Up & Active Physiotherapy in Toowoomba, Queensland | Physical therapist
Up & Active Physiotherapy
Locality: Toowoomba, Queensland
Phone: +61 7 4613 1394
Address: 24 Taylor St 4350 Toowoomba, QLD, Australia
Website: http://www.upandactive.com.au
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25.01.2022 [RESISTANCE TRAINING + JUMPING FOR BONE] _ The addition of jumping bone loading exercises is key in both rehab programs from bone stress injuries & also general running conditioning programs. Running.Physio _ Posted @withregram @montanarunninglab : Both lifting heavy weights -or- maximal jump training improves bone health in pre-menopausal athletes. But, which one is most effective & what should we choose for our runner...s? : First, it’s clear that just doing more running is insufficient to enhance bone health. In fact, running high volume may increase the risk of Relative Energy Deficit-Sport (RED-S), a known, & probably most important risk factor for bone stress injuries (BSI). Stay tuned for a post on RED-S. , , : Both jump training -or- heavy lifting enhance bone health because the loads are 1) greater than those of running; &, 2) Number of reps required for an osteogenic response is quite low (20-40 reps total reps/session). Thus, risk of accumulating bone damage is lower for a lifting or jumping session compared with a running session. & : High amounts of bone strain causes an osteogenic, or bone-building response. To achieve high bone strain, lifts & jumps should be high intensity & both should be done FAST! So, a program that improves tendon health will look different than one that targets bone, because tendon responds best to heavy but slow lifts. Jumping targets the legs and femoral neck! Jump over to @montanarunninglab for remainder of caption... See more
25.01.2022 It’s a simple question that doesn’t take long, but it may change someone’s day. Check in
25.01.2022 Is stretching beneficial for our body? - https://mailchi.mp/0d/is-stretching-beneficial-for-our-body
24.01.2022 We have appointments available today for Initial consultations or follow ups. Please call our reception team on 4613 1394.
24.01.2022 PATELLAR TENDINOPATHY AND ECCENTRIC EXERCISE A reduction in tendon stiffness, an increase of patellar tendon strain together with reduction in pain, and dysfunction in athletes with patellar tendinopathy were observed. More importantly, the modulation in tendon mechanical properties was related to an improvement in clinical outcomes at the completion of the eccentric exercise program. This observation suggests that modulation of tendon mechanical properties at the affected tendon might be one of the exercise-induced treatment mechanisms for athletes with patellar tendinopathy.
24.01.2022 We are looking for our next superstar physiotherapist to join our wonderful team. If you know of anyone that may be interested please message them or tag them in this post! Thanks Lizzy ... Please find Job advertisement details below: https://au.indeed.com/m/viewjob
23.01.2022 ASYMMETRY IS NOT THE DEVIL . Great post as always by Ben Cormack @corkinetic "Humans are basically asymmetrical in most things .... We have differences in structure & function that cause normal adaptations to the demands we place our bodies under . The variance that is ok is often much greater than some of the very fine tolerances proposed as the cause of many issues . There are times when more symmetry is required but often quite large variations is OK See more
22.01.2022 Are you walking with a limp after an injury? Is that still the right thing to do or is it time to change? Check in with your physio to see if it still an ok thing to be doing.
21.01.2022 EXERCISE . I think we often get to focused on just one aspect of exercise. The MUSCLES with resistance training, or our cardio-respiratory fitness with aerobic training. When in fact ALL exercise affects ALL of us!... Without doubt there is NOTHING else that can have such positive effects on your body, health, function, pain and well being as exercise. So don’t be to focused on one thing, exercise for all the things Exercise... go get some! See more
20.01.2022 This video will make you weak at the knees... Correction - strong at the knees
19.01.2022 Better be sitting down for this one...
18.01.2022 Last friday afternoon the team at Up & Active spent some time away from the clinic doing some goal setting and getting to know each other better. Followed by some Putt putt golf and driving range skills. Dianne was our star of the day with 3 hole in one’s!
18.01.2022 This shows why it's important to assess/rehab at each person individually. Everyone's rehab journey will be different and therefore it's best to "run" your own race when it comes to rehab of any injury. Listen to your physio and follow their plan to the letter. The exercises and dose that you get is prescribed to you and you alone. This way you reduce the risk of recurrence and return to your favourite sports and activities faster.
18.01.2022 Discs don’t slip and they never will! Want to learn why? We have shared a fantastic blog on this exact topic. Click below to read it https://www.physio-network.com/blog/discs-dont-slip-dammit/ ... It will take you 5 minutes max, and you'll be well versed on this topic. by The Honest Physio See more
17.01.2022 In pregnancy, the body is estimated to be working at 2.2X its basal metabolic rate, every single day, 24 hours a day, for some 270 days. Research suggests that the human body can only sustain an increase to BMR of 2.5X for long stretches of time, meaning pregnancy is more or less close to the limits of what the human body can endure for prolonged periods of time. Pregnancy is an endurance event all of its own, and just because it is done by millions of women day after day, across every country and continent, it does not make the journey any less impressive. Words by @gracealexandrajupp.pt Up & Active has expert physiotherapists trained in women’s health for all pre and post natal issues.
17.01.2022 A great study looking at improving plyometric ability through a universal skill, jump rope . 105 amateur endurance runner aged between 18-40 either performed their usual warm up routine or replaced their warm up routine with a 5 min jump rope . The results of this paper are amazing for the simplicity of the exercise... . Article reviewed @mickhughes.physio See more
16.01.2022 [THE POWER OF RECOVERY] - running.physio ‘Recovery Essentials for Optimal Performance’ where Dr Halson taught around periodising recovery, sleep science, and busted some recovery science myths _This scientific finding is quite something. The paper sought to clarify training-related risk factors for overuse injuries ... _ The study group consisted of 446 men and women top-level Finnish athletes representing three different endurance sports (cross-country skiing, swimming, long-distance running) between the ages of 15-35 _ Results: Athletes with less than 2 rest days per week during the training season had 5.2-fold risk for an overuse injury, and athletes who trained more than 700 hours during a year (13.5hrs week) had 2.1-fold risk for an overuse injury compared to the others _ TAKE HOME: As Dr Halson teaches the only training we are benefiting from is the training we are recovering from. It’s easy to forget that we need the recovery from the training stimulus to drive the adaptation See more
15.01.2022 Big congratulations to Lachie and Kate Finn on the arrival of little baby Thomas! He is just gorgeous!
14.01.2022 The focus of this year’s World Incontinence Week is to help reduce the embarrassment and stigma surrounding male incontinence. The need for installation of bins in male toilets is of paramount importance to enable men to dispose of their incontinence products easily and with dignity. Let's keep the conversation going! #bins4blokes #incontinence #toowoombaphysio #upandactive #menshealth #continenceaustralia
14.01.2022 Every week during the season the team from Up and Active Physiotherapy run injury clinic and are constantly in touch with our injured and recovering players. G...ed, and the team - thank you so much for everything you do for the club, it certainly doesn’t go unnoticed. Our guys and girls are very thankful. See more
13.01.2022 [5 NEW YEAR RUNNING MISTAKES TO AVOID] At the start of a new year a runner’s goals get set The underlying basis for setting such goals is to discover new running limits and explore our individual running potential (an endless pursuit) ... In order to help maximise your running year ahead here’s 5 mistakes/errors to avoid to hopefully improve your chances of achieving your goals* *NB: injuries happen -particularly when it comes to distance running: tendon, bone & joints. Awareness of potential risk factors is one thing BUT they can & will still occur. Don’t beat yourself up when you get injured-it’s part of the running ‘game’. Simply reflect post injury, get advice/ info, learn and apply for your rebuild (it never stops) https://www.pogophysio.com.au/.../5-new-year-running.../
13.01.2022 Some great tips from Paul our Exercise Physiologist for keeping up the exercise regime during the cooler winter months. #exercisephysiologist #toowoombaphysio #upandactive
12.01.2022 Merry Christmas We would like to thank-you all for your support during 2020 and wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! May 2021 be filled with peace, love and happiness. ... The office will be open next week Tues 29th - Thurs 31st with limited appointments available. Normal hours resume Monday 4th January. Please call 4613 1394 if you would like an appointment. The team at Up & Active Physiotherapy
12.01.2022 Fantastic article with a compelling case for resistance training as the best stand alone exercise for older adults! Tavion et al., 2020 - https://t.co/dpDNV5R13F Are we loading enough as we get older to stimulate muscular development & address chronic disease? ... Courtesy - @AMP_Physio
11.01.2022 EXERCISE FOR CHRONIC PAIN Evidence shows that benefits come from doing Exercise, regardless of its type. https://www.patreon.com/physionarium
11.01.2022 [STRONG ‘CALVES’ CAN BE PROTECTIVE AGAINST ACHILLES TENDINOPATHY] _ Here's a great post from Running.Physio Achilles tendinopathy account for approx. 10% of all running injuries. Masters (>40yrs) runners tend to experience a greater incidence of achilles tendinopathy _ The good news is high plantarflexor (‘below the knee’: primarily gastrocnemius + soleus) capacity/function seem to be protective against achilles tendinopathy ... _ Willy & Paquette* @montanarunninglab in their review of masters runners stated ‘runners with greater eccentric plantarflexor strength & greater propulsive forces during running have a reduced risk of developing achilles tendinopathy’ _ The good news is that plantarflexor strength/capacity can be readily increased through strength & conditioning _ While heavy slow resistance work (eg in a gym) may be the most effective and beneficial way in which to improve plantarflexor strength, if you do not have access to a gym start with some single leg dumbbell calf raises (bent leg and straight leg) and build the load with increasing dumbbell size (a good target for example is to work towards 3-4sets of 5-8 reps with as heavy of load as you can execute a controlled raise with) _ TAKE HOME: BELOW THE KNEE IS THE KEY! Be sure to build ‘calf’ (plantarflexor) strength exercises into your week in order to reduce risk of developing achilles tendinopathy (particularly if you are a masters runner > 40yrs) https://www.physio-network.com/ _ *Ref: R. Willy, Paquette, M. (2019). The physiology and biomechanics of the masters runner. J Sports Med Arthrosc Rev 2019, 27: 15-21
11.01.2022 Stretching vs Strengthening....
10.01.2022 Do you know we stock Archies Thongs in a wide range of great colours, perfect to go with your favourite summer outfit. Archies Arch Support Thongs look just like ‘normal’ thongs, yet provide the same amount of support of a typical orthotic, providing comfort never before seen in a regular pair of thongs. By addressing many of the issues associated with 'regular' thongs we have re-defined what your pair of thongs ought to be! Learn more about Archies via their website www.archiesfootwear.com.au
10.01.2022 Have you ever wondered what the difference is? Toleah our Exercise Physiologist explains in today's blog post the difference between a Physiotherapist and Exercise Physiologist. If you would like to kick start the new year with a great exercise program, why not make a booking with either Toleah or Paul! ... Call the office on 4613 1394. https://upandactive.com.au/what-is-the-difference-between-/
10.01.2022 Flu cases in 2019 compared to 2020!
08.01.2022 Our team of dedicated Physiotherapists are available in 2 great locations - Toowoomba & Highfields. Our services include - Physiotherapy, Women's Health, Exercise Physiology, Office ergonomics, Running assessments, Real time ultrasound, Athlete rehabilitation, Kinesio taping and Back pain. For appointments, please call the relevant number below. ... We hope to see you soon!
08.01.2022 Big welcome back to Emily Cowling who has rejoined The Up & Active team. Emily is a titled women’s, men’s and pelvic health physiotherapist who has great knowledge, experience and expertise in this field. Emily and Stephanie are available to see patients Monday to Saturday. Please phone the clinic on 46131394 to make an appointment!
08.01.2022 Moon boot vs ankle brace
07.01.2022 ***warning*** potential mental health trigger Sharing my story on McHappy Day and movember awareness If this does bring up feelings for you can call lifeline to... have a chat 13 11 14 anytime #mchappyday #movember #lifeline #beyondblue I’m also happy for this to be shared, so please like and comment below which will help the message be seen and heard. https://au.movember.com/mospace/157
07.01.2022 Check out Gett Fitness: Pre and post natal training schedule with Tash. A great trainer with knowledge and passion for correct exercise prescription!
06.01.2022 A good article on how to treat plantar fasciitis. If you have medial heel pain this is a must read!
06.01.2022 WHO’S TOUGHER . There is no doubting the many awesome and amazing health benefits regular exercise gives you. But did you know it also makes you tougher? When I say tougher I mean regular exercise makes you more resilient to pain. But is endurance or strength based exercise better for making you more resilient to pain?... Well as always... it depends....Endurance training makes you more resilient to pain over longer durations. Strength training makes you more tolerant to more intense pain levels. This fits with both exposure and specific adaption to demand theories Endurance athletes are more used to pain gradually building over longer durations, whereas strength athletes are more used to more intense pain over shorter periods. Either way they both help you tolerate painful experiences in life, just another reason to exercise more (Courtesy Sports physio)
05.01.2022 Welcome Paul O'Neill to our Up & Active team! Paul is an Exercise Physiologist and is joining Toleah to help rehabilitate our patients. Paul has a special interest in teenage athlete development and also loves working with neurological patients, especially Parkinson’s and stroke rehabilitation.
05.01.2022 Up and Active Women’s Health Physiotherapists were at the Mums and Bubs makers markets this morning meeting new faces in the community and offering advice about the pelvic floor for pre and post natal mums.
04.01.2022 Applications close Thursday 24th June.
03.01.2022 World Continence Week has begun and we want to encourage conversations around this topic and help support the 1.34 million boys and men living with incontinence. If you or a loved one experience incontinence please get in touch for an appointment with our Continence Physiotherapists Emily Cowling or Stephanie Hart by calling 4613 1394. #worldcontinenceweek #bladderhealth #bins4blokes #toowoombaphysio #upandactive
02.01.2022 Glutes Glutes Glutes. Perhaps one of the most talked about muscles in high performance. People have often sworn by the importance of them in force generation, injury prevention and much more . But how much do they actually contribute to sprinting? After all it’s rare we ever see an athlete strain their glute on the field. It’s normally their hamstring or calves . There is no doubt in my mind that the motions of triple extension are important however how much are our glutes in...volved? . Courtesy of Dorn’s study they found that the glutes did not contribute much relative to the other muscles. . Now don’t misunderstand the study. The glutes still play a vital role in hip extension (2nd half of swing phase). However maybe just keep in mind that the answer is not always the glutes . Dorn, T. W., Schache, A. G., & Pandy, M. G. (2012). Muscular strategy shift in human running: dependence of running speed on hip and ankle muscle performance. Journal of Experimental Biology, 215(11), 1944-1956. (Courtesy - The Good Physio) See more
02.01.2022 - Meet Lamar Grant, a world record holder powerlifter. He was the first person to deadlift 5(!) x bodyweight; 300kg at 60kg body weight ....! Notice anything special about his body proportions? The reason his arms seem so long is because he has severe ideopathic scoliosis, which means looking from behind his spine looks more like an "s"-shape than a "normal" straight line, making his torso a lot shorter.... We often see clients who have minor scoliosis who are full of fear that their spines have less structural tolerance and that they are predisposed to musculoskeletal pain due to their abnormality. Most of the time this fear is driven by doctors and healthcare professionals who totally over-exaggerate the consequences of this abnormality. Filling our clients with fear and taking away the confidence of physical activities, or loaded movement is the worst thing we can do as healthcare professionals. Our bodies are not created equal and our ability to adapt to physiological and anatomical changes needs to keep us humble and open minded. Moral of the story: Just because you are not perfectly "aligned" as per the text book, does not make you fragile and nobody should lead you to believe that! Wise words from Ian Houghton Thank you for bringing this to our attention Sigurd Mikkelsen.
01.01.2022 Up and Active womens, men’s and pelvic health physiotherapists Emily Cowling and Stephanie Hart will be at the expo this Sunday! Please come by and say hello if you are there and have any queries.
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