Verde Natural Health in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Alternative & holistic health service
Verde Natural Health
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 422 967 436
Address: 2/26 Aberdeen Rd, Macleod 3085 Melbourne, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 Theres just too many gorgeous leaves in the veggie patch right now. Winter plants that didnt quite reach harvest and a flush of tasty weeds too . I just cant let them go to waste so today i got out the dehydrator and started making some greens powder. .... This is basically a mix of dehydrated and crushed greens that can then be added to soups, strews, sauses, smoothies amd just about anything you can think of! . Its such a great way to utilize whats in the garden . Today was kohlrabi leaves...tomorrow maybe cauliflower! . #eatyourgreens #greenspowder #wastenot #eatwhatyougrow #usewhatyougrow #naturalhealth #nutritioniskey #nutrientboost
25.01.2022 Gorgeous blooms on my rats tail cactus! . Getting more action on this one than my Christmas cacti. We've all got our own timetable this year . #ratstailcactus #flowers #backyardblooms #lowmaintenancegardening #cactus #succulents
24.01.2022 Wet, blustery days and cold wintery nights mean comfort food. . Slow cooked, nourishing, warm wholefoods. . Sunday roast chicken and rhubarb (fresh from the garden) and apple crumble for the win tonight.... . Unfortunately I forgot to take a photo and all thats left is empty plates and happy kids!! . #nourish #wintercomfortfoods #familyhealth #rhubarbcrumble #slowfood #nutritioniskey See more
24.01.2022 I was only planning to sow tomato seeds today honest!! . But with the sun on my back, blue sky above and all the spring feels and before I knew it the pumpkins, zucchinis and cucumbers were all in! . Cant wait for my summer veggie garden!... . #backyardveggies #timetosow #summerveggiecrops #growyourown #gardenplans #eatwhatyougrow #veggielady #lovemygarden #healthyliving See more
24.01.2022 Plans coming into fruition today! . Lockdown has meant weve had to re think some aspects of this project and utilize more of what we have around the house. .... But my wicking buckets are done!! . Essentially large self watering pots or garden beds, we had planned larger wicking beds but they will have to wait till restrictions are eased. . Im so happy with these smaller versions though as they open up a new area in the backyard that dosent have garden beds. . Do you have any spring garden projects on the go? . #spring #gardenprojects #wickingbeds #productivebackyard #growyourown #timetosow #plantveggies #greenthumb #veggielady #veggiepatch #nutrition #nutritioniskey
24.01.2022 There is little more beautiful than the garden in the rain!! . I'm sure the neighbors think I'm a little odd as I prowl the garden oblivious to the drizzle with my camera. . So many leaves and flowers drenched in tiny h2o jewels, sparkling amongst the green. ... . #naturesbeauty #raindrops #backyardveggies #backyardgardener #naturalhealth #eatwhatyougrow #growplants #growfood #lovenature See more
23.01.2022 Watching these busy bees in my favorite fruit tree (apricot) is quite possibly my favorite thing to do in my garden at the moment! . #springdays #busybees #stopandsmelltheroses #sundayvibes #natureatwork #blossom #goodforthesoul
23.01.2022 Yesterday we made marshmallows! A bit messy but very easy and so much fun for the kids. . Of course we then had to test them out over the fire pit. OMG so yum!!! . We might not be able to go out right now but we can definitely still make memories! ... . #familytime #mumlife #marshmallows #homemade #makingmemories #familyhealth #mentalhealth #isofun #justbecause See more
23.01.2022 I had a helper in the garden today and it made me happier than I can describe! . Our potatoes were bags as we dont have space in a suitably sunny position. Im determined to do better than last years teeny harvest so in early, lots of compost and sunlight. .... Our youngest was very keen on the purple congo potatos!! Anything purple for the win! . I love it when the kids get interested in the things I grow. If i can pass on a love of nature or foster a curiosity about where things come from Ill consider my job well done. . Anything that makes them consider the effects of what goes in their body, that makes them prioritize long term health over short term pleasure...even if only half the time! . Its not just health miles, organic, gmos, heritage crops, soil health, diet variety, environmental wellbeing, connection to nature, seasonal produce, self reliance, trial and error, maths, life skills, confidence.....growing your own food is one of the most important skills to pass on to your kids. . So when my 4 year old wants to plant potatoes, says she wants dutch creams for dinner and then listens when i explain they have to grow first.....well thats a moment! . #growyourown #healthykids #lifeskills #backyardveggies #potatoes
22.01.2022 Little lettuce leaves loving light liquid libations! . #lettuce #homegrown #backyardveggies #backyardsalad #growyourown #eatwhatyougrow
21.01.2022 If theres one thing in the veggie patch that has impressed me this year with how easy and productive it is to grow it would have to be celery! . Over the last 6 months I have harvested whole plants, but Ive also picked single stems as needed from a couple of plants and they are still going strong. . Growing my own celery has been revolutionary ...tasty, useful, easy, productive!! From now on it will always be on my must grow list ... . Whats your must grow plant in the backyard? . #celery #backyardveggies #growyourown #nutrition #eatwhatyougrow #topten #backyardharvest #mustgrow #easytogrow #easyharvest #veggielady #naturalhealth #nutritioniskey #foodismedicine See more
21.01.2022 Even though the weather is a bit rubbish (not really complaining as I am very happy the water tanks are filling up) there are loads of things kicking on in the garden! . Really tho its all about the tomatoes right now. So many varieties and teeny fruit starting to grow! Tigerella, green zebra, nabraska wedding, valentine, black krim, crazy barry, sunrise bumblebee, blue berry...and thats not even all of them .... Yeah I may have got carried away a bit this year...but no regrets . What are you growing in your garden? . #tomatoes #summercrops #growyourown See more
20.01.2022 Everytime I go out these gorgeous ladies wander over to say hello! . Softly clucking to themselves they hang out with me while I have my coffee. . They are getting on (and not the more prolific egg laying breeds to start with) and so we are not getting many eggs from them now however they are my girls and have earned the right to a peaceful retirement!... . Of course eggs are not all they gove us....chicken poop, bedding, scratching of the soil, pest control and weed control. Chickens are amazing! . #chickens #notjustforeggs #backyardchickens #backyardeggs #chickenlover #chickenpoop #instachickens #backyardgardener #organic #growyourown #raisechickens #fluffychickens See more
20.01.2022 A bunching oinion surprise!! Managed to get on top of some weeds that had sprung up and found some bunching onions growing underneath!! . Bit rapt as onions (other than spring) are something I've not had a lot of success with!! . Pretty happy at the moment ... . #onions #growyourown #eatwhatyougrow #backyardgardener #backyardveggies #organic #nutrition #instagardens #veggiepatch #veggielady #nutritioniskey #naturopath See more
19.01.2022 Early morning musings over the remaining broccoli! Its the last week of remote learning for the term and we are exhausted and soo ready for the holidays! . This term Ive watched our "I love school" pupil lose all interest is school and our "do I have to go to school" child slip even further behind. .... I was no more than an average student at school as a kid but I love learning and its truely heartbreaking to see their relationship to learning change so drastically. . I know that a lot will be resolved when they get back to school and Im thankful we have options to help them regain the ground they have lost but this morning my heart is a little heavy. . And if you are going to take a moment to wallow in "all the feels" then what better place to do it than with the broccoli!! . #broccoli #veggiepower #takingamoment #natureheals
19.01.2022 Don't surround yourself with negativity...let it go . #mondayaffirmation #mindset #releasenegativity #healthyhabits
18.01.2022 That moment when you realise your purple cabbages may actually be kohl rabi!!! . #mixeduplabels #purplecabbage #kohlrabi #excitingmistakes #gardeningwins #backyardveggies #growyourown #purpleveg #eatwhatyougrow #nutrition
18.01.2022 I cant be the only girl in the world to be this happy with a delivery of manure surely!! . By this stage I was mostly happy to have it moved from the drive and looking forward to getting warm and dry! Not the best in Melbourne to be in the garden . #buildingbettersoil #zoopoo #gardeningintherain #victoryveggiepatch #growyourown #gardenlover #veggielady #eatwhatyougrow #nutritioniskey #backyardveggies #organicfruitnveg
18.01.2022 Already struggling to keep up with these potato babies! . As fast as I cover them over they pop back up again . Grow my lovelies, grow!! ... . #potatoes #springgrowthspurt #backyardveggies #backyardgardener #growyourown #growwhatyoulove #healthyliving #familyhealth #naturopath #nutritioniskey See more
18.01.2022 Woo hoo! The first day of spring! . The sun is out, the sky is blue and if feels like a great day to get out into nature and watch her wake up! . .... #springishere #newgrowth #backyardveggies #springflowers #getintonature See more
18.01.2022 Hello broccoli....bout time you showed up!!! . #broccoli #homegrown #growyourown #green #eatwhatyougrow #naturesharvest #backyardveggies #nutrition #familyhealth
18.01.2022 Gorgeous flowers that we see on the way to and from school. I have missed peeking in these beautiful gardens as I dont normally walk this way. . #localgardens #frontyardflowers #springflowers #whatareyougrowing
17.01.2022 This pic of me with my very first garlic braid is monumental to me! I've wanted to do this for years but garlic has never been a successful crop in my garden. . I have to admit I was just about ready to give up. Too much space used each year for little return. But then I got stubborn! . I did some extra research, focused on exactly what garlic needed in the garden. I was home a lot last year so was able to give it a bit more attention and it paid off! I finally grew ...decent sized bulbs of garlic!! . Now not all the bulbs are big, the braid is less than picture perfect...there's def room for improvement. BUT I dont care...I did it! . I grew, I harvested, I braided!! And I can't wait to use it . #garlic #homegrown #bucketlist #growyourown #dontgiveup See more
17.01.2022 I wish you could smell this spice blend! . Better still taste the finished product!! .... I'm preparing a spice rub for some pulled pork and I am having as much fun mixing this blend up just as I do making up a herbal tea or tincture! . I'm all about bringing in the fun and the play this year....doing more of what I love....letting go of what dosent inspire and light me up!! What about you? . #bringthefun #spiceblend #herbsnspices #naturalmedicine #naturopath
17.01.2022 Natures symmetry! . I love watching these mini suns open up around the garden. .... To me this level of perfection highlights how well thought out mother natures systems are. . And with that in mind, because we are part of that beautiful system, how important it is to give our bodies the things it needs to heal itself. . Water, clean wholefoods, rest, sunlight, oxygen. . Nature will always strive to find balance and given these things the body will do just that, correcting the imbalances that lead to so must dis-ease. . Because mother nature knows best . #naturesmagic #naturalhealth #sleephygine #sunlight #cleanair #wholefood
17.01.2022 Lunch is soup today. . Meat broth for its gut healing properties . Veggies for nutrients... . Meatballs for protien and beacuse they are yum!!! . Who says eating healthy is hard or boring? Couldnt be further from the truth!! . #meatballs #ilovesoup #healthychoices #meatbroth #familyhealth See more
16.01.2022 Harvesting the last of the broccoli. . The main heads we finished a few weeks ago and a little patience has seen us rewarded with loads of side shoots! .... There's no better feeling than harvesting food you have grown yourself, knowing it is clean of toxins, grown in mineral and nutrient rich soil with not a single food mile attached!!! . All I have to decide is how to cook them!!! . #growyourown #broccoli #gardentotable #eatwhatyougrow #organic #nutrition #homegrown #melbournegarden #backyardveggies #backyardgardener #instagardens #greenthumb #veggielady #veggiepatch #veggiepower #nutrientboost #naturopath #naturalmedicine #naturalhealth #healthychoices #familyhealth #melbournenaturopath
16.01.2022 Just in case you need reminding!! . #fridayfun #yougotthis #onestepatatime #youareawesome
15.01.2022 Almost too pretty to be food!! . All those colors! . All those nutrients!... . Good food is so fun to grow! . #growyourown #eatwhatyougrow #silverbeet #swisschard #allthecolours #backyardveggies #backyardgardener #instagardens #organic #healthychoices #familyhealth #nutritioniskey #naturopath See more
15.01.2022 Just letting you know I am still here and still able to see clients (online only). Of course I will let everyone know as soon as I am able to see clients in clinic however in some ways these restrictions have been a positive experience, in that I have been able to expand my business to include online consultations. . Most things I would do in clinic are easily adapted to an online situation which means that you lose nothing in the experience. IN fact in many ways it is ev...en easier... Online consultations are available at times that are potentially more convenient, particularly if you are working. You don't need to leave your house...just find a quiet corner where you can chat You don't need to dress up!! (I don't mind if you wear your pj's!) Supplements or herbal remedies can be easily delivered or posted direct to you . Spring is a perfect time to address those allergies, fix those niggling health issues, focus on nutrition and become the healthiest version of ourselves! . #naturalhealth #naturopath #familyhealth #nutrition #supportyourhealth
15.01.2022 Hiding from the kids in the broccoli patch!!! . #broccoli #backyardveggies #timetomyself #blendinginwithnature
14.01.2022 Garlic chive flowers in the early morning sun. . #garlicchives #savethebees #backyardflowers
14.01.2022 Barefoot gardening today. Its very windy but its warm and I couldnt resist! . I spend most of the warmer months in barefeet I love the freedom of not wearing shoes! .... Aside from a personal preference there are other benefits from connecting to the earth this way. Grounding or Earthing is a therapeutic technique where direct contact with dirt, sand or water can help remove positive electrons that build up in the body due through everyday life. . Grounding can help to return the body to a more balanced state and reduce stress, pain and inflammation, improve sleep and increase energy among other health benefits. . Honestly though...I just like the feel of the grass beneath my feet!! . #grounding #barefootgardener #barefeet #earthconnection #naturalhealth #benefitsofnature .
13.01.2022 Gorgeous pre spring days!! . You can feel the seasons turning in Melbourne today. Wild storms last night and brilliant blue end of winters day today. . Time to wake up.... . Time to come out of hibernation . #almostspring #busybee #turnoftheseasons #lavender #backyardflowers #wintersend #newlife #timetoplant #timetosow #vitamind #warmsunonmyback See more
11.01.2022 Today I got stuck in and pulled out some of the self seeded parsley that was taking over the garden beds. While I was really happy to have it there I need the space for the summer crops and it was taller than me!!! . I sat down with my youngest and she helped me strip the leaves and we were left with a huge bowl full. Some we used fresh but the majority went in the dehydrator and we now have a decent sized jar of dried parsley for cooking or tea. . Parsley is mostl...y thought of as a cooking herb but like all herbs it has medicinal qualities. For a start parsley is very high in vitamins C, B, A & K as well as being a rich source of antioxidants, iron potassium and magnesium. It all sounds great doesn't it but what does that mean exactly? Well this much under rated herb can help support eye health , reduce the risk of heart disease, contribute to increasing bone density, can help protect cells from oxidative stress, has anti bacterial properties, aids digestion, is a diuretic and has anti inflammatory properties. . Not bad for a herb that most people just sprinkle over mashed potato or fish. . Now all I have to do is to work out what to do with the rest of the parsley still in the garden!!! . Do you grow herbs? Do you process them so you have a supply when the plant has died back? Its so easy to do and with very little work you can have a year around supply of your homegrown herbs! . #parsley #homegrown #usewhatyougrow #medicinalherbs #naturalmedicine
10.01.2022 Too funny . Anyone else feel like this these days? . There is always something you can control even if that is just your frame of mind (no small thing in itself)... . Focus on what you CAN do, not what you cant! . #fridayfunny #fridayvibes #FocusOnWhatYouCanDo See more
10.01.2022 I love the way these little guys emerge from their flowers. Such a transformation....and so delicious! . #snowpeas #naturesmagic #growyourown #eatwhatyougrow #backyardveggies #easytogrow #sowseeds #greenthumb #veggiepower #veggielady #veggiepatch #natureatwork #stopandsmelltheroses
10.01.2022 Under all that greenery is a baked potato!! One of my go to easy meals for when I cant think what to cook. . All the greens were from the garden and picked in about 20seconds. . My garden is my pantry, my gym and my happy place. ... . Its where I work up a sweat, where I unwind, where I chill out and where I get creative. . Its where I educate my kids and learn my own lessons too. Like while you can teach a kid to grow green things you may never get them to eat them!!! . #backyardveggies #growyourown #familyhealth #eatwhatyougrow #healthykids See more
10.01.2022 Bee's in the sage flowers....doing their bee thing! . #busybees #springdays #sage #herbalmedicine #naturalmedicine #backyardherbs #backyardflowers #growyourown #naturelover #timetosow
09.01.2022 Start with a massive pumpkin...finish with a bowl of delicious soup!! . Onions, carrot, zucchini, celery, garlic, rosemary, turmeric, chicken stock and of course pumpkin. . My tip for making the tastiest pumpkin soup is to roast the pumpkin first!... . Whats your best tip for making the yummiest soup? . #soup #pumpkin #familyhealth #nutritioniskey #foodismedicine #goodforyou #eatforhealth #nutrition See more
08.01.2022 Happy New Year everyone! . May the lessons of the past year help you create a year of health and happiness . #newyear2021 #freshstart #newopportunities #happynewyear
08.01.2022 Happy Valentine's Day!! . I'm not a big fan of the commercial side of today but I'm all for any excuse to love up, spoil and celebrate those we care about! . And for those who can't go out to dinner or grab flowers ....think outside the box. Your loved ones love you not the presents. ... . Order in and have a picnic in the loungeroom, phone people up and tell them how you feel, get creative and make something, have a family games night or go for a walk and hold hands . So many ways to show friends and family you care! #valentinesday #connect #familytime See more
07.01.2022 End of the day self care vibes!! . #selfcare #amomenttomyself #sunsetsky #naturescolours #breathe
07.01.2022 Happy Friday all! . Here's to the weekend...time to connect, take stock of how we are feeling and ever so slightly freak out at how many Christmas trees are up already!! . #fridayfun #christmasiscoming #connect #family #mentalhealth
07.01.2022 Friday Fun Fact! . I have a 4 year old and I have to agree with this!! No wonder parents are tired! If you are like me you struggle with this constant need for information . BUT... . How awesome are our brains? Kids really are like sponges soaking up as much as they can to make sense of the world. If only we could take that curiosity, that sense of wonder and fascination with the world through the rest of our lives. . Who's to say we can't Next time you get asked a question by your kids stop and think about it from their point of view. Forget what you know and really explore the possibilities! . After all.....without the questions my 4 year old asks me I would never know what sound a giraffe makes! . #kidsareamazing #differentpointofview #FridayFunFacts See more
06.01.2022 Coffee in the garden! . Such a beautiful view while I contemplate where the spring/summer crops will go. . I always start out with a plan but as free space disappears I get a bit more haphazard. ... . Theres def something about straight lines of veg all neat and orderly but I'm also drawn the wild randomness of nature. . Which do you prefer? . #gardenplans #afternoontea #backyardveggies #newseasoncrops #springseedlings #growyourown #summerveg #backyardgardener #naturalhealth #familyhealth #naturopath See more
06.01.2022 arch nemisis! . Locked in an eternal battle against a single minded foe who can reduce dreams to stalks! . Helpless against sheer numbers, dreading the onslaught...wearly picking up the beer to set yet another trap ... . #snails #gardenpests #iwillprevail #beertraps #growyourown #backyardveggies #workwithnature #greenthumb #veggiepatch #veggielady #plantcollars #oiltraps #eggshells #coffeegrounds #pesttraps
06.01.2022 Victoria (and everyone else too)....take a deep breath. . A lot of us would have reacted to the news yesterday with increased heart rate, feelings of despair and much of what we were feeling at the end of last years lock down may have come flooding back. . Last year was traumatic for so many...even if you feel you sailed through lock down last time there are bound to be residual feelings that possibly haven't been fully acknowledged. We all just wanted to put the experienc...e behind us and move on. . Having your freedom restricted in any way can leave it's mark even if you think it's the right thing to do. . Yesterday when I heard the rumors I didn't immediately recognize how I was feeling but as the day went on and things were confirmed I realized just how anxious and unsettled I had become. . Today has been calmer and there have been moments where I slipped back into 'lock down' mode....sleeping in a little longer, seeking out my 'sunny spot' to have coffee. But I can still feel that tense knot inside. That underlying thought that it wont just be 5 days. I'm sure I'm not the only one feeling this. . Maybe your worried about family or reluctant to go to the shops for food. Maybe like me you are more than a little stressed at the thought of remote learning with the kids (even for just 3 days!) . Even if you can't quite put your finger on the reason, know that it's ok and understandable to be anxious right now. . So....take a deep breath. (me too!!) There are loads of different breathing techniques that can help to reduce anxiety and promote calm and relaxation. . I love this one because it's easy to do and to remember as well as being very effective. Find somewhere you can sit and relax for a moment (although this is not necessary if you can't) . Breath in through your nose while slowly counting to four. . Hold your breath for the slow count of four. . Breath out through your mouth, again to the slow count of four. . Wait for the slow count of four before repeating. . This helps to slow us down, place us in the moment and focus our thoughts on a physical act. It makes our brain think on something other than our worries and fears and it triggers our parasympathetic nervous system, stalling our fight or flight response. . Remember to talk to friends and family about how your feeling. Simply connecting with others and voicing concerns can help to relieve a lot of the anxiety . #justbreathe #mentalhealth #reachoutforhelp
06.01.2022 Nothing like popping the top on something youve made yourself! . Preserving the gluts for times when theres less is an old way but makes so much sense. .... These toms were bottled back in March 2019 (covid stole this years event) and each bottle opened brings back the feel of those end of summer days and memories of the fun the kids had helping. . Making memories but also learning life skills. Some might say redundant skills given you can buy sauce at the supermarket but I disagree. . If you can grow can feed yourself. If you can preserve can feed your family. And whats more important than that. . #preservetheharvest #lifeskills #oldwaysaregoodways #usewhatyougrow #teachkids #nutrition #sustainablelife #sustainableskills
06.01.2022 Good Monday Morning! Hope you have an amazing week . #mondaymorning #weekofpossibilities #healthychoices
04.01.2022 So much color in the garden!!! . #springflowers #backyardcolour #backyardflowers #naturesbeauty #colourpallette #stopandsmelltheflowers
04.01.2022 Tomatoes are in!!! Well the standard sizes anyway....cherry toms will go in soon. It feels like I'm a bit late with them this year but I think thats just 2020. . These have all been grown from seed and are looking strong and healthy. Fingers crossed for a big harvest this year as last year was underwhelming. . I love seeing the summer garden come together!... . I always plant my toms with a piece of banana peel which gives them a boost of potassium and phosphorus. Do you have any tricks you used with your tomatoes? . Oh and the strawberries were my treat afterwards . #tomatoes #backyardtomatoes #summergarden #strawberries #backyardveggies See more
04.01.2022 A rainy cooler day today. . As soon as I looked out the window this morning I knew it was a slower inside day. Not that i havent been outside but its just not calling me like the when the sun is out. . The slow cooker went on and a number of inside jobs like sorting out my milk kefir have been done.... . We are counting down to the school hols and the relaxing of restrictions and its taken its toll. . A slower inside day is very welcome. Sometimes we need to move with the seasons and the weather, taking each one as it comes, knowing it has its place . #seasons #slowdown #slowfood #pleasureinthesmallthings #restandrejuvinate #nananaps #slowcooker #milkkefir #rainydays #makeyourown #homemade #naturalhealth #familyhealth #familylife #healthykids #healthyliving See more
04.01.2022 Heres my finished greens powder! . This one has cauliflower leaves, broccoli leaves, kohlrabi leaves, dandelion leaves, cabbage leaves, leek and parsley. You could, of course add whatever you like to it. . Weve been adding it to soups, stews and casseroles, meatballs and smoothies (shh dont tell the kids!) ... . What i love most is that so many of these leaves would normally be discarded but this way more of what I grow gets utilized and helps to keep us healthy! . #backyardharvest #broccoli #usewhatyougrow #cabbage #preservetheharvest #leek #eatweeds #cauliflower #parsley #kohlrabi #familyhealth #familylife #healthychoices #healthykids #naturopath See more
03.01.2022 I tried to make veggie chips again today! Beetroot, parsnip, turnip, swede and carrot . Honestly it is not something that I have mastered. .... These are the ones that look ok but theres an embarrassingly large amount that are burnt black and inedible . I will enjoy these few very much but if anyone has tips or tricks that would be great! . Its a small thing but one Im determined master. . #newskills #veggiechips #eatwhatyougrow #healthychoices #familyhealth
03.01.2022 The pumpkin that keeps on giving!! . We had heaps of pumpkin left over from the pumpkin soup so I had to make pumpkin scones. With lashings of butter of course . A perfect afternoon tea on a wintery Tuesday ... . #pumpkinscones #afternoontea #pumpkins #homemade See more
03.01.2022 The girls have been making fairy houses today. . I love the use of natural materials. Im thinking that when the weather warms up we might build a full size one and sleep out in it! . #backyardkids #fairyhouses #usewhatyouhave #naturalbuildingmaterials #kidsatplay #imagination #healthykids
03.01.2022 Loving all the teeny baby fruit n veg!! . Baby broad beans are popping up everywhere, teeny pears, apricots and peaches are getting bigger each day and new broccoli shoots are quickly appearing now we have harvested the main head. . So much change and movement. Seems to be the opposite of what life is like in Melbourne atm.... . You cant stop nature!! . #backyardveggies #backyardfruit #broadbeans #apricots #peaches #pears #growyourown #eatwhatyougrow #backyardgardener #greenthumb #veggielady #healthyliving #familyhealth #timetogrow #naturalhealth #nutrition #naturopath See more
02.01.2022 Happy international coffee day!
02.01.2022 Hello microgreens!!! These lovely leaves are a mix of radish , kale, tatsoi, endive and beetroot. . They took about 3 days to germinate and another 3 to get to this stage but they wont last much longer!! They are destined to be added to my meals for a quick and easy nutrition boost! .... #microgreens #nutrientboost #nutritioniskey #growyourown #eatwhatyougrow #greenlove #eatyourgreens See more
01.01.2022 At the start of every year we go berry picking. I dont quite know how it started but its become a bit of a family tradition. . Whether it's just us and the kids or extended family it seems to start the year off right. . Today the berries were big and so sweet....but we nearly didnt make it. We nearly stayed home! The rain was torrential and the forcast was not looking good..... . We decided to go anyway and when we arrived we nearly got back in the car and went home it was so wet. . But....we gave it a go. We decided that the worst that could happen is that we got soaked and we went anyway........and the sun came out!! . It ended up being a brilliant day, lots of laughs, catching up, playing and eating loads of strawberries! And the sun shone all afternoon. . Thats what I'm hoping for this year. To face the fear or worry and do it anyway! To seize more days, to make the most of every moment and to not let myself walk away from opportunity. . #oppertunityknocks #leanin #newyear #stretch #doitanyway . See more
01.01.2022 Im spending a lot of my days atm just staring at these guys! . Im sure I can see them growing . Nearly everything I planted has come up .....perhaps I need to start staring at the garden and figure out where they are all going to go!!! ... . #sowseeds #greenhouse #springseeds #growyourown #eatwhatyougrow #nutrition #backyardveggies #naturopath See more
01.01.2022 I'm SO excited!!!! I grew garlic!!! . LOL I couldn't wait....really they need another few weeks before I start to harvest but I was busting to find out if I'd finally managed the impossible (for me anyway) . And if the rest are similar to this one I'll be one very happy gardener!... . Growing my own garlic is a real achievement for me. Not only because I've tried and failed a few times. It also means I can try out loads of different varieties that you can't get in the shops! Shop bought garlic is also often imported and can be stored for a long time prior to selling, which in itself is not always bad, but in order to prevent sprouting and control pests they can be sprayed with various chemicals, which we don't need in our diet. . Growing my own means I can supply my family with organic healthy garlic and that's a big win! See more
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