Vanda Costa Celestial Channel in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Astrologist & psychic
Vanda Costa Celestial Channel
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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25.01.2022 . & It's time to be YOU - whatever that looks like, however that feels. ... You've spent enough time 'trying' to fit another's expectations and mould - aren't you tired?? It's time for you to see how magickal you truly are - exactly as you are...not sometime in the future, not 'when this happens', and definitely not 'when so and so shows up'. RIGHT NOW you are the most perfect version of yourself that has ever existed - your uniqueness is spectacular. And when you remember that you have access to the multidimensional aspects of Self, doesn't that make things a little more sparkly?! Tap into your Essence gorgeous one!! Take some time to rediscover YOU! Discover the sacred gifts of this Mercury retrograde - get your Mercury Rx Energy Report at Vanda xx Vanda Costa 2020 #Mercury #MercuryRx #MercuryRetrograde #DivineFeminineConsciousness #SpiritualBusiness #BusinessAlignment #WomenInBusiness #CelestialMovements #EnergyReport #EnergyReading #CelestialEnergies #CelestialChannel #VandaCostaCelestialChannel #SacredContract #SoulWork #SoulPurpose #CosmicWisdom #IntuitiveAstrology #SoulAlchemy #CosmicAlchemy #CelestialWisdom #FeminineWisdom #CosmicHeart #CosmicWisdomForTheFeminineHeart #ReawakeningTheFeminineWay #FeminineSoul #MultiDimensionalWisdom #DissolvingDisEase #SoulGuidedBusiness #EnergeticallySustainableBusiness See more
24.01.2022 & Is the discomfort of what has been surfacing for you enough to get you to initiate some kind of shift? It all begins with a decision...and it's yours to make.... What's really preventing you from making that decision? Allow me to hold space for you as you discover the sacred gifts of this Mercury retrograde. Get your Mercury Rx Energy Report at Vanda xx Vanda Costa 2020 #Mercury #MercuryRx #MercuryRetrograde #DivineFeminineConsciousness #SpiritualBusiness #BusinessAlignment #WomenInBusiness #CelestialMovements #EnergyReport #EnergyReading #CelestialEnergies #CelestialChannel #VandaCostaCelestialChannel #SacredContract #SoulWork #SoulPurpose #CosmicWisdom #IntuitiveAstrology #SoulAlchemy #CosmicAlchemy #CelestialWisdom #FeminineWisdom #CosmicHeart #CosmicWisdomForTheFeminineHeart #ReawakeningTheFeminineWay #FeminineSoul #MultiDimensionalWisdom #DissolvingDisEase #SoulGuidedBusiness #EnergeticallySustainableBusiness See more
22.01.2022 . & We cannot move into the freedom that is ours to experience if we continue to hold onto the energies of the past - it doesn't matter if it's from this lifetime or another - if you choose to keep the wisdom of the experience, then do so in full faith that you ARE energetically supported always and in all ways, remembering that it's safe to leave the memories of hurt, anger, grief, and more, in the time and space in which ...they occurred. You are the co-creator of your reality, even when...ESPECIALLY when you cannot see the next step. Discover the sacred gifts of this Mercury retrograde - get your Mercury Rx Energy Report on the website: Vanda xx Vanda Costa 2020 #Mercury #MercuryRx #MercuryRetrograde #DivineFeminineConsciousness #SpiritualBusiness #BusinessAlignment #WomenInBusiness #CelestialMovements #EnergyReport #EnergyReading #CelestialEnergies #CelestialChannel #VandaCostaCelestialChannel #SacredContract #SoulWork #SoulPurpose #CosmicWisdom #IntuitiveAstrology #SoulAlchemy #CosmicAlchemy #CelestialWisdom #FeminineWisdom #CosmicHeart #CosmicWisdomForTheFeminineHeart #ReawakeningTheFeminineWay #FeminineSoul #MultiDimensionalWisdom #DissolvingDisEase #SoulGuidedBusiness #EnergeticallySustainableBusiness See more
20.01.2022 2020 has brought us to the precipice, showing what was needed for us to take a step back from all of the noise in and of our lives so that we could work on our foundations. On the surface, it looks like all hell is breaking loose, but we know that is a directed distraction for those who are teetering on the edge. It's giving those of us who are further along, a chance to get ourselves sorted out so that we can help guide and support those who will be n...eeding our services shortly; it's also highlighting the duality/polarity that exists in our world, so that more can awaken/deepen into Purpose via heightened intuition, gifts and abilities that are stirring within. These are the perfect conditions for self-revelation and growth - the that's nurturing the seeds that were planted some time ago. ' . , ' : , - , , , . It's taken some time for this to percolate and infuse, and I'm excited to say that next week I'll have some magickal goodies up on my website for those who are interested in discovering more about the Divine Feminine Consciousness journey. ? Vanda xx Vanda Costa 2020 #NotesForTheJourney #EnergeticallySustainableLife #EnergeticallySustainableBusiness #IntuitiveAstrology #VandaCelestialChannel #CelestialMovements #ShadowWork #SoulAlchemy #CelestialWisdom #FeminineWisdom #CosmicWisdomForTheFeminineHeart #CosmicAlchemy #ReawakeningTheFeminineWay #DivineFeminineConsciousness #IntuitiveReading #WomenInBusiness #SpiritualBusiness #EmbraceYourTruth #FeminineSoul #EnergyReading #HealingReading #CelestialVibrationalMedicine #CelestialEnergies #MultiDimensionalWisdom #ReMemberingYourWholeness #ActivateYourInnerWisdom #DissolvingDisEase #SoulGuidedBusiness #ResponseAbility #EmpathicSoul
20.01.2022 In case you haven’t seen my ‘IG story’...
19.01.2022 [From the BLOG] #FullMoon in #Taurus :: 1 November 2020 Apologies for the late posting, I was out of action with a migraine over the weekend and as it turns out, there were some crucial elements that needed integration and anchoring before I was guided to channel this reading...... . As you can see, this Taurus Full Moon is potent. The more aware of the senses we become, the deeper and more meaningful this human-spiritual experience becomes. With Mercury nearing the end of his retrograde cycle, we may find it challenging to express our needs and the information that we *think* our audience needs at this time. , , . The power of these old ways continues to wane, but in order to move beyond this, it's important to be present in our interactions - with Self/self and others, so that we can see/sense the energetic threads of contamination that have been so prevalent in our past - distant and more recent - experiences and interactions. Mercury ends his retrograde journey on the 3-4 November and will remain in the shadow loop until 20 November, gifting us the time, insights and revelations that we can incorporate into the existing and emerging energies of our business and life. A final note: Jupiter and Pluto continue their intimate conversation about expansion, abundance, the details in and of our daily life, and how the revelation of this cyclical and timeless wisdom blends with the emerging Divine Feminine consciousness to help us to co-create a life that's filled with infinite blessings and a deeper, nourishing connection to Mother Gaia. There’s SO much more to read over on the BLOG: Vanda xx Vanda Costa 2020 ** Times/dates are AEDT #DivineFeminineConsciousness #SpiritualBusiness #BusinessAlignment #WomenInBusiness #CelestialMovements #EnergyReading #CelestialEnergies #CelestialChannel #VandaCostaCelestialChannel #SacredContract #SoulWork #SoulPurpose #CosmicWisdom #IntuitiveAstrology #SoulAlchemy #CosmicAlchemy #CelestialWisdom #FeminineWisdom #CosmicHeart #CosmicWisdomForTheFeminineHeart #ReawakeningTheFeminineWay #FeminineSoul #MultiDimensionalWisdom #DissolvingDisEase #SoulGuidedBusiness #EnergeticallySustainableBusiness
19.01.2022 . & After 20 November we are fully supported in the actioning of the plans that were set in motion in the lead up to this retrograde period. Of course, if you have complete and fully aligned soul confirmation to go-ahead before this date, please do trust and honour that.... The Mercury post-rx shadow period can feel super clunky as we attempt to make sense of all that we recovered. The trick here is to FEEL your way through all of the ideas and inspiration that you had during the rx period to discern which path beckons at this time...enjoy the adventure! Discover the sacred gifts of this Mercury retrograde - get your Mercury Rx Energy Report at in the eBook section. Vanda xx Vanda Costa 2020 #Mercury #MercuryRx #MercuryRetrograde #DivineFeminineConsciousness #SpiritualBusiness #BusinessAlignment #WomenInBusiness #CelestialMovements #EnergyReport #EnergyReading #CelestialEnergies #CelestialChannel #VandaCostaCelestialChannel #SacredContract #SoulWork #SoulPurpose #CosmicWisdom #IntuitiveAstrology #SoulAlchemy #CosmicAlchemy #CelestialWisdom #FeminineWisdom #CosmicHeart #CosmicWisdomForTheFeminineHeart #ReawakeningTheFeminineWay #FeminineSoul #MultiDimensionalWisdom #DissolvingDisEase #SoulGuidedBusiness #EnergeticallySustainableBusiness See more
19.01.2022 Support for the Divine Feminine Journey I love bringing together products and resources to support the emerging wave of Divine Feminine Consciousness anchors! An Aries - Taurus Moon provided the PERFECT blend of energies to help me get most of my new stock up on the website. ... Today was all about the Creative Cronies Astrological Calendars & Diaries and books from Brumby Sunstate Tomorrow is all about magickal ritual and intention candles and soaps... FYI...orders over $100 will receive a beautiful gift (in addition to the other little gifts I usually send out with my orders). I’ll share more tomorrow... Vanda xx
18.01.2022 [From the BLOG] - just published! 21 October 2020 - @ 7.51pm AEDT... About a week ago, I started sensing a ripple of energy moving through the matrix - the best way to explain the sensations it brought with it is that there was a sense of giddiness, a desire to really FEEL into life and the experiences that she's offering us at the moment, and to enjoy the pleasures of life, including laughing and being present in the beauty within and around us. I was blessed with insights that spoke of a shifting Divine Feminine Consciousness - one that welcomed the Divine Masculine so that they may collaborate and integrate their wisdom and medicine into this shifting reality of ours. At the time I didn't intellectually understand it, but now that I've sat in sacred space with these energies, I openly offer the wisdom of this emerging Divine Feminine and Masculine Consciousness... Continue reading over on the BLOG - link below Vanda xx Vanda Costa 2020 ** Times/dates are AEDT #BlackMoonLilith #Lilith #DivineFeminineConsciousness #SpiritualBusiness #BusinessAlignment #WomenInBusiness #CelestialMovements #EnergyReport #EnergyReading #CelestialEnergies #CelestialChannel #VandaCostaCelestialChannel #SacredContract #SoulWork #SoulPurpose #CosmicWisdom #IntuitiveAstrology #SoulAlchemy #CosmicAlchemy #CelestialWisdom #FeminineWisdom #CosmicHeart #CosmicWisdomForTheFeminineHeart #ReawakeningTheFeminineWay #FeminineSoul #MultiDimensionalWisdom #DissolvingDisEase #SoulGuidedBusiness #EnergeticallySustainableBusiness
18.01.2022 1st QTR Moon in Cancer :: 22 March 2021 At this point in the lunar cycle we notice that the energy begins to pick up - we begin to feel inspired to get things moving, to take action upon the visions and inspirations we received at the New Moon last week and depending upon our individual sensitivities, we begin to sense what might possibly get in our way as we continue to make progress towards our goals, dreams and visions, heading towards the Full Moon next week. At the Quarter phase (just like at the 3rd Quarter), the Moon squares the Sun which brings the energy of challenges, tension, friction and the like to our attention. For those who love to journal, here are some prompts for you to consider... When I feel/listen closely, what is calling my attention? What is preventing me from dedicating my energy and time towards this? Is this something that I can navigate on my own, or do I need some support? If there's something else that I'm CHOOSING to focus my time, energy and attention on instead, am I willing to discover WHY this might be the case? If no, why not? Am I willing to take guided action towards that which is speaking to me from the depths of my soul? Why/why not? Explore any physical or emotional discomfort and dis-ease, limiting beliefs, or thoughts - paying attention to whose voice they appear through. If you feel like sharing, I’d love to know what surfaces for you - feel free to DM if it's sensitive. If you have any questions, pop them below. Vanda xx Vanda Costa 2021 ** All times and dates are AEDT #DivineFeminineConsciousness #SpiritualBusiness #BusinessAlignment #WomenInBusiness #CelestialMovements #EnergyReading #CelestialEnergies #CelestialChannel #VandaCostaCelestialChannel #SacredContract #SoulWork #SoulPurpose #CosmicWisdom #IntuitiveAstrology #SoulAlchemy #CosmicAlchemy #CelestialWisdom #FeminineWisdom #CosmicHeart #CosmicWisdomForTheFeminineHeart #ReawakeningTheFeminineWay #FeminineSoul #MultiDimensionalWisdom #DissolvingDisEase #SoulGuidedBusiness #EnergeticallySustainableBusiness #EmpathicSoul #CelestialVibrationalMedicine #HealingReading #1stQtrMoon
15.01.2022 [From the BLOG] Snippets from the 2021 Tarot Numerology Energy Reading... "...As we stand at the crossroads, the more present we are able to be, feeling into the sensations that arise, paying attention to the signs and synchronicities along the way, the more aware we become of our Soul's whispers - remember that our Soul knows the way Home - and the more open we are to this Feminine Way, the better able we are to pivot, adapt, and recalibrate as necessary..."... You can read the FULL POST including the Business Energies over on the BLOG: Vanda xx Vanda Costa 2021 #DivineFeminineConsciousness #SpiritualBusiness #BusinessAlignment #WomenInBusiness #CelestialMovements #EnergyReading #CelestialEnergies #CelestialChannel #VandaCostaCelestialChannel #SacredContract #SoulWork #SoulPurpose #CosmicWisdom #IntuitiveAstrology #SoulAlchemy #CosmicAlchemy #CelestialWisdom #FeminineWisdom #CosmicHeart #CosmicWisdomForTheFeminineHeart #ReawakeningTheFeminineWay #FeminineSoul #MultiDimensionalWisdom #DissolvingDisEase #SoulGuidedBusiness #EnergeticallySustainableBusiness #EmpathicSoul #CelestialVibrationalMedicine #HealingReading #GalacticSoul
14.01.2022 Adding a deeper dimension to the Scorpio New Moon energies... . ... At the time of the Scorpio New Moon, Lilith is having a conversation with Mercury - who is moving through Scorpio once again, and is still in the post rx shadow period. Another potent influential energy comes from Mars who ended his rx journey on 14 November, adding some heat to conversations, frustration and flare ups from some deep-seated anger that Lilith is happy to stir up for us. As Lilith chats with Mercury, she leads and guides us into and through the shadow realms - yep, not much is going to be left untouched this year. Thankfully, you have been building your resilience over the course of 2020, so there won't be much that fazes you, although you may feel fatigued as you're faced with parts and aspects of self that you wish would remain hidden if only for the weight that you that they bring with them. , . It feels super clunky at times (an understatement, I know), but you know by now that it's only in identifying, acknowledging and accepting/integrating the shadow aspects of self, that we truly reveal and illuminate our magnificence, and when we do, all that is Divine flows abundantly to and through us. She asks you to look at where/how you may be following along blindly - fully knowing that this isn't in alignment with your Purpose whilst also bringing to your attention how you may be punishing yourself with perceptions of inadequacy, rigidity, conformity, and a lack of self belief to name a few. Allow her medicine to flow through you to the places that are ready to receive it. She is here to help you to ground her medicine into the physical realm. ' ... Got questions? Pop them in the comments Vanda xx Vanda Costa 2020 #IntuitiveAstrology #VandaCelestialChannel #CelestialMovements #ShadowWork #SoulAlchemy #CelestialWisdom #FeminineWisdom #CosmicWisdomForTheFeminineHeart #CosmicAlchemy #ReawakeningTheFeminineWay #DivineFeminineConsciousness #IntuitiveReading #WomenInBusiness #SpiritualBusiness #EmbraceYourTruth #FeminineSoul #EnergyReading #HealingReading #CelestialVibrationalMedicine #CelestialEnergies #MultiDimensionalWisdom #ReMemberingYourWholeness #ActivateYourInnerWisdom #DissolvingDisEase #SoulGuidedBusiness #ResponseAbility #DarkGoddess #BlackMoonLilith #Lilith
14.01.2022 . & Now is the time to practice what you've learned over the last few weeks. ... Will you revert to old habits? Or will you take a moment to FEEL into what your Feminine (heart-sacral) energies are sharing with you BEFORE you DO anything? No matter what choices and decisions you make, enter into them completely and without any guilt. Your life and business thrive when you take the time to honour your inner wisdom. Discover the sacred gifts of this Mercury retrograde - get your Mercury Rx Energy Report at Vanda xx Vanda Costa 2020 #Mercury #MercuryRx #MercuryRetrograde #DivineFeminineConsciousness #SpiritualBusiness #BusinessAlignment #WomenInBusiness #CelestialMovements #EnergyReport #EnergyReading #CelestialEnergies #CelestialChannel #VandaCostaCelestialChannel #SacredContract #SoulWork #SoulPurpose #CosmicWisdom #IntuitiveAstrology #SoulAlchemy #CosmicAlchemy #CelestialWisdom #FeminineWisdom #CosmicHeart #CosmicWisdomForTheFeminineHeart #ReawakeningTheFeminineWay #FeminineSoul #MultiDimensionalWisdom #DissolvingDisEase #SoulGuidedBusiness #EnergeticallySustainableBusiness See more
13.01.2022 [From the BLOG] New Moon in Scorpio :: 15 November 2020 ... As I tune into the business energies what is immediately revealed is a heavy - but not immovable - depressive energy, despondency, apathy, and a general feeling of lacking direction, not only in business, but life too. I'm being asked to remind you that - ! If you're able to feel into any areas of life/business that create feelings of depression or hopelessness, see if you can tap into where and how these energetic threads show up, as well as where and how they begin to amplify so that you can trace them back to - or close to their origin point, or in the very least, the friction point. These feelings aren't lingering - at least not in the way that they have been in the past. You may temporarily dip into them, or linger for a few hours at a time, depending on what's currently moving into and through your energy field and bodies. , , ' . When our life force feels weak, it's imperative that we take some time away from what we are doing to replenish and recharge our energetic stores. Yes, this means stepping back and away from the business - whether it's for an hour, half a day, a full day, or even a few days of dedicated self-love and self-care. But you already know this, don't you!? When we feel depressed, chances are that we are attempting to do the same thing over and over without any attention to what the situation/circumstance is asking of us. : , . Direct your attention to what brings feelings of joy, expansiveness, happiness, creativity and connectedness to the Divine and your own Divine Healed Essence - that part of you that knows what you most require at any moment. Stop to do it all yourself, you have at your disposal, a greater source of everything that you need at any given moment - it's time you started to harness this. ' , . . Vanda xx Vanda Costa 2020 Read the FULL POST on the BLOG #DivineFeminineConsciousness #SpiritualBusiness #BusinessAlignment #WomenInBusiness #CelestialMovements #EnergyReading #CelestialEnergies #CelestialChannel #VandaCostaCelestialChannel #SacredContract #SoulWork #SoulPurpose #CosmicWisdom #IntuitiveAstrology #SoulAlchemy #CosmicAlchemy #CelestialWisdom #FeminineWisdom #CosmicHeart #CosmicWisdomForTheFeminineHeart #ReawakeningTheFeminineWay #FeminineSoul #MultiDimensionalWisdom #DissolvingDisEase #SoulGuidedBusiness #EnergeticallySustainableBusiness
11.01.2022 [From the BLOG] Let's revisit some snippets from the 2020 Tarot Numerology Energy Reading... ...We are being asked to lighten our load - this is an energy that continues from last year, we cannot get to where we are headed with all of that old, dense baggage. The time has come to make peace with what ‘was’ so that we can step into what ‘is’.... ...It’s time to lay a new foundation. This is our goal for this year. ...We are on the threshold of great change, but it will take wayshowers such as you to lead the way. We have a Sacred Contract to do this Work and it is our responsibility to show up and do the work on behalf of the Divine. Those who choose not to step up won’t get left behind, but their journey throughout 2020 will be more challenging than necessary. ENERGETIC THEMES: Empowered Masculine; flexibility; adaptability; Sovereignty; determination; emotional-disconnect; rigidity; stubbornness; unapproachable; transition; change; shift; Soul-alignment; rulership; Higher Power; illusion of fear; disregard for others; self- importance; pity; avoidance; ignorance; uncertainty; deferring one’s Power to others; innocence; rebirth; new version of Self - resurrection; faith; trust; surrender; mentally removed from one’s reality; choosing Self over others - empowered and disempowered aspects; promise; dawn of a new day; acceptance; release; foundation; leadership; Feminine-Masculine balance; re-claiming one’s Power. Read the full post on the BLOG: Thoughts...comments...questions?? Pop them in the comments Over the coming weeks I'll be sharing snippets from the 2020 monthly readings. Vanda xx Vanda Costa 2020 #IntuitiveAstrology #VandaCelestialChannel #SoulAlchemy #FeminineWisdom #CosmicWisdomForTheFeminineHeart #CosmicAlchemy #ReawakeningTheFeminineWay #DivineFeminineConsciousness #IntuitiveReading #WomenInBusiness #SpiritualBusiness #EmbraceYourTruth #FeminineSoul #EnergyReading #HealingReading #MultiDimensionalWisdom #ReMemberingYourWholeness #ActivateYourInnerWisdom #DissolvingDisEase #SoulGuidedBusiness #ResponseAbility #EmpathicSoul
07.01.2022 . & Take a moment to FEEL into the energy between you and your business.... What does it feel like? Is it supportive? Disjointed? Draining? Does it light you up? Or do you dread the idea of 'getting to work'? Do you regularly take time to touch base with this partner with whom you're sharing your journey? Are you working towards the same vision? Or are you showing up and doing what you 'think' you need to be doing because someone told you that's what you 'should' be doing? I know it's easy to get off track, especially when we don't take the time to connect WITH the business, which we've established to support us and our dreams, right? Start dedicating time, energy, love and affection into and towards your business and your relationship with her, and see how things begin to flow with more ease. Start where you are, start small, dedicate time to check in to see how the energy is flowing between you, and adjust accordingly - you've got the tools, you've got the resources, and yes, you've also got the the end: the choice is yours. Tap into these supportive energies! Send me a PM if you need some support to get started - I'm here for you Discover the sacred gifts of this Mercury retrograde - get your Mercury Rx Energy Report at in the eBooks section. Vanda xx Vanda Costa 2020 #Mercury #MercuryRx #MercuryRetrograde #DivineFeminineConsciousness #SpiritualBusiness #BusinessAlignment #WomenInBusiness #CelestialMovements #EnergyReport #EnergyReading #CelestialEnergies #CelestialChannel #VandaCostaCelestialChannel #SacredContract #SoulWork #SoulPurpose #CosmicWisdom #IntuitiveAstrology #SoulAlchemy #CosmicAlchemy #CelestialWisdom #FeminineWisdom #CosmicHeart #CosmicWisdomForTheFeminineHeart #ReawakeningTheFeminineWay #FeminineSoul #MultiDimensionalWisdom #DissolvingDisEase #SoulGuidedBusiness #EnergeticallySustainableBusiness See more
04.01.2022 [INVITATION] Last week I mentioned that there are going to be some new offerings on my website and I'm here today to invite you to sign up to my mailing list so that you can get a of the products that will be uploaded to my online store later this week. , so if you see something that speaks to you, you know what you need to do! ... I'll be sharing more about the products in this week's newsletter... - : or If you have any questions, pop them below or send me a DM. Sending you SO much love, Vanda xx #VandaCelestialChannel #SoulAlchemy #FeminineWisdom #CosmicWisdomForTheFeminineHeart #CosmicAlchemy #ReawakeningTheFeminineWay #DivineFeminineConsciousness #WomenInBusiness #SpiritualBusiness #EmbraceYourTruth #FeminineSoul #ReMemberingYourWholeness #ActivateYourInnerWisdom #DissolvingDisEase #SoulGuidedBusiness #ResponseAbility #EmpathicSoul #RecoverYourOwnWisdom
03.01.2022 Lovely ones, I know that a lot of us are going through some tough stuff at the moment, so I wanted to share a playlist that I created a while back to help you to navigate any challenges that you may be facing. Play it as often as needed, for as long as needed. Allow the Divine Mother to hold you as you navigate your challenges.... You are loved always and in all ways. Vanda xx P.S. please know that I am always holding space for those who need it - all you have to do, should you need it, is call it in and accept it - it is all taken care of energetically and via our intentions.
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