Victoria Roubin Therapy in Carindale | Psychotherapist
Victoria Roubin Therapy
Locality: Carindale
Phone: +61 414 377 702
Address: Carindale 4152 Carindale, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 Hi everyone, ... So very excited to announce my new upcoming art therapy course called My Spirit, My Sparkle ... a highly experiential program offering a series of uniquely designed artfelt explorations & guided drawing meditations to help you re-connect with your spiritual essence, your deeper intuition, your truth and personal power. Explorations around: ... True self/constructed self Lived experience of the Divine Connection with The Wonder Child Within Preferred pathways and connections to the Divine Higher Self: A Magnificent You Creativity, play and flow states 4 x 2hr sessions on Saturday mornings starting May the 22nd All faith traditions & spiritual paradigmns welcome No artistic ability or experience with art therapy necessary For more info please visit:
25.01.2022 Hi all, Just an update about counselling practices for anyone interested... According to PACFA (The Psychotherapists and Counsellors Federation of Australia and my governing professional body) counsellors/psychotherapists are acknowledged as being "important members of the Australian allied health workforce. The Minister for Health recognises that all allied health professionals are essential service providers. At this stage of the pandemic response, all practising PACFA mem...bers have permission to keep providing services. Members are strongly encouraged to provide services remotely wherever possible and to follow social distancing, infection control and, if required, self-isolation procedures." As such, my practice is remaining open to those who still want to meet in person and be assured I will be taking all the necessary precautions to ensure our safety during this time. Alternatively, I am offering and encouraging on-line sessions wherever possible and, quite surprisingly, these are proving to work very effectively. And take a breath.... It's such a difficult time for so many and I want to offer support to those suffering in any way I can. If you would like to make even a one-off, stand alone session to help you gain some coping strategies during what I'm calling the COVID-CRAZYTIME please let me know. Additionally, I encourage everyone to get serious and very intentional about looking after your mental health at this difficult, isolating time. How you do this will be unique to you but one thing for sure, Self Compassion is essential in the Self Care process. I'm really liking the suggestions in this little infographic. For me personally I would add these to essential tasks: something I learned today... something that I laughed about today ... something positive I felt today ... something I found myself enjoying today ... What might you add? And finally, do take time out to offer your nervous system some extra TLC and support right now by attuning to your current internal experience and by making intentional choices and adjustments that might help you to regulate any anxiety (fight/flight) or shut-down (flop/freeze) responses noticed. In the coming days I will post a few simple art therapy directives to help you with this... Go gently. together we will get through this.
24.01.2022 This is a terrific explanation of nervous system functioning and how and why we sometimes go into states of freeze and dissociation. It's very user-friendly it its presentation and well worth the 8 or so minutes to watch the youtube clip. It's been created by my personal supervisor - the wonderful Penny Boyland - and every time I hear her explain it I get deeper understanding of not only the neurophysiology of trauma response but of my own system's response to triggered activation. Very timely right now for all us I feel...
23.01.2022 What a joy and a privilege it was to facilitate this group today where we artfully unpacked various states of nervous system response patterns as a way to better understand and de-escalate the anxiety loop. A lovely bunch of ladies all so willing to jump on in and explore their inner landscapes through image making. If you're interested in attending the next art therapy group intake (early next year) just pop your email in underneath or PM me and I will put you on the mailing list.
23.01.2022 True words. And that's why I'm not so much a fan of CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) which focuses on changing thought patterns from the top down. While I understand it has its place and helps some people, I'm much more a believer in getting to the underlying needs of the exiled parts buried within us. For me it's a bottom up way of working that is most effective for long term, lasting change.
22.01.2022 Some great thoughts from this lady, as per usual. Do you recognise yourself in any of these responses to childhood trauma? I can strongly identify with the over achiever. Not so much these days but she ran they first four and a half decades of my life. How about you?
21.01.2022 Couldn't agree more... I wonder how many of you can relate to this. It sums up why I spent so many years ... decades actually... 'wrestling' with a weary, overworked nervous system that somehow didn't feel alive without a certain level of anxiety humming in the background. Thank God for the models of understanding around now (such as the one I use called Somatic Experiencing). These bottom-up, trauma informed approaches are game changers for those of us caught in that perpetual state of nervous system dysregulated patterns.
21.01.2022 Today I’ve been resting and watching butterflies. The last 3 months have been huge for me. Amidst the day to day of seeing clients and running a house I’ve been looking after my dear sister in her final stages of lung cancer, an atrociously painful journey on all fronts. Then there’s the madness of the global COVID crisis and all that entails for us collectively and individually. Family members losing jobs, elderly or vulnerable others living alone, now needing to self-isola...te and feeling new levels of loneliness in doing so. And most recently, for the last two days, the output involved on my part to finish teaching an intensive to a class of wonderful post-grad counselling students all on-line no less which required the navigation of new technology learning curves and a need for creative flexibility on my part in adapting an experiential subject to an online forum. NO small feat. And today I’m tired. Very tired. Bone tired. Soul weary. My cup is empty. So, I’ve sat in the garden, drinking tea in my jamies and watching butterflies. My sister, Sarah, who spends much of her time doing this has taught me to notice them. She is Butterfly Watcher Extrodinaire and quite the expert. She’s been teaching me about the different varieties: There’s pale lemon ones, small and quick. They’re not great conversationalists though. There’s also, pale lemon ones that have their wings outlined in black nikko pen for extra definition. There’s your run-of-the-mill brown and cremes, the generic, plain-janes of suburbia but top of the class in friendliness and approachability. They often stop to rest on a leaf and this affords closer inspection of wings, ‘like stained glass windows’. There’s the slow ‘ambly’ ones and the darters, in such a hurry to get where they’re going. If you blink, you’ll miss ‘em. They run to a tight schedule and fly on the wind. Some days, if you’re lucky, you might glimpse a blue and black. A jewel with wings. Then there’s the two for one deal, the pairs that come together and do synchronised dancing. And her personal favourite? The oversized black and whites the flopsy-mopsies she calls them with ‘wings as big as cabbage leaves’. They’re particularly curious and come with a particular gift of feel good. And today I’ve seen them for myself. I’ve been introduced. And that’s been just lovely. Just what the doctor ordered. Thank you for this gift Sarah. And thank you to you for reading. I’m curious what’s helping you at this time?
21.01.2022 ANXIETY IN UNCERTAIN TIMES ART THERAPY COURSE Update! Hey ho everyone, Just wanting to let you know that there are only a few places left for my upcoming art therapy course on anxiety to be held at Studio Yellow (in Manly West). I’m so excited to present such invaluable material to participants around better understanding and managing the unpleasant experience of anxiety. ... In this course we will be gently exploring your relationship with anxiety, personal trigger points and, most importantly, resources and strategies to combat the flare-ups. All this through non-verbal, art making processes. For those who enjoy a bit of psychobabble, I will be unpacking polyvagal theory in a user-friendly, relevant way. The recent emergence of this theory and its implications is without a doubt a game-changer in better managing anxiety and helping yourself to feel a whole lot better as you operate within your personal 'window of tolerance'. It’s these ideas that I want to share with the world. Well, my little corner of it at least. So, if you or someone you know is suffering with anxiety check out my webpage where you can read a little more about the program.
18.01.2022 New Blog Post up... Well, it's mental health day today and I'm curious to know what you all do that helps on the tricky days when you might be feeling a little wobbly. And God knows, we've had a few of those in 2020 right? For me, it's visual journaling. I just love getting all the stuff out of my head and putting it on a page. I put on a beautiful Spotify instrumental play list that I created, get out my art supplies and just follow whatever comes. ... To read more visit ...
18.01.2022 Amidst all the seize-the-day/opportunity posts flying around ATM, I appreciated this thought. How does it land with you? Helpful or not so much?
17.01.2022 A lovely time had on Sunday with this group of hard working professional people helpers who attended my ArtFelt Conversations workshop for a day of 'Self Care, Discovery & Personal Growth'. No matter how long I do this work I never cease to be amazed at just HOW deep art-making processes drop us into the rich unconscious material that informs how we live our lives. And that's the beauty of arts psychotherapy... such a gentle yet powerful way to explore self and all things related.
16.01.2022 After the successful completion of this 8 hour course in October and due to a number of requests to offer it again 'after hours', I am presenting a rerun of the 'Anxiety in Certain Times' Art Therapy program again this coming February. It will run over 4 Saturday mornings from 9.30 to 11.30 at Studio Yellow in Manly. In this program I offer uniquely designed, strength-based Art Therapy directives alongside a light educational framework to help you better understand and issues of anxiety and how to work with your nervous system for outcomes of self-regulation. In short, this equates to feeling a whole lot better on those wobbly days. And to be fair, given the year we’ve all had in 2020, few have come out unscathed in terms of mental health, right? No artistic ability necessary. All art materials supplied. For more information you can check out my website page:
14.01.2022 I couldn't not share this. How does reading these thoughts land for you?
14.01.2022 Issues of controlling behaviour come up so very often in counselling rooms. This is beautifully explained...
13.01.2022 Hi everyone, Just a little reminder that my 4 part Art Therapy course on understanding and better managing anxiety starts on February the 6th and I have extended the early bird payment until the 12th of January. Here's what a few past participants have said about it:... I got so much out of your course. My counsellor noticed a lot of improvement in my last session to the week before and most of that was from your class. I appreciated learning about the physiological aspect and practical ways to help calm the nervous system and the art therapy was calming, peaceful and time out from life. This was a truly special course of creative exploration and expression that has changed my life. Thank you. There are still a few places left and you can read more about it here: Hope to see you there. x
10.01.2022 Hi all, So excited to announce ... ... The details of my upcoming art therapy course on anxiety management. If interested and you'd like to know more just visit my website. It has all the details.
09.01.2022 Wow. I'm loving these affirmations. So powerful.
08.01.2022 Hi all, Just letting you know I'm running another 1 day art therapy workshop on Sunday the 8th of November in Brisbane's southside from 9.30 to 3.30. This Day of Discovery holds a strong self-care focus as it artfully looks at where you're at and where you're wanting to head moving forward. There are 2 places still available. If anyone is interested please email me at [email protected] for more info...
08.01.2022 There is such an activation collectively on our planet right now. Things are shifting and people are asking new kinds of questions of each other and of themselves. And it's all very much needed. It's all part of the messy business of waking up. This info graphic well describes something of this vital process. Can you recognise yourself in any of the stages?
06.01.2022 Here's a good read and a timely reminder to go gently with ourselves at the moment. Are you taking time to check in regularly with yourself - mind, body, soul and nervous system - with what is needed?
05.01.2022 Just over a month ago I started attending an art course at Studio Yellow at Manly with this lovely human and SUPERB art teacher!!! It's so great. And then from there I got the idea to ask her if I might be able to 'borrow' her wonderful studio space to run an art therapy group or three. And the rest is history. We start in October and I'm currently designing the first 4 week course around handling anxiety. That's the basic description. More specifically it will be an introduction to polyvagal theory through art psychotherapy directives. This stuff is a game changer for managing stress and anxiety. I'm so excited. ... Details soon to come but let me know if you're interested as places will be limited.
04.01.2022 Today I decided to start an Art Therapy blog. Eeeek!! ... A bit scary for all kinds of reasons - from my mental pull down menu at least -but given my brain, that's just par for the course. So here we go... Thing is, I wanted to share with others an idea that I've been using personally right now and have found to be tremendously supportive. It's an idea that I've shared over the last couple of weeks with some clients as well only to have them return the following week to repo...rt how incredibly helpful and insightful it's been for them. It's a self honouring way of checking in with what's really going on for you right now and attending to it with self compassion and containment. I call it my Once-A-Day Brain Dump Mandala. You can check it out here if you're keen to give it a go for yourself.
03.01.2022 With February's anxiety workshop now fully booked I'm just wanting to let you all know of the next art therapy workshop I'll be running at Studio Yellow in Manly West. It's a 1 day-er: full of gentle, strenghts-based artfelt explorations deisgned with self-care, discovery and personal growth in mind. All welcome. No artistic ability necesary and all materials are provided. If interested please email me at [email protected] or visit my website... for more details.
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