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Victorian Hillclimb Championship


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22.01.2022 The Hillclimb Advisory Panel met (via Zoom) last week and prepared a provisional calendar of events for the 2021 Championship. This has now been sent in to Motorsport Australia for approval. The new design for the Class Medallion Awards for the Series Rounds has also been approved by the Panel and an order has been placed with the supplier. More details to follow soon. The Panel will meet again (Zoom) in November and further information about the Calendar and the start-up of the new season will be provided after that meeting. Until then, stay safe....

19.01.2022 With many cars coming out of months lockdown it might be timely to review this old advertisement. Author unknown and I think that (the current) Dot 3 could be more than a bit dangerous when sprayed onto the brakes. If you suspect a build up of wheel ants consult a trained professional.

19.01.2022 Another video from Frank Bradley's 'A Legend in his own Lunchtime' collection......Enjoy

13.01.2022 Just received a competition number registration request for next season. Many competitors have already registered for next season. Click on the link to see the current (30/10/20) list of paid registrations.

12.01.2022 For all of you that can't be at Mt Gambier or are missing hillclimbing. action from yesterday and they are going LIVE today from about 9.30

12.01.2022 Hi all. Just a quick update from the Panel. We have been 'meeting' via Zoom on a monthly basis (rather than the usual bi-monthly) so we can quickly take advantage of any changes in Covid-19 related restrictions. Plans are well underway with next years championship calendar and at this stage we anticipate that the first round will take place in January. There may still be some restrictions in place from the Victorian Government and Motorsport Australia. Details of what we as o...rganizers and competitors must do will be advised closer to the time. The panel has almost finalised a new design for the medallions that are presented at each round. The name change from CAMS to Motorsport Australia made a change in design necessary and as this meant that new casting dies had to be made it was decided to come up with a complete new design. On a lighter note I am expecting that the pit area at the first event will look more like a show & shine considering that we will have had 6 months to get the cars ready. I need to get my hands on of a couple of litres of Prepsol. The downside of applying wax polish every month without taking the car out means it is now 4kg heavier than in the pre-Covid days! See you on the other side... See more

12.01.2022 Ian Grinter returns to the pits after his final run at Rob Roy. Ian is retiring from competitive motorsport after dominating for many years the Improved Production up to 1600cc class in Hillclimbing . Ian will still contribute to the State Hillclimb Championship as the Competitor Representative on the Victorian Hillclimb Advisory Panel. His superbly prepared and immaculately presented Mini Cooper is now available for sale in 'ready to race' condition.

09.01.2022 List of registered competition numbers for 2021 and beyond. This list was updated at 15:30 on 12/12/20. Follow the link to view the list.

08.01.2022 Hi Everybody The Victorian Hill Climb Championship Advisory Panel met last night and decided to cancel the remaining three rounds of the 2020 Trydel Up & Go Victorian Hill Climb Championship. The post COVID-19 plan was to conduct Round 3 in August, Round 4 in September and Round 5 in October. The lock down of greater Melbourne until late August and the risk of carrying the virus into rural Victoria meant the remaining rounds were not feasible nor the right thing to do in thes...e very supportive local communities. Accordingly, there will be no class or outright trophies awarded for the 2020 championship. What happens next? If, and when the current lock down is ended, some clubs may still be able to conduct their own local events. We’ll advise you if local events resume. In these challenging times, we believe it is better to focus on our own families and others in our community rather than worry that we can’t indulge in motorsport. In the meantime, the Victorian Hill Climb Championship Advisory Panel will commence planning for our 2021 season. Thanks for your understanding and please stay safe. Chris Harwood Chair Victorian Hillclimb Championship

07.01.2022 Frank Bradley back in the drivers seat of his computer. His favourite track configuration at Bryant Park - Haunted Hills. This layout you drive UP Oh Sh!t hill.

07.01.2022 Showing one of the shortest hillclimbs on the Victorian circuit this is another video from Frank Bradley's 'A Legend in his own Lunchtime' Collection. Enjoy............

06.01.2022 Want to sound like a Ferrari? Measuring well below 95dba this system may be 'street legal' but Regulators at Motorsport Australia have still not approved it for Speed Events.

05.01.2022 Last round of the 2009 series - also cancelled - was to be at Bryant Park. Organised by PIARC they use the Double Loop or ‘Paperclip’ track configuration. This is what it looked like in 2017.....

05.01.2022 Motorsport Australia have approved the proposed Championship Calendar for 2021. Use this for planning purposes but check with each organising club closer to the event date. All Events will be subject local and State Covid-19 restrictions as well as the M/A Return to Racing rules, also most hillclimb events get cancelled if there is a Total Fire Ban in force in that region on the nominated date. Other than that, what can stop us? 1 17 Jan MGCC Rob Roy ... 2 13 Feb GCC Bryant Park 3 27/28 Mar BLCC Mt Leura 4 18 Apr PIARC Bryant Park 5 5/6 June AAC One Tree Hill 6 4 July AWDCC Wodonga TAFE 7 22 Aug VMCi Broadford In case you haven't heard, M/A have an App for smart phones that you can use to download your licence details - Competitor and Officials. If I read this correctly this is now the approved form for identifying yourself at events. I think you will still need to have your plastic licence and pass-book with you in case the Stewards need 'to have a chat'. I tried it, the App is free, installs in seconds and downloads your licence info just as quick. It worked first time for me, (that's one in a row!). I think this may be the start of simplyfying entries and doc checking. Let us hope.

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