singoff #gamingtheoldfashionway #wearebetteratdancingthensinging
10.01.2022 If you been listening to my videos of the past week my back isn’t doing too good.. wish I could bend back like this chick
09.01.2022 Performance Senior Ballet
08.01.2022 #creativity #emotions #dancelife
07.01.2022 When the big kid don’t want to play the game... #toocool #theresalwaysone #cantstopmefromdancing
07.01.2022 #cuteness #danceallday #creativekids
07.01.2022 Pics from rehearsal and concert 2020 #moretocome
07.01.2022 Day 2 exams last day!!! Only 1 more late exam to go!! 2020 covid exams same same but different!!
07.01.2022 Prejunior’s moana at rehearsal
07.01.2022 Grade 1/2 Tap back to studio back to tapping fun!!! #speedtap #tapmyfav #taphurtsmykneesnowadays #tapforever
06.01.2022 Tinies working on their splits #cute #wishmysplitswerebetter #tinytots2020
06.01.2022 Tiny tot classes are the best!! #purplehairdontcare #splits #reachinggoals #tiptoes #prettyinpink
05.01.2022 Some more day 2 photos! Pretty hair, lots of selfies
05.01.2022 Cause who doesn’t love seeing a blooper!! Home recording fun!! #bloopers #danceathome #isoproblems #ihavebadspeak Sound on
05.01.2022 Acro at home has it’s difficulties, mat sliding on the grass and #bustamove
05.01.2022 Struggling just a little with our videos!!! @teaiciaadams96 assistant teacher helping demonstrate Intermediate Jazz work (while practicing safe social distancing) #iknowwhatimdoing #sistersmatch #blahblahblah # #5minstoeditthis #worthwhilemoments #laughingisgoodforyourhealth #danceistoo #nomorehashtagsrequired
04.01.2022 Invincible Junior Hip Hop
04.01.2022 Nearly exam time!! Dress rehearsal done!
03.01.2022 Have a guess (make sure you comment on original post) #happyeaster
02.01.2022 First pointe for the new studio #pointework #balletgirls #forgottotakemorephotostoday #toobusywithexamwork
02.01.2022 Finishing Term 1 with an accomplishment is very special. But finishing term 1 with a huge accomplishment by a very special kid is something else!! No words can explain how wonderful it is to see Miss Mae not only get her bridge but also to tell me herself she can do it and then show me!! #autismawareness #cleverkid #nothingcanstopher
01.01.2022 #creativekids #danceallday #bustamove
01.01.2022 Wednesday tinies getting back to Dance for term 2. Splits and split leaps! Clever kiddos
01.01.2022 Meeting for Dance 2021 and then Xmas party to celebrate the end of Dance 2020!! Cheers ladies
01.01.2022 Acro workshop to start the dance year!!
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