Veggies on the Terrace in Freemans Reach | Farm
Veggies on the Terrace
Locality: Freemans Reach
Address: 613 Terrace Road 2756 Freemans Reach, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 W E R E R E A D Y ! If youve ordered a fruit & veggie box for pick-up between 9am & 10am today, youre orders are ready! So much freshness for your Monday morning And if youre picking up anytime after 10am, your orders are being packed as we speak ... Your support is absolutely amazing everyone! Thank you and have a wonderful Monday
25.01.2022 S P I N A C H (Silverbeet) So much goodness packed into one delicious veggie! ... Pick up some for yourself along with so many other delicious fruit & veggies, next Monday! Remember, orders close tonight at 7pm! Have a lovely day
25.01.2022 L E B A N E S E Z U C C H I N I This delicious vegetable is very popular in Mediterranean and Middle-Eastern dishes and has a plethora of health benefits: High in Vitamin A! ... Rich in antioxidants! Promotes healthy digestion! High in fibre! May also strengthen vision and aid in weight loss! AND, its also incredibly versatile so can easily be incorporated into your meals! Order this delicious veggie & loads more, ready for pick-up next Monday! Please see our pinned post for the $15, $30 & $50 boxes available + extras! So much healthy & fresh produce to choose from! Take care & have a lovely night everyone!
24.01.2022 B U L L H O R N C A P S I C U M You may have noticed that we have a new addition to our $30 & $50 boxes this week... Bullhorn Capsicum! This delicious summer veggie is mild & sweet in flavour and has a long tapered shape (with slightly thinner walls) compared to a common capsicum. They can be used in the exact same way a regular capsicum can - our favourite is just slicing them in half and throwing them on they BBQ! Yumm!!... Orders are still open for next Monday’s fruit & veggie boxes. Please see our pinned post for all info! Take care & have a lovely day everyone **Please note - as it is the very beginning of the season for bullhorn capsicum, we will only have green-coloured capsicums available.
22.01.2022 D E S S E R T T I M E Check out this photo of one of our beautiful customers delicious Apple Sponge Cake! YUMM! ...The perfect way to use our FARM FRESH APPLES! ... Keep your on our page as well be releasing next Mondays boxes tomorrow! Take care & have a lovely evening everyone
21.01.2022 C H R I S T M A S I S C O M I N G ! ...And so are some delicious & fresh fruit trays from Veggies on the Terrace! WATCH THIS SPACE as our Christmas goodies available will be posted later on this evening! ... Thank you so much to everyone who came out to pick up their fresh fruit & veggie boxes today! Can't wait to see you again next week. Thank you, take care & have a lovely evening everyone
20.01.2022 H E L L O S P R I N G ! ... And what a gorgeous beginning to the season it is! ... Were so excited to see the new, delicious fruit & veggies coming into season in this warmer weather! But while were waiting for these to arrive, we have a question for you... What Spring fruits & veggies would you like to see in our boxes in the upcoming months? Share your favourites below!
20.01.2022 THIS WEEKS FRUIT/VEGGIE BOXES - PICKUP MONDAY 31st AUGUST Here are our fruit & veggie boxes available for pick-up next Monday - please see first image below for our $30 box, $50 box and $15 salad box! ... Youre more than welcome to order the boxes as they are, add on extras or even make up your own box (from the list of available produce). Whatever suits you!! PM us to order your box TODAY!! If you have any special requests, feel free to PM us those as well and we will do our best to accomodate you Pick-up is next Monday 31st August, from 9am - 12pm & 3pm - 5pm Orders close Friday 28th August, 7pm. Thank you, take care & and have a lovely evening
19.01.2022 P A D D Y ‘ S M A R K E T S F L E M I N G T O N If you can’t make it out the farm to pick up orders on a Monday, don’t forget that Rita & Michael are at Paddy’s Markets (Flemington) every Saturday! ... You’ll find them at Door 2, Number 57 and they’ll be there until 2pm! So if you’ve got nothing to do today, head on down to the markets and grab yourself a bargain! There’s loads of fresh fruit & veggies PLUS so many other delicious goodies such as grocery items, breads, nuts, deli goods, eggs, meats, seafood & even plants! Take care & have a lovely Saturday everyone!
18.01.2022 #WinnerWeekend! What an absolutely gorgeous weekend we have just had! ... We hope youve all had a wonderful Sunday and we cant wait to see you to pick up your fresh fruit & veggie boxes tomorrow! Take care & have a lovely evening everyone
18.01.2022 O R D E R S C L O S I N G S O O N Just a friendly reminder that orders of our fruit & veggie boxes for pick-up next Monday, close at 7pm tonight! ... Thank you to those who have already placed an order for this week! We love that you are loving our farm fresh produce! Thank you so much for your ongoing support Thank you again, take care & have a lovely evening
17.01.2022 O R D E R S C L O S I N G S O O N Just a friendly reminder that all orders for pick-up on Monday 31st August, are due to be messaged through by 7pm this evening. ... Thank you to all who have ordered with us this week! Were looking forward to making up lots of fresh fruit & veggie boxes for you on Monday! Thank you, take care & have a lovely night
16.01.2022 C H R I S T M A S F R U I T T R A Y S This year, Veggies on the Terrace will be offering Christmas fruit trays! These trays will be filled with fresh, seasonal fruit PLUS some extra delicious goodies! We will have the following fruit trays on offer: ... $20 Fruit Tray Perfect for a couple, a small thank you gift, a teacher appreciation gift or even just a treat for yourself! 2 apples 1 banana 1 golden kiwifruit 1 mango 1 nectarine 1 peach Handful of strawberries and/or cherries (depending on availability) 50 gram jar of yellow gum eucalyptus honey ...All neatly packaged and finished with a gold star! $45 Fruit Tray If you were wanting to spend that little bit more on a special gift of freshness for an individual or family! 4 apples 2 avocados 4 bananas 2 golden kiwifruits 2 mangos 2 nectarines 2 oranges 2 peaches Handful of strawberries, cherries & lichees (depending on availability) 200g mixed nuts 50 gram jar of yellow gum eucalyptus honey ...All neatly packaged and finished with a gold ribbon! You can also add on whole or half watermelons, rockmelons or pineapples as well as boxes of cherries! Prices of these will be dependant on weight & market value on the day. These fruit trays are available to ORDER NOW, with pick-up on the following dates: - Monday 7th December - Monday 14th December - Monday 21st December (*If you were wanting to order fruit trays for pick-up on another date, please feel free to message us and we will see if we can help you!) Feel free to message us with any questions/enquiries. Take care & have a lovely night everyone! Thank you for taking the time to read our post
16.01.2022 ... And here we go again! First lot of orders for the afternoon For those of you picking up between 3 & 5pm - well see you soon!
16.01.2022 Who else loves Mondays now?! The first lot of fresh fruit & veggie boxes all ready to go! See you all soon
16.01.2022 Fresh Chinese Cabbage picked and ready for Saturday markets!
16.01.2022 THIS WEEKS FRUIT/VEGGIE BOXES - PICKUP MONDAY 7th SEPTEMBER Here are our fruit & veggie boxes available for pick-up next Monday - please see the first image below for our boxes available and the second image below for the extras! ... Youre more than welcome to order the boxes as they are, add on extras or even make up your own box (from the list of available produce). Whatever suits you!! PM us to order your box TODAY!! If you have any special requests, feel free to PM us those as well and we will do our best to accomodate you Pick-up is next Monday 7th September, from 9am - 12pm & 3pm - 5pm Orders close Friday 4th September, 7pm. Thank you, take care & and have a lovely day
16.01.2022 W O M B O K ...Our next crop of Chinese cabbage (Wombok) is now ready for picking! Yayy! That means, you can add these beauties to your orders for Monday for $3 per head! Perfect for summer salads this Christmas! ... Take care & have a lovely afternoon everyone
16.01.2022 THIS WEEKS FRUIT/VEGGIE BOXES - PICKUP MONDAY 21st SEPTEMBER Here are our fruit & veggie boxes available for pick-up next Monday - please see the first image below for our boxes available and the second image below for the extras! ... Youre more than welcome to order the boxes as they are, add on extras or even make up your own box (from the list of available produce). Whatever suits you!! PM us to order your box TODAY!! If you have any special requests, feel free to PM us those as well and we will do our best to accomodate you Pick-up is next Monday 21st September, from 9am - 12pm & 3pm - 5pm Orders close Friday 18th September, 7pm. Thank you, take care & and have a lovely day
15.01.2022 ... Some fresh & delicious Lebanese zucchini in preparation for dinner tonight - what do you think Im making? Thank you to all those to came out to collect your orders today! We are very happy to be providing you with your fresh produce for another week! ... Thank you again, take care & have a lovely night
14.01.2022 F I N A L C A L L Just a final reminder that orders are closing soon (7pm) for our fruit & veggie boxes, Christmas fruit trays & cherry boxes. ... If you haven’t done so already, please feel free to PM us your orders to ensure you don’t miss out on some fresh produce this Christmas! Thank you so so much to all those who have ordered from us for one final time this year! We truly appreciate your support! Thank you again, take care & have a lovely evening everyone **Please note - For those that have messaged us this afternoon, I will respond a little later this evening.
14.01.2022 H A P P Y F R I D A Y Just a few hours left to place your orders for pick-up next Monday 24th August! Please see our pinned post for all of the details. ... Thank you to all who have already put your orders in! I promise I will respond to the rest of your enquires later this afternoon/tonight! Thank you again, take care & have a lovely Friday!
13.01.2022 Nanna Ritas little helpers Check out the gorgeous Lucas & Melanie helping Rita pick the spinach this morning! Arent they adorable?! If you havent already ordered your fruit & veggies for next week, dont forget that orders close tonight at 7pm! Feel free to check out our pinned post for all of the produce available! ... Thank you, take care & have a lovely day
12.01.2022 SATAY CHICKEN WITH LEEK, BROCCOLI & BULLHORN CAPSICUM There are so many ways to use our delicious bullhorn capsicum! Tonight, it’s combined with chicken, leeks, fresh garlic and broccoli in our satay chicken & rice dinner. De-licious!! ... Just a reminder that orders close tomorrow night (Friday) at 7pm for next Monday’s fruit & veggie boxes! If you haven’t already, feel free to message us those orders! **Please note - we’ve received a fair few enquiries this afternoon. If not replied to tonight, they will be responded to first thing in the morning. Thank you for your patience!
12.01.2022 FARM FRESH STRAWBERRIES AVAILABLE TODAY! 1349A Kurmond Road, Kurmond Get in quick while they last!
12.01.2022 I T ‘ S M O N D A Y ! ...And that means lots of deliciously fresh fruit & veggie boxes going out to our lovely customers! Just check out these first few boxes for the morning! A huge THANK YOU to everyone who has ordered with us this week. We hope you enjoy your fresh fruit & veggies! ... If you missed out this week, don’t worry as next Monday’s boxes will be released on Wednesday! Stay tuned Thank you, take care & have a lovely week everyone
11.01.2022 BIN LOADS OF BROCCOLI The next crop of broccoli is ripe & ready to go! FRESH HEALTHY DE-LICIOUS! ... Orders are now being taken for next Mondays fruit & veggie boxes. Please see our pinned post for all of our available produce! Take care & have a wonderful afternoon!
10.01.2022 L U N C H T I M E I N S P I R A T I O N Delicious ! Easy ! Healthy ! ... What more could you want from this... WHOLE VEGETABLE SOUP! And you can pick up these deliciously fresh vegetables straight from the farm next Monday! This weeks boxes and extras available will be posted this evening - Stay tuned!
10.01.2022 C A P S I C U M A N D B A N A N A C H I L L I ...Just two of our delicious veggies picked this morning, ready for Flemington markets tomorrow! SO FRESH SO DELICIOUS SO HEALTHY ... Just a reminder that orders for next Monday’s fruit & veggie boxes, Christmas fruit trays & cherries close at 7pm this evening! If you haven’t already, please message us those orders! I’ve finally caught up on the orders received today so have plenty of time to catch up on some more A huge THANK YOU to everyone who has ordered with us so far this week! We not only appreciate your support for our final Monday of trade for the year, but for all of your support during 2020! We couldn’t have made it through this year without you!
10.01.2022 O R D E R S N O W O P E N Orders are now being taken for next Mondays fruit & veggie boxes! Check out our pinned post for all of our available produce! ... And remember, if our boxes dont suit your personal needs, youre more than welcome to send us through a custom order! You just send us your list and well send you the prices Take care & have a lovely afternoon everyone
10.01.2022 T H A N K Y O U A huge thank you to everyone who ordered & collected our fruit & veggie boxes this week. We love seeing so many of our returning customers each Monday! ... Next weeks boxes will be released on Wednesday so keep your on our page! And if there is something you think weve been missing, that you would love to see in our boxes, please dont hesitate to let us know! (And well see what we can do ) Take care & have a lovely night everyone
09.01.2022 O R D E R S D U E T O M O R R O W Just a friendly reminder that you have until tomorrow night at 7pm, to place your orders for pick-up on Monday! ... Please see our pinned post for this weeks $15, $30 and $50 boxes available, plus extras! Thank you, take care & have a lovely night
08.01.2022 N E X T U P 9am orders have been picked up next lot of orders are ready to go! ... Have a lovely day everyone
07.01.2022 ...Just had to share a couple more! Here is little Leyton again, inspecting the cos lettuce... ... I think he approves!
07.01.2022 THIS WEEKS FRUIT/VEGGIE BOXES - PICKUP MONDAY 14th SEPTEMBER Here are our fruit & veggie boxes available for pick-up next Monday - please see the first image below for our boxes available and the second image below for the extras! ... Youre more than welcome to order the boxes as they are, add on extras or even make up your own box (from the list of available produce). Whatever suits you!! PM us to order your box TODAY!! If you have any special requests, feel free to PM us those as well and we will do our best to accomodate you Pick-up is next Monday 14th September, from 9am - 12pm & 3pm - 5pm Orders close Friday 11th September, 7pm. Thank you, take care & and have a lovely day
07.01.2022 C U T E F A R M H E L P E R S Kaylee & Leyton love visiting daddy, nanna & nannu on the farm on Fridays! Kaylees even starting to help with the picking & packing in preparation for Flemington markets on a Saturday... start em young! ... Just a reminder that orders for our fruit & veggie boxes for pick-up on Monday, close tonight at 7pm! Please see our pinned post for all available produce. Thank you to all those who have ordered so far - I will respond to todays enquiries this afternoon! Take care & have a lovely day
07.01.2022 ...I’m a little bit late in posting this but O R D E R S C L O S I N G S O O N Just a friendly reminder that orders of our fruit & veggie boxes for pick-up next Monday 23rd November, close at 7pm tonight! (Well I’m clearly running late so let’s make it 8pm ) ... Thank you to those who have already placed an order for this week! We love that you are loving our farm fresh produce! Thank you so much for your ongoing support Thank you again, take care & have a lovely evening
06.01.2022 D I N N E R P R E P Delicious zucchini flowers stuffed with ricotta, feta, pecorino, fresh garlic and herbs & spices... All there is to do now, is coat them in panko breadcrumbs and bake in the oven! The perfect entree or side dish (or even main meal if you eat enough of them ) ... This weeks fruit & veggie boxes will be released tomorrow - stay tuned! (You could even add on some of these beauties and try them for yourself!)
06.01.2022 C O R N I S C O M I N G ! ...Are you as excited as we are??!! It won’t be long until our farm fresh corn is ripe & ready to go! We always look forward to this time of the year ... Keep your on our page as we’ll be releasing next Monday’s boxes this afternoon! Take care & have a wonderful Wednesday everyone
05.01.2022 O N E S P A R E B O X We have ONE spare fruit/veggie box available for pick-up today!! ... This box for $22 includes half a cabbage, 250g mushrooms, one iceberg lettuce, four tomatoes, three zucchinis, four oranges, three apples, one kilogram washed potatoes, one kilogram bananas and 500g of strawberries...WOW! Direct message our page to claim it ASAP!! First in, best dressed Take care & have a lovely day everyone
04.01.2022 Who says our furry friends cant enjoy some fresh & delicious veggies too?! One of our most loyal & supportive customers, Heidi, calls this the... GUINEA PIG BUFFET... () ... Featuring our fresh sugar snap peas, carrots, capsicum & cucumber! This pregnant mumma pig definitely enjoyed her breakfast yesterday morning! Theres still plenty of time to put your orders in, ready for pick-up next Monday 31st August! Feel free to PM us your enquires! Take care & have a lovely afternoon everyone
04.01.2022 F R E S H M O R N I N G P I C K Check out this morning’s fresh pick, packed into boxes ready for Flemington markets tomorrow! Straight from the farm to the markets in less than 24 hours!! ... Just a reminder that orders close tonight (Friday) at 7pm, for next Monday’s fruit & veggie boxes! Order now so you don’t miss out Take care & have a lovely Friday everyone
04.01.2022 The best part about living on a vegetable farm F R E S H D E L I C I O U S P R O D U C E ... All the time! ... Keep your on our page as this weeks boxes will be released tomorrow! Take care & have a lovely night everyone
03.01.2022 F I R S T U P The first couple of orders going out very soon! Check out those gorgeous colours ... Thank you to all those who have ordered from us again this week! Well see you all soon Have a lovely day everyone
03.01.2022 T H A N K Y O U Thank you to all who have sent through orders for this week! As always, we greatly appreciate your continued support We hope you all have a wonderful weekend and well see you on Monday! ... Thank you again, take care & have a lovely night Ps. To those who have messaged through orders in the last couple of hours, I will respond to you soon
03.01.2022 V E G G I E S F O R D E S S E R T Well heres another way of cooking your farm fresh carrots! ... CARROT CAKE WITH CREAM CHEESE FROSTING ... Perfect when paired with a nice cup of tea/coffee after dinner Dont forget that we are still taking fruit/veggie box orders for pick-up next Monday 7th September! Please see our pinned post for all of the produce available Take care & have a lovely night everyone
03.01.2022 2 4 H O U R S ...Just under 24 hours left to place those fruit & veggie box, fruit tray & cherry orders! Monday 21st December is our last day of trade for 2020 so don’t miss out! ... Thank you to all those who have already placed orders this week! It’s looking like it’s going to be a busy Monday for Rita in the shed! Take care & have a lovely evening everyone
02.01.2022 M I N I Q U I C H E S ...Such a quick and easy way to use up those left-over veggies at the end of a busy week! And they’re also perfect as an appetiser, a side dish or even just a snack! These assorted mini quiches included our farm fresh spinach, leek, tomatoes, parsley, mushrooms and of course...eggs!! Check out the recipe link below ... Just a reminder that orders for our fresh fruit & veggie boxes close tonight at 7pm. If you haven’t already done so, feel free to message us those orders! Please see pinned post for all necessary information. Thank you, take care & have a lovely day everyone
01.01.2022 E X T R A S A V A I L A B L E Check out some of these delicious extras available this week! RADISH RAINBOW CHARD BOK CHOY... (Just to name a few!) Theres still plenty of time to order your fresh fruit & veggie boxes ready for pick-up next Monday! And remember, youre welcome to take the boxes as they are, add on extras or even make up your own box! Whatever suits you Take care & have a lovely evening everyone
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