UNSW Advanced Communicators (Toastmasters International) in Kensington, New South Wales | College & University
UNSW Advanced Communicators (Toastmasters International)
Locality: Kensington, New South Wales
Address: UNSW Red Centre West Wing 2052 Kensington, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 Hello hello!! We just finished our week 12 meeting, it was a very relaxing one where we took turn in our warm up game and evaluating each other in the table topics speeches. Agam suggested dancing Bollywood style for our warm up game, John needed to prepare his speech and statement beforehand, Daniel congratulations for completing the Competent Communicator manuel!! Linda great suggestion for a Toastmasters social event (maybe paintball), and Brian nice anticlimax in your spe...ech! So we decided to have next week's meeting (week 13) to be a semester 2 closing ceremony type meeting as we temporarily have a break. We will be doing something different! It will be more casual with the purpose of relaxing and just having fun. Everyone needs a break from all the hard work, so come along and enjoy the atmosphere here! Wednesday, 30th Oct, 6:30-8pm at quad1047
25.01.2022 Yesterday night we had our week 3 meeting!! John presented us a game that challenged us to ask yes/no questions to each other, being able to 'kill' a person if the person answered no 5 times. The questions got very personal and we got to know each other very deeply! Congratulations to Hannah who won the game! To answering yes to some unbelievable questions! With impromptu speaking themed story telling, everyone appreciated the importance of telling stories to engage the audience with personal questions like 'when did you find yourself in danger' and 'when was the last time you cried'. Well done to Daniel for completing the 4th speech project! He's on fire and his learning is unstoppable. Great work to all the speakers, evaluators and new faces who came to visit, we had an excellent meeting!!
25.01.2022 Well done to Eugene for competing at the Area Evaluation contest for the first time!! He got a nice rewarding photo!!
24.01.2022 A reminder to everyone that tonight is our AGM!!! It will be a night full of excitement and opportunities. Head to quad 1047 at 6:15pm for a 6:30 start!
24.01.2022 **** Toastmasters will go on a break **** We had a very refreshing week 13 meeting as we enjoyed just one session containing a game and Table Topics with a twist. The game was dancing on the moves with our Bollywood dancer Agam!! Who would have known Toastmasters would turn into a Bollywood dancing session!! In our impromptu table topics we got into teams and versed each other with strong restrictions: no ums/urs, cannot pause longer than 2 seconds, cannot go off topic and ha...ve to answer an impromptu question talking until the 1 minute count. What a tough game that was!! As we finished we reflected on our progress and personal feelings towards Toastmasters and it got a little emotional. We're glad we are all here for the same reasons and all have incredible friendship and love!! The gavel hit the close of the meeting and we close for Semester 2 2013. What next? __During the break: We are planning of having a social event! Possibly Sometime in November. We are open to options so please let us know which interests you! -paintball!! -karaoke and dinner!! __Next year: We will restart most likely next year. It could be January or February depending on member's preference and manpower.
23.01.2022 Well done Marie, test speaker at the Area 1 Evaluation Contest
23.01.2022 Hi there, Welcome back to returning UNSW students and equally welcome to non-students!! UNSW Toastmasters is thrilled to announce you the start of semester meeting this week!!!... We will kick off our public speaking and leadership development with a strong start. And for this week it will mainly be fun!! With extended warm-up game and impromptu tabletopics sessions that will involve chills and skills. We also expect a special guest who will talk about the benefits he received from his regular attendance at Toastmasters! If you wanted to learn more about how Toastmasters can help you, this is your chance! Meanwhile we're still looking for people who can step up for roles such as timer, um/ur counter, listening post or small roles for beginners, and evaluations for experienced members. Have an exciting time and I hope to see you in our kick-off meeting!! Time: 6:15pm for a 6:30pm start, ends 8:30pm Location: QUAD1047 If any problems contact George 0414 330 703
22.01.2022 Hi everyone!! Just another follow up reminder that earlier this year we have merged the two UNSW clubs together and we changed the meeting time from Tuesday 6:30pm to Wednesday 6:30pm. We currently meet at Quad G04, we look forward to welcoming returning members, returning guests and new guests :) George VPE
22.01.2022 The week 5 meeting was greatly organised thanks to the work of Benny!! He was the chairman of the meeting (and for the very first time), with incredible will power we finished about 3 minutes early!! The warm up game challenged everyone's coordination as we clapped and tapped our thighs rhythmically with the shout 'one time!' 'two time'. We could see most people struggling at the beginning though getting better and better until everyone was confronted by the final challenge t...hat combined all the rhythm together!! That was unbelievably hard.. Well done to all the small role takers, Brandon's soulful shout was heard by all, Naz touched our curiosity for what's beyond 3rd dimension, Iman told us his passion of photography and the impromptu TableTopics by Hannah was very challenging!! Daniel is unstoppable completing another speech project and excelling like a rocket with a very emotive vocal-variety speech about playing sports, and Kim, skydiving sure seems scary but pleasurable!! Well done to everyone who came and did a role, all your participation will no doubt contribute to your development!! See you next week :)
20.01.2022 Hello everyone who was once engaged with UNSW Toastmasters! As you may know Toastmasters UNSW once closed down and we currently have a group of people who are keen to build it back up again. What's new though will be that it won't be just for UNSW students, we aim to have diverse meetings with staff, alumni and anyone in the community. We are planning to restart club meetings on Tuesday nights 6:30-7:30 (due to change in the future), and would like to gage interest.... If you think you would be interested in becoming a member again if we rebuild the club then please let us know. Also if you are keen to help out with the set-up of the club we would be happy to have your hand! (We currently need help with making venue bookings etc). It doesn't matter if you're not a student anymore, because I myself am graduating yet still keen to once again be in that friendly Toastmasters environment. We hope to develop more talent around UNSW! And it all starts from your help :)
20.01.2022 Hey fellow Toastmasters!! Apart from the IET collaboration meeting, there is another special event this week on Friday, that is: The Area 58 Humorous Speech and Table Topics Contest!!!! Why is it special? This is the contest where club contest winners compete each other and you will witness some of the amazing speakers out there making us laugh and thinking of a speech on the spot. Since most of us missed the Area 24 contest in which UNSW took part, come along to this one and... be amazed!! It's in The Rocks, and there will be a small entry fee but food is provided + the opportunity to learn from the more proficient speakers + networking with life and job experienced members, so it's definitely value for money for anyone. Our member George Deak will be the contest chair and John Phung is coming to help too, so come and cheer for the two!! Time: Friday 6:30pm for a 7pm start Place: Abraham Mott Hall, The Rocks
18.01.2022 Just a reminder to everyone, that the Toastmasters meeting this Wednesday will NOT be held at QUAD1047!!! So please don't go there. We will be meeting instead at the Mechanical Engineering building level 5 for the IET and Toastmasters International Workshop, refer to the previous post for details. If you want to come, please register or else your position may not be secure: https://localevents.theiet.org/register.php?event=2e344b The position is limited so if you have registe...red and cannot make it, please cancel your registration by following the procedures in the email you received after registering. Hope to see some of you tomorrow for this exciting collaboration event! See more
16.01.2022 Hello everyone. There has been some confusion about the starting date of the Toastmasters meetings. The meetings has not started yet due to the club currently restructuring with the Toastmasters guidelines to completely renew it's operating styles. We cannot really promise you any date at the moment although the UNSW Toastmasters club is definitely going to be there for you to provide the opportunity to develop as leaders and advanced communicators. We are sorry for any inconvenience it is causing, and hope that we will be able to restart as soon as possible so that you can enjoy your time with us!
16.01.2022 Hello everyone, Unfortunately Toastmasters UNSW has been declared closed. It is not any one incident but an incremental decline in membership and members who could commit to making the club sustainable. We are sad that we cannot continue to help students improve public speaking and leadership through our experiential platform.... If you would like to find another club you can look up your most convenient club here: http://reports.toastmasters.org/findaclub/ We wish you all the best for your personal development and hope that this closure does not affect your willingness to learn these valuable skills.
15.01.2022 Hi Everyone, Just another friendly reminder that there is no UNSW Toastmasters meeting this week. Although do come along to the Area 1 Contest held in the Telstra building tonight!!!... John Phung our President of our club, is also the Area 1 Governor. He is holding the Area 1 Contest where contestants who won their club contest are representing their club to compete at the next level, Area. If you want to witness how the speakers perform with Table Topics Contest and Humorous contest, come along!! Flyers attached for details.
14.01.2022 Thank you to our Area Governor Mathi for your club visit! We are glad to have you overseeing our meeting and help us thrive as a club!!
14.01.2022 Fellow Toastmasters!!! The next meeting (Wednesday 18th Sep) features a guest speaker, a very experienced Toastmaster offering to present a small seminar on Job search/Promoting yourself. Take a look at the Facebook events page below and hit 'going'! It will be incredibly fun and informing!! (and don't forget we have the Humorous Speech/Table Topics Speech contest on the Wednesday 25th Sep!)
14.01.2022 Ladies and Gentlemen!!!!! I am excited to announce the extravagant Humorous Speech and Table Topics Contest!!! Next Wednesday 25th September 6:30-8:30pm. It is open to anyone and the structure of the meeting is as follows: Meeting Opened... Table Topics Contest Break Humorous Speech Contest Announcement and Awards Meeting Closed Here are the rules: Table Topics: You get a random question on the spot and be asked to answer it impromptu on stage within 1-2minutes. Everyone gets the same question. Does not require preparation. Humorous Speech: You can speak about any topic you like, the purpose of the speech is to make people laugh. You can tell jokes, tell stories in a funny way let your creativity flow! Although be careful not to use inappropriate humour/language since Toastmasters is a professional organisation. Prepare a speech beforehand and deliver it on the day. The contest is open to everybody!! Don't feel you're not ready to participate, because only when you experience it first hand, you become ready! If you want to comet and see our proficient speakers thats also great! Contact us to register a spot: [email protected]
14.01.2022 These are the Executives for UNSW Toastmasters 2013!! President: John Phung VP Education: George Deak VP Membership: Rudi Hickman... VP Public Relations: Fred Chen Treasurer: Andrew Ong Secretary: Henry Sit Congratulations to all of you and I hope we can make 2013 the best Toastmasters year!!
12.01.2022 What's happening with the UNSW Toastmasters crews now?? We are currently joining this nearby club: -Skyline Speakers club- Location: Randwick Labor Club, 4th Floor (135 Alison Road, Randwick) Meeting Times: Fortnightly, 1st & 3rd Thursday 6:00 pm (starts sharp)... Come along, everyone is very friendly and keen on personal development! We've been going regularly since September. What's happening with the club itself? We are currently closed. We are doing admin stuff to get it back up. Thank you for your patience, we may take some more time. For enquiries or if you want to join Skyline Speakers with us, contact: George 0414 330 703
10.01.2022 We had a very productive week with Wednesday IET/Toastmasters collaboration event and Friday Area 58 Contest. From next Wednesday we return to our regular meetings!! -Week 10 meeting- At the moment we don't have anyone doing a role, so please reply telling us the role you would like to do:... For anyone: Timer Um/Urs counter Listening Post Small Role Prioritised for members: Speech Evaluation Table Topics Master Toastmaster Warm up game For experienced members: Chairman General Evaluation The meeting is 6:15pm for a 6:30pm start, see you then!
10.01.2022 Hi everyone!! We are on the way to having the Toastmasters meeting week 2, the speaker for this meeting is just crazy! It is a must come!! We are also looking for people who are keen to take any of these roles: Experienced members:... Table-Topics Evaluator Speech Evaluator General Evaluator Members: Speech Anyone: Small Role Listening Post Ums & Errs Counter Remember, only by taking roles and responsibilities to extend yourself out of your ordinary activities can you grow to be better persons. I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday!!
10.01.2022 To fellow Toastmasters, UNSW Toastmasters is slowly acquiring energy after a long hibernation. It is about to burst with high zest and bring everyone the weekly meetings we had enjoyed. We will be restarting mid-late March, until then there is another event that will entertain and inspire you to become good speakers. It takes getting in front of a good speaker yourself to truly be inspired to appreciate the effect of an excellent speaker.... The contest chair will be UNSW Toastmaster's member George Deak, come along and cheer for him and be entertained at the same time!! There will be a $15 entry fee although dinner meal will be provided and you will be satisfied in many different ways! You can contact [email protected] or George on 0414 330 703 for more information. Don't miss out!!
09.01.2022 Thank you to everyone who came to Toastmasters week 0!!! The theme for tonights meeting was initiatives, not only this meeting started a week before week 1 was initiatives, we got to hear so many people share their stories of how they took initiatives and made a successful result out of it! We had enough people to do the Bunny Bunny warm-up game that helped us to warm up our voices and brains to prepare for some action! We were physically warmed-up too so much to be out of breath. Well done to Daniel for his first speech from the manual and Clara for the third!! And thank you Lucky for giving us great insights about Toastmasters in a larger context! Welcome to the guests too! I hope you really enjoyed the night :) I just feel that since we started a motion this week, the meeting next week is going to be just incredible!!
08.01.2022 Hello Toastmasters!! Meetings are there for people to go to, it is about people coming together with a common interest and achieving something. Week 12, we have a meeting. We will come together for a common interest of developing ourselves and will have that feeling of accomplishment as we put ourselves on the stage in front of the audience, and learn to public speak with confidence! Wednesday 6:30-8:30pm at quad1047 is where we are meeting, and of course we will have our war...m up game, small roles, speeches for members, evaluations and many other roles that adds crispiness to the meeting! At the moment we have many roles still open, please reply to this facebook message or email to do a role on the day!!!
08.01.2022 Hello dear Toastmasters, guests and anyone who is keen to develop their communication and leadership skills. We are proud to tell you that UNSW Toastmasters is reopening on Wednesday 24th July, that's only 1 weeks later!! You will see all the old faces back and be able to enjoy yourself growing again.... At the moment we are looking for people interested in taking roles for the 1st Toastmasters meeting, the roles we have are: For experienced members: Chairman Toastmaster Warm-up game General evaluator For members: Speech Speech Evaluator Table Topic Master TableTopics Evaluator For guests and members: Timer Small Role Listening post Um/Ur counter Please reply to me with your preference of the role that you want to take, preferably before Sunday 21st. Thank you so much and I hope you enjoy the rest of your holidays!
06.01.2022 We had a warm up game based on the Japanese classic tv show game 'Magical Brain Power'. Each person saying a word/short phrase that related to the one given by the previous person. Ben associated hot with some tv idol, John felt nostalgic of his primary school times and Fred won the elimination round! Although Fred had a second chance :p It was a great night on the last uni week!!
06.01.2022 Hi Fellow Toastmasters and guests, For next meeting (semester break for uni students), we are having a special collaboration workshop: ****IET and Toastmasters International Workshop****... Time: 5-9pm, Wednesday, 2nd of October 2013 Venue: Design Studio, Level 5, School of Mechanical Engineering Building (J17), University of New South Wales Target audience: Both Toastmasters and non toastmasters members (~20-30 attendees) Toastmasters UNSW will collaborate with The Institution of Engineering and Technology. We will not meet at the usual meeting place, so if you would like to come, come to the mechanical engineering building level 5. The workshop will to be roughly 4 hours and will cover 4 core presentation skills: 1. Controlling nerves 2. Structuring a speech 3. Vocal Variety 4. Body Language Here is a link to the map for those not familiar with the campus: http://www.asb.unsw.edu.au/Do/Kensington%20campus%20map.pdf The blue coloured building E18 Quadrangle is the place we have our usual meetings. The mechanical engineering building is in J17. Go back out to the university mall (main walkway) and it would be the building across the stairs and hills. The spot is limited, so please register your interest through the below registration link: https://docs.google.com//1h51VFQChSR9ZPEg-ZTlvXoi/viewform
06.01.2022 AN IMPORTANT REMINDER: We will leave room for students to concentrate on exams so we will be closed for the next 2 or 3 weeks. All the best for exams!!! And this wednesday.. We finished strong with our end of semester meeting! The warewolf game as our warmup game, Trane and Li both survived as warewolves and took over the village!!... We followed with creative impromptu table topics sessions linking two completely different words and Dennis gave us a leadership training as he received from a past finalist of world champion of public speaking!! Thank you so much for your support this semester!! We will reopen strong in a few weeks, until then enjoy your break!!
04.01.2022 UNSW TOASTMASTERS IS CURRENTLY CLOSED. Unfortunately we currently lack experience and manpower to rebuild the club, and have stopped activities to revise the club. Reason because key members including myself made career progression, and time and location makes it extremely difficult to commit to this club. This club has impacted many members including us, and for such a great club we feel powerless not being able to bring it up. We do hope that some day, when the time is righ...t we can put resources together to make this club a reality again. Until then, if you wish to be involved with Toastmasters, do check their website to find one of many clubs that is convenient for you. See more
04.01.2022 Hello Fellow Toastmasters, We UNSW Toastmasters have received a kind invitation to join the Advanced CBD Toastmasters the coming Monday (13th May) for a night of great educational and insightful value!! This is your chance to experience the ACBD club which usually only High Achievers within Toastmasters can attend, and to meet two special guests: Lesley Stephenson and Frank Jordan, whom through the toughest competition showed great capabilities and won the Division Internatio...nal Speech contest, and Division Evaluation contest respectively!!! It will be the best opportunity to learn from the very proficient leaders. The ACBD club generously offered us an invitation free of charge, so please if you would like to develop an inner leader in you, reply to me and I will list you in the attendance list. Host: Advanced CBD Toastmasters Date: Monday 13/05/2013 Time: 6:15 for a 6:30 PM start Venue: City of Sydney RSL Club, 565 George Street, Sydney Attendance: Please let us ([email protected]) know before Monday if you want to attend so I can confirm with ACBD number of attendees.
03.01.2022 The week 6 meeting was profound. Two regular visiting executives John and George both could not make it to the meeting and at one point we were doubting whether the meeting will function without the two. Should we cancel tonights event? But then we thought about the members, they are enthusiastic, looking forward to their and other's growth. Then we decided to trust our members, "I think they can do it without us". It was about letting members experience responsibilities and ...trial&error to make the meeting shaped like the meetings they have seen before. We were nervous how the meeting had been and couldn't concentrate on the things we were doing. After the meeting, we got a news that the meeting ran smoothly. We felt very grateful to those who helped make the meeting the success it was!! Then we realised this is all about Toastmasters, taking up that extra challenge and growing exponentially as a result. We look forward to meeting everyone and the responsible leaders next meeting! See more
02.01.2022 Hi everyone, This is just a reminder that the magnificently exciting first meeting of UNSW Toastmasters is TOMORROW, 24th July Wednesday 6:30pm to 8:30pm. The location will be quad1047.... What's great is we will be having our Division Governor Lucky Joeng to come and give us a speech!! He was a past student at UNSW and former president of UNSW Professional Speakers Toastmasters club who gained so many communication and leadership benefits that led him to earning his doctorate and becoming the chairman of Parkinsons Disease awareness group. Some of you may remember him for making a club visit to our club, that was when he was the Area Governor and now he has stepped up as the Division Governor as of this financial year. He is friendly and easy to relate to Thank you to those who replied to me to do a role, anyone else who are interested you can just come along on the day and enjoy the meeting!
02.01.2022 Hi everyone!! The UNSW Toastmasters Contest is coming near the door steps!!! Just a reminder that it is on at Wednesday (25th September) 6:15pm at QUAD1047. The following are the current contestants:... ContestantsHS Andrew Hay Tina Ma Daniel Luo ContestantsTT Andrew Hay Tina Ma Daniel Luo Linda Li Christy Feng Agam Misra Srikanth Pishey Humorous Speech is 5-7 minutes, failing to deliver a speech that fits within this timeframe will be strictly disqualified so be careful! Table Topics speech is 1-2 minutes, it's impromptu and you get a question on the day so no preparation is required. If you would still like to participate in the Table Topics contest, you are welcome to, the humorous speech contest needs preparation so if you're confident to prepare by wednesday you can also tell us and we hope to hear from you! Please let me know if any problems, and contact me, George on 0414 330 703 if any problems or if you're new and get lost with directions on the day.
01.01.2022 @@@Week 11 meeting postponed!!!@@@ We have decided to postpone the week 11 meeting due to most key organisers being unable to attend. That means there is NO MEETING in week 11, please don't come because we won't be there! We will come back for a meeting at week 12. Have a good rest, prepare your speeches and we shall see you then!!