Veterinary Internal Medicine Consultants in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Local business
Veterinary Internal Medicine Consultants
Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 401 598 100
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25.01.2022 Do you perform fine-needle aspirates using a 22- or 25-gauge needle? A study by Arai et al. evaluated the quality of cytological samples using the above two commonly used needle gauges, using a non-aspiration technique on cutaneous, subcutaneous or intra-cavitatory (intra-abdominal and intra-thoracic) masses on both dogs and cats. While certain quality parameters (blood contamination, cell trauma, cell debris) differed between the gauge of needle selected with 25-gauge needle...s resulting in significantly less blood contamination; however, significantly more cell trauma and debris; the study found that cellularity and the overall ability to make a cytological diagnosis from either gauge needle does not differ. Given the noted difference in selected quality parameters, the study supports the use of 25-gauge needles in fine-needle aspiration of a lesion that is highly vascularised and the use of a 22-gauge needle in obtaining samples in which cells are generally considered to be more fragile. Arai S, Rist P, Clancey N, Gilroy C, Stryhn H, Amsellem P. Fineneedle aspiration of cutaneous, subcutaneous, and intracavitary masses in dogs and cats using 22 vs 25gauge needles. Vet Clin Pathol. 2019;48:287292. https :// #vimcaustralia #vimc #internalmedicinespecialist #vet #vets #veterinarian #veterinarians #dog #cat #ultrasound #medicine #specialistsmallanimalinternalmedicine #internalmedicine #smallanimalmedicine #brisbaneandthesurrounds
24.01.2022 Veterinary Internal Medicine Consultants assisted Dr Trevethan from VetLove Flagstone in diagnosing a dog with pyometra. On the abdominal ultrasound, the cervix, uterine body and uterine horns were readily identifiable and it was noted that the uterus and both uterine horns were enlarged and distended with echogenic contents measuring up to 4cm in diameter. This is most consistent with pyometra; with the other less likely differentials including haemometra with hydrometra and... mucometra considered less likely as the latter two differentials are usually characterised by anechoic luminal fluid. The abdominal ultrasound was supportive of the clinical suspicion of pyometra, which was confirmed at surgery. If VIMC can assist your clinic, please do not hesitate to contact us. #vimcaustralia #vimc #internalmedicinespecialist #vet #vets #veterinarian #veterinarians #dog #cat #ultrasound #medicine #specialistsmallanimalinternalmedicine #internalmedicine #smallanimalmedicine #brisbaneandthesurrounds
24.01.2022 Do you have a dog or cat with urinary tract signs in need of a further workup? Call VIMC 0401 598 100 #vimcaustralia #vimc #internalmedicinespecialist #vet #vets #veterinarian #veterinarians #dog #cat #ultrasound #medicine #specialistsmallanimalinternalmedicine #internalmedicine #smallanimalmedicine #brisbaneandthesurrounds
23.01.2022 We have some upcoming dates where Dr Judd has commitments and so will not be available. I have highlighted available dates in green. #vimcaustralia #vimc #internalmedicinespecialist #vet #vets #veterinarian #veterinarians #dog #cat #ultrasound #medicine #specialistsmallanimalinternalmedicine #internalmedicine #smallanimalmedicine #brisbaneandthesurrounds
21.01.2022 While relatively rare, the most common form of feline urinary bladder neoplasia is transitional cell carcinoma/urothelial carcinoma; however, various mesenchymal tumours, as well as lymphoma, has been reported. Below is a case of a cat in which the abdominal ultrasound identified a vascularised mass-like lesion expanding the urinary bladder wall. Primary differentials included urinary bladder neoplasia and polypoid cystitis and while feline urinary bladder neoplasia is consid...ered rare, this was considered the primary differential and was subsequently diagnosed via histologic evaluation. #vimcaustralia #vimc #internalmedicinespecialist #vet #vets #veterinarian #veterinarians #dog #cat #ultrasound #medicine #specialistsmallanimalinternalmedicine #internalmedicine #smallanimalmedicine #brisbaneandthesurrounds #continuingeducation #vetlove_jimboomba
20.01.2022 Escherichia coli-induced granulomatous colitis in a cat Granulomatous colitis (GC), which has been rarely described in cats, is characterised by granulomatous i...nflammation of the colonic mucosa, lamina propria and submucosa, with marked transmural infiltration of periodic acidSchiff-positive macrophages. This case report describes a cat with Escherichia coli-related GC that regressed following long-term treatment with enrofloxacin. Clinical presentation, and endoscopic and microscopic findings, closely resembled those described in dogs. The authors conclude that GC should be included in the differential diagnoses in feline cases with marked submucosal infiltration of macrophages in the colon that respond poorly to immunosuppressive and dietary treatment and that, in such cases, further immunohistochemical identification of E coli and treatment with enrofloxacin may be suggested. Read this article for free at: #freeaccessFriday #JFMSnews
20.01.2022 Dr Judd Sumner performed an abdominal ultrasound on an entire male dog presented to his general practice veterinarian for clinical signs of lower urinary tract disease. The abdominal ultrasound identified; prostatomegaly. The prostate had heterogeneous echogenicity, focal mineralisation, small anechoic cysts within the parenchyma (retention cysts) and a large cystic structure, which contained a moderate amount of echogenic debris extending from the right lateral aspect of th...e prostate consistent with a paraprostatic cyst. While prostatic enlargement with heterogenous echotexture in an entire male dog is often suggestive of benign prostatic hyperplasia, the focal mineralisation makes the primary differential diagnosis for prostatic neoplasia or chronic prostatitis with concurrent prostatic cystic disease including retention cysts and a paraprostatic cyst. #vimcaustralia #vimc #internalmedicinespecialist #vet #vets #veterinarian #veterinarians #dog #ultrasound #medicine #specialistsmallanimalinternalmedicine #internalmedicine #smallanimalmedicine #brisbaneandthesurrounds @ Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
19.01.2022 #stateoforigin2019
18.01.2022 Below is another interesting urinary case in which Veterinary Internal Medicine Consultants performed an abdominal ultrasound on a dog for suspected abdominal discomfort. The abdominal ultrasound identified sonographic changes most suggestive of a degree of chronic kidney disease; however, additionally noted marked left pyelectasia with severely thick echogenic material within the left renal pelvis that extended down the proximal ureter. The sonographic findings are suggestiv...e of pyonephrosis with an obstructed ureter. As the ureter appeared to abruptly taper without an apparent cause of obstruction, the primary differentials are for obstruction secondary to a caseous purulent plug or ureteral stricture with a ureterolith considered less likely; however, unable to definitively be excluded. Treatment for pyonephrosis typically requires immediate drainage, renal pelvic lavage and then the resolution of the obstruction. #vimcaustralia #vimc #internalmedicinespecialist #vet #vets #veterinarian #veterinarians #dog #cat #ultrasound #medicine #specialistsmallanimalinternalmedicine #internalmedicine #smallanimalmedicine #brisbaneandthesurrounds
18.01.2022 Dr Judd and the family are taking the weekend + Monday for a quick getaway .....but VIMC will be back, refreshed and ready to work on Tuesday 13th August 2019. #vimcaustralia #vimc #internalmedicinespecialist #vet #vets #veterinarian #veterinarians #dog #cat #ultrasound #medicine #specialistsmallanimalinternalmedicine #internalmedicine #smallanimalmedicine #brisbaneandthesurrounds #mobilevetspecialist
17.01.2022 Happy Easter VIMC is available over the Easter long weekend for emergency bookings Phone: 0401 598 100 ... #vimcaustralia #vimc #internalmedicinespecialist #vet #vets #veterinarian #veterinarians #dog #cat #ultrasound #medicine #specialistsmallanimalinternalmedicine #internalmedicine #smallanimalmedicine #brisbaneandthesurrounds
17.01.2022 Due to the current situation and New York declaring a state of emergency Dr Judds trip has been cancelled. VIMC is now back to full availability 24hrs 7days. #vimcaustralia #vimc #internalmedicinespecialist #vet #vets #veterinarian #veterinarians #dog #cat #ultrasound #medicine #specialistsmallanimalinternalmedicine #internalmedicine #smallanimalmedicine #brisbaneandthesurrounds
16.01.2022 Did you know that we offer FREE Specialist phone advice for general practice veterinarians on small animal internal medicine cases 8am-6pm Monday-Sunday. ALSO out of hours advice too on weekdays and weekends: 6pm-12midnight: $30/call 12midnight-8am: $50/call... Dr Judd Sumner BVSc (Hons) MVS (Murdoch) MVS (Melb) MANZCVS DACVIM (SAIM). Small Animal Internal Medicine Specialist. #smallanimalinternalmedicinespecialist #smallanimalmedicine #internalmedicine #internalmedicinespecialist #vet #vets #veterinarian #veterinarians #dog #cat #vimcaustralia #vimc #veterinarymedicine #vetspecialist #acvim #brisbaneandsurrounds
15.01.2022 Below is a case of a cat where an abdominal ultrasound was requested to evaluate further the previously identified renomegaly. The ultrasound identified sonographic changes consistent with a degree of chronic kidney disease and identified bilateral peri-renal cystic structures, which were considered to be most consistent with bilateral perinephric pseudocysts (fluid-filled cavity that has no epithelial lining) with an abscess, haematoma or neoplastic effusion considered less ...likely; however, an ultrasound-guided fine needle centesis for fluid analysis was advised to help support an aetiology of perinephric pseudocysts. While considered to be relatively rare, perinephric pseudocysts formation has been linked with underlying renal disease of varying types. While considered to be a palliative procedure, treatment options for the bilateral perinephric pseudocysts primarily include surgical or laparoscopic resection of the cyst wall (capsulectomy); however, if surgical intervention is declined due to an animals kidney function, existing comorbidities or even age, while centesis is considered only to provide temporary relief, periodical ultrasound-guided drainage of the perinephric fluid could be considered and has been reported. #vimcaustralia #vimc #internalmedicinespecialist #vet #vets #veterinarian #veterinarians #dog #cat #ultrasound #medicine #specialistsmallanimalinternalmedicine #internalmedicine #smallanimalmedicine #brisbaneandthesurrounds
15.01.2022 MU veterinary oncologists develop a vaccine treatment for a common type of bone cancer in dogs, avoiding chemotherapy and opening the door for human clinical trials.
12.01.2022 If you would like to book our services or find out more info contact us on 0401 598 100 or #vimcaustralia #vimc #internalmedicinespecialist #vet #vets #veterinarian #veterinarians #dog #cat #ultrasound #medicine #specialistsmallanimalinternalmedicine #internalmedicine #smallanimalmedicine #brisbaneandthesurrounds
12.01.2022 Dr Judd will be in New York and unavailable from Thursday 12/3/2020 to Friday 20/3/2020. He will be gaining further skills in interventional radiology/interventional endoscopy in the field of endourology. We will be available for normal bookings before and after these dates. #vimcaustralia #vimc #internalmedicinespecialist #vet #vets #veterinarian #veterinarians #dog #cat #ultrasound #medicine #specialistsmallanimalinternalmedicine #internalmedicine #smallanimalmedicine #brisbaneandthesurrounds
11.01.2022 Case of the day: Is this an image of a normal jejunum of a cat? . . . .... #vimcaustralia #vimc #internalmedicinespecialist #vet #vets #veterinarian #veterinarians #dog #cat #ultrasound #medicine #specialistsmallanimalinternalmedicine #internalmedicine #smallanimalmedicine #brisbaneandthesurrounds See more
11.01.2022 Did you know we are a mobile service? We are happy to travel all over Australia from Tasmania to Cairns and even Dalby. If you would like a visiting Internal Medicine Specialist to come to your clinic contact us We are available for: ... -Specialist Internal Medicine Consultations - Ultrasound performed by Dr Judd - Advanced Procedures (bone marrow aspirated, biopsies, oesophageal tube placements, blind BAL etc) - GP phone case advice (free 8am-6pm) - Email Case Reviews We are available 24 hours 6 days a week (Unavailable on Fridays) If you would like to book our services please text or call 0401 598 100 or email us [email protected] *Picture used with permission from Total Care Pets & Vets Dalby whom we visited this week. #vimcaustralia #vimc #internalmedicinespecialist #vet #vets #veterinarian #veterinarians #dog #cat #ultrasound #medicine #specialistsmallanimalinternalmedicine #internalmedicine #smallanimalmedicine #brisbaneandthesurrounds #mobilevetspecialist
10.01.2022 VIMC is excited to be starting back as a 24 hour 7 day a week service as of Monday 30th September 2019. We are available for: -Specialist Internal Medicine Consultations - Ultrasound performed by Dr Judd... - Advanced Procedures (bone marrow aspirated, biopsies, oesophageal tube placements, blind BAL etc) - GP phone case advice (free 8am-6pm) - Email Case Reviews If you would like to book our services please text or call 0401 598 100 or email us [email protected] #vimcaustralia #vimc #internalmedicinespecialist #vet #vets #veterinarian #veterinarians #dog #cat #ultrasound #medicine #specialistsmallanimalinternalmedicine #internalmedicine #smallanimalmedicine #brisbaneandthesurrounds
10.01.2022 VIMC is back from our getaway! We will be available 24hrs 6days (not Friday day) including the Brisbane public holiday Wednesday. If you need Specialist Internal Medicine advice, consultation, ultrasound, advanced procedures call 0401 598 100. #vimcaustralia #vimc #internalmedicinespecialist #vet #vets #veterinarian #veterinarians #dog #cat #ultrasound #medicine #specialistsmallanimalinternalmedicine #internalmedicine #smallanimalmedicine #brisbaneandthesurrounds ... #mobilevetspecialist See more
09.01.2022 VIMC is back and available for Specialist Internal Medicine consultation, ultrasound and advanced procedures. #vimcaustralia #vimc #internalmedicinespecialist #vet #vets #veterinarian #veterinarians #dog #cat #ultrasound #medicine #specialistsmallanimalinternalmedicine #internalmedicine #smallanimalmedicine #brisbaneandthesurrounds
09.01.2022 VIMC is turning ONE this month We would like to thank you for supporting our business in its first year and we look forward to growing our business and continuing to provide your clinic a mobile Specialist Internal Medicine service for many years to come. #vimcaustralia #vimc #internalmedicinespecialist #vet #vets #veterinarian #veterinarians #dog #cat #ultrasound #medicine #specialistsmallanimalinternalmedicine #internalmedicine #smallanimalmedicine #brisbaneandthesurrounds
09.01.2022 VIMC will be changing our hours of operation to 6 days a week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday & Sunday- open 24 hours) as of Friday 19th July 2019. We will still be offering all of our services including: Mobile Specialist Internal Medicine Consultations Mobile Ultrasounds (abdominal, thoracic, emergency cardiac and small parts) performed by an Internal Medicine Specialist with full report and interpretation... Advanced procedures (bone marrow aspirates/biopsies, CSF taps, Blind BAL, Oesophageal tube placement) Performed in your clinic by an internal medicine specialist. Email full case review service - available through our website Free Phone Advice 8am-6pm (6pm-12 midnight $30, 12pm-8am $50) Internal Medicine Talks on a topic of your choice at your clinic - Email or call for price. Dr Judd Sumner will be joining Veterinary Specialist Services Jindalee on Fridays as of Friday 19th July 2019 On Fridays if you have any non-urgent questions or require a booking for the saturday/sunday or the next week, please do not hesitate to leave a phone message or email through any details and we will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible. Dr Judd Sumner BVSc (Hons), MVS (Murdoch), MVS (Melb), MANZCVS, DACVIM (SAIM) Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine Board Certified in Small Animal Internal Medicine Registered Specialist Email: [email protected] Ph: 0401 598 100 Website: Facebook @vimcaustralia Instagram @vimcaustralia #vimcaustralia #vimc #internalmedicinespecialist #vet #vets #veterinarian #veterinarians #dog #cat #ultrasound #medicine #specialistsmallanimalinternalmedicine #internalmedicine #smallanimalmedicine #brisbaneandthesurrounds
08.01.2022 North Maclean Family Vet thank you for the post.
06.01.2022 VIMC is going on holidays!
05.01.2022 Dr Judd Sumner performed an abdominal ultrasound on a cat that presented to Greencross Vets Cannonhill with a palpable abdominal mass. The abdominal ultrasound identified that the stomach had increased wall thickness with a loss of layering and lymphadenomegaly of the gastric and splenic lymph node. The sonographic assessment was consistent with infiltrative gastrointestinal disease and given the concurrent loss of layering and lymphadenomegaly of the gastric lymph node, gas...tric neoplasia was considered the primary differential, with lymphoma the most common gastric tumour occurring in cats. An ultrasound-guided fine needle aspirate of the gastric mass was subsequently performed and cytology returned consistent with a high-grade lymphoma. Immunocytochemistry was performed and was consistent with B-cell immunophenotype. The cat was subsequently diagnosed with high-grade gastric B-cell lymphoma. Please do not hesitate to call Veterinary Internal Medicine Consultants should you require any specialist small animal internal medicine case advice or help. #vimcaustralia #specialistsmallanimalinternalmedicine #internalmedicine #smallanimalmedicine #internalmedicinespecialist#vetspecialist #veterinarian #veterinarians #vet #vets #vetsofinstagram #cat #acvim #vimc #brisbaneandthesurrounds #greencrossvetscannonhill
05.01.2022 Veterinary Internal Medicine Consultants would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. #vimc #christmas
03.01.2022 VIMC is back from holidays! We are available for: -Specialist Internal Medicine Consultations - Ultrasound ... - Advanced Procedures - GP phone case advice (free 8am-6pm) - Email Case Reviews We are available from Sunday 5/5/2019 at our usual hours of 24 hours 7 days. *We are also available on the public holiday Monday 6th May Labour Day* If you would like to book our services please text or call 0401598100 or email us. #vimcaustralia #vimc #internalmedicinespecialist #vet #vets #veterinarian #veterinarians #dog #cat #ultrasound #medicine #specialistsmallanimalinternalmedicine #internalmedicine #smallanimalmedicine #brisbaneandthesurrounds
03.01.2022 Just a reminder that we are open today. If you require our services call or text 0401 598 100 #vimcaustralia #vimc #internalmedicinespecialist #vet #vets #veterinarian #veterinarians #dog #cat #ultrasound #medicine #specialistsmallanimalinternalmedicine #internalmedicine #smallanimalmedicine #brisbaneandthesurrounds
03.01.2022 #vimcaustralia #vimc #internalmedicinespecialist #vet #vets #veterinarian #veterinarians #dog #ultrasound #medicine #specialistsmallanimalinternalmedicine #internalmedicine #smallanimalmedicine #brisbaneandthesurrounds
01.01.2022 Below are two separate emergency echocardiograms which were performed by Veterinary Internal Medicine Consultants which identified a cardiac mass-like lesion in animals that presented collapsed to their primary care veterinarian or local emergency centre. The cardiac mass-like lesion most likely represented cardiac tumours. Cardiac tumours, while considered to be uncommon, can be either benign or malignant and be primary or secondary. The location of both was most suggestive ...of a primary cardiac tumour and based on the location, the presumptive diagnosis was for haemangiosarcoma (right atrium/right atrial appendage) for one, and the presumptive diagnosis of the other was for an aortic body tumour(associated with the root of the aorta at the level of the heart base). In regards to the presumptive diagnosis, this was based on the anatomical location; however, the anatomical location is only moderately accurate and definitive diagnosis while often rarely attempted would require biopsy and/or cytology. If VIMC can assist your clinic with please, do not hesitate to contacts us 0401598100. #emergencyechocardiogram #vimcaustralia #vimc #internalmedicinespecialist #vet #vets #veterinarian #veterinarians #dog #cat #ultrasound #medicine #specialistsmallanimalinternalmedicine #internalmedicine #smallanimalmedicine #brisbaneandthesurrounds See more
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