Victorian Motorcycle Council | Community organisation
Victorian Motorcycle Council
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25.01.2022 For those riders who are interested in following the latest bit of personality politics in Victorian motorcycle advocacy, click on our blog post linked below, otherwise, please disregard. For the record, we are making a public post to ensure that the record is set straight. Thanks.... VMC team. Ride Safe, Safe Ride
25.01.2022 - Victorian Auditor General's Office gives the Wire Rope Barrier roll out program a serve. - The Victorian Auditor General's Office released a report on the Wire Rope Barrier roll out program yesterday. There's a whole lot in it about governance issues and failings in the management of the roll out. The VAGO even gives a serve about the lack of a defined effectiveness measurement program. These are big deal issues because public monies, our monies, are involved. ... The VAGO also found that overall, the wire rope barrier program resulted in about half the expected improvement in road safety stats, so reading between the lines, at best, the agencies were over optimistic in their assessments or cherry picked to make a case. That will have to give the minister(s) some pause for thought - can they trust the advice they receive from their road safety agencies? That said, there was a road safety benefit so wire rope barriers are likely to stay (even though it's likely that any barrier roll out program would have achieved some kind of benefit). There's not a whole lot in the report for motorcyclists, but riders can feel vindicated that they were right all along. When we've asked the agencies for justification of WRSB's in respect of motorcycle safety, we were often met with deflection and/or out of context references to research. Intuitively, these utterances didn't sit well with riders. The VAGO would seem to have agreed as on this point, the VAGO makes a couple of unambiguous statements: = "VicRoads Top 20 Program investment plans and project proposals contain no information about how effective flexible barriers are for different types of road users, such as motorcyclists and heavy vehicle drivers." = "While the Towards Zero Strategy references two studies about the effectiveness of flexible barriers for motorcyclists, neither of these studies have enough data for VicRoads to rely on." You can read the report here: What are your thoughts?
22.01.2022 Some changes and roadworks for those able to get out and about
22.01.2022 Vale Bertrand Cadart
22.01.2022 They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning... We will remember them. === Picture Source: Australian Military Despatch Riders, Carey Street, Giru, ca. 1942 (Source: SLQ Image 41362)
22.01.2022 The AMC held its AGM last weekend and, like pretty-much all national organisations at the moment, it was via Zoom! The following executive appointments for the ...coming 12 months were all made unopposed: Chairman - Shaun Lennard Vice Chairman - Peter Baulch Secretary - John Eacott Treasurer - Brian Wood Executive members - Jason Antony, Graeme Rawlins and Dave Wright "This was a first for us; the AMC's first electronic AGM," said incoming chair Shaun Lennard. "It was great that our patron, NSW independent MP Greg Piper, was able to participate in the Zoom meeting. 2020 marks 40 years of advocacy and representation by the Australian Motorcycle Council, which was established in 1980. Our focus is not on the past, though, but where motorcycling is at in Australia now and into the future. We are facing challenges this year that nobody could have imagined. Motorcycles and scooters as a transport mode have never been more important or relevant." See more
19.01.2022 The Inquiry into Victoria's increased 2019 road toll continued today - links below. We also got word that the transcripts for our public witness evidential hearing have been posted up. This was the VMC's submission: The transcript for our evidentiary hearing, and others, can be found here (we are the second organisation heard on day 1, 7th July): Have a read and see what you think. Happy to take some discussion. The inquiry can be found here: . . . Now, on an partly unrelated matter, continuing on the petty politics theme from a couple of posts ago, and surprisingly, related to this inquiry, it has gotten back to us that our submission, prepared in December and submitted in January, was somehow linked to another group having their facebook page temporarily suspended last month. If you can do the math on that, you are definitely a better person than we are. We were also told that our Inquiry's public evidence somehow lays open the VMC's justification for not only being an exclusive non-democratic organisation (say what now?) but that we are proactively attempting to exclude riders from joining another rider representative organisation. If you can find where we make that argument to an inquiry about the road toll (and that that is somehow linked to the road toll) then you're definitely a better person than we are. And we also heard that apparently the VMC is funded by Government so can't be trusted. We're not funded by Government or the levy, we're entirely volunteer, but here's the thing, if a rider rep group was funded or self funded in some way, it could act full time on the behalf of riders as the RACV does for drivers and Bicycles Victoria does for cyclists. This is one of VMC's future organisational goals, but somehow, being funded is being made to be unacceptable by some which also demonstrates one example of how motorcycle advocacy is being held back. It's an incredible pity that such petty politics remains a focus within riding representation. For the record, VMC Vice Chair Rob Salvatore, spoke at the Independent Riders' group "Fair Go Rally" several years ago and beseeched riders to lend their voice and support by joining any group that supported their ideals. That is still the only rational view to hold and is still the one that VMC endorses. If you hear of any other anti-VMC rhetoric, ask first who the rhetoric supports and then let us know. We now return you to normal programming - let us know your thoughts on the VMC's submission and its public evidence. Ride safe, safe ride, stay healthy!
19.01.2022 Vale VicRoads and extension to Victorian Road Toll Inquiry. Just a little FYI, recent amendments made to Victoria's Road Safety Regulations have written out the words "VicRoads" and (the) "Corporation". This is one of the last steps in a process kicked off about two years ago. RIP VicRoads. An example of one of the legislative amendments making the change is linked below... for anyone interested...... And in other news, the Victorian Road Toll Inquiry has extended its submission deadline date to the end of April. The inquiry was initiated in the wake of a significant increase in the road toll. Head to the link below and share your views. **Road Toll Inquiry**: **Amendments to Road Safety Regs**:
18.01.2022 *** VMC 2020 AGM Notification *** Tuesday 27th October, 7.30pm. Full details on our Events page - only visible and open to members. Member registration is required - you must be logged in to see the event and then register.
17.01.2022 It's on! Albeit in a COVID safe way, Victorian motorcyclists can still help make lives better at Christmas.
17.01.2022 Some of the work being done to get roads open after the Victorian fires; well be seeing significant changes in sight lines through many popular riding roads when we next go riding! Well done to the timber industry for this effort
16.01.2022 In the Herald-Sun today, Thursday 10th July. MotoCAP is well on the way to being the 'go-to' location for assessing the safety of your new motorbike clothing in Australia
15.01.2022 Ride Your Motorcycle to Work Week is asking what could be done to encourage more Aussies on to powered two wheels? What do you think?
14.01.2022 With over 3,400 followers of our page, imagine how amazing it would be for people doing it really tough this Christmas if all of us donated just $30 - that would be over $100,000!! Please consider donating, please share and encourage your family, friends and workmates to support you by donating too. Thank you for any donations!
14.01.2022 The 2 Wheel Action Group has launched a 6-point petition calling for a better deal for motorcycle and scooter riders as we move forward from COVID-19.
13.01.2022 "Ride your motorcycle to work" week is now "Ride your motorcycle" week. We're hoping Victoria will have reduced its Covid restrictions by then, afterall, riding powered two wheels is arguably the most covid safe form of transport we have available! Get on it!... #rideitout See more
13.01.2022 *** UPCOMING RACV BOARD ELECTIONS *** Many Victorian motorcyclists are also members of the RACV. In recent days RACV members will have received, via mail or email, a voting form for the election of two new RACV Board members. It will appear in your email inbox as "CorpVote Voting Ser."... Why is this important? Until recently, the VMC enjoyed a good working relationship with the RACV. We touched base on some important road safety and policy issues and there was a decidedly "friendlier" consultative tone from them on any motorcycling matters. The RACV magazine even included several important articles on commuting and getting a learners licence. The weather seems to have changed. Front number plates even got a mention again in a recent RACV submission. Board elections are a good time to help make a point that motorcyclists are legitimate road users. The election material contains information on each of the candidates and their contact details. Only one board candidate lists an interest in motorcycles. It is not clear where the others stand. We'd ask RACV members with riders in the family or who are riders themselves, to exercise their right to vote and in the process ask the candidates where they stand on motorcycling matters and the RACV's relationship with riders. It would bring to the candidates attention the importance of PTWs within the transport system if all VMC members were to contact all candidates and request their policy on PTWs. Even if they dont respond it will bring to their attention the importance of PTWs and hopefully make them aware of our interest. . Edited to add: For those interested who aren't RACV members but interested in reading the candidate statements, they are located in the "RACV Election of Directors" section here:
12.01.2022 The VMC has made a submission to the Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into the 2019 Road Toll Increase. Our submission is entirely motorcycle focussed. It is in two parts, first part is a more general discussion about motorcycle road safety from the motorcyclist/motorcycling point of view. The second part contains short and direct responses to each terms of reference, again with a specific motorcycling point of view.... One of the central themes is that the key to a sustained reduction in the rider road toll is threefold: 1) to improve, better and upskill riders, 2) improve the road system that motorcycles ride on and 3) to increase non-rider awareness of motorcycles. Thanks to the riders who contributed directly and indirectly through their extensive personal engagement. You can read the submission at the link below:
11.01.2022 Some good pointers in this.
10.01.2022 Wire Rope Safety Barriers - WRSB's, recognised as a rider hazard... in Nth Ireland. In local political circles, it has not been acknowledged that Wire Rope Safety Barriers are highly injurious if not deadly to motorcyclists should they collide with them. ... Let's call a spade a spade, no barrier is a good barrier for a rider to collide with, but WRSB's are the worst. No sliding surface, no chance of a survived glancing blow, and by design the wire ropes direct the front end to be snagged by a post causing the rider to be catapulted increasing injury and / or impact a post causing severe trauma to a lower limb. They may look like an egg slicer or cheese grater, but it's the posts that do the damage. In response to rider concerns, the authorities say that WRSB's have MASH (Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware) approval, a global standard on such things. They'll even quote a MASH test level - thing is, motorcycle crash testing is not a required element of MASH compliance or approval. The other response the bureacracy throws up is "research", often cherry picked, that shows a low incidence of rider crashes into WRSB's as proof that they are rider safe. Go check out the "Towards Zero" webpage on the topic as evidence of this. Well, duh, if riders avoid such roads or ride with some hypervigilance to manage the hazard WRSB's present, what else would the stats say? One of the most celebrated treatments demonstrating reduced rider stats is a 2+1 treatment on a popular riding coastal road in NZ. Rider stats dropped dramatically thus "proving" WRSB's work to improve rider safety. Duh#2 correlation is not causation. Also, see Duh#1. The most "motorcycle friendly" level treatment that can be done to WRSB's is to fit "crash cushions" on posts, which actually has been done on some of the more motorcycle trafficked main roads out east. This is the closest acknowledgement authorities have given in regards to the danger WRSB's represent to riders without actually stating it on the record. VMC played a part in advocating for that treatment under the Hon Luke Donnellan MP when he was the Roads Minister. That said, WRSB's have proven to save vehicle occupant lives, this is inescapable, even if the VAGO recently confirmed that it wasn't at the much touted levels that were "marketed". One wonders whether any kind of barrier treatment then would have produced a life and injury saving benefit? We'll never know. It is refreshing then, that in Ireland, some key road safety authority officials and a couple of their politicians, recognised and acknowledged these concerns. Read about it at the link below! May there be a similar outbreak of commonsense locally. VicRoads Transport Accident Commission (TAC) Bev McArthur MP - Member for Western Victoria
09.01.2022 Quote from a recent VicRoads email... "New Federal Laws For Miniature Motorbikes [link below] New federal safety requirements for miniature motorbikes aim to strengthen consumer protection for young riders.... Miniature motorbikes are often copies of popular road motorcycles such as grand prix race bikes or chopper motorbikes and are about half the size of a full size motorcycle. Although they may look like toys, they are capable of high speeds that can pose risks to children unless riders follow proper safety precautions."
09.01.2022 Australian MotoGP cancelled
07.01.2022 Footpath Parking Changes In Melbourne's CBD III - FMC result. Last night the Future Melbourne Committee of the City Of Melbourne heard presentations tabled for item 6.4 which related to footpath parking and unanimously voted to endorse the proposal. ...Continue reading
07.01.2022 Following the recent announcement by the Australian Grand Prix Corporation to cancel the 2020 Australian Motorcycle GP at Phillip Island, and the restrictions i...n place due to COVID-19, the City of Casey will not proceed with the 2020 Cranbourne GP Run. This event was due to be held on Saturday 24 October. We are sad to cancel this but look forward to seeing you back at this popular community event in 2021.
07.01.2022 The VMC offers its condolences and sympathies to the families, loved ones, friends and colleagues of: Leading Senior Constable Lynette Taylor, Constable Glen Humphris, Senior Constable Kevin King and... Constable Josh Prestney lost tragically in performance of their duties. RIP Victoria Police Lisa Neville MP
06.01.2022 *** Notification of Price Rise for Additional Bikes *** Due to transactional costs incurred, we will be raising the cost of each additional bike for roadside assistance cover by $5 with effect from 1st July 2020. Details are in our blog post, link below......
06.01.2022 WRB's IN THE NEWS In 2006, the National Motorcycle Union advocacy body in Norway had a win against the installation of wire rope barriers. Norway stopped installing new WRB's and agreed to roll back their installation.... Apparently Norway has been a little slow at removing them. FEMA are now reporting that the NMU helped have funds directed to continuing removals. Well done NMU! Unfortunately Norway has a very specific and unique political and national set of circumstances that helped produce the 2006 result. The same success couldn't be replicated throughout the rest of Europe where WRB's are still a key element of the "road safety" arsenal. Last we heard, FEMA was producing an indepth research article on roadside barriers and the use of WRB in the EU. We await with great interest. Closer to home, the VMC recently met with both the Minister for Roads and Road Safety The Hon Ben Carroll MP and the Shadow Minister for Roads and Road Safety Mr Brad Battin MP where one of the topics on the table was WRB's. The VMC has been opposed to WRB's since the VMC's inception. Victoria is unlikely to ever replicate Norway's stance, but our rational and reasonable suggestion of an alternative to WRB's was well received. This is definitely a "watch this space". Ride safe.
06.01.2022 Footpath parking changes in Melbourne's CBD. The City of Melbourne has announced they intend to restrict motorcycle footpath parking in a number of areas and balance this with alternative **free** on street parking. Despite some of the rhetoric from some quarters, this isn't an attack on motorcycle footpath parking. In the face of drastic increase in pedestrian traffic, this is part of CoM's effort on clearing up footpath clutter which includes reviews of bicycle hoops, cafe, A-boards and even Telstra phone boxes. Can CoM Ban Parking Outright? Short answer is no. Road Rule 197 allows us to park on footpaths so long as we do not stop in a place where the motorcycle inconveniences, obstructs, hinders or prevents the free passage of any pedestrian or other vehicle. That is the law. It would be impossible for riders to comply with this law on the narrow and/or heavy pedestrian trafficked paths that have been targeted - and that is the key point. If the status quo remained as is, riders would be fined off these paths with no suitable alternative in place. Is This A Surprise Announcement? The community was first alerted to this potential change in a discussion document some 12months ago. Since then, CoM has outlined the data and the case to the "Motorcycles in City of Melbourne Committee", of which VMC is a member, and the targeted areas are legit. Motorcycle Parking: The proposed restricted areas are shown in the picture below (care of The Age article) by way of local signage. Page 6 of this link has the proposed new on road parking. It is likely that CoM parking inspectors will be ramping up their enforcement of bike parking in general, so familiarise yourself with the parking guideline pamphlet approved by Vicroads and the guidelines shown on CoM's motorcycle parking page - links immediately below. VMAC Parking Guide: CoM Parking page: = = = News articles:
06.01.2022 Footpath parking changes in Melbourne's CBD - rev 2 17/2/20 This morning the VMC withdrew its support for the City Of Melbourne's "Managing motorcycle parking on overcrowded streets" proposal. ... The proposal is being presented for ratification at tomorrow's Future Melbourne Committee (FMC) meeting (link below). The VMC let critical personnel at the CoM know of its decision via email, then made a submission to the FMC calling for the proposal to be postponed and reworked. This kicked off a day of interesting discussions to say the least. Whilst we support the intent of managing footpath congestion in the face of increasing pedestrian numbers, the proposal has several critical flaws and significant concerns in its current form. It is also significantly different to the proposal that was reviewed and endorsed at the November 2019 Motorcycles in the City of Melbourne Committee meeting which in essence was a 1:1 displaced bike to on-road parking proposal. The committee was not informed of the changes and had no opportunity to review them. In engineering circles, this is called an "uncontrolled change". Our deliberations with CoM identified that critical changes were introduced following a stakeholder group's instigated footpath walking inspection with CoM engineers. From this meeting, CoM were under the impression that more bikes on average would be able to be parked in a standard car space if those car spaces were not marked and painted with Australian Standard angled motorcycle parking bays. The assumption saw CoM factor in on-street parking for 151 bikes across 36 car spaces, whereas approximately 126 (a ratio of 3.5 bikes per car space as originally proposed) was more likely. This dropped the nearly 1:1 replacement ratio to 1 : 0.72 and exacerbated the misalignment between the location of proposed restrictions and the potential location of the 36 car spaces. At an average of 3.5 bikes per car spaces, CoM needs to review the impact of the additional car spaces that would be needed to meet the originally endorsed proposal. And also factor in the impact of future bike use growth. Riders have until until 10am tomorrow (18th Feb 2020) to make a submission regarding the proposal at the link below. City of Melbourne
05.01.2022 Hi riders. We are in unprecedented times. While riding is a socially distant activity in and of itself, fuelling up the bike and our bellies isn't.... There's no question that riding can be done in a socially distant way, but the advice from our authorities is to limit all non essential travel, and absolutely stay home if you are sick, ordered to be in isolation or in self isolation because you may have been in close contact with someone who is or may have been infected. It's a shit time, no question. Riding a motorcycle is recognised as having mental health benefits, so for some of us, there's no question of how essential a ride is. Right now Victoria is not at enforced lock down stage, so have a good think about the necessity of every ride before you throw a leg over. If you're working from home, or stuck at home, here are some resources to both give you a two wheeled fix and keep your mind right. If you know of other resources, add them in the comments below - we'll start collecting them onto a VMC page/blog. Alternatively, if you have a war story or tall riding tale that you think other riders would enjoy reading pop it down below - but keep it PG. Stay safe. VMC team.
03.01.2022 Update #3:- The LEGAL document covering all the why's and wherefores is here Note on Page 5 that Part 2, Para 5 (7) Subclause (6)(a) does not apply if: (j) the person is riding a bicycle or motorcycle So if you are legally riding iaw 5 (1A) on page 2 Notes 1 & 2, no mask is required Finally, Page 8 Para 9 (1) (c) defines Recreational Driving as an outdoor recreation However, remember the DHHS advice if you are over 60 years old; stay at home! UPDATE #2 - confirmed by VicPol State Hwy Patrol - the requirement for mask wearing for motorcyclists, is the same rule as in a car. No mask required whilst riding. Remove helmet and put on mask when stopped. Update: With reference to the following excerpt from: "From 11:59pm on Wednesday 22 July 2020 there are some extra restrictions that will apply: When leaving home for one of the four reasons, people 12 years and older must wear a face covering, unless an exemption applies. > If you are in the car alone or with someone from your household, you do not need to wear a face covering. You should put your face covering on before you leave your car. If you are driving your car for work, such as deliveries, or with people from outside your household then you are required to wear a face covering." While it is not exactly a clear motorcycle specific direction, if one can drive solo without a mask, it follows that one can ride solo without a mask. You must have a mask with you though and must put it on before getting off / walking away from the bike in public. = = = There is still a lack of clear direction from the State Government as to the wearing of masks on motorbikes. As soon as we hear anything definite it will be posted here
03.01.2022 Powered two/three wheelers - a ready to go, Covid safe, congestion beating, mental health benefiting transport solution! The secret is out of the bag, sales and licenses are up! Thanks for the heads up on the story Australian Motorcycle Council.
02.01.2022 Narrow escape! It pays to set up for blind corners with the best possible view.
02.01.2022 As the song says, the times - they are a changin'... The historic motorcycle precinct in Melbourne's CBD has been slowly changing, but with Peter Stevens announcing that they are selling their Elizabeth Street store, the change will be significant and permanent.
01.01.2022 Parliamentary Inquiry into the Victorian Road Toll We'll be having our say on the current state of motorcycle road safety and what should be done to improve it, at the Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into the Increase in Victoria's Road Toll. If you missed our submission, you can find it here:... Or tune into the hearing.
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