UNSW Socialist Alternative | Political organisation
UNSW Socialist Alternative
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24.01.2022 The release of the Brereton Report has provided evidence of the war crimes and shocking acts of murder committed by the Australian special forces in Afghanistan. For years the special forces have been held up by the political establishment and mainstream media as heroes. They are now revealed as bloodthirsty murderers who systematically covered up the crimes of other soldiers. After years of coverups and secrecy, many of these politicians and military higher-ups are being for...ced to acknowledge some of these crimes, with soldiers being referred to the police and the second squadron of the SAS being disbanded. What isn't acknowledged is that these incidents aren't an aberration, but a product of the roles the special forces play for Australian imperialism. The biggest war crime was the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan. Not only are the special forces war criminals: so is John Howard, and every other politician who supported the war. As imperial tensions around the world continue to rise, it is crucial to discuss and understand the nature of Australian imperialism. Join Socialist Alternative via Zoom for this important discussion. https://zoom.us/j/93658234041
20.01.2022 Marxism 2021 Conference will take place in extraordinary times! COVID 19 is ravaging the bodies of millions against the backdrop of an unprecedented climate crisis. The rich are getting richer while unemployment is skyrocketing and poverty is increasing. The class divide could not be any starker. While those at the top of society answer the crises with division, repression, racism and brutality, our side, workers, students, the poor and oppressed, mobilise solidarity, compas...sion and determination in our struggle for a better world. So, while 2020 has seen the worst that society has to offer, it has also seen the best in the protest movements that have swept across the globe from Chicago to Chile, from Hong Kong to Nigeria. Marxism 2021 brings together activists, radicals, rebels, students, unionists and revolutionaries from across the world for a weekend of debate and discussion of contemporary radical politics, history and theory. The event will be taking place simultaneously in person in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane & Perth but will be linked up nationally and internationally for talks and discussions. We will hear from socialists on the frontline in the USA, Latin America, China and the Middle East. There will be talks for those who are new to Marxism and sessions for seasoned activists wanting to debate out their analysis of the current period. There will be sessions to inspire and some to provoke. There is something for everyone. Get your ticket today as there has never been a more urgent time to begin discussions about how we can fight for a world fit for us all to live in. The M21 conferences across Australia will have a COVID-safe plan and will strictly follow health department guidelines and restrictions. In the event of a resurgence of COVID-19 infections in a particular city, which makes the hosting of an in person event no longer possible, we will move the conference online. SPEAKERS, PROGRAM AND VENUE DETAILS COMING SOON Purchase your tickets at: www.marxismconference.org https://fb.me/e/37vGuPjlD
20.01.2022 Don't miss out on reading and subscribing to the best socialist paper in Australia! There's a lot of rewriting of history about the Democrats and Republicans going on to make out like American capitalism hasn't always been this undemocratic farce. Trump isnt an anomaly. This is capitalism everywhere, and Redflag will tell it like it is! We have coverage on the real way change is and has always been won, through mass movements of ordinary people like those in Poland and Thailand. Check it out!
16.01.2022 A great Redflag article from a few months ago that remains true today: While many well-meaning left-wing people in the US will, grudgingly or otherwise, vote for the Democrats in November, the discontent that drove hundreds of thousands onto the streets is unlikely to disappear. Nor will the broader crisis of US society. Trump’s incompetence undoubtedly increased the fatal impact of the pandemic, but he did not create the country’s appalling private healthcare systemgenerat...ions of Democrats and Republicans did. Trump has brought crony capitalism into the White House, but he didn’t oversee decades of corporate deregulationthe Democrats did. Trump is a vicious racist, but he wasn’t one of the elected politicians who constructed the modern prison-industrial complexbut Biden and Harris were. Trump has rattled sabres at Iran, North Korea and Chinabut Biden is arguably more committed to US imperial power, even while millions sink into poverty. Last year during the mass protests in Hong Kong, one graffiti artist wrote: There can be no returning to normal, because normal was the problem in the first place. It’s something we should bear in mind as the US election draws closer.
11.01.2022 Lots of interest on campus in our public forum tomoz Foucault and Postmodernism: A Marxist analysis!
10.01.2022 The SAS is a gang of serial killers. They had the freedom to kill for fun in the occupation of Afghanistan. The political elites who organised the invasion should stop acting surprised. The crimes committed by the SAS members singled out in the report are certainly shocking, sickening acts of violence and slaughter. But they are not surprising. Special forces soldiers are given superhero status within the military and broader society, and their squadrons are trained to carry ...out the most gruesome acts of war. Another insider told Crompvoets that the rules are different in the SAS. In Afghanistan, while making up only a tiny portion of total military numbers, the SAS and the commandos were responsible for most direct combat. They are cultivated into killers by a training process that dehumanises their victims; it’s not hard to see how that stretches to dehumanising civilians in the countries they invade. Read the full article from this link, and subscribe to Redflag if you want to support our efforts and analysis that's actually critical of and stands up to capitalism and its rulers - from the generals to the politicians! Find the info here: https://subscribe.redflag.org.au/ https://redflag.org.au/index.php/node/7461
09.01.2022 The findings of the Brereton inquiry into war crimes carried out by Australian special forces in Afghanistan will be released today. The report is widely expected to detail violence, including calculated brutality and illegal executions, on a massive scale. In anticipation of the findings, last week Scott Morrison announced that a separate task force would be established to make a criminal investigation into the findings, as the AFP would be unequipped to handle the volume of... charges. In a period of escalating imperialist tensions not least between the US and China, understanding the true nature of the military is crucial. A core part of the capitalist state, the military has always meant brutalising and killing in defence of empire and profits, not "safeguarding democracy" as its apologists would have it. With Biden in the White House, it's likely that the US-Australia alliance will strengthen as both states seek to contain the rise of China. The allegations we know already from the Brereton report show that this is an "axis of evil" if ever there was one. "I mean, they're not unique - there have been stories over the last couple of decades, really, about Australian Special Forces," [Dr Samantha Crumpvoets] told ABC RN Breakfast. "But I think it's the extent of it that will be shocking, and the deliberate and repeated nature of it that will be disturbing." https://www.abc.net.au//soldier-war-crimes-inquir/12886460
04.01.2022 Starting soon: War crimes exposed! Australian imperialism in Afghanistan! Join the zoom for discussion with socialists from your city after the talk.
03.01.2022 Australia is a terrorist state. All of the politicians who oversaw this have blood on their hands.
03.01.2022 We agree with this guy.