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Vibrant light wellness


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to load big map

24.01.2022 Still playing with my new colours...lots of trial and error going on. The freedom of creating sets my soul on fire!! I never want to stop!! ... #expressingmyself #alcoholinkart #playing #adelaide #saartist #abstractart #techniques #artlife See more

22.01.2022 SO....just wanted to share something with you. This year I’ve decided to refrain from purchasing any new items of clothing... I’ve decided I’m only going to buy things from op shops or do swaps with girlfriends. Sometimes I just feel so overwhelmed with this earth and what we are doing to it...but I know I’m not doing all I can to help. So this is me trying my best to do a little bit...and hopefully it becomes a big bit! Today was my first purchase for the year, and I... found this whole outfit (including bangle) all for just $14. The pants are SO comfy...and I can even do yoga in them...winnng!! I’m excited about the challenge ahead, I know for sure that I have enough clothes in my cupboard to keep me warm for years to I will try and be more creative with what I have. I was inspired by a talk that I heard by @slow.clothes oneday at a picnic in the forest with @what.she.finds I love this planet, Mother Nature and all that she little by little I’ll try and be better to the beautiful earth. Maybe you’d like to come on this journey with me...and we can share our bargain outfits along the way!!?? A little bit of fun all while doing a good deed! . . . . . #opshop #secondhand #sustainablefashion #conscious #clothing #ourearth #mothernature #preciousplanet #doingmybest #melindaeveart

20.01.2022 All my colours are unfolding over at @melinda_eve_art ... (mainly insta) pop over and like it if you haven’t already. Exciting times ahead.... I’m working on my summer’s about all the happy memories from childhood...more details coming soon .... . . . . #happytimes #colourmehappy #colourcrush #playtime #emergingartist #acryliconcanvas #abstractart #expression #intuitive #mypath #mydreams #melindaeveart See more

18.01.2022 *When I post words they are usually from the past....I wrote these words early last year. Then they just get filed away in my notes and oneday I read over them again and think I may aswell share them!! xx You take what you need from every person you meet along the way on your journey. Not one person has it all figured out more than another....because who are we actually aspiring to be like? It’s all a false illusion of what we think we should be like. ... The answers to ‘your’ journey can’t be found anywhere else other than within as we go through life, how precious it is when we can come to a point of acceptance....accepting the way our life is unfolding in all it’s up and downs, all the crazy emotions that arise, the love, the fear, the anger, the’s all part of this human’s all ok. When we come to our breath, we go within, we stop reliving the past and predicting the future....what a beautiful way to live, just allowing each moment to pass through....from one moment to the’s all so can change as we know it - any second. Surrendering to our experience allows ease through our days....not expecting outcomes...just accepting and adjusting as we need to along the way. Day by day...on our own path. xME

18.01.2022 Anyone that knows me well knows that this technology stuff and I are still learning to be friends!! I really appreciate everything it can do for me, but sometimes I just can’t figure out the rhyme & reason behind it all...let alone the algorithms!!!! Anyway, I’d love it if you could share this with your bright, cheery, friends who’d love a little colour in their life! It will be a beautiful afternoon in the Barossa....AND...we are going to be supporting a pretty importan...t cause this time. I’m asking if everyone that comes along can bring something special to donate to women who are feeling vulnerable at the moment...together we are supporting NDVS (Northern Domestic Violence Service). So spread the word, grab some friends and make an afternoon of it at the beautiful Lambert Estate Wines Oh....did I mention we’ll have an AMAZING singer there to entertain you!! More details coming soon xxMel

16.01.2022 What a beautiful burst of colour to brighten up a space... 2019 is going to be full of art!! Stay tuned for a new page appearing soon...just for the art lovers ... #adelaideartist #localartists #colours #wallart #abstractart #expression #emotions #arttherapylife #creating #playing #living #decoration See more

14.01.2022 Complimentary movie night this friday at the studio! Who's coming? We will be playing the first 2 parts of the amazing 5 part documentary called transcendence (link to trailer below).... Feel free to bring a bean bag, picnic basket, drinks and nibbles and enjoy hanging with your beautiful community. Optional share dinner from 6pm. Movie starts at 7. To book a spot please message trish on 0408 598 444

07.01.2022 One of my little babies...25 x 25cm. Perfect to brighten up a little corner of your home or office! I’ve just noticed...I’m nearly at 200 likes on my new insta page @melinda_eve_art ...and I promised you a giveaway! Today could be the day....this little piece could be yours, or you might like to choose a different one. Tag a friend, like my new page and you’ll be in the draw. Woohoooo...I love giving away my colours to bring a smile to your face! ... . . . . #giveaway #colourpop #happyvibes #abstractart #acryliconcanvas #expression #instaartist #southaustralia #barossa #australia #localart #originalartwork #melindaeveart See more

06.01.2022 Beautiful friends.....I’m creating a new page just for ART related stuff! Please drop over, like and spread the word! I hope you love sharing the colourful journey with me as much as I love creating it. Big love xxxMel #melindaeveart #emergingartist #abstractart #trustinglife #creating #coloursplash #acrylicpaint #alcoholinkart #expressingmyself

05.01.2022 I don’t want to ‘fit in’ I don’t want to ‘be like everyone else’ I don’t want to ‘conform to the rules’ I don’t want to ‘do what others expect’ I don’t want to ‘agree with the majority’... I don’t want to ‘behave how society wants me to’ I don’t want to ‘take on beliefs that aren’t mine’ I don’t want to ‘watch the news and all the negativity’ I don’t want to ‘medicate myself in any way so I can’t feel pain’ I don’t want to ‘suppress my emotions to make others feel more comfortable’ I don’t want to ‘go to places that make my heart feel heavy’ I don’t want to ‘be around people that make my heart feel heavy’ I WANT to live MY life the way that feels right for ME. I want to soften into my heart and express any feelings that arise. I want to respect my body and nurture it and nourish it with good food, movement, and fresh air. I want to be in nature and be connected to the earth. I want to surround myself with people who truly see ME and love me just as I am. I want to connect within and honour my soul, being guided on my journey. I want to speak my truth no matter how hard. I want to connect to others on a deep, meaningful level, beyond the surface. I want to explore the earth and all the people on it. I want to smile at strangers. I want to shine bright so anyone in darkness can see my light and feel safe in my presence. I want to flow with life trusting the twists and turns are all part of my journey. I want to accept, surrender and allow life to unfold. I want to feel strength and courage, peace and hope. I want to trust the divine and live MY life. xMel #life #freedom #expression #flowing #words #spirituality #creativity #thoughts #reflections #mylife #myspiritualpath #trustheprocess

05.01.2022 Friday night fun.... Yoga & Meditation... Nutty Granola mix... Pastel colours... Herbal Tea... ... Great combination for this girl! . . . . #fridaynight #simplepleasures #lifeisgood #goodvibes #mytribe #yoga #meditation #yummyfood #art #tea #calm #creating #melindaeveart See more

03.01.2022 Come and join me on my new page where I’ll be sharing everything creative....and my passion for colour...with a few stories in between! Art for sale...See you there xMel ... #newpage #freshstart #creating #livingdreams #trustinglife #enjoytheride #saartist #adelaideartist #energyart #inspiration #creating See more

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