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25.01.2022 Hello... it's been a while since I introduced myself to anyone new here. So hello, I'm Ebony: mother of two, Myotherapist for women pre and postnatal, pre and postpartum doula in Ballarat. I love all things birth and postpartum, which is why I'm currently studying nursing, with my eyes set on midwifery. I'm passionate about supporting women through their motherhood journey. And although I have been able to do so through myotherapy for many years, this year had other plans. ...Behind the scenes ive been forming the outline to my course of support i know most birthing mothers need for a positive postpartum. In a time of isolation and overwhelm having a smooth transition into postpartum whether it be your first or fourth baby is vital for your recovery from pregnancy and birth. And this is what truly lights my soul when I know that women are able to have a positive experience into the first stages of motherhood and knowing that the education and resources I have provided have made a difference to that. I currently provide planning sessions for postpartum as well as supporting during the postpartum stage. These sessions are online, enabling me to help mothers that aren't just in Ballarat. Thank you for being hear, I look forward to sharing more with you soon. Thank you Melissa @hergoldenpoint for the #postpartum #postnatal #postpartumsupport #first40days #ballaratmums #fourthtrimester #birthrecovery #postpartumrecovery #myotherapy #pregnancy #supportlocalbusiness
25.01.2022 Literally the only evidence she slept this week! Never experienced the much talked about 4mth sleep regression with Isaac.That may have been due to him being a rubbish sleeper to notice a change. What about you, is it a myth or did you have non sleepers as soon as 4mths hit? #4mthsleepregression #4monthsold #sleepbaby #mummaneedscoffee #nojustsleep #sleepy #eyesfallingoutofmyhead
24.01.2022 Breastfeeding// my journey so far has been pretty uneventful (just the way I like it) I feel very grateful to be able to breastfeed my 5mth old from birth. I know this isn't always the case for many mothers. However, it didn't just happen. I learned from my first experience with my son that... you have to actually plan it out, know what is involved and have support around you. And not my prior belief "you have boobs, you just feed"... Did you know that 85% of Australian mu...ms wont make it to 6mths of exclusive breastfeeding. And not a single country in the world meets the World Health Organisation and unicef's breastfeeding guidelines. Thank you #662 movement for bringing some awareness to this. We know that the issue isn't black and white... having not had an easy journey the first time around I know why some women either just can't, especially when you feel unsupported or your mental health is more of a priority, I GET IT, trust me. What new mothers need to know before they start their breastfeeding journey is where to get support, and have someone teach them all the tips and tricks for a successful breastfeeding journey. That way if things don't go to plan they have options. I know this can be a divisive topic, but i also feel very strongly for informed, evidence based education for mothers and our wider community. I look forward to working more with @maternalinstinctsbyamberley in helping support the #662movement #breastfeeding #informedisbest #breastfedbaby See more
23.01.2022 Grounding in nature for altering MOOD... This little fuss pot has been all over the place. I blame teeth. So what I have tried is a therapeutic tenchinque that we tend to do intuitively-grounding outside. Before you think I'm all woo-woo, recent scentific research has explored grounding for inflammation, cardiovascular disease, muscle damage, chronic pain and (what we use it for) mood! ... Sometimes the simplest of things are the most effective and Free!! They are always supervised, and I watch out for bees etc but im interested to know, do you let your kids play outside barefoot? #barefoot #buildingimmunity
23.01.2022 Just a few of the handy books that helped me prepare for a positive postpartum experience. If you want to know where to start when planning for after your baby arrives, I highly recommend these. Mind you, there are a few missing from the stack that are currently on loan to some local mamas. One of my services is helping mums create the support for their fourth trimester. If you want to create a support system and have a few things in place to make the transition from preg...nancy into postpartum a tad smoother, im here to help you. Head to the link in my bio to book a session with me. #planningpostpartum #postpartum See more
19.01.2022 I am a good mum... I had to remind myself of this a few times this week when my self talk was saying otherwise. And it's a constant work in progress. I am juggling a few things at the minute all of which I am doing for my family. And then of course, when you are juggling a few things, stuff gets missed, like book week for childcare (honestly though, does childcare really need to participate). Or you become a bit relaxed with things ie screen time just to get uni work submit...ted on time. When I dropped my son off on Tuesday at daycare, I felt horrible after seeing other kids all dressed up. I wasn't sure what kind of day he would have! Would he be in tears, would he be mad with me... cos ultimately its my fault right haha. You know what he said when I picked him up after asking if people noticed that he was dressed up? "I had a good day mummy I just pretended to be a plane"And that's just how he is, so resilient, so carefree and adaptive. And very understanding of me forgetting. "That's okay mummy, we can just do it next time"... made me cry of how proud I am of him. So yeah, I am a good mum. I had to remind myself that, I will forget stuff, the mental load is huge. But it wasn't the end of the world. And our self worth as mum can often get measured by unrealistic expectations of things that don't really matter all that much... like book week haha Sorry if you are into book week, I get that its about promoting child literacy and i do my bit by reading to him daily and I think that is enough. What self talk are you working on changing? Or is there a saying you say to yourself to remind yourself when you slip? Id love to know. I think we could all do with a reminder that we do a good job!
18.01.2022 What you need to know about pregnancy massage You are watching your growing body change before your eyes, and boy, you are feeling it too. Your shoulders are tight and tense, your lower back constantly aches, and no position seems to eleviate the aches in your hips at night! I know, cos I've been there, twice! But before you rush in to book a much deserved pregnancy massage, there are few things that would help to be mindful of. For ease of reference, I'll share the main p...oints here, as well as save the questions in my stories to highlights under pregnancy. These were the common questions come through my DMs. 1. Be sure to book with a trained professional. Just because they offer pregnancy massage does not mean they have adequate training in pregnancy massage. I know, crazy right. The thing is, not all massage therapists are trained the same. 2. Sidelying is the safest, most effective (as well as most comfortable) position for both you and your baby. Its not best practice to be lying face down with your belly hanging through the hole in the table. This further adds to the pulling and load you feel from your centre of gravity changing. Not to mention where a lot of the blood flow goes. Same goes with lying on your back. This should be limited and not recommended past 2nd trimester. There are some therapists that will have you reclined and that's fine, so long as you are comfortable and not out of breath. 3. You don't necessarily need to wait until 2nd trimester. Often, you will read that pregnancy massage isn't offered until 2nd trimester because woman are at a higher risk of miscarriage in the first trimester. However, although there are many factors for this, massage is not one of them. In most cases, pregnant clients of mine often don't want to be treated cos either 1. They feel rubbish and don't want to be touched, or 2. They arent feel the aches and pains yet. It is important to note, you let your regular therapist know you are pregnant so they can adjust pressure points accordingly. Yet another reason to seek a trained therapist. As we understand what areas to avoid and properly assess at the beginning of each treatment. Continued in comments...
18.01.2022 Holidaying with children, a bit of an oxymoron- not really a holiday. But, it's what you make it of it I suppose. You could wait until they are grown up, but then you would miss out on all those memories with them. I still have such fond memories as a kid of going to Halls Gap. I think we were a family of 6 kids then (now 9) probably didn't feel like a holiday for mum as she stayed back with my littlest two at the time whilst we climbed the rocks with dad. It feels like yeste...rday and yet it was over 20 years ago, so to me the pain of settling babies into a new sleeping environment and missing their sleeps etc at times is worth it for the memories... Speaking of which, whose been to Barossa Valley? Any suggestions on kid friendly wineries? Or tips for making a holiday with kids a little easier? #aholidaywithwineismykindofholiday #barossavalley #holidaywithkids #makingmemories
18.01.2022 What an amazing organisation... please consider if you meet the criteria...
16.01.2022 Another trip around the And 10 year anniversary with Gordon! (He's a bit camera shy) Feeling very grateful for this family of mine, and not to mention all the special friends and family that have wished me a happy birthday Always hard to get a nice pic where we are all smiling and looking in the same direction... this one will do #happybirthdaytome ... #anotheryeararoundthesun #34today #ifeelsoold See more
16.01.2022 Some days just suck, for no reason other than lack of sleep. Everything looks and feels worse... you wouldn't know it from this cheeky smile but what once was a good sleeper is out the bloody window... I know that nothing in parenthood is static, but in the thick of what feels like a crappy sleeping phase you do begin to wonder if you'll ever sleep again. The short answer is, cos I've lived this before- I will sleep again. That day just couldn't come soon enough! #whereisthecoffee #sleepdeprived #icouldsleepanywhere #thistooshallpass #onlymonday #imstillgrateful #couldbeworse #thatsmilekeepsmegoing #isaaclookedaftermetoday
15.01.2022 if you want to donate and you haven't yet, Celeste Barber has set up this page. It's amazing people like this that make you proud to be Australian. She has already raised over half a million in less than a day!! I know she will smash this goal and will keep increasing the goal. Every dollar counts, and right now they need the money more than anything as it's becoming too hard logistically to get anything else in.
12.01.2022 A cute little throw back for ya for Friday. My mum made my sister the famous castle cake from the women's weekly cake book, I was so jealous! Mum had always made our birthdays special and I have very fond memories of growing up with all 8 of my siblings and the many birthdays we enjoyed together... (Be nice to celebrate some in person this year, but #2020 not looking likely)... Anyway...have you carried on family traditions that you enjoyed as a child with your kids today? Id love to incorporate some nice new traditions with my kids, id love some suggestions... Ps second pic is my son, I think I see a bit of me in him... same silly grin #tgif #womensweekly #notthatigettheweekendoff #mumlife
12.01.2022 I cannot believe that this time last year I had a newborn, and I was in the thick of the fourth trimester for the second time. Well now she is walking, and I am yet to mentioned some of the lessons that’s go truly got me by. In the 4+ years that I've been a mum to two, I've by no means become an expert, but Ihavelearned some lessons that have served me well. Things that, honestly, I wish someone would have given me the head's up on the first-time round Here they are: 1. Si...mple doesn’t mean easy. Feed, change, cuddle, repeat. Bathe occasionally. Clothe. Simple, right? Caring for a newborn may be simple in theory, but make no mistake there's nothingeasyabout it. In fact, it's shocking how difficult it can be. Lack of sleep played a huge role for me in how difficult things often felt, as did my physical recovery, and well, the huge adjustment to being a mother. 2. You’ll recover at your own pace. After a beautiful, calm labourthe labour I had dreamed ofI was utterly disappointed in myself for recovering so slowly. I think because my first birth was rather traumatic, I thought having an easier birth would mean smoother recovery. And well, it was in comparison, but I still needed time to heal. I don’t think this is emphasised enough. Even with a good birth. Your body is recovering from being pregnant and birthing a baby. 3.Hemorrhoids after childbirthreallysuck. It's not talked about enough. In fact, a lot of things about childbirth are not talked about enough for women to fully prepare for the challenges of giving birth and postpartum. Start gathering the items now while you are still pregnant that you will need in your recovery. Trust me, it’s no fun sending your partner out for something, only for them to get home and it be not what you asked for at all! **LAST 3 IN COMMENTS**
11.01.2022 My body is relaxed, my mind is calm... if it's what you have to tell yourself until you believe it, then so be it. The mind is a powerful muscle to flex... when you start becoming mindful of what you say to yourself in times of stress, you might find there are frequent negative mantras you may say to yourself that do you no favours. I found myself often saying "im too busy for this $h!t"... When I was pregnant with Zoë I enrolled in Hypnobirth, and part of this style is th...e use of positive mantras. I used them so much so that they began to help me before I even got to labour. I noticed the negative spiral of self talk started to quieten... its still a working progress, but I have the tools now. And when things get a bit tough and I have hard days, I use one of the several "change of state statements" to help bring me back on track. Do you have any positive statements, mantras you say to yourself when things aren't going quite well? Or even when things are good, do you reinforce that feeling with a statement? I've created a few affirmations for motherhood that you can find in my bio. They are free for you to download, and if you feel inclined, you can colour them in too! #affirmations #motherhood #mentalhealthsupport #selfhelp #positivestatement #mantra #mumtra #hypnobirth
11.01.2022 MATRESCENCE What is it? It is the psychological development from woman to mother... a term that I had no idea of when I first become a mum 4 years ago. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this term, it was originally coined by Dana Raphael, a medical anthropologist who also popularised the term doula. ... This transition from conception right through to postpartum period and beyond, and the length is as individual as the person...just like adolescents. Which makes sense given the name. Even the bodily changes feel similar, such as hormones going nuts, the way you think and feel all change, some may call this baby brain. Also, what's even more fascinating is that it occurs each and every child and the brain changes last a lifetime. There are some great books and TED talks about this topic all of which I binged when first discovering it, because it make sense of what I was going through, it made me feel less alone and less like something was wrong with me. Oh how I wished I had known, because I think I and many other mothers would have benefited from knowing what they were about to experience before they were 'in' it. Is this term new to you? If so, do you have any questions? Id be happy to answer... #matrescence #transitionintomotherhood #motherhoodjourney #motherhood #motherhoodunplugged #motherhoodrising #motherhoodinspiring #motherhoodempowered #mumssupportingmums #journeytomotherhood
10.01.2022 While in iso I've realised the need to turn inward for positivity and calm, when looking outward sometimes feels very negative and a bit chaotic. I've been using my affirmations and they have helped. Reminding me of not that long ago where I needed them daily in my pregnancy. And although I had a healthy pregnancy with Zoë, at each doctors visit I was told something negative that would send me into a spiral of despair! All worked out fine in the end and yep they were wrong.... But I had to stop googling and asking all my nurse and midwife friends and just trust. Trust in myself and my baby, calm my body and mind. Because what I was doing was not helping the situation. The affirmations I chose were what helped me remain grounded for the duration of my pregnancy. I screenshot them and kept them as screen savers to remind myself every time i picked up my phone. When it came to the birth of my baby, the hospital had affirmations on the walls in the birthing suite. They resonated with me and during each surge i would just focus on the words to keep me calm and breathing my baby down. I felt so grateful to have these tools in both my pregnancy and birth and I use certain ones now to help me when days feel far from ideal. Managing my expectations and keeping me grounded. So I have put together a free resource for you! In hopes you get the same benefits. We all know that right now is far from ideal from how we would prefer to do motherhood, i know for me there is still so much to be grateful for and I have the ability to choose how to respond. I just need to be reminded, these affirmations help me do that. If you would like a copy there is a Link in bio. #affirmations #affirmationsformothers #affirmationsforbirth #affirmationsforpregnancy #calmmind #gratitude #calmparenting #mindfulmotherhood @ Ballarat, Victoria See more
09.01.2022 Awww this is what weekend are for! We've decided to take a long weekend to rest and relax... these two have it down pat, snuggles on the couch with ya best little mate! They didn't stay this still for long, always busy playing, never stop... I'd love some of their energy! What are you up to this Halloween/cup weekend? If that's even a thing oh and pinch punch!
08.01.2022 Happy Mothers day. These are my babies and my beautiful mum. Xx @ Ballarat, Victoria
07.01.2022 Not getting a great deal done of late. Well, according to my standards. Which at times can be quite damaging for my own mental health. I know that when I start to feel this way, it is a gentle reminder to prioritise on what's important and just focus on that. The paradox of motherhood, you want to cherish all these moments you will never get back but you want so bad for something other than motherhood to fulfill you. There is so much more of you than a mother... the term "i...nner split" comes to mind. A phrase coined by Amy Taylor-Kabazz of Mama Rising. This idea has caused me to feel comfort in this cycle of my life. Self mantra-I know I can do anything, but I can't do everything. How about you? Do you experience an internal battle of 'i should be doing xyz'? #motherhood #mamarising #matrescence
06.01.2022 Hey pregnant mamas, do you have a postpartum plan? And when I say plan, I mean an idea of what to anticipate and then where to seek out help if and when you need it? It's more like a map. You have options and know that there will be challenges but where the plan is helpful is you know what to do when they arise, or at the very least where to go to get help and support. There are some common pain points in which we are caught by surprise, I think more so for first time mums,... but every baby is different so these will likely pop up with subsequent babies too. They are; sleep deprivation (still in it) feeding your bub, the relationship you have with your partner, your family and also your other children, recovering from your birth, your mental health and last BUT definitely not least YOU... the changes that happen to you. I struggled big time with all of these first time. I didn't have a plan. I was hyper focused on my birth and nothing beyond that. Easily done. So you're probably thinking, how does one prepare for all of this. Well, anticipating that these areas of your life will be somewhat changed in itself is preparing and knowing that almost all mamas go through this is liberating. Makes you feel less alone in a time that can feel very isolating. To avoid overwhelm I will be touching on each of these areas over the coming weeks. For the mamas/parents who've recently been through this stage, am I missing an area? And what did you find helpful to know or learn prior to postpartum that helped ease the transition? #postnatal #postpartum #postpartumplan #hellopostpartum #pregnantmama
05.01.2022 A quick tip from me. Caring for your dry hands after washing them so much. I don't know about you, but my hands were super dry, to the point of pain, up until two days ago when I started adding a step- hand cream. As a myotherapist, I'm so use to having my hands always coated in massage oils and cream, however, this break in treating clients has made me really notice the affects of constantly washing my hands. We often forget this step after washing our hands but it's not ...as vain as it may seem. In fact, we can develop dry cracks in the skin, giving bacteria an entry point into our bodies. By constantly washing we are stripping away the natural oils on our skin that help to protect our skin. Of course, continue washing your hands with soap and water for the 20 seconds, just make sure you add the final step after properly drying them, hand cream, not lotion, it needs to be thick, think night cream. #washyourhands #thenusehandcream See more
04.01.2022 This is how we are getting around the house... via lamby! So fast and miss independent refuses to let us slow her down, in every sense of the word. Enjoy the first year, it goes so fast... pls don't slap me, I know days can be long, but for the most part you would live it all again to experience these precious moments with these bubs! #wheredidmybabygo
04.01.2022 Will you be welcoming your baby in the coming months? Are you wanting some relief from the aches and pains of pregnancy? Or sore and tired muscles from feeding and carrying your new bub postpartum? Maybe you want to be one step ahead and plan beyond birth with practical tools for getting through the 'fourth trimester'. I also run online workshops for safe essential oil use during pregnancy and beyond. I've been a Myo for nearly 10 years specialising in pre and postnatal ca...re and I would love to help support and care for you during this exciting journey. Untangled Living services available to Ballarat pre and postnatal women. To book, head to booking page in bio. If you have any questions, send me a DM or book a free 15 min chat to discuss your needs. #pregnancymassage #massage #pregnant #postnatal #postpartum #planning #birthplan #postnatalplan #postpartumsuppport #fourthtrimester #ballaratmums #ballaratborn #newmums #naturalsolutions
03.01.2022 Everything i do, I do it for them... my babies, our babies, their future. I could have shared another devastating image of our fires but I feel personally that I may have seen too many and I've cried each and every time i pick up my phone this week. Ive screamed and ive got angry, but mainly ive cried and by no means do I want to diminish the shear magnatitude of the devastation by making it about me, I know others are sharing to help shock to wake us up and spread the messa...ge that without awareness how can change happen, and I too believe we need to be shaken to create positive change so our children and their children can have a world that is worth living in... It's certainly started the conversation again that my husband and I have about what we can do to live more sustainably. What are you going to change? #thisismywhy #timeforchange #ourchildrensfuture #wakeup See more
02.01.2022 Isn't this just so thoughtful and beautiful. What a way to let mums know that they are being thought of
02.01.2022 When will I sleep again!!? Don't answer that! Did you get sleep help with your bub? I did with my first after 10 months ... think I may need to refresh myself on positive sleep associations for my second so that i can get more rest...using the day to get rest and feel lucky that my husband is working from home so I can have naps. Gotta do what you can to survive these times with no external help. How are you coping mama? #thisismotherhood #honestmothering #7monthsold #whatssleep #sleepdeprieved #lettingthembelittle #stayathomemum #workingmum #postnatal #sleeplikeahusband #perinatalmentalhealth #mentalhealthsupport #daynaps #nightparenting @ Ballarat, Victoria
02.01.2022 I'm back. This past week, actually since this year began, i've been doing a lot of reflecting, not only on world matters but within my own life too. I know that what's happening is a big wake up call for us all to not go back to the way things were. I want to live this new decade and beyond with more intention. It's also occurred to me that I haven't introduced myself for a while and I've had some lovely new followers. Welcome to my page. My intention for untangled was and ...is to create community, and support women and new mums through myo and massage pre, post and beyond as well as the planning and support we mothers need going into motherhood, even if it's not our first time. I plan to share more in the way of helping to create that village for you whether you are a new mum or a seasoned mum. And of late I haven't wanted to share because I've thought that what I need to say and share can wait. But, I know that what I do and what I have to share matters to mums that are going through this time of their lives where they are raising their babies (big & small) and that is can feel relentless, isolating and overlwheming at times. Heck, I'm living it, so I 100% get it. When you know that other women know because they have lived it too, you feel supported and part of a community, even if it is online. I have an updated version of my website to be released, it's taken longer than intended with everything that is going on and finding the time to put into it. Luckily I've had some generous help from @lecindaward with her beautiful photography and Cath from @wholeheartdmktg. I have some other news for untangled living pre and post natal myo and massage, but you'll have to wait for that... . . . #prenatal #prenatalmassage #pregnancymassage #postnatalmassage #ballaratmassage #ballaratmyo #myotherapy #postpartumdoula #smallbuisness #ballarat #ballaratmums #postpartumsupport #motherhood #newmums
01.01.2022 A great article was written by a friend and colleague Kate who has personally helped me during pregnancy and postpartum with feelings of anxiety with her Skype consults and prescribed natural remedies. I'm very grateful for her support and friendship over the past year... #postnatalanxiety #postpartumanxiety #naturalremdies #Thenaturalparentmagazine #KateHarrison #littleyarrow #ThankyouKate https://thenaturalparentmagazine.com/natural-remedies-for/
01.01.2022 OH WOW, this is powerful! This image has left a lump in my throat, and tears down my cheeks. It speaks 1000 words of the mental load that we mothers carry holding our families together. All the 'stuff' that is done, mostly unnoticed. I may be speaking for only me here, or many others, I don't know, but I know that this speaks to me. For me, the struggle to stay afloat is real no matter how much support I get. Credits to Noelle Mirabella Photography
01.01.2022 Baby wearing. When don't I wear my baby?! Most people will often remark at how often I wear Zoë! I think it surprises them that I actually love it, well maybe it doesn't surprise them. I have found her to be a calm, happy all round easier baby. Maybe that is due to her being my second, or that she is just a different temperament and baby, nonetheless, I feel her calmness is also due to me wearing her as she rarely cries. It frees up my hands, I get more done and yes, she does get put down for naps and for tummy time and all the normal baby things. I just know, if I were to leave her on the mat with Isaac for 5 minutes he would seize his opportunity to play stacks on Did you babywear? I personally am an ergo lover myself! How about you? #babywearing #ergobaby #closeenoughtokiss #safebabywearing #ergo360 #calmbaby
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