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Urban Electrical Solutions


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24.01.2022 Matty has been back on the tools the last couple weeks , Matt & Tristan & our Work experience Student Logan, have been working at this house the last 2 days , installing all new ceiling fans throughout the house & LED downlights throughout house & outside lighting . Our Customer is getting in early with installing new ceiling fans before our hot Australian Summer arrives . Great idea ! Logan is lucky enough to be working along side one of the best electricians around , such a great experience to be able to do work experience & to get to see what is involved to be a electrician.

23.01.2022 Message to our Facebook families with children sitting the HSC & to all our local high schools. 2007 was the year you all started kindergarten & now 2020 you are all starting your HSC exams. Wow 13 years of schooling . 2020 wasn’t the best year for all students & especially to all year 12 students. This year we will be the year that will be remember. ... Sending you all Best wishes & good luck for the future , today is day 1 of your HSC exams & most importantly remember to be kind to yourself get plenty of rest in between the exams . Good luck . Kelly & Matt x

23.01.2022 Urban Electrical are Finalist again in in our Local Hunter Business Awards for 2020 in the Trades & Services section. We have been lucky again this year to be voted again , this is our 3rd year running at being Nominated & we would like to thank all our customers who nominated & voted for Urban Electrical. This year has been extremely tough year for everyone & especially with all small business’s throughout Newcastle & worldwide due to Covid-19 . We have a great team of guy...s who work with us & Our Finalist Award goes to all of them . Without all their hard work daily this year & during our toughest times during Covid lockdown & we can’t thank you enough for all your support this year . It Was a tough year day by day & week by week . So a Big thank you to Luke , Brendan , Elias , Kevin, Tristan & Matt for all your hard work this year we really do appreciate everything you all do for us . Due to Covid-19 we have decided not to attend The Local Hunter Businesss Awards night due to COVID restrictions but I will be definitely organising a private dinner altogether in the coming weeks to celebrate another great year. Kelly & Matt

22.01.2022 A Big Happy birthday to our Luke hope you are having a great day today. I love giving you all your birthday day off . You should never ever work on your birthday with us at Urban that’s our present to you . But unfortunately you have to do your house renovations . ... Luke enjoy your extra long weekend. Xxx See more

20.01.2022 A little bit of a squeeze today!!!

20.01.2022 That’s a wrap for 2020, nothing like a beautiful big breakfast this morning to finish the year off all together & our Xmas party last week . A big thank you to our boys , Luke , Brendan , Elias , Kevin & Tristan for all your hard work you give us everyday especially the last couple of weeks we have been extremely busy . Today was our last working day Hope our boys all enjoy the next 2.5 weeks off . You all deserve it , merry Christmas x

19.01.2022 School holidays work experience for my big boy Jai today it was great for him to see a day in a life of our Electricians & out working with Matt his step dad all day today. Very Lucky learning from the best ! Also great experience to actually see what Matt does everyday we often don’t realise what our parents actually do for jobs . Pretty sure swimming & Xbox day tomorrow

16.01.2022 Our No 1 Urban Electrical supporter is my dad Kevin , my Dad always loved wearing his Urban Hoodies & beanie or his hat and with great pride he would always wear them . I just want to apologise for not responding quicker to all our FB messages & phone calls as it’s been a tough week . I just wanted to share a great recent pic of my dad in one of our Urban hoodies that he loved wearing . Make sure you all go give your mum & dad a huge hug this week. RIP Dad ... Kelly See more

16.01.2022 The stars are shining tonight who needs a 4wd to go camping . You can always use a URBAN Hiace van. Hope your having fun camping this weekend Brendan . We just Love this picture .

16.01.2022 Morning enjoying a yummy breakfast & tool box talk at XS cafe at Jesmond Shopping centre with all the boys . Delicious breakfast & great coffee if your in the area pop in & grab a coffee .

13.01.2022 Happy New Year ! We’re back to work today ready for another great year in 2021 . Welcome back Luke , Brendan, Elias, Kevin , Tristan & Matty we all had nearly 3 weeks off work it was great catching up with all our friends & families & I’m pretty sure they all loved the sleep ins . ... So February it’s our 10th birthday & we will be celebrating our 10 years in business so stay Tuned to our weekly birthday specials in February very exciting times a decade in our small business . We also have our first 2 little Baby Sparkys at Urban Electrical due April & July this year . A Big congratulations to Luke & Tristan it will certainly be a very exciting year for you both & we are all Looking forward to meeting your precious little princes or princesses. We will also be back in the office today catching up on our emails , texts & Facebook messages we will slowly get back to you all in the next few days . Wishing you all a Happy & Healthy New Year let’s hope 2021 is a better year for all of us & it is filled with love , happiness & creating all new memories. Kelly

13.01.2022 It’s that time of year when we all start using our ceiling fans & ceiling fans have been around for decades & they will be certainly be around for much longer due to the high efficiency & they also take up less space in rooms . Most ceiling fans in bedrooms are installed above our beds so that creates a draft and it’s makes the room cooler & its nothing better during our summer nights to have your ceiling fan on . Today I picked up a pallet load of Beacon Lighting ceiling f...ans that come with light or either with no lights . We only install Beacon Lighting ceiling fans I have purchased Airlie 11 Eco fans 52 inch . If you prefer you can also purchase your own ceiling fans and we can just install them for you before our summer rush . Note : Beacon provide a 2 year in home warranty on all fans installed by a qualified electrician.

09.01.2022 Good morning everyone I’m just wondering if anyone on our Facebook page owns or works for a mobile pooch/ dog washing service we live in Fletcher . Our precious Lucy is 15 years old & is unwell & we are wanting some pampering for our beautiful girl . We are looking at getting it done today or before Friday .

08.01.2022 2020 has certainly been a challenging year for everyone and all different circumstances have made it even more important for us all to be helping & talking to friends , families & complete strangers . You don’t have to be an expert to keep the conversation going when someone looks sad or needs a helping hand Why not ask them R U OK. By just saying hello or a simple smile or greet them R U OK , that would mean the world to them as we certainly know 2020 will be a year tha...t will be remembered in our history books . With just saying hello or shouting them a cuppa that can seriously make a really positive difference to their life. Just start a conversation with these 4 simple steps 1. Ask are you ok 2. Show you are Listening to them 3. Encourage action 4. Check in with them the next few days via a phone call , text , fb messenger or shout them a coffee . So I’m offering someone a coffee & cake tomorrow morning with me after school drop off at Jesmond Shopping centre at XS Expresso coffee shop at 10am . It’s my shout ! First one to reply

08.01.2022 It’s that time of year when we have Work Experience students, this year we have Logan from St Pius X High School with us this week . It’s a great opportunity to get behind our local schools to help them with work experience for the year 10 students . Logan will be out this week working along with all our Electricians , it’s a great experience for our children to get to see how other trades & business operate. Welcome Logan & have fun , sorry about the very early starts

07.01.2022 All our guys have been working together at this Property over the last couple months . This beautiful Owner has live here well over 50 years & we have been updating all PowerPoints & switches & installing ceiling fans & new downlights throughout this family home , today we have removed the old fuses & added all new safety switches . Definitely one of our VIP customers in Georgetown

07.01.2022 What a beautiful day to get married. Congratulations to our Electrician Kevin who married his beautiful longtime partner Emma this afternoon. We hope you are both having a magical day with all your family & friends around you to share your Wedding Day . We hope you both live a life of happiness & joy and lots of love. ... Kelly & Matt xxx

06.01.2022 Today is Day 1 of another new Kitchen Connection showroom at Castle Hill , Luke is in charge of roughing in & fitting off the new showroom with Elias. The new showroom will have 9 beautiful modern & stylish kitchens . We do all the electrical work for all of the Kitchen Connection stores at Kotara, Rutherford & West Gosford & soon to be open Tuggerah. So if you are after a new kitchen definitely pop into one of the local showrooms & take a look .

03.01.2022 Lest we forget

02.01.2022 Today is back to school for some local Public schools & Catholic schools with a lot of them starting kindergarten & year 7 . Such a exciting day for you all . Also Remember to drive slowly around our school zones as it’s back to the 40km/h & also be extremely careful with today’s drop off & pick up with todays weather . Hope you all had a great 6 weeks off these Xmas school holidays I know we had a amazing school holidays it was certainly fun filled. ... So we are Off to a lovely breakfast with my kids this morning to celebrate another year of school with year my twins entering year 10 & my baby year 8 next week. So Good luck to all the mum & dads with their babies starting Kindergarten today or next week , make sure you both go out & have a lovely brunch together . Remember It’s the beginning of 13 years of schooling .

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