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Upper Hunter Landcare | Environmental conservation organisation

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Upper Hunter Landcare


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25.01.2022 Wild dog attacks are on the decline throughout the Upper Hunter, restoring confidence among sheep farmers. A program supported by Hunter Local Land Services is removing canine predators at a rate of 100 dogs a year by combining air and ground techniques.

23.01.2022 Have you used your time at home to get the garden in order? Are you looking for some new garden plants for this coming spring? Online sales, from places like Fa...cebook and Gumtree are a good way to get cheap plants in your local area. But not all these sellers are aware of what plants they actually have for sale. There has been a recent increase in prickly pears sales in the Hunter Prickly pears are Cylindropuntia, Austrocylindropuntia and Opuntia species. It is illegal to sell these invasive species in NSW. So next time you are considering plants for the garden have a quick look on WeedWise app or website to make sure it’s a good pick and not an invasive species. If you see a plant sale you believe to be illegal in NSW email the details to [email protected] or get in contact with your local biosecurity (weeds) officer All images taken from items for sale on Facebook.

21.01.2022 Do you know what Giant Freshwater Crayfish eat? (Hint: it grows on the river bank) Our followers would recognise this iconic local species, the Giant Crayfish (Astacopsis gouldi), the largest freshwater crustacean in the world! But do you know what they need to survive and thrive in your local rivers and streams? Check out the video below which explains what the Giant Freshwater Crayfish needs for food and shelter, and what are its biggest threats. The Cradle Coast Authority is helping to protect and enhance the river habitat for the Giant Freshwater Crayfish, a threatened species found only in the north of Tasmania. CCA will be working with private landholders in targeted areas to undertake activities such as revegetation, fencing to limit stock access, off-stream water points or developing conservation agreements for areas with vegetation in good condition. Project priority areas include: - Upper Duck River - Upper Black River - Detention River - Lapoinya - Lower Inglis River - Upper Leven River For more information visit or contact project coordinator Fiona Marshall [email protected] This project is supported by the Cradle Coast Authority through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program. Burnie City Council Devonport City Council Waratah-Wynyard Council Circular Head Council Central Coast Council Latrobe Council Kentish Council Australian Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment

20.01.2022 The Scoop - Covid Update, Axe Restoration, A Plastic Free July, WHS Resources & More -

19.01.2022 Apologies for the spelling mistake, may edit it later.

18.01.2022 Happy Monday and Happy Landcare Week! Get connected with the environment in your local community The annual Landcare Week campaign celebrates and acknowled...ges the thousands of Landcare networks and groups, facilitators, and other environmental care community groups, and volunteers across Australia working on conservation and sustainable land management activities in their local area! This week we will be reliving some of the highlights from the past year, strap on your boots and get ready for the year that was in the world of Landcare! Find out more about Landcare Week 2020 at: Find your local Landcare group at:

18.01.2022 Check out our new website! A huge thank you to all the volunteers who helped create it and pay for hosting. Laura Taylor deserves a special mention as she has b...een the driving force behind its creation. We think it highlights the three main projects we are working on: mange in wombats, after the bushfires and restoring Watagan Creek and Wollombi Brook. It also looks beautiful with lots of wonderful photos taken by members that help to convey our mission to protect and support our natural landscapes and the wildlife in the Wollombi Valley. Creating the website has even inspired several of us to come out of our COVID coma and restart our Landcare efforts. What do you think? Do you have any suggestions for additional content? We hope the website will be regularly updated so feel free to send through your ideas. You can contact us here or via the website. Feel free to share this post so that more people can visit the site. See more

16.01.2022 The Scoop - Covid Fact Sheet, Grass Quiz, New Grants & More -

15.01.2022 Indigenous Plants for Health Association Spring Field Day & AGM 26th September 2020 Cost $80 for non-members and $70 for members.... $40 12yrs-18yrs, under 12yrs free. Family concessions available. To register go to:

13.01.2022 Are you an Aboriginal artist or designer living in NSW? Landcare NSW, under the NSW Landcare Program 2019 - 2023, invites Aboriginal artists from anywhere in NSW to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) concept proposal to produce a commissioned artwork, accompanied by a name and a story, that depicts the theme of "Aboriginal communities and Landcare communities working together for healthy landscapes". We are looking to create a visual brand and title/name to help build the... profile of the Program, so it becomes easily recognisable throughout Landcare and Aboriginal communities. EOIs close 18th September 2020. Expression of Interest form, including the guidelines can be accessed online here.

13.01.2022 Should I do a follow up on different axe types? Or do you have any suggestions for videos or articles for The Scoop newsletter?

10.01.2022 I hate seeing axes misused, so like to give them some TLC.

08.01.2022 Hunter Region Landcare Network are supporting the Saving the Williams Valley Landcare group, with the help of Dungog Shire Council and ARTC, on a plan to expand... the riparian corridor of Frank Robinson Park in Dungog for locals and visitors to enjoy. Situated along the river and rail corridor just south of Dungog village, the park is a lovely place for a picnic with shelters, bbq, and toilet facilities. Council will be revitalising the park facilities, and in April next year, we will be hosting planting days onsite. See more

07.01.2022 Toby Davidson's wonderful documentary on our Squirrel Glider project and the great team and the great supporters that made it happen.

05.01.2022 'Largest Ever' Species Release HUNTER stocks of an endangered species have received a boost after 20 regent honeyeaters were released into the wild. The bird i...s one of the nation's most endangered species, and Environment Minister Matt Kean said the latest release was the largest of the captivity-bred birds so far. "Regent honeyeater numbers are at critical levels with only about 350 birds remaining ," Mr Kean said. "The birds were released onto private property in the Lower Hunter, where it's hoped they will mix with the wild population and breed. "The fires over summer have further impacted the breeding and foraging habitat of regent honeyeaters, making this release and ongoing conservation breeding even more important." The birds were raised in Taronga Zoo. Copyright 2020 the Newcastle Herald. June 23

02.01.2022 The next Australian State of the Environment Report is due out next year and the writers are asking for input. It's only a short time frame for comments so you'...d better be quick. "With a mix of scientific, traditional and local knowledge the SoE 2021 will provide a strategic view to shape policy and action; engage with users to influence behaviour; and assist with assessing our interventions as stewards for the Australian environment. This will support stewardship and sustainable management to enhance Australia’s environment and our unique heritage. The SoE 2021 report will be provided to the Minister for the Environment by 31 December 2021 to be tabled in the Australian Parliament. Independent expert authors have been appointed for each of the report’s twelve themes, and their first step has been to prepare an outline of how they will structure and present their information and findings, and what they propose to include in their theme (its scope). This outline is their draft scoping document, and there is one for each theme. These public consultation scoping documents are made available for your comment and feedback to help ensure that each theme is relevant and useful to our targeted user groups, especially those with influence and strong interest in environmental outcomes."

02.01.2022 Nature Art for Beginners! Grab a few items of nature from your garden or nearby nature reserve and try your hand at Nature Journaling, no art experienc...e required. It’s a great way to creatively document your local flora and fauna, or paint a landscape of your Landcare site. Please share your creations with us! For more info visit: To find out about activities like this subscribe to our monthly newsletter, check it out at: Tag an aspiring artist in the comments below...

01.01.2022 EQUIPMENT AND LIVESTOCK WARNING No. 1 HUNTER CATCHMENT ________________________________ What is happening:... Livestock and Equipment Warning for the Pages River from the confluence of the Isis River downstream to the Hunter River Junction. Hunter River from the Pages River confluence to the Goulburn River confluence. Due to heavy rain falling across the Upper Hunter Catchment above Aberdeen overnight, there have been rises in the Pages & Isis River Systems. River flow is expected to cause rises between 2.0 - 2.5 metres above normal flows at Muswellbrook later Monday night. Increased flows may occur at Denman early Tuesday morning. What you need to do: Land owners and farmers adjacent to rivers and creeks should monitor river levels and the weather and: People in areas likely to be impacted by flooding should consider: Refraining from driving or walking through flood water Road closures and flood isolation may impact on work, family and educational commitments Monitoring emergency warnings and severe weather updates on local ABC radio, NSWSES Hunter Facebook Page and Bureau of Meteorology website If your property is at risk of inundation, please raise moveable items, such as furniture, as high as possible onto benches or tables, placing electrical items on top If you are advised by an emergency services officer to evacuate, please do so Securing outside belongings and before leaving; turn off the power, water and take essential medicines and clothes with you Farmers should move machinery, livestock, pumps and fodder to flood free ground For emergency help in floods and storms, call the NSW State Emergency Service on 132 500. In life threatening situations call triple zero (000) immediately For more information: Listen to your local ABC radio station, follow the NSWSES on Facebook or Latest Weather, Warnings, Rainfall and River heights: Road Closures: or Rural animal and livestock assistance, contact Local Land Services Issued By: GREG SWINDELLS, Incident Controller

01.01.2022 WOW! This beautiful poster is now available for download on our website. Shorebirds are the most remarkable group of species, some flying non-stop across the ea...rth, others entirely nocturnal in their foraging activities, whilst some are apt at swimming. We see and hear birds everyday, and birds can be our connection to the natural world. Download our poster now for your school, club, or bedroom wall! BirdLife Australia Hunter Bird Observers Club (HBOC) See more

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