Valtality Naturopath Valeriya in St Kilda, Victoria | Alternative & holistic health service
Valtality Naturopath Valeriya
Locality: St Kilda, Victoria
Phone: +61 432 341 506
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25.01.2022 Another swift of Melbourne storm and hails has me hungry for warm foods and soft blankets. Are you feeling it? To satisfy the cravings and keep the figure in shape for spring fashion top up on nutrient dense foods like quinoa, legumes, sweet potato, a little bit of avocado, fish, kale, nettle tea. Hydration can often present as hunger so drinking warm water and herbal teas also helps with satiety and comfort. Luckily my comfort food is sweet potato so crunchy orange chips here I come What are you munching on?
23.01.2022 Vitamin D and allergies I’ve never had hayfever until the other day. My mind raced through the underlying causes why this year I experience mild sneezing and itchy eyes yet I still had to relieve the symptoms as fast as possible so I can keep doing what I love I chose liquid vitamin D supplementation (and zinc - I’ll talk about that on Saturday, stay tuned) to help me get rid of the annoying itchy nose and eyes and constant sneezing. I’ve established the dose at 2k ...IU per day and the very next day I was symptom free Among many benefits like enhancing the mood and improving bone density, vitamin D plays a role in immune system modulation. Low vitamin D levels throughout winter and into spring are partially responsible for the colds and flus, hayfever and other immune dysfunctions we experience during the colder months. We don’t store vitamin D in the body for long (one week max) and it is difficult to source from foods. So I choose quality liquid vitamin D and establish the dose individually depending on different parameters within the person I look for. What are your tricks to relieving the annoying itch and sneeze? See more
23.01.2022 Earthing ~ the process of absorbing earths free flowing electrons from its surface through the soles of ones feet. It’s fun, it’s soft and therapeutic. Here are some benefits if you need any more convincing: Decreases Inflammation... Improves Sleep, Pain Management, Stress Improves Immune System Speeds Healing and Recovery Improves Blood Sugar Regulation Protects the See more
23.01.2022 Warning of the gov. trickery!
23.01.2022 Of the 50 women studied, women who use oral contraceptive pills had a smaller hypothalamus the area of the brain that controls hormone production, mood, appetite, sex drive, heart rate, and sleep cycles.
22.01.2022 #Repost from @alex.myles 12:12 vibrates on a healing frequency - therefore, we may notice past wounds have been surfacing so they can be cleared and healed. We are going to be transcending the energy of the past ten years so we leave the decade feeling healthier, stronger, more empowered, resilient, ready for new beginnings and unafraid to let go of those familiar, but harmful and limiting, energies. We are about to enter an extremely intense 10-day energy portal, sta...rting on 12-12 and ending 21-12, that will cleanse debilitating toxins from our lives. This includes eliminating unhealthy habits, conditioned behaviours, outdated beliefs and irrational fear-based thoughts and feelings that diminish our energy and leave us feeling irritable, anxious and burnt-out. Any ties that energetically bind us to people or situations that are detrimental or limiting us in any way will be severed during this period and we will be free to walk away with compassion, forgiveness and total peace of mind. In particular, we will feel the urge to remove ourselves from the company of anyone that provokes arguments, shows aggression, is controlling, manipulative, deceptive, judgmental, overly critical or generally abusive. Basically, we will find that anything unhealthy absolutely has to be removed from our life or be totally revolutionized, whether it is relationship dynamics, careers, eating habits or overall lifestyle choices.
21.01.2022 Have you felt that way about someone? How did you learn to let go?
20.01.2022 Last minute treats I’ve spent months thinking about making healthy body scrubs in beautifully decorated reusable tins, where the packaging is as good as the product. Where the scrub leaves your skin as soft as a baby’s bottom, your nostrils are filled with natural aroma and the shelve is styled with a mini beauty decor. And after much doubt I finally made them last night I am not sure if this is something you like or need so please leave your feedback!... Cheer-up with Calendula is made using Himalayan salt, organic coconut oil, Calendula petals, grapefruit zest, therapeutic grade Champaca and Sage essential oils - leaving you feeling euphoric and energised. Decorated using Carnelian crystal chips and orchid flower Scrub with Lavender is made in a base of Himalayan salt and organic coconut oil with added Cornflower petals, and TG Lavender and Marjoram EO. ~ so calming and sensual. Decorated with Amethyst gem stones and lavender flower See more
20.01.2022 What is Naturopathy? Some think that it’s an old-fashioned hoax medicine where you drink litters of yuck herbal liquids or worse, swallow tablespoons of unknown powders in the hopes to feel better. The reality is these days natural medicine moves alongside science and latest technology to provide a simple approach to restoring your health. Indeed, it uses herbs and nutrients selected on an individual bases to treat the root cause of the health condition as well as provide...s symptomatic relief. However, it comes in convenient, easy to take forms of capsules, tablets, yummy powders or minimal amounts of herbal liquids (tinctures). The initial visit with a naturopath may take longer than a standard 10-minute visit with a GP, this is done so your practitioner has a full picture of your health and mind. You are listened to and heard. The best part is that during your appointments you learn about your body and are encouraged to ask questions about your health. As you learn, stick to your treatment plan and utilise the knowledge - your visits become shorter and less frequent. You eventually become your own expert in health. Fancy to share your experiences with GPs and natural practitioners? See more
20.01.2022 Had a lot to eat over the Christmas break?Bloating starts to show, maybe occasional skin breakouts, changes in mood? And you still have days of great food and good company ahead. What to do? Easy, I got you! Lavender is a great tummy/mood remedy . Traditionally lavender has been used in tea infusions to calm indigestion and bloating whilst working to relax the muscles and lift the mood. Yes, it has antidepressant properties! Have a sprinkle (1/4-1/2 teaspoon) of d...ried lavender flowers in your favourite cup of tea to calm your farm and become a happy panda . It can also be helpful during IBS flair ups, which are common during the festive seasons. Due to the nature of IBS, where overstimulated mental and emotional state limits the digestive fires , lavender is a good addition to the treatment of an upset belly and wired mind I’ll be in clinic through the holidays if you need me. Phone consults are available Happy holidays See more
17.01.2022 ~Passion Flower for Anxiety~ This lucid-looking flower has the power to calm the anxious mind. It’s chemical compounds are great at reducing irritability & restlessness, and have been traditionally used to assist with mild insomnia in nervous individuals. I use high doses of Passion Flower tincture to assist patients during the nicotine or alcohol withdrawals with AMAZING results. The treatment will often be in conjunction with other individually selected herbs and nutr...ients to suit a particular person. Some of my female patients also benefit from this herb’s actions on the body. Particularly, I find it to be a useful symptomatic relief in those with PMS and painful menstruations due to its spasmolytic action. ~Therapeutic doses of Passion Flower (Passiflora incarnata spp.) are a practitioner-only herbal remedy and may be assigned to you after a detailed consultation~ See more
17.01.2022 If you are still tempted..
16.01.2022 Make sure you are hydrated
15.01.2022 Integrative medicine - what is it? This is a somewhat new concept to our country that I stand at the forefront of. I blend the deep passion and understanding of the traditional natural way of healing the body with an appreciation of modern medicine, science and its achievements. It is rare these days to find a person who haven’t tried aspirin or Panadol, strepsils or is not on some lifelong medication, been through surgery and taken a round of antibiotics. The good news i...s that I’m that type of a practitioner who works with you and your doctor to give you the best chance at feeling wonderful, in and out. Most medication, even though necessary, has side effects and depletes your body of essential nutrients. Together we work to counter those challenges. And if you wish to find alternative ways to your medication we explore your options and communicate this to your doctor. See more
15.01.2022 Science continues to confirm what we have observed for decades. Latest study shows just 3 weeks of dietary change alleviates depression! Yes, the body is connec...ted to the mind :). And what was the diet? Very simple - increase intake of vegetables, fruit, wholegrains, protein (lean meat, poultry, eggs, tofu, legumes), unsweetened dairy, fish, nuts and seeds, olive oil and spices known for their neurological benefits (turmeric and cinnamon). And the improvements were seen within 3 weeks; medication for depression takes on average 6 weeks. See more
13.01.2022 Growth takes time Happy Friday guys
12.01.2022 For those who’ve recently lost a loved one, the holidays can seem more like something to survive than to enjoy.
12.01.2022 Nature is wise. It grows plants (most people call them weeds) to care for her habitants. For centuries herbalists noted the plants growing next to homes were a Nature’s way of communicating the events ahead and providing remedies for a person or an animal to handle that event. This year my neighbourhood is overtaken by Wild Lettuce . It grows through the pavements, next to raised beds, bins, everywhere. Could this be a Nature’s way of caring for the people and animals ...during the current devastating bushfires? I think so. Wild lettuce is a forgotten remedy for dry irritating cough but also is a good pain reliever and relaxant due to its opioid-like compounds. Antitussive (stops the cough) and analgesic properties are in much need right now to those suffering! So if you spot this plant, make a cup of herbal tea mixing a leaf or two of wild lettuce with other herbs like chamomile, thyme and peppermint . Stay safe. And contact me if you can’t identify the plants growing next to you or need stronger herbal support to recover from the smoke and fire. See more
12.01.2022 According to WHO, over 50% of the world population will be affected with allergies by 2025 . Allergic reaction is not an illness but an alarm button that flashes to signify a disruption in the body. By taking antihistamines, bronocholitics, mucolitics, steroids and other medicines you turn the alarm off. But do you also investigate the reasons for the alarm to flash in the first place? The accumulation of toxins directly affects the frequency of allergies, and external... factors like ecology play a major role. Currently the toxicities in our bodies grow with rapid rates. For example, just over 6 years ago it was a rare occasion to witness black (not yellow, not green, but black!) bile during a duodenal sounding, where as now clinicians report witnessing this event in 50% of cases! As a Natural Medicine practitioner I work to find the root cause of your symptoms so that you can experience long-term relief and resilience See more
11.01.2022 December is a month packed with hunting for gifts, cooking delicious meals and gathering with family and friends. Some people look forward to that time of the year. While others experience increased levels of stress and anxiety. These feelings can be due to unrealistic expectations, past trauma, distorted self-worth, and many other reasons. To help you move past the past and feel better I have recently learned a new modality called N.E.T. that works on relieving stress... and anxiety via mind-body connection. Click the link in my bio to book your spot. Head to to learn more See more
09.01.2022 Keep it simple when things are complicated A nice cup of tea can very well be that simple act of self care you deserve each day And assist with health care ... Insomnia ~ chamomile tea Sinusitis ~ turmeric and ginger tea Bloating ~ peppermint tea Anxiety ~ basil tea Headache ~ ginger tea Acne ~ green tea Sore throat ~ tea with cinnamon Cold and flu ~ tea with honey and lemon Over the phone appointments are still available if you need more health care
08.01.2022 What are your thoughts? Have you tried the tale or maybe you have your own method?
08.01.2022 ~ Why (& when to) eat Flaxseeds?~ Flaxseeds, also known as linseeds, are one of the oldest fibre crops in the world. They are best eaten freshly ground, as this releases the important omega-3 oils, manganese and vitamin B1. 1 Number one food source of omega-3 is found in flaxseeds under alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which the body converts to omega-3. It is anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and a mood enhancer. Good for the , and the nervous system. And a great additio...n to vegan and vegetarian diets. 2 Linseeds also contain unique fibre-related polyphenols known as lignans - ranked ninth out of 100 commonly known antioxidant-rich foods - higher than blueberries! This helps protect all our cells and DNA. 3 Fibre-rich flaxseeds means you have a healthy digestive system with regular movement (), toxin elimination and constipation prevention. Will aid in maintaining healthy cholesterol levels too Consuming 1-2 tablespoons of ground flaxseeds has been noted to show positive effects on the body discussed above. Soak overnight with almond milk, bake in muffins, add to smoothies, sprinkle on salads, hide in veggie stews - there are lots of options to eat the seeds. Best consumed during days 1 to 14 of the menstrual cycle in those with periods. May be suitable for everyday use by menopausal women. Use with caution if you are prone to diarrhoea. If you purchase pre-ground flaxseeds make sure to store them in the fridge and avoid excessive air exposure to avoid oxidation Have a question? Comment below. See more
07.01.2022 Be kind to yourself during these strange life changing times. You are not alone, we are all going through it together. And it’s a lot about how we handle it, how we rise after we fall, how kind we are to ourselves and others Photography by magical Ksenia
06.01.2022 What do restless legs, muscle cramps, moodiness and gut pain have in common? ~ Magnesium and potassium deficiency ~ Both nutrients can be found in bananas ... Good both morning and night See more
06.01.2022 Your fears are the gate to opportunities. The greatest point of growth. Set them in front of you and shine the brightest light as the only way about them is through
05.01.2022 Anyone smudging this weekend?
02.01.2022 Preventing cold and flu is easier than dealing with fever, sniffles and cough. So what can you do today to ensure this winter you don’t fall sick? Here are my personal top 3 remedies to keep you strong Medicinal Mushrooms like Reishi and Shiitake improve your immune defence mechanisms as well as support the adrenal glands for extra energy. I get mine from Superfeast... Zinc in foods (best source is oysters) or as a supplement - take it at night after a full meal to improve your immune resistance. Usually available at most pharmacies but feel free to contact me for a better quality one Vitamin C in liposomal form. Everyone knows how important vitamin C is but to obtain optimal amounts for preventative effects you need to consume about 15 kiwis per day . When in liposomal (fat) form the cells absorb and utilise this vitamin a lot faster and you only need a teaspoon per day, yay! See more
02.01.2022 Health and Consistency Through my experience with the patients and my own health journey I’ve noticed that the body looooves consistency. Wether it is daily stretching, juicing or herb/supplement taking, 50% of success and wellbeing lays in being consistent for some period of time.... When you do your healthy rituals regularly the body relaxes its internal stress mechanisms knowing that good things are coming daily. It then activates it’s natural healing abilities. Hands up who experienced bliss by doing healthy things regularly See more
01.01.2022 Christmas and New Year are special. We take the time off work to be with our loved ones, with family and friends. To love, to laugh, to care and to share. But it doesn’t have to end there. Wishing you to have many moments in the year of 2020 to be with those you love the most. With delicious food and good fun. Healthy and Joyful! Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!... p.s. and of course me wouldn’t be me without mentioning Pineapple ~ the food that helps us digest while we rest
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