Ellenbrook Bowls Club in Ellenbrook, Western Australia, Australia | Sports club
Ellenbrook Bowls Club
Locality: Ellenbrook, Western Australia, Australia
Phone: +61 8 6296 5580
Address: Address Cnr Maffina Pde & Cashman Ave 6069 Ellenbrook, WA, Australia
Likes: 2082
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25.01.2022 T O N I G H T F R O M 5 P M KITCHEN IS OPEN Our SPECIALS for tonight are : ... Homemade PASSIONFRUIT CHEESECAKE - 6.5 BEEF CURRY - 1.5 Spaces are filling up quickly for tonight Send a message to KAITIME on 0487895631 to reserve yourself a table. H A P P Y F R I D A Y E V E R Y B O D Y A L S O Open from 1000am this Sunday B L E D I S L O E C U P R O U N D 2 !! WALLABIES VS ALL BLACKS SERVING PIZZA, HOT DOGS HOT CHIPS for lunch!
25.01.2022 CHILLI MUSSELS NEXT FRIDAY I just wanna thank you all so much To all who come down for our first night in the kitchen. We hope you all enjoyed, an keep coming back ... We also had some really good feed back last night, truly appreciate it. I'm just happy you were all happy. CHILLI MUSSELS on the menu next Friday Thanks for the REQUEST from one of our customers Every Friday night we run the main menu an also a couple Specials, last night we had Home made Apple crumble. Next week let's do CHILLI MUSSSELS If you have anything you would like to see on the menu please don't hesitate to ask. 9 times out of ten we will chuck it on the menu for trial the following week an you never know it could end up on our menu permanently. SPECIALS Check out the Special board, an I'll be sure to upload our weekly specials on this page also. Christmas parties are around the corner For all BOOKINGS an FUNCTIONS message or call us on 0487895631 Hope you all have a awsome rest of your weekend KITCHEN will be open from 4 on Sunday also. Running the main menu Cheers guys The kaitime kitchen team
24.01.2022 C O M P E T I T I O N T I M E S H A R E S H A R E S H A RE Share this post to your friends an family get them to like our page an go in the draw to win x2 kids meals x 2 main meals. Let's all Get our page too 2000 likes if we go pass 2000 I'll add another voucher... SHARE SHARE SHARE just 50 more likes to our page G E T U S T O 2 0 0 0 S L I K E S if we go pass 2000 I'll ANNOUNCE a second W I N N E R share this post an invite your friends an family an win a meal FOR the Fams x2 K I D S meals x2 M A I N S Ill pick the winner this T H U R S D A Y. Please also head over to our Instagram @kaitime2020 give us a follow. 00 Aaaaand it's M O N D A Y again, I don't know how I feel about Mondays but atleast it's one day closer to friYAY open from 5 this Friday Come down an get yourself something delicious. Since you are all missing the M U S S E L S we will have them back on this F R I D A Y! C H I L L I M U S S E L S 1 5 B U R G E R & C H I P S 1 5 S T E A K C H I P S & S A L A D 2 0 C E A S A R S A L A D 1 0 B R U S C H E T TA 7 P A V L O V A 6 PLEASE also note. In order for us to keep our prices low please remember to return your empty dishes Kaitime2020 also just wanna say a big thank you to every single on of you who continue to show your support for us by coming down every week. You guys are the best . I N S T A G R A M - @kaitime2020 if you have Insta please share our page an give us a follow. I'll ANNOUNCE THE WINNER THIS T H U R S D A Y S H A R E T H I S P O S T T O W I N
21.01.2022 SPECIALS THIS WEEK Lamb shanks with mash potato Pavlova for dessert! Make sure to book your tables!!
21.01.2022 Don’t forget to swing us a message if you want to book a table!
21.01.2022 I M P O R T A N T M E S S A G E Kai time here Our P H O N E L I N E 0487895631 is down an not receiving messages or calls. So sorry about this I've only just realised. ... Please flick thru a message to this page or to 0408788230 to make a bookings. Thank you an see you all tonight
20.01.2022 Open from 5pm. Bring the fams down for a feed! BOOKINGS still available See you all tonight ... Please if you can head over to Instagram an give our kaitime page some love. @kaitime2020 S P E C I A L S A M E R I C A N H O T D O G & C H I P S C H O C O L A T E MO U S S E SALAD OF THE DAY - C E A S A R S A L A D - add chicken Happy Friday We hope you have all had a wonderful week. Cheers kaitime
19.01.2022 Happy Friday everyone and what a beautiful week it has been! The club will be open from 4pm today Jag the joker is now at $750 and will be drawn at 7pm along with our other raffles and membership draw! For everyone that got their hands on tickets for the quiz night on Saturday we’re looking forward to having you here! Don’t forget the bar will be open from 5pm with a 7pm start and it’s bring your own food for the night good luck to the teams!
19.01.2022 Please message Nerrida for tickets as there are limited places available.
18.01.2022 H A P P Y F R I D A Y E V E R Y B O D Y To make a booking message kaitime 0 4 8 7 8 9 5 6 3 1... S P E C I A L S CHICKEN SCHNITTY CHIPS n SALAD - $ 1 5 . 0 0 PAVLOVA - $6 . 0 0 BOOKINGS AVAILABLE KITCHEN OPEN FROM 5 SEE YOU ALL THERE
17.01.2022 It is with great sadness we share the news that our beloved member Jack Holmes has passed away. Our thoughts are with his family and friends through this tough time. There is a private funeral being held on Wednesday with an open wake at Valley Bowls club starting at 2:30pm. We ask you to not bring flowers as there will be a wishing well at the club
16.01.2022 Come and join us for a great New Years. Message if you would like tickets just $10 or get them from the club bar this evening.
16.01.2022 $20 Steak n mushroom sauce #Kaitime2020
15.01.2022 Come down this Friday and support our NEW CHEF! Can't wait to see you there.
15.01.2022 One more sleep till it's fridaaaaaaay
12.01.2022 Best thing about Thursday is that it’s almost Friday! See you all tomorrow
09.01.2022 H A P P Y F R I D A Y E V E R Y B O D Y Open from 5 pm tonight Few bookings still available, SEE YOU THERE
09.01.2022 New Year’s Eve at Ellenbrook Bowls Club!
08.01.2022 What a great day we had yesterday for our annual grand final event! Shout out to everyone that helped in setting up, organising and working the event, without you days like this wouldn't be possible
08.01.2022 Happy Monday everybody Friday specials C H I C K E N C A R B O N A R A - 17... you requested P A V L O V A again for dessert. So will make sure we have plenty. B O O K I N G S E S S E N T I A L on Sundays only. Hope you all have a good week. Cheers Kaitime
06.01.2022 Nothing like a good Sunday feed!
06.01.2022 C H I L L I M U S S E L S Friday from 5pm just $ 1 5 We were ment to change the special this week but everybody loved the MUSSELS and wants them back so here we go... Come down this Friday, for bookings call or msg Kaitime on 0 4 8 7 8 9 5 6 3 1
05.01.2022 Happy tuuuuesday For all bookings please use 0408788230 Friday specials... B B Q C H I C K E N S L I D E R S - 15 you requested B E R R Y C H E E S E C A K E - 6.5 B O O K I N G S E S S E N T I A L on Sundays only. OPEN F R I D A Y FROM 5 S U N D A Y FROM 4 bookings essential s u n d a y only Ellenbrook bowls club Thanks to Paul goodheart for leaving such a great review. We have voucher for you and will bring on Friday. Thank you so much we truly appreciate it. Hope you all have a awsome rest of your week. Kaitime
03.01.2022 Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there! The kitchen will be closed today but feel free to bring down a feed or snacks and enjoy a game of bowls, pool or darts with a few drinks from the bar!
03.01.2022 C O M P E T I T I O N T I M E L A M B C U R R Y C H I L L I M U S S E L S F R I D A Y... S H A R E A N D L I K E T H I S P O S T Share an like this post to your friends an family get them to like our page an go in the draw to win X2 MAIN MEAL if we go pass 100 I'll add another W I N N E R open from 5 this Friday Come down an get yourself a yummy Kai. Sorry to all who missed out on the B E E F C U R R Y last week, we never quite know how popular a special is going to be an u guys absolutely smashed it, B U T we are putting it on again this week double the amount so u don't miss out . AND! Since you are all missing the C H I L L I M U S S E L S we will have them back on this F R I D A Y too C H I L L I M U S S E L S 1 5 B E E F C U R R Y 1 5 C O U S C O U S S A L A D 1 0 S T E A K C H I P S & S A L A D 2 0 C H I C K E N P A R M I 1 7 B U R G E R & C H I P S 1 5 L A S A G N E & S A L A D 1 5 B R U S C H E T TA 7 P A V L O V A 6 PLEASE also note. In order for us to keep our prices low please remember to return your empty dishes Kaitime2020 also just wanna say a big thank you to every single on of you who continue to show your support, by coming down every week. You guys are the best . I N S T A G R A M - @kaitime2020 if you have Insta please share our page an give us a follow EVERY 100 LIKES ILL ADD ANOTHER WINNER S H A R E AN L I K E T H I S P O S T T O W I N Send a message to kaitime on 0 4 8 7 8 9 5 6 3 1 To make a booking and save yourself a spot. Spaces will fill up quickly. H a p p y t u e s d a y e v e r y b o d y, H o p e y o u a l l h a v e a a w s o m e r e s t o f y o u r w e e k
02.01.2022 BRUSCHETTA light snack $7 deeeeeeeelicious! ... #Kaitime
01.01.2022 Kitchen closed today
01.01.2022 NEW KITCHEN TEAM - NEW MENU! Head down this Friday to support our new kitchen team! The club will be open from 4pm and with jag the joker sitting at $850 you won’t want to miss your chance to win! Grab your tickets with every drink purchase 4-7pm! To book your tables for dinner please send a message to 0487895631 see you all there!
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