VALID in Richmond, Victoria | Disability service
Locality: Richmond, Victoria
Phone: +61 3 9416 4003
Address: 130 Cremorne St 3121 Richmond, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 Last week the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability held a public hearing into impacts of COVID-19 on people with a disability. You can watch the recording here
25.01.2022 There have been updates to restrictions that come into effect from 11:59pm today, 8 November. Please read the Premier’s statement: As restrictions ease, we need to remember to wear a mask, wash our hands, and maintain physical distance. Get advice on protecting yourself, your family and your community: #COVID19Vic
24.01.2022 The virus poses a particular risk to people with disability. For some it is because their disability or health condition leaves them more vulnerable to illness even death. Others are completely reliant on disability support every single day. Support to get out of bed, to shower or to eat. As a result, they cant self-isolate or socially distance. For some it is both of those things combined.
23.01.2022 The Disability Support Pension (DSP) can be tricky to access and understand. The DSP Help website is a free resource for DSP applicants and their support workers. The website guides you through the application process.
23.01.2022 Council for Intellectual Disability has developed a Easy Read Information Guide about friendship. It will help you: Understand why friends are important Know who is a good friend Find out how to meet new friends... Be a good friend You can download the guide below
21.01.2022 The Australian Human Rights Commissioner, Edward Santow, has given a warning to the government about NDIS Independent Assessments: "Our concerns about the use of AI in decision-making, especially in really important decision-making -- I'm very conscious that in the move towards the use of independent assessments in the NDIA that there is a risk that some of the mistakes that were made with regard to robo-debt could be made again in this context." "We have to learn the les...sons from robo-debt and that in turn means we have to make sure that whenever AI is used, especially when it is used by government, it must be fair, it must be accurate, and it must be accountable." "I think some of the concerns that have been expressed in public about the use of an algorithm in the independent assessment process for the NDIS is that some of those elements, fairness, accuracy, and accountability, could well be compromised." "Accountability is also crucially important -- whatever decision is made, for example in the independent assessment area, it must be accountable." "People must understand the reasons for their assessment and they must be able to challenge that decision if they think that the decision is wrong or if it is unfair, especially if it is unlawful." You can read more here: If you want to let the government know what you think about the NDIA's plans for compulsory assessments, contact the Minister for the NDIS and tell her why via the link below.
21.01.2022 The VALID Self Advocacy Network had their meeting online this week. Over 50 people attended the event and the Victorian Electoral Commission talked about the upcoming postal election. You can find out more about the election here You can find out more about the Self Advocacy Network here
20.01.2022 You have spent the last week telling us about your concerns about the introduction of independent assessments. Turns out you are not alone. The Administrative A...ppeals Tribunal shares them. The AAT has just handed down a ruling which has shattered the credibility of an independent assessment. Mrs Ray applied for access to the NDIS. She had multiple reports from professionals collected over many years. Her application was rejected. So the NDIA paid for an assessment by an Occupational Therapist who visited her home once and did an assessment over three hours. The AAT found that the reports of her treating professionals were much more accurate and much more reliable than the single assessment paid for by the NDIS. The case was run by Naomi Anderson from Villamanta Legal Service in Geelong. The NDIAs current stance that treating health professionals are somehow biased in their reporting is disrespectful of the professional obligations of such individuals said Ms Anderson. It is absurd to suggest that a stranger without appropriate qualifications can assess a person with complex disability in three hours and come to relevant and credible conclusions. We fear this will simply create a massive stream, of applications to the AAT, with thousands of distressed and unsupported people in its wake. You can read the media release from Villamanta here - You can read the full case here - (Image description: The front of a door at the Administrative Appeals Tribunal. The sign reads "Administrative Appeals Tribunal Room 4.06".)
20.01.2022 At the very beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic, the Families as Planning NDIS training took their four day workshop offline and took it online.One couple took part in the free online training and now feel like they can navigate the NDIS stress free. You can read the mothers letter here
19.01.2022 Inclusion Australia - National Council on Intellectual Disability has launched a new website that on employment. Have a look: It has lots of information about finding and keeping a job in open employment They are also running free online workshops! The first workshop is next Monday 9 November Learn more and register here:
19.01.2022 VALID and Palliative Care Victoria have developed Easy Read resources to help people with disability understand loss. VALID staff member, Greg, has shared his story of losing his dog, Gizmo, to help people with intellectual disabilities cope with grief.
18.01.2022 The Disability Royal Commission is meeting again this week for a Public Hearing starting today. The Hearing will be talking about medications and behaviours of concern. Dariane McLean, an advocate at VALID, will be speaking on Thursday morning. If you want to watch live, follow this link: Some of the information shared this week will be upsetting. If you need support, the Disability Royal Commission have set up a phone line you can call at the National Counselling & Referral Service, phone 1800 421 468. You can also call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or visit
18.01.2022 We received some wonderfully creative pieces in August for our Stories from Home project. In this series our writers were asked to submit 3 to 5 50 word stories based on the prompt below. Here is what we received. Thanks again to all our talented contributors!!
18.01.2022 The VALID Performing Arts Peer Action Group is back on TODAY at 10am! Melissa Slaviero, Clem Baade and Nilgün Guven from FOG Theatre will be answering your questions. and sharing tips and their experiences. If you are interested in performing and spending time with like-minded people, then this group is for you! Find out more about the event on our website
17.01.2022 Inclusion Australia - National Council on Intellectual Disability has put together a lot of evidence about how people with intellectual disabilities find and keep work in open employment. Together with Centre for Social Impact Swinburne they wrote a report and you can find the report here
17.01.2022 VALID is excited to hear how valued Victoria Legal Aid Independent Family Advocacy Service (IFAS) is by the people who matter most - their clients. IFAS do really important advocacy for parents and carers involved with the child protection system in Victoria. IFAS prioritise Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander people, and people with intellectual disability. They work really hard to make sure people's rights are upheld, that people are listened to, and that they have the best chance to stay out of court. VALID congratulates IFAS on their great work.
17.01.2022 During the lockdown an online film project was initiated between the VALID Banyule Darebin Peer Action Group, Jika Jika Community Centre and Watsonia Neighbourhood House. The project invited people to come together on Zoom and talk about the 1 hour walk we were allowed to do and to take a photograph of their favourite spot on that walk which was then used to inspire a conversation about what we love about the places in our community that are special to us. VALID’s resident filmmaker, David Hansen then turned our Zoom conversations and our photographs into the Travels in a Lockdown World film which premiered at the Banyule/Darebin Peer Action Group Fantastic Flicks event on the 2nd of December as part of our International Day of People with a Disability celebrations. You can watch the film here
16.01.2022 Recently, Monica took part in VALID’s online Keys to Success training and found the course empowering and informative. The course helped Monica find the confidence to talk to her parents and take charge of her own life. Read how the course empowered Monica to speak up.
16.01.2022 VALID ran a two day online event - the We Can't Be Beaten conference. The Community Development team put together a video showcasing the work they have achieved over the last 12 months. Despite four lockdowns they proved they could not be beaten!
14.01.2022 In the recent the decision of Ray and National Disability Insurance Agency, the AAT has commented on the NDIAs use of an independent assessor, stating this type of therapist is not appropriately qualified and that the assessors understanding was mistaken. Click below for further information from Villamanta Disability Rights Legal Service
14.01.2022 INCLUSION INTERNATIONAL is running a a Virtual Summit on the Families Taking Action for Inclusion Programme on December 8th in two different timezones. Join family leaders from around the world to talk about inspiring a vision for inclusion; a vision that clearly identifies a family member’s rightful place in the world. You can find out more about the event here:
13.01.2022 Happy Tuesday, everyone! There are still spots available for our online NDIS workshops in November and December. Some of the topics covered are: Intro to Self-Management: Is self management for you? Learn the tips on how to ‘self-manage’ your NDIS package... Getting effective Support from your NDIS package How to work with NDIS and service providers and workers. Find out more and register here
13.01.2022 CEO OPEN LETTER VALID advises of its withdrawal from any further consultation processes on NDIS independent assessments. Instead, we will be working with our members and advocacy allies to actively campaign against independent assessments to ensure that the NDIS we have in the future is the one we fought so hard for. Stay tuned!
12.01.2022 Happy Friday, everyone! The work we did this year on the Employment Project gave us a chance to try new ways of working together and supporting each other. Earlier this year, we talked with people with intellectual disability who work in open employment and employers about ways to support people well at work. Find out what people said here:
12.01.2022 The Disability Royal Commission is holding more hearings today. This week's hearings are looking at the use of drugs to control the behaviour of people with dis...ability. They are also looking at "behaviours of concern" - sometimes called challenging behaviours. This is likely to be yet another very upsetting week with some very disturbing stories and testimony by people with disability and their families. If you find yourself struggling please reach out for help - there are some numbers pinned to the top of this page which you might find helpful. If you would like to read more about the hearings or see the witness list for this week you can find it here - And you can watch the live stream of the hearings on the Royal Commission's website - The hearings start at 10am today. Please look after yourselves (Image description: A photo from the last Disability Royal Commission hearings. Two Commissioners can be seen sitting at a podium at the front of the room. They have microphones in front of them. In front of the podium are rows of desks with computers sitting on them. Two people are sitting at the desks - they face the camera with their backs to the Commissioners. One is wearing headphones. Another woman stands in front of the Commissioners. She is facing them with her back to the camera. She is wearing a black and white dress with large flowers on it. She is looking off to the side.)
11.01.2022 Professor Christine Bigby is the Director of the Living with Disability Research Centre at La Trobe University. She is taking part in a world-wide study about the impact of COVID-19 on people with an intellectual disability. She has put together a study and would love to hear from you. You can find the survey here:
11.01.2022 The Victorian Government has made new rules for people that live on their own. These rules are about the single social bubble. From Monday 14th September you can choose one person to be in your single social bubble if you: live on your own are a single parent, with children under 18 years old... You. can find out more about the rules in these pictures or by clicking on this link See more
11.01.2022 When it comes to COVID-19 and people with a disability, it may be necessary to treat people with disability differently in order to ensure that they enjoy their human rights, including the right to health, on an equal basis with other people. The Australian Human Rights Commission have put together guidelines to make sure that people with a disability are treated with respect and dignity. You can find the guidelines here
11.01.2022 "The rushed Liberal plan to make 400,000 Australians audition before a panel of strangers to get on or stay on the NDIS has already angered people with disability," [Labor's NDIS spokesman Bill Shorten] said. "And now the proposed system of 'independent assessments' has been revealed as only having sham consultation."
10.01.2022 More news for Victoria! The Victorian government have announced the creation of a joint taskforce to oversee the management of COVID19 outbreaks in disability residential services. This joint taskforce will include both Victorian and Commonwealth officials such as the NDIA and the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission. ... The Victorian government is also working with disability service providers to try and limit the movement of workers across multiple sites. So they have established a fund to pay workers who miss out on work as a result. More details to come.
10.01.2022 If you are feeling unwell and would like to get tested for COVID-19 you can go to the below link to find your nearest testing spot. Also, check out our Easy Read rwsource to see if you have any symptoms
10.01.2022 Call for Expressions of Interest (EOI) from people with disability and disability groups who wish to present or perform at the Having a Say Conference 2021 is now OPEN. This is the conference where people listen to each other, not just to the speakers on stage. This is the conference where people respect each other’s views and opinions and celebrate their common cause. Don't forget, the theme for the conference is - You're my bestfriend. ... Get creative and send the form
09.01.2022 "We shouldn't be sealing any child's fate before it is born, about whether it should be removed or not, before an adequate assessment...And we should not be denying a child's basic human rights to live with a parent." - Children's law advocate and human rights lawyer, Neisha Shepherd VALID's advocacy team often work with people who are at risk of having their newborn baby taken from them. This happens before the parent has had a chance to show that they can be a great parent.
09.01.2022 Statement from VALID CEO Kevin Stone AM VALID is deeply concerned that people with intellectual disabilities will be much worse off if the NDIA goes ahead with its plans for compulsory Independent Assessments. The information the NDIA has released so far tells us that there is a lack of evidence that Independent Assessments will produce the outcomes that NDIA wants, and that people will be put at serious risk if it fails. We know that this approach has not been properly trial...led with people with intellectual disabilities who have complex support needs. Also, that the assessment tools the NDIA has chosen are not likely to give information that is a true reflection of the wishes and needs of a person with intellectual disability. Experts tell us that people with intellectual disability typically need a sustained, multi-disciplinary approach to put together a reliable, ethical, evidence-based assessment of need. Unless the NDIAs proposed Independent Assessments have been proven effective for people with intellectual disability, they cannot go ahead in any way. We know that Independent Assessments rely on interviewing the participant, as well as speaking with people who know the person well (informants). We dont know yet how the NDIA will decide whether a participant can accurately report their wishes and needs, how families will be involved, who the right informants should be, how conflicts of interest will be managed where services are the only available informant, the role of independent advocacy and supported decision-making and much more. These questions must be properly resolved before Independent Assessments are operating. Inclusion Australia, with VALIDs support, worked hard to show the NDIA that people with complex support needs had to have a different approach to planning. The standard pathway didnt work for some people - thats why the NDIA has a Complex Support Needs Branch now. Independent Assessments is just one more initiative that hasnt been tested or endorsed by the participants who use the NDIS the most. We dont want one more parallel system we want a system that works for everyone. The NDIA must hold people with the most complex support needs at the heart of the design of any new initiative. This means co-designing with people with intellectual disabilities, their families and advocates people with intellectual disability with communication support needs, people with behaviours of concern, people formerly institutionalised, and people who have no family or friends they can rely on. We are talking to the NDIA at every level, and working with Inclusion Australia and other advocacy organisations, to speak up about the problems with Independent Assessments. We will keep raising your questions too, and keep you updated about what we find out.
09.01.2022 Happy Friday, everyone! The next online VALID Self Advocacy Network Meeting is on Tuesday 8 September... 10:30am 11:45 am on Zoom. We will have people from the VEC as guest speakers to talk about Voting. If youd like to join this meeting, please email [email protected] or [email protected] for the link.
09.01.2022 You are invited to attend the 2020 Dulcie Stone Writers Award Ceremony where our winners will be announced, and all writers will be presented with certificates. Our winners will also read selections from their work. So, come along and join us on zoom to celebrate the work of the 2020 Dulcie Stone Writers Competition entrants! The event is on Thursday 12 November at 10am
08.01.2022 The VALID Performing Arts Peer Action Group is back on Friday 28 August for 10 at 10. Melissa Slaviero, Clem Baade and Nilgün Guven from FOG Theatre will be answering your questions. and sharing tips and their experiences. If you are interested in performing and spending time with like-minded people, then this group is for you! Find out more about the event on our website
08.01.2022 Women with Disabilities Victoria are hosting an event to mark 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence and celebrate International Day of People with Disabilities. The event is on Thursday 3 December at 10am on Zoom. You can register here
07.01.2022 Some of the information shared this week during the Disability Royal Commission may be upsetting. If you need support, the Disability Royal Commission have set up a phone line you can call at the National Counselling & Referral Service, phone 1800 421 468. You can also call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or visit
07.01.2022 Congratulations to artists Emily Crockford and Digby Webster for being selected as finalists for this years Archibald Prize. Its great to see a diverse select...ion of finalists including artists with disability being represented for their great artistic works. We wish both Emily and Digby best of luck in their art practise going forward. #EmilyCrookford #DigbyWebster #2020ArchibaldPrizeFinalists #ArtistsWithDisability Image description: An image of two paintings and the headshot of two artists with disability. On the top left is a painting of the head of a man with black hair with a young girl with blonde hair wearing a red top on his shoulders with colourful leaves surrounding them both behind a pink background. On the bottom left is a painting of two people, one has a beard, long hair a colourful top with a sky-blue background and the other person has short brown hair, a brown top with blue lines around his eyes and sky-blue background. On the top right is a woman with down syndrome with blonde hair who is wearing glasses, a colourful top and is smiling with a colourful painting behind her. On the bottom right is a man with down syndrome and dark brown hair, wearing a black top and has a black and white striped painting behind him.
07.01.2022 Do you know that there are new Transport price guide items? Many people struggle with funding for transport. Did you know that the NDIS has changed the way transport is funded for a range of activities? Join one of our remaining (some have come and gone) workshops and learn about this and more. ... Note: transport will not be covered in the community connections ‘Circles of Support Intro’ workshop but in all the others. See more
07.01.2022 The Royal Commission intake line is open for 2021. You can call us on 1800 517 199 from 9:00am to 6:00pm AEDT Monday to Friday. You can also email us at [email protected]. #DisabilityRC
07.01.2022 Hey everyone, it's time to get NDIS savvy. Registrations for Families as Planning Partners Online Course are now open for October! This course is conducted by parents with personal experience of the NDIS, The course is for families who want to understand and use the NDIS as an opportunity to build a Good Life for their family member. This is essential learning for all families whether they have an NDIS Plan yet or not.... You can find out more here:
06.01.2022 Some breaking news about new NDIS assessments ... The Joint Standing Committee on the NDIS have just announced they WILL conduct an inquiry into the use of ind...ependent assessments in the NDIS. The inquiry will look into: the development, modelling, reasons and justifications for the introduction of independent assessments into the NDIS; the impact of similar policies in other jurisdictions and in the provision of other government services; the human and financial resources needed to effectively implement independent assessments; the independence, qualifications, training, expertise and quality assurance of assessors; the appropriateness of the assessment tools selected for use in independent assessments to determine plan funding; the implications of independent assessments for access to and eligibility for the NDIS; the implications of independent assessments for NDIS planning, including decisions related to funding reasonable and necessary supports; the circumstances in which a person may not be required to complete an independent assessment; opportunities to review or challenge the outcomes of independent assessments; the appropriateness of independent assessments for particular cohorts of people with disability, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, people from regional, rural and remote areas, and people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds; the appropriateness of independent assessments for people with particular disability types, including psychosocial disability; and any other related matters The inquiry is now open and will close on March 31. Anyone can make a submission to the inquiry. It doesn't have to be long or formal - a letter or an email will do the trick. We will also be making a submission - we will tell you how you get can get involved really soon. So stay tuned. If you are worried about what these assessments will mean for you or your family member here is an important chance to have your say. Now is the time to speak up. And please share and help us spread the word. It is important that the committee hears from as many people as possible. You can read about the inquiry here - #NDIS #NDISMakeItWork (Image description: A red rectangle with the words "Breaking News" in white capital letters. Underneath the words you can see the Every Australian Counts logo and the words "NDIS: Make It Work)
06.01.2022 VALID congratulates Dariane McLean for giving evidence this morning at the Disabilty Royal Commission this morning. Check out Hayden McLean's art here:
05.01.2022 Hi everyone! Local council elections will be held in Victoria by post in October 2020. Voters in each council will receive a ballot pack in early October. To vote, you must be correctly enrolled before 4 pm on Friday 28 August - this Friday. Find out how to register here If you need help you can get in touch with Anthony or Sara at [email protected] or [email protected]. You can also find out more here
05.01.2022 Are you ready to make your home COVIDSafe? Set up a sanitation station with: > Fresh masks > Hand sanitiser > Disinfectant & a cloth (or wipes) to clean phones, keys & wallets ... > A container for used face coverings The Department of Heath and Human Services have put together a resource to help you make your house COVID Safe. You can find the resources here
04.01.2022 Are you getting the best out of your NDIS funding? There are spots available for our online Families as Planning Partners NDIS Course in February and March 2021. Some of the topics covered are: Intro to Self-Management: Is self management for you? Learn the tips on how to ‘self-manage’ your NDIS package... Getting effective Support from your NDIS package How to work with NDIS and service providers and workers. Find out more and register here For assistance with payment, NDIS claims or more information contact: Maree Hewitt T: 0409 965 264 E: [email protected]
04.01.2022 Some news for all our regional Victorian peeps ... The Premier of Victoria Dan Andrews has announced that regional Victoria will move to the next step of the ro...admap out of lockdowns. This means things are opening up a bit more - but with plenty of rules. From 11.59pm on Wednesday September 16 in regional Victoria: You can leave home for any reason. You can travel and stay anywhere around regional Victoria, but you cant travel into Metro Melbourne until restriction levels are the same. You can create a household bubble with one other household. Five people from this bubble can visit you at home and vice versa. The household bubble you choose must stay the same - you cant switch between other households. And neither household bubble can be a part of any other household bubble. Share houses can only have one other household in their household bubble. You can meet up with other people outside in groups of up to 10 people. Continue to work from home if you can. Cafes and restaurants will be able to offer (mostly) outdoor seating - with groups limited to 10, and a two-hour time limit. All retail can open up again. Face coverings must be worn the whole time at hairdressers and beauty salons. Real estate agents can hold private inspections by appointment only, and auctions outdoors with limits to how many can attend. Outdoor junior sports will be allowed for both contact and non-contact sports. But adults can only play non-contact sports. And there will be density limits. Other outdoor fitness groups can gather in groups of up to 10. Weddings with up to 10 people including the couple, two witnesses and a celebrant will be allowed. Funerals with up to 20 people will be allowed. Infants and people running the funeral are not included in the limit. The Victorian government says Victoria can move to the last step from November 23 - if there no new cases in the entire state for 14 days. You can read all the details and find FAQs on the DHHS website - Or a summary via ABC - We will also update our website here - We know many people are really struggling at the moment. We are in Melbourne too and we really understand. So please look after yourselves and others. And if you need help - please reach out for it. There are some numbers pinned to the top of this page that you might find helpful. to all our Victorian peeps (Image description: A map of the state of Victoria in yellow. The area around Melbourne is shaded in red. There is an emoji wearing a mask sitting on top of it. The text reads 'New information: Coronavirus changes in Victoria" in white lettering)
04.01.2022 The Minister for Planning and Housing, Richard Wynne MP put out a media release yesterday about public housing. High rise public housing tenants at greatest risk from coronavirus will be offered private rental properties as part the Victorian Governments ongoing efforts to keep them safe and supported throughout the pandemic. You can read the full media release here
04.01.2022 A survey of 600 Australians with a disability and their carers has found half don't feel included in their community. However, VALID staff member, Mark Thompson has set his sights on making the community more accessibe and is making it happen by working with local council and local businesses You can read about his success in the lunk below.
03.01.2022 Don't miss your chance This week's Q+A is going to have a big focus on the NDIS and autism. Liberal Senator Hollie Hughes will be on the panel. She is one of ...the very few members of the Morrison government who's spoken out publicly against NDIS assessments. But when it comes down to it and the legislation hits parliament - how will she vote? Send your questions for the panel in to ABC and get the chance to be heard on live TV across the country. Your stories are powerful. Having your say on live TV could help us all get even more support from members of parliament and senators, as well as the public. We need to work hard to make our side heard over the top of the government spin. Let's tell Australia what's really going on. This is OUR NDIS. Submit your questions to Q&A at #NDIS #HandsOffOurNDIS #QandA (Image description: Every Australian Counts. Hands off our NDIS. Q+A, ABC TV. Live from Sydney. Thursday 8.30pm AEST. Big NDIS sticker over the top.)
03.01.2022 Tell them what you think!
02.01.2022 The NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commissioner, Mr Graeme Head AO, last week released the report from the independent review commissioned by the Commissioner in response to the tragic death of National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participant, Ms Ann-Marie Smith, in South Australia. You can watch the summary of the report here You can also read the media release from Stuart Robert MP here
02.01.2022 The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has released the Allied health capability framework: disability and complex support needs. The VALID self advocacy team provided consultation in the early stages of this DHHS project. The framework is designed to develop the skills and knowledge of allied health professionals to better provide high-quality, person-centred support for people with a disability. You can go to Disability services sector - coronavirus (COVID-19) on the DHHS Coronavirus website to find more information and resources on coronavirus for disability workers.
02.01.2022 The disability sector has been calling for more government intervention since March, warning the close proximity of group home settings and the complex needs of residents could create a time bomb. Finally, after a lot of hard work from the disability sector and advocacy organisations, State and Federal government are working together and putting money into disability residential services.
01.01.2022 The Office of the Public Advocate has developed an Easy Read Fact Sheet explaining how and why an administrator is appointed and emphasises that, where possible, the administrator should support a person to make their own decision
01.01.2022 Some good news for people with a disability in Victoria and NSW. Participants dont have to use their NDIS package to pay for PPE and masks. Your provider can go directly to NDIA and charge them.
01.01.2022 The VALID Self Advocacy team has put together Easy English resources about COVID-19, including the latest news regarding the lockdown. You can find our resources here
01.01.2022 Over the last 12 weeks VALID delivered the Staying Safe and Keys to Success Empowerment training online, with Knoxbrooke - Achieve. We worked together on ways to identify abuse and neglect and to feel safe at home, at work and in the community. We talked about ways to build confidence by knowing our rights and responsibilities and understanding ourselves more. Everyone interacted positively and worked hard to reflect on themselves and support one another along the way.... Feedback from participants was encouraging and constructive. What a wonderful and talented group of young adults and support staff! You can find out more about the Keys to Success and Staying Safe training here
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