Victorian Natives | Community organisation
Victorian Natives
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25.01.2022 Nankeen Night Heron a furtive friend The Nankeen Night Heron is classified as Near Threatened in Victoria; we have only seen this cryptic bird twice with our eyes but have picked it up many times with our cameras. This fascinating species visited our property during the October/November period in 2013 and 2014. Next an immature (striated) bird is seen from January to March in 2017. Lastly an adult bird is again seen, this time from October 2018 to March 2019. Nankeen Night... Herons normally roosts throughout the day in trees and fly out at night to feed in swamps and shallow ponds. This is why they are seldom seen although they are widespread. When they are seen flying out at dusk with rather heavy, flapping flight, they are sometimes mistaken for flying foxes. The handsome Nankeen Night Heron has 2 or 3 long white nuchal plumes descending from the back of its black-capped head. Claims that these are lost during non-breeding times are incorrect; 2 or 3 plumes, 15 to 23 cm long, often wrap round one another to give the appearance of a single tubular plume. Young birds are heavily streaked below and strongly resemble bitterns in general appearance; the two are often confused. Nankeen Night Herons both roost and nest in small or large colonies. For some curious reason they often choose to roost in urban streets and parks during the non-breeding season. Such a colony has existed in the Royal Botanic Gardens in Melbourne for many years. From 1914 to 1941 several hundred birds actually nested in the zoological gardens in Perth until the colony was destroyed on the grounds that the birds were killing fish in the goldfish pond! Nankeen Night Herons are most common along coastal rivers of south-eastern Australia and the inland rivers of the Murray-darling basin. During nesting time Nankeen Night Herons became partly diurnal. They leave their colonies shortly after midday to feed during the afternoon. Unusually, among herons, colonies of this species are sometimes established on islands, devoid of trees or fresh water, where the nests may be built on the ground or even in caves. Nankeen Night Herons feed on a wide variety of fish, frogs, crustaceans and insects. They swim occasionally and both dive and jump into water to seize fish. They also prey on the chicks and eggs of other water birds. During a plague of house mice in the 1970s they turned eagerly to this new food, hunting over dry fields in pursuit of the mice and even entering towns during daytime.
24.01.2022 More photos from our lovely ‘for sale’ property near Daylesford, for people who are in lock-down or are interstate. Another indicator of the high quality of a property is the diversity of fungi that grow (especially after rain). These photos show a few of the marvellous range of fungi species that come up when conditions are right. See previous posts for the link to the advert. If you are interested, or know someone who is, please contact the agent.
19.01.2022 More Information about our 'For Sale' Beautiful Environmental Property Between Daylesford, Kyneton and Woodend See the first photo of our solar passive house showing the solar panels. The house is north facing and has good thermal mass as the mud bricks are on the inside and there is insulation between these and the Californian Redwood cladding. Power System - 3.6 Kva off-grid Solar System consisting of 18 solar panels and a Selectronic inverter with a remote keypad option. are 24 new batteries (replaced in September 2019) at the cost of $23,438.80. The new batteries are the low maintenance ‘gel type’ (2V 1131 Ah Sonnenschein A600). There are no power bills to pay! This power is connected to pumps and sheds and railway carriage via top quality electrical lines with a certificate of electrical safety (cost $8486 in 2008). Protected Railway Guard Van Our son lived in this van for year 11 and 12 and the third photo is from that time. This interesting piece of history is well-appointed for potential independent living. This carriage is in a bush setting and has its original wood stove and is connected to power. It has a large bay window with vistas of the old orchard planted by the previous owner. There is extensive shelving inside and the whole structure is very well protected. Over the carriage is a substantial colourbond curved roof made by Daylesford Engineering (cost $17,066 in 2010) with potential for a protected deck. See previous 4 posts on our ‘Victorian Natives’ Facebook page for more information. If you are interested in buying, or know someone who is, please look at this add and contact the agent (who can send comprehensive information sheet):
18.01.2022 White-browed Babbler - restless, noisy and querulous White-browed Babblers do not need to drink as much as some other birds as they feed on moist foods like invertebrates, mainly insects; also seeds and fruit. They have however visited all our ponds and visited every month, to two of the ponds. We have seen a maximum number of 7 on video at once. Most footage is from our pond in the Curlew protection area which is protected from kangaroo grazing. It has high quality under-sto...Continue reading
16.01.2022 Swift Parrot - Most Exciting Visitor Ever!! After 3 terrible dry years we have finally had fantastic rainfall and our Grey Box trees are flowering like never before. Our property has a very high covering of naturally regenerated Grey Box, which are now mostly 8 to 12 years old, and most of these are flowering for the first time. In the first four months of last year the Shepparton area had 24mls of rain and this year we have had 240mls in the same period, what a change! When ...checking our cameras this week I was very surprised and excited to find a picture of a Swift Parrot. They do not need to drink as they feed on nectar, so it only stopped for a second. The camera took a video straight after the photo, but the Swift Parrot was already gone. This series of 5, 30 second, videos is from before and after the Swift Parrot visit, if you turn the sound up you can hear many Lorikeets and Parrots in the background as well as seeing and hearing the 2 Eastern Rosellas. If you are experienced in hearing Swift Parrots, please let me know if you can hear any in the background bird noise? Dean Ingwersen (Woodland Bird Program Leader for Birdlife Australia) told us that the number of Swift Parrot sightings in Vic, so far this year, has been pretty good. He said if we have one coming to water there is a good chance we have more around, particularly with the Grey Box flowering. We will be doing our best to look for more. There were estimated to be fewer than 2000 Swift Parrot mature individuals remaining in the wild as of 2011. In 2014, researchers from the ANU modelled that the species may face extinction by 2031 due to predation and loss of habitat. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) upgraded the status of the Swift Parrot from endangered to critically endangered in October 2015 based on results from the study. Swift Parrots breed only in Tasmania and then fly across Bass Strait to forage on the flowering eucalypts in open boxironbark forests of the Australian mainland. While on the mainland, they are nomadic, spending weeks or months at some sites and only a few hours at others, determined by the supply of nectar. During dry years, when Eucalypt flowering is poor, Swift Parrots are forced to travel far and wide to find sufficient food, and may congregate into large flocks at sites where it is available.
16.01.2022 For people in Melbourne who are interested but are not able to see our property because of lockdown we will tell you more about it. Please note that a comprehensive information sheet can be accessed if you click on external link in the advertisement (link below). First, we will detail the threatened plant species. There are 12 Threatened Plant Species on the property, 3 of these were not planted: 1. Dianella amoena (Matted Flax-lily) is listed as Endangered the EPBC Act. It is Endangered in Australia and Victoria. 2. Dipodium pardalinum (Spotted Hyacinth-orchid) which is rare (r) in Victoria has been found on the property, for many years, in the protected area and near the house. 3. Platylobium rotundum (Victorian Flat-pea) is classified as vulnerable (v) and Endemic in Victoria and is found in the centre of the protected area. The population of this species has greatly improved during the 12 years, since it was discovered; there are now many more individual plants in the population. In total 10 threatened species have been planted in the re-vegetation area. For some species there are only a very few individuals such as: Hoary Sunray, Wiry Bossiaea and Australian Anchor Plant. Other species have a number of individuals and were grown from cuttings: Goldfields Grevillea, Small-flower Grevillea, Fryerstown Grevillea and Creeping Grevillea. Lastly 3 threatened species have had larger populations planted: Dwarf Silver Wattle (Acacia nano-dealbata), Yarra Gum (Eucalyptus yarraensis) and Matted Flax-lily (Dianella amoena). The photos show some of the threatened species. We really hope the property will be bought by someone who will continue to care for it. If you are interested or know someone who is please contact the agent: See more
10.01.2022 This shows why Bush Stone-curlews are Endangered and likely to become Extinct in Victoria unless given help. We are extremely upset by what is shown on this video. It is no wonder that Bush Stone-curlews are gradually disappearing from all of Victoria where they used to be widespread. Bush Stone-curlews are Endangered in Victoria and Listed under FFG act and are resident on our property, they nest on the ground which makes them very vulnerable. It is very clever that Bush are so well camouflaged, this makes them almost impossible to see when they stand still and this often keeps them safe. Please ignore the few hesitations and repeats in this compilation, we are using new software and will need to work out what caused this. The footage is from 2 cameras so you will sometimes see the same event from a different angle. Video covers 8 days from the eggs on the 3rd of October to their destruction on the 11th. Our Bush Stone-curlews last nested is this location in October 2015 and they successfully raised 2 chicks see: In the past we have been very excited because we have baited continuously for foxes, since we have owned the property (now 7 years). This has helped these birds breed and they have succeeded every year for 6 years until now. We have seen one or two immature birds every year but have only seen the nests twice. The numbers of foxes are particularly high at the moment and we have been doing extra baiting and this normally works for us. New foxes come onto our property all the time so it can be an uphill battle. The Bush Stone-curlews were extremely brave and scared the fox away the first time it came (on the 9th) but failed when they tried the second time on the 11th. This fox will now remember how to find the eggs, they are very intelligent animals, so it is a good thing that it has probably now taken a bait, and is probably dead. We have more than 20 movement sensing cameras, so we know that our baiting has always been successful in the past. We see when new foxes come but we did not get this one quickly enough. You can clearly see why foxes are such a big problem and why Bush Stone-curlews are disappearing from Victoria. We do not know of any others who do constant baiting to help the stunning birds to breed.
08.01.2022 The time has come to concentrate on one property! We are selling our lovely property at Denver, near Daylesford, so we can concentrate on the property north of Violet Town. Denver was our home for most of the last 18 years and we very much want it to go to someone who cares about the environment and will continue to protect and value this beautiful property. These photos were all scenes that we watched from the house. Intimate views of the daily lives of the native wildlife a constant accompaniment to living in this secluded spot. If you are interested or know someone who is please contact the agent. See more
07.01.2022 I have put the video compilation together again and it is much better this time without jumps or pauses. This Shows Why Bush Stone-curlews are Endangered and likely to become Extinct in Victoria. Bush Stone-curlews are resident on our property, they nest on the ground which makes them very vulnerable. See video at this link:
05.01.2022 An Amazing Fox Fight and the Last Remaining Eagle and Kite at our Property More birds of prey have been found dead after suspected poisoning near Violet Town. It was announced on the 30 August that 31 more dead birds were found across several paddocks owned by a known landholder. This brings the total number of birds killed to over 151 and we have been told the final number will be much higher. Total numbers are now over 89 for Wedge-tailed Eagles and 15 more Kites were found... with the second survey. Also found were hawks, falcons and other native bird species. Given the large number of native birds found within the immediate locality, it appears that they may have been poisoned. Greg Chant from DELWP said: The incident is under investigation and we are undertaking testing of the birds to determine the exact cause of death. We are seeking information from the community to help find the people responsible by contacting Crime Stoppers. Reporting is confidential and we only need your information to help solve this crime. This video is from the last 2 weeks and shows what appears to be the last remaining Eagle and Whistling Kite. Kangaroos are in extremely high numbers and are regularly hit by cars. When we see them, we bring them onto our property to give a safe feeding source for birds of prey. Unfortunately, they also feed foxes, so we regularly bait with small numbers of buried, shelf stable fox baits. We have never seen two foxes ‘fight’ like this before! Many people are unaware that poison 1080 (also called sodium fluoroacetate) is the most environmentally sensitive and target-specific poison available to protect Australia’s vulnerable wildlife and ecosystems from feral animals, because it occurs naturally in over 30 species of Australian native plants. The incredibly tiny amount of 1080 contained in each fox bait is deadly to those species but safe for native predators. It is interesting to note the very mangy fox near the end of this compilation, it is no wonder that domestic dogs get so sick with mange from foxes. The video finishes with some past footage of two Eagles that I did not include in previous compilations. One is from February this year and the other is from 2017. During the 6 years we have owned our property we have footage of at least 10 Juvenile Wedge-tailed Eagles that have probably all been killed. These are two of those, the other Eagle footage is of the only Eagle that we know is still alive. This one will also die if the poisoner is not stopped.
01.01.2022 Are you a ‘Greenie’ who would love a Tree Change? We are selling a property with amazing plant and animal diversity and opportunities for self-sufficiency. The house, guard van and sheds are powered ‘off grid’ and there are fruit trees and a large vegi garden with extensive asparagus rows. Our 23 hectare (57 acre) property is between Daylesford, Kyneton and Woodend and 90 minutes from Melbourne. All going well it should only be about 3 weeks before you can come and look (if y...ou are under stage 4 restrictions). There are 162 plant species (inc 12 threatened species) listed for the property (agent can send list). The photos first show the inside of the house, our biggest dam, some asparagus from our vegi patch and Fringe-lily flowers which come up all through the bush in Spring. Next you see Swamp Billy-buttons, a garden bed in Spring and an Agile Antechinus (many found on property). Lastly is a Leopard Orchid, a Button Everlasting and some more photos from inside the house. If you are interested please contact the agent (who can also send can send comprehensive information sheet): See more
01.01.2022 Media Release from DELWP Birds of prey found dead after suspected poisoning in Violet Town More than 120 protected native birds found dead at a property near Violet Town are believed to have been deliberately poisoned. ... Authorised officers from the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) executed a search warrant at a property this week following the earlier discovery of deceased Wedge-tailed Eagles in the area. Acting Regional Manager, Compliance Operations, Greg Chant said: During the three day search officers have found more than 120 native birds, including 76 Wedge-tailed Eagles, kites, hawks, falcons and other native bird species. Given the large number of native birds found within the immediate locality, it appears that they may have been poisoned. Carcasses have been recovered from the property and will be tested to determine the exact cause of death. The community is justifiably outraged by this incident and our investigations are continuing. We are now seeking information from the community to help find the people responsible by contacting CrimeStoppers. Reporting is confidential and we only need your information to help solve this crime, Mr Chant said. The search warrants were executed with support from Victoria Police and Agriculture Victoria. All native birds are protected under the Wildlife Act 1975 and deliberately killing them carries a penalty from $8,261 to $39,652 and/or six to 24 months’ imprisonment. This is our post from 2 years ago: Wedge-tailed Eagles being poisoned and shot:
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