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25.01.2022 Do you know what you want in life? This is the very first thing you need to ask yourself before you start complaining about how bad your life is Not having a clear vision about who, what, when... is one of the reasons you wake up not wanting to get up and start your day
24.01.2022 SUMMER, I MISS YOU I’m catching myself on ‘skipping life’ sometimes And no, it is not a happy skipping It’s when you think about the past or future so much that you are not living in the NOW... Are you guilty of it? Well, if you are, you don’t need to punish yourself because this is another way of ‘skipping your life’. Simply be aware and notice when it happens, so you can focus on coming back to NOW and HERE. I show you a simple example of ‘skipping life’: I want summer to come back, I’m thinking about how great it was to feel warm, I might be planning how much bliss we’ll have next summer. I’m spending so much time in the past and future that I’m missing a chance of finding joy of what is now - winter We, as humans, are prone to ‘skipping life’. It is a perfect tool for our mind to keep us safe, unchanged and risk free. If you are occupied with the past and/or future, you won’t take any actions NOW You might be re-living your disappointments from the past and be missing a chance to create something meaningful NOW. You might be remembering people who hurt you in the past and. Ignoring people who are with you right now. You might be blaming yourself for the mistakes in the past and losing sight of what is possible for you right now. Are you skipping your life instead of living it fully? How many chances of repeating your life do you think you have? From what I know, there are no repeats granted, So, starting from now: - notice beauty around you - love people who deserve your love - accept love - see how much is possible for you - feel and share your power, because each of us has something special to offer Instead of waiting, because you don’t know how to start, book a FREE chat with me. It is as simple as clicking the link in my BIO Remember life does not have repeats, so Wake Up to it now. Book a FREE discovery call & see possibilities Slawka #wakeup #wakeuptolife #dontwait #summervibes #almost50andfabulous #youareamazing #youareworthy #youcandoit #highvibes #startnow #nevertoolate #dontwait #createyourlife #designyourlife #lifedesign #mindset #mindsetreset #mindfulness #focusonnow #singlemum #utransformu
24.01.2022 Happy Fathers day to all Dads, not only in Australia Have a wonderful day! If you are not there yet, become the best example for your kids.... Great quote for today - If you want to safe the world, go home and love your family" - Mother Teresa - Slawka #fathersday2020 #betheexample #nevertoolate #youareamazing #createyourlife #startnow #lifeafterdivorce #almost50andfabulous #youareworthy #utransformu #lifedesign #designyourlife #highvibes #youcandoit #singleparent #mindset #mindfulness #dontwait #doitforyou #yourfamily #example #weekendcelebration #createeveryday
24.01.2022 I-TWIST Sharing today a second step of my morning routine W - what do you think it stands for?
24.01.2022 How will you use your good fortune today? Your life is precious and YOU are precious - it is a powerful combo! Create, inspire, love what else can you focus on? ... Have an amazing week ahead! Slawka See more
23.01.2022 It is impossible to build what you want if you’ve never spent time to discover what it is you actually want. Awareness is the first step to any change Awareness of: what works and what doesn’t... what makes you happy and what makes you sad what you have plenty of and what you are lacking who you are and who you’re pretending to be When you take an honest stock take of yourself and your life, only then you can make a choice to create a change OR not. You’ve always had a choice and you can make it at any stage of your life. Sometimes you might feel like asking for help and I’m here to help you Book a FREE Discovery call and we’ll discover together what you need to focus on (link in by Bio @utransformu) Slawka #awarenessiskey #whatyouwant #whatdoyouwant #yourchoice #almost50andfabulous #youareamazing #nevertoolate #createyourlife #startnow #youareworthy #lifedesign #designyourlife #mindsetreset #mindsetcoach #singlemum #mindfulness #dontwait #youcandoit #highvibes #singleparent #lifeafterdivorce #mindsetiseverything #utransformu
23.01.2022 I-TWIST my morning routine Today 1st step - Thought Share it and invite anyone who you think will benefit from it
23.01.2022 The last and the most important step of my I-TWIST morning routine INTENTION - why is it crucial
22.01.2022 I’m here if you need a bit of help
22.01.2022 Your ‘personal story’ is not about what you’ve been through but about what you made it mean to you, what you chose to remember and what you learnt from it.... You are the writer of your story and you can chose what type of hero you are or becoming in it Slawka
17.01.2022 Only you know your pain Only you feel your pain Only you know how this pain stops you from experiencing joy Anyone saying that they understand what you are going through simply don’t.... They can only know and feel THEIR own pain. Do you want to keep re-living moments that created wounds in your heart and your soul? Or do you want to finally let go of the attachment to those moments and start creating a life filled with fulfilment, joy and love. How do you want your today and tomorrow to look like? DM me to Book a FREE discover call to see what my ‘Wake Up Call’ program can uncover in & for you Slawka See more
17.01.2022 5th step of my I-TWIST morning routine Gratefulness - why is it crucial to develop it even if circumstances are not the best
16.01.2022 I-TWIST 4th step of my morning routine STOP, breathe, focus ... and create more of what you want
16.01.2022 The last morning coffee of 2020 or I definitely have mixed feelings about this year ... On one hand COVID and dramas & challenges related to it On the other hand All the good parts like more time with my kids On one hand All the things I haven’t done On the other hand All the things I’ve managed to accomplish ... There are ALWAYS at least two versions of the same event, so it is up to us to choose the version that allows us to grow. It’s up to YOU what you focus on, I want to choose to believe that it wasn’t a horrible or challenging year BUT that it was a year full of learning. And I want to focus on all the good things and experiences it allowed me to go through. What will you choose to focus on when thinking about 2020? Slawka
15.01.2022 It is a new year and.... it will be as good as you make it it will have as many happy moments as many you create ... it will allow you to feel as much love as you allow yourself to feel and give it will give you as much success as much work you put in . . . There will be lots of challenges but you can still decide to be the creator of your best year ever!!! Slawka
14.01.2022 First time being interviewed and so much easier when it is done by Vivienne Vvn Fam I shared some details about my ‘Wake Up Call’ program and many more Almost an hour but felt like 5 minutes
10.01.2022 Do you know about your power? There is so much simmering in you and I’m here to help you uncover it. The first power:... You are the Queen and King of your thoughts! You decide what thought can stay in your presence and which one needs to be asked to leave or be replaced. Use this power often Book a chat with me and see what other powers are in you
10.01.2022 Magical time is only as magical as you make it Be the magic you need in your life Slawka ... #christmas2020 #bethemagic #magicinyourhands #magicinlife #createyourlife #lifedesign #designyourlife #utransformu #familytime #almost50 #almost50andfabulous #makeitspecial #youareamazing
09.01.2022 This is just a reminder for you to keep going and to keep growing to notice your beauty and to notice your strength to be your best support and to be your friend ... Do not let your past dictate your present moment Remember - if you had known how to do it differently, you would have done it - if you could have been stronger you would have been Do not let your past dictate your future You did the best you could with the resources you had back there and now You know more, you are stronger and you can create life that you deserve I’m here to help you on your journey Join my 8 week ‘Wakeup call program DM me for details or book a FREE discovery call https://utransformu.com.au/appointments/ Slawka See more
09.01.2022 We really don’t need much to be happy What are the simple things that make you smile and give you this nice & warm feeling inside? Mine are (and not limited to ): walking in nature, sleeping in on a weekend, little gardening, a good book, a chat with a friend, calling my family, breathing fresh air, time AFTER a headache has gone, good coffee, my morning routine, ..... ... I could add so many more When you focus on noticing and acknowledging all the little things that make you happy.... your life starts looking.... much more happier What are your little things? #lifeisbeautiful #simplepleasures #smiletoday #reasontosmile #happinessisachoice #choosetobehappy #youareamazing #mindset #mindsetreset #mindfulness #designyourlife #createhappiness
07.01.2022 What do you see? Blue Bottles is the obvious answer and believe me, there were plenty of them But look again and see past them, what can you see?... Ugliness or beauty? Trash from the ocean or an exciting story behind it? Pain they can cause or a lesson you can learn? Are you disgusted or curious ? You choose what you focus on. Are we still talking about Blue Bottles or about your life? If all you see in life is negativity or impossibility, DM me or book a free call to discover how my ‘Wake Up Call’ program will bring a color back into YOUR life. Link to a FREE discovery call https://utransformu.com.au/appointments/ Slawka
06.01.2022 You might be using it as a valid reason but it’s really just an excuse It does not matter how old you are, It does not matter how many opportunities you missed It does not matter how deep you got hurt... What matters is TODAY and who you have decided to turn up as A hero A dreamer A go getter A lover . . . It is all available to you. It can all start today from the simple decision that you don’t want to continue what is and has been. The decision that you want to start a better and happier you. It’s all that simple I’m here if you need a bit of guidance. Click the link in my BIO and connect with me during a FREE call. Slawka #nomoreexcuses #stopexcuses #nevertoolate #createyourlife #startnow #lifedesign #youcandoit #designyourlife #dontwait #singlemum #mindsetcoach #mindsetreset #utransformu #mindset #singleparent #youareamazing #youareworthy #youmatter #onedecisionaway #startfresh
05.01.2022 Read it again and never complain about how people treat you before you look at yourself first. What happens on the outside world gives you a hint about what is happening in your inner world. Are you talking nicely to yourself?... No? why should others? Are you setting boundaries for people not to cross? No? why would others honor them? Are you keeping promises given to yourself? No? why would others keep their promises to you? And so it goes It all starts with you. So, have a good and honest look at yourself sort out the world inside of you and then see how the world outside becomes better. Book a FREE call to see how you can wake up to what is possible for you DM me or simply click https://utransformu.com.au/appointments/ Slawka #beyourbestsuporter #setboundaries #beyourbestfriend #nevertoolate #createyourlife #startnow #youareworthy #lifedesign #youcandoit #designyourlife #dontwait #singlemum #mindsetreset #mindfulness #lifeafterdivorce #mindsetiseverything #singleparent #almost50andfabulous #youareamazing #highvibes #utransformu
05.01.2022 I-TWIST Time for the 3rd step of my morning routine -I-
04.01.2022 Do you want to learn about my morning routine I-TWIST? Go to UTransformU page this week Monday-Saturday 7am and join me for just few minutes. I’ll be sharing one step every day You can already listen to the 1st step
04.01.2022 Bikini and socks It’s not an usual mix but today it served me well. When you feel something is not right - do something about it! don’t ignore it, ... don’t wait for the feeling to go away, don’t try sweep a problem under the carpet.. face it deal with it look for help I’m sure you know I’m not talking about cold feet and socks here Look what is in your life right now. Notice how it makes you feel. Does something feel off? What is it? What can you do to make it better? Not sure where to start? Book a FREE call with me and let’s chat (Link in my Bio) Slawka #donthide #mindset #mindseteverything #changeyourmindset #almost50andfabulous #nevertooold #startnow #youcandoittoo #mindsetcoach #youareworthit #singleparent #highvibration #highvibes #utransformu #relaxingtime
03.01.2022 I’ve been guilty of waiting for things to change and not even realizing that I could I needed to I HAD TO start from changing myself first. ... You want to be treated with respect? Notice where/when you are not giving respect to yourself and start changing it You want people to respect your boundaries? Notice if you know what your boundaries are, be clear on what you allow & what you don’t and start respecting them yourself You want people to know that you deserve more? Notice moments when you don’t believe you are worthy of more and start working on it You want the world around you to stop reminding you about how you were mistreated, cheated on, betrayed . Notice when you go back to your memories to the moments of hurt and start finding learnings and growth in them You have the power to change the world around you but ONLY when you start changing the world inside of you first. Not sure how to start? I’m here and I can help you book a FREE discovery calll ( https://utransformu.com.au/appointments/ ) and let’s see how your New Year can bring a new YOU. Slawka See more
03.01.2022 Taking risks is less risky than staying the same Life can only deliver something new when YOU DO something new. And although there is no guarantee that ‘New’ will be great, it is guaranteed that by going out of your comfort zone you will ... - experience new things - learn more about yourself - see new options You are worthy of creating a life that excites you and this can’t be experienced in your comfort zone. Slawka Are you feeling too scared to discover a new you? DM me or book a free call to see how my ‘Wake Up Call’ program will help you cross through your comfort zone Link to a FREE discovery call https://utransformu.com.au/appointments/
03.01.2022 The more you put in the more you get out I bet you know that it’s true but sometimes you might find it challenging to put work into creating what you want Why? The first thing is we often DON’T really know what we want!... So, if you feel this is you start with this step: get clear on what you want How to do it? There are many methods and tool you can find on the Internet and you can work on it yourself OR, you can do it much fast and effectively DM me or book a FREE call (link below And I will help you start journey to a life full of joy, love and meaning. https://utransformu.com.au/appointments/
01.01.2022 What would happen if you decided that life was easy? What would happen if you decided that you will always find a way? What would happen if you decided that you attract good things in life? ... Would it mean that all your difficulties could magically disappear? NO, NO, definitely NOT. They would still exist but, You would start feeling like life is not a drama ALL the time And you would start seeing SOME solutions to your problems And slowly, you would notice that good things START coming to you. It’s not a miracle, it’s the power that you have always had in you. But don’t take my word for it, try it! I’ll be sharing 6 simple tools on how to bounce back from challenges life throws at you WHEN: Thursday, 6th August TIME: 7pm (Sydney time) Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/115618958417 See you there
01.01.2022 YOUR DAILY CHOICES - Listen to the voice of hope not doubt - Focus on what helps you expand not contract - Choose thoughts that allow you to see possibilities not limits... - Spend time with people who make you smile not cry . . You might not be aware of it yet but you make these choices and many more every minute of your life. And, I want you to make sure that you are mindful of this. It scares me to know that most people run their lifes on autopilot But you deserve better! You deserve to be fully happy with a life that is created by your CONCIOUS choices. And even if it seems too difficult at the start, it is possible - YOU can make it possible. You can Wake Up to Your Life! And I can guide you through the process If you want to have a chat, book a FREE call with me (Click the link in my bio) Slawka #choiceisyours #choosewisely #wakeupcall #wakeuptoyourlife #nevertoolate #startnow #createyourlife #designyourlife #lifedesign #utransformu #dontwait #youareamazing #youareworthy #sunrisephotography #sunriseaustralia #almost50andfabulous #lifeafterdivorce #singleparent #singlemum #mindsetreset #highvibes #mindsetcoach #youcandoit #mindsetiseverything
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