UWA School of Design in Perth, Western Australia | College & University
UWA School of Design
Locality: Perth, Western Australia
Phone: +61 8 6488 2582
Address: Corner Stirling Highway and Clifton Street 6009 Perth, WA, Australia
Website: http://www.design.uwa.edu.au
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25.01.2022 AUDRC is committed to improving knowledge, understanding and expertise in the practice of urban design. To enable this, AUDRC will be offering short courses in ...all aspects of urban design for people from related fields (e.g. planning, development, infrastructure, transport, environment or public policy). This 3-minute survey will inform us what skills and knowledge you may be interested in acquiring. To have your say please follow the link below. Thanks for participating. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MLBKBWF UWA School of Design wAILA fresh Geography and Planning at UWA PIA WA Young Planners PIA WA EmAGN Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage Department of Communities DevelopmentWA
24.01.2022 2020 SUMMER GRADUATE PROGRAM // APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN Silver Thomas Hanley is pleased to announce the launch of our 2020 Summer Graduate Program. We’re passiona...te about recruiting and supporting new graduates and are excited to provide an opportunity for new budding Architects to gain real industry experience. This is open to students who are currently completing or have recently completed their Masters of Architecture. The program is a paid mentorship and will run for 8 weeks (during the semester break) including a 2-week Christmas break. Successful candidates will be chosen based upon a review of their portfolio and CV, as well as an interview with one of our Leadership team. Applicants who successfully complete the Summer Mentorship Program may be offered ongoing employment with Silver Thomas Hanley Applications are being accepted via email only. ATT To: Siobhan Titlestad [email protected] - A brief cover letter introducing yourself and tell us why you would like to take part in the 2020 Summer Mentorship Program - Your CV - Your digital portfolio showcasing your best work (this can be a PDF or website link) Applications are now open and will close 27/11/2020 #architecture #experience #opportunity #recruiting #students #employment
23.01.2022 Congratulations to UWA School of Design MFA student Elham Eshraghian-Haakansson (@ellieeshraghian.art) who has been awarded the $20,000 overall prize in the 202...0 Joondalup Invitation Art Award for her film work ‘face to face’. Regarded as one of Western Australia’s most prestigious awards for contemporary art, this is an incredible achievement for an early career artist. face to face is a moving portrait of stillness and archival chaos, navigating intergenerational identity. The Iran and Pakistan Border marks a pivotal moment between execution and freedom where the artists family fled persecution during the 1979 Iranian Revolution. Her mother writes a poem of universality by a celebrated Persian Poet Rm, on her brothers face juxtaposed by the visual and vocal monotony that distorts connectivity; being eye to eye, face to face. Acknowledgements to Sholeh Pirmorady, Ashkaan Hadi, Arjang Pirmorady, Khanm Majnoon, Abu Taleb Majnoon, Dr. Ionat Zurr, the Bahá'í Archives Committee, Bahá'í Community of Perth, Bahá'í World Centre, Performance Lines WA, Artists for Artists Masterclass, the Second Generation Collective, Christian Haakansson, Armaan Zamani & Trisha Soni. Poetry titled, ‘Only Breath’ by Jall ad-Dn Muhammad Rm. Special thanks to the Fine Arts Faculty at the School of Design, University of Western Australia for their continuous support of my practise and the Dog Refuge Home Shenton Park for the additional emotional support of our foster pups. - Elham Eshraghian-Haakansson 2020. Image: Elham Eshraghian-Haakansson, face to face, 2020, single channel, 7:11min. Acquisitioned by the City of Joondalup as recipient for the Invitation Art Prize 2020. @uwa_design @universitywa @uwastudents @city_of_joondalup @uwaculturalprecinct @lwagallery See more
23.01.2022 The University of Western Australia architecture graduate, Stuart Harrison (Architect and Historian) is the host of the upcoming ABC TV + iview series Restoration Australia. Stuart follows homeowners across the country as they restore Australia's greatest buildings. Restoration Australia season 3 is on Sundays at 7.40pm on ABC TV + iview . .... . . #RestorationAustralia #uwadesign #uwaarchitecture #uwadesignalumni #uwaheritage UWA Alumni See more
22.01.2022 Congratulations to UWA School of Design student Callan Kneale who was awarded the ‘Colour Honourable Mention’ for his ‘Chroic Side Table’ in the recent VIVID Design Competition. UWA School of Design students Denis Wittwer and Monroe Masa were also finalists in the ‘Object’ and ‘Concept’ categories. Well done to all!... Images: (01) Callan Kneale, ‘Chroic Side Table’ (02) Denis Wittwer, ‘Flower Tower’ (03) Monroe Masa, ‘Table 2 of Collection 2’. Photography: Matt Biocich . . . . #univeristywa #uwadesign #decordesignshow #uwafurnituredesign See more
21.01.2022 UWA School of Design lecturer in landscape architecture and director at To and Fro Studio, Rosie Halsmith recently interviewed community leader, cultural burning practitioner and traditional Ballardong Nyungar landholder Oral McGuire on the role of traditional land and fire management practices in regenerating Country. Kaarlngara [fire] is very sacred. I grew up connected to fire. And as an eight-, nine-, ten-year-old, I remember going out with my oldies and watchi...ng them clear the land, burn it. I became a fire fighter in my adult years, before [moving towards] what is now termed cultural burning. Understanding and respecting fire, in our cultural way, is about knowing all of the elements of fire its natural force and its natural beauty. The right fire, in the right country, by the right people, is a very powerful, spiritual thing. - Oral McGuire, 2020. See here to read the interview published in Landscape Australia: https://landscapeaustralia.com//cultivating-connections-o/ Image: Direct seeding of the land at Avondale Park as part of the broader regeneration strategy. GA Photos. . . . . #universitywa #uwadesign #uwalandscapearchitecture #uwadesignstaff #culturalburning #traditionalknowledge See more
19.01.2022 Open House Perth is back and Dr Julian Bolleter (AUDRC Australian Urban Design Research Centre) will speak at the first instalment of their three-part live-streamed speaker series, 'What if?' The event series invites designers and academics to speak about significant unbuilt projects in Perth that demonstrate the potential of our city. The events will be live-streamed from local venues throughout the city. Event details below. Wed. 14 October 2020... 5:30 pm 8:00 pm AWST (Screening time) King Somm Wine Bar and Store (Live stream location) 13 King William Street Bayswater, WA 6053 Get your tickets via the event page below.
16.01.2022 Winter Collective 2020 ANNA BABRIECKI ‘Strange destinations’... for ARTF1054 Drawing Foundations coordinated by Andy Quilty assisted by Jo Darvall ‘Remember here when you are there. An experimental exploration of a series of bizarre dreams that I’ve had over the last four years, presented in the form of short animated sequences. My dreams tend to be colourful and intense and sometimes disturbing, with the occasional recurring plotline or character, and although I’ve been keeping a journal of the most notable of these dreams for the last four years, I’ve never really put much effort into trying to translate them into a visual form. The idea of dreams as an expression of someone’s subconscious/truest self is a concept that I find very interesting which is how my project’s theme of producing a self-portrait by means of visualizing my dreams (some of which have very personal meanings and context) became the central part of this work.’ - Anna Babriecki, 2020 Image: Anna Babriecki. Strange destinations. Digital animation. 2020 UWA Fine Arts & History of Art See full Winter Collective 2020 catalogue here: https://issuu.com/uwaschoolofdesi//winter_collective_6_oct . . . . #uwadesign #wintercollective2020 #uwafinearts #uwadrawing #universitywa youtube.com/watch?v=mbNExEALDYM
15.01.2022 UWA School of Design Summer Exhibition 2020 Showcasing work from the creative fields of Architecture, Fine Arts, Landscape Architecture, Urban Design, History of Art and BIM. Opening night, Thursday 19 November, 6pm to 8:15pm... Exhibition continues until 29 January 2021 On Opening Night this year you will need to make a booking to view the indoor exhibition spaces. There are two viewing sessions available and each session is one hour. You will have plenty of time to see all the amazing student work on display. Please join us at the external courtyard, either before or after your viewing session, for refreshments and to celebrate the wonderful work of our students. Opening Night Schedule: Session One - 6pm to 7pm Exhibition Opening Speech by the Dean/Head of School Dr Kate Hislop - 7pm Session Two 7:15pm to 8:15pm Booking link: https://www.trybooking.com/BMUDO UWA Fine Arts & History of Art AUDRC Australian Urban Design Research Centre UWA Design HUB The ALVA Student Society . . . . #universitywa #uwadesign #uwaarchitecture #uwafinearts #uwalandscapearchitecture #uwaurbandesign #uwahistoryofart #uwaBIM #uwaexhibition #audrc #uwastudents #uwadesignstudents See more
15.01.2022 We have opened extra booking for our UWA School of Design Summer Exhibition 2020 tonight! If you didn’t manage to book a session yet please follow the link to book for one of the two available sessions: https://www.trybooking.com/BMUDO... Refreshments will be on sale, please purchase a token in the courtyard area. Beer and wine - $5 Sausage in a bun - $2 EFTPOS will be available. UWA Fine Arts & History of Art The University of Western Australia UWA Design HUB The ALVA Student Society AUDRC Australian Urban Design Research Centre . . . . #universitywa #uwadesign #uwaarchitecture #uwafinearts #uwalandscapearchitecture #uwaurbandesign #uwahistoryofart #uwaBIM #uwaexhibition #audrc #uwastudents #uwadesignstudents See more
13.01.2022 UWA Architecture grad Natalie Busch shows us how she's helping shape Perth and helping to get more women into the construction industry.
12.01.2022 Thank you to everyone that came down to the UWA School of Design Summer Exhibition Opening last night! If you couldn’t make it last night the exhibition runs weekdays until 29 January 2021. Congratulations to all of our students and staff on the amazing work on display!... UWA Fine Arts & History of Art The University of Western Australia UWA Design HUB The ALVA Student Society AUDRC Australian Urban Design Research Centre . . . . #universitywa #uwadesign #uwaarchitecture #uwafinearts #uwalandscapearchitecture #uwaurbandesign #uwahistoryofart #uwaBIM #uwaexhibition #audrc #uwastudents #uwadesignstudents See more
12.01.2022 The 37th Annual Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand - Sahanz 2020 - 'History's Futures' - commences on the 18th November 2020 with a public lecture by Tim Winter. ‘Reimagining the past through the sea: the unfolding futures of architectural history and heritage’ With Tim Winter... Chaired by Nigel Westbrook Wednesday 18 November 2.00pm AWST Hew Roberts Lecture Theatre, UWA Nedlands Campus, and via ZOOM (Check website https://www.sahanz2020.com/conference-programme for Zoom details from Monday 16 November) RSVP essential for in-person attendance to [email protected] ‘What if we were able to rethink the typologies, chronologies, and geographies of architectural histories? What if we fundamentally rethought conventional ideas about centre and periphery in the flows of culture, expertise and technology? And what if we upended the relationship between architecture, land and the nation in the politics of heritage? Could such questions help us rethink the ways in which architecture histories and heritage are taught and conceptualised? This presentation poses such questions against the backdrop of fast changing geopolitical developments in our region. It does so by jumping in the water. It considers what happens when we turn to oceans and seas to understand architectural pasts and their heritage discourses today. Strategic and commercial forces are driving funds and interest in the maritime across Eurasia and Africa. Such developments pose fascinating questions about the future of architectural histories and the place they might find in today’s shifting tides of connectivity.’ Tim Winter is an Australian Research Council Professorial Future Fellow at the University of Western Australia. He is the former President of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies and has conducted research across a number of countries, primarily in Asia. An interdisciplinary scholar, his work addresses how the past comes to be mobilized in the present for political and economic purposes. Full Conference Programme: https://www.sahanz2020.com/conference-programme #sahanz2020
10.01.2022 Congratulations to UWA School of Design Adjunct Professor Patrick Beale and team from ATC Studio and iredale pedersen hook architects for winning the ‘Commendation for Sustainable Architecture’ at the 2020 National Architecture Awards. From The Australian Institute of Architects: Commendation for Sustainable Architecture - 2020 National Architecture Awards... Pingelly Recreation and Cultural Centre // iredale pedersen hook architects with Advanced Timber Concepts Studio // WA // Traditional Land Owners: Noongar people of the Gnaala Karla Boodja Region // Peter Bennetts Jury citation: In addition to being a beautifully designed sports facility with a generous disposition, the much-loved Pingelly Recreation and Cultural Centre uses innovative sustainable timber design solutions for low environmental impact and high aesthetic value. One thousand tonnes of local plantation yellow stringybark was harvested, milled and used as cladding and flooring, jarrah was salvaged from the original sports hall, and all other timbers were from sustainable sources. An ingenious structural design using certified engineered timber and offsite prefabrication resulted in the reduced consumption of precious resources. Natural ventilation and fans cool the sports hall, limiting conditioned spaces to the function centre, gymnasium and club rooms. A high level of shading is applied to all glazing, and daylight augments lighting to the sports hall and other spaces. The oversized external timber cladding has been sealed with natural oil; however, it is intended to weather to silver-grey over time. . . . . #universitywa #uwadesign #uwadesignstaff #AustralianInstituteofArchitects #NatAwards20 #australianarchitecture #architecture #architectureawards Australian Institute of Architects (WA Chapter) See more
10.01.2022 Congratulations to UWA School of Design lecturer Craig McCormack for receiving a ‘UWA Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning’ at the 2020 UWA Awards for Excellence in Teaching last week. Craig is a lecturer and researcher exploring architecture in outer space. He is currently finalising his PhD thesis concerning the possibility of architecture in outer space. My research is concerned with testing the limits of architecture. I believe that this i...s a very important conversation to be having as people deserve well-designed environments no matter where they are living; even in outer space. Craig has previously received a prestigious Fulbright Western Australian Postgraduate Scholarship to carry out research at the Sasakawa International Center for Space Architecture - SICSA and has also studied in the UK (with a background in music and art before moving into architecture). He enjoys being part of UWA's School of Design. Our school community is very strong. It benefits from being a cohesion of art, architecture, and landscape architecture schools all in the one building, which creates a vibrant atmosphere. . . . . #universitywa #uwadesign #uwaarchitecture #uwadesignstaff #uwateachingawards See more
05.01.2022 Thanks to the generosity of our donors, the UWA School of Design has the following scholarships available for Semester 1, 2021: ‘Arcadia Indigenous Landscape Architecture Scholarship’ Scholarship to assist and encourage a high-achieving Indigenous Australian to commence and pursue studies in Landscape Architecture at the University. Value: $20,000... ‘Centenary Trust for Women Jean Brodie-Hall Scholarship’ Scholarship to encourage and assist a female student undertaking a master’s degree by coursework relating to landscape design, water management, native flora and fauna, natural resource management, or building and landscape engineering. Value: $10,000 ‘Taylor Robinson Chaney Broderick Scholarship’ Scholarship to encourage and assist a high-achieving architecture student to pursue a Master of Architecture at the University. Value: $5,000 ‘WA Women’s Society of Fine Arts and Crafts Scholarship in Design’ Scholarship to assist and encourage a high-achieving, eligible female student to commence and pursue a Bachelor of Arts with a degree-specific major offered by the Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Education through the School of Design, and subsequently undertake a master’s degree by coursework offered through the School of Design. Value: $25,000 Applications close 1st November 2020. More info at www.design.uwa.edu.au. UWA Fine Arts & History of Art . . . . #univeristywa #uwadesign #uwadesignstudents #uwaarchitecture #uwafinearts #uwalandscapearchitecture #uwahistoryofart #uwascholarships #uwastudents See more
04.01.2022 Join us this Friday 9 October at 5pm for a 5.30pm start to celebrate 75 years of diplomatic relations - Brazil & Australia through Design. 75 minutes of Brazilian Architecture, Cinema, Landscape Architecture, Photography, Product Design & Urban Design by 10 Brazilian professionals from the Creative Arts Industries. Aline Frey... Andrea Eichenberger & Cristianne Rodrigues Bruno Oro Greice Portal & Rodrigo Salvati Olivia Duncan & Augusto Cesar Aneas Raquel Tardin Rosangela Tenorio Register via: https://www.trybooking.com/BLWBV . . . . #universitwa #uwadesign #brazil #australia #design #architecture #landscapearchitecture #photography #productdesign #urbandesign See more
03.01.2022 Congratulations to Associate Professor Fer Jerez and his team at SMAR. who are among the three finalists in an international competition to create an architectural landmark for Silicon Valley with their design ‘Breeze of Innovation’. They were selected from 963 entrants globally. The winner will be announced in early 2021. .... . . . #universitwa #uwadesign #uwadesignstaff #uwaarchitecture #competition #siliconvalley See more
01.01.2022 Winter Collective 2020 JIAYING FU ‘Khlong Toei Village’... for ARCT5201 Detailed Design Studio ‘Plastic Fantastic 3.0’ coordinated by Lara Camilla Pinho & Dr Mark Sawyer ‘Khlong Toei is a fast-developing district in the heart of the busy Bangkok city. The district is important for its port, Khlong Toei Port, the only major port for sea transportation of cargo. Due to the huge scale of Khlong Toei slum, the site of the project is limited at the intersection of the Hua Lamphong Canal and the interchange runs above. The canal and the interchange create the interesting in-between space for people in the slum. Informal settlements are built alongside the canal, slightly lifted from the water to avoid flooding during the rainy season. Inspired by the existing environment of the site, I promote the social house which provides better living conditions and more public space for people to gather. Housing is raised leaving the ground floor open to the public yet covered by the upper floor, mimicking the area under the interchange. Due to its openness, different activities can be incorporated on the ground floor. During the flood season, the ground floor can be emptied so that flooding doesn’t damage property. The main living area is elevated, preventing the flood’s impact on people’s life here. The house is strictly modular. Three single houses form one cluster, sharing one platform that allows people to move from house to house on the upper floor. The outdoor kitchen is built on the platform so that the smoke won’t be trapped in the house. Built using local materials, the house is cheap and easy to build. The houses are designed to be modular so that two houses next to each other can be easily transform into one larger house if the household has more people.’ - Jiaying Fu, 2020. See full Winter Collective 2020 catalogue here: https://issuu.com/uwaschoolofdesi//winter_collective_6_oct . . . . #uwadesign #wintercollective2020 #uwaarchitecture #plasticwaste #uwasocialimpactdesign #universitywa
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