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25.01.2022 9 million dollars paid out on Friday 20th March, within only two days of announcing the covid-19 business package....
24.01.2022 Please see information below for all voters, candidates and volunteers for the upcoming Local Government and State By-Elections regarding important information ...from the Electoral Commission of Queensland for early voting in response to COVID-19. It is important that people understand this advice as they head to the polls.
23.01.2022 UPDATE on how-to-vote cards. Dont hand them out. Or fliers. Or leaflets. Or voter-information cards. Candidates in Queenslands local government elections, ones for you: the Electoral Commission of Queensland has issued a Directive to everyone handing out how-to-vote cards and other election material. Dont. Just dont. Electoral Commission of Queensland See more
23.01.2022 At all times the real question has been the management of the crisis under the control of QCHO
22.01.2022 For consideration. Is this tampering with evidence in a matter that is before the Court? Image 1 is how the relevant part of the ECQ website looked yesterday....Continue reading
22.01.2022 POLITICS The non-voters facing fines after Coast council election TEGAN ANNETT 6th Aug 2020 11:00 AM Subscriber only... Almost 70,000 residents failed to vote at the 2020 Sunshine Coast Council election and now some could be fined more than $100. The Electoral Commission of Queensland has announced a tailored response to non-voters from the March elections, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic which was intensifying during the voting period. Repeat non-voters will face fines, unless they provide a valid reason for not voting, but those who failed to vote for the first time will be let off. 'You f-----g bastards': Voters rage over election go-ahead "The ECQ recognises that many electors who wanted to vote in the local government elections or by-elections may not have voted due to a heightened anxiety about COVID-19," electoral commissioner Pat Vidgen said. The Sunshine Coast Council election polling booth on March 28 at Hungerford Hall in Nambour. Picture: John McCutcheon The Sunshine Coast Council election polling booth on March 28 at Hungerford Hall in Nambour. Picture: John McCutcheon On the Sunshine Coast, 69,576 residents failed to vote for a divisional councillor, and 58,519 did not cast a vote on the mayoral ballot. Electoral data shows 25.4 per cent of eligible residents failed to vote for the Sunshine Coast mayor this year, up from 17.9 per cent in 2016. ECQ will issue "apparent failure to vote notices" to around 20,000 repeat non-voters across the state requiring them to provide a valid reason for their failure to cast their ballot in the 2020 council election," Mr Vidgen said. He Vidgen said those unable to provide a reason for not voting would be fined $133.45 each. Another 30,000 Queenslanders will receive warning letters after failing to vote on more than one occasion, while 270,000 first-time non-voters will escape a warning and penalty 'in recognition of the unprecedented circumstances". Mr Vidgen said as there would be expanded voting options for the October 31 Queensland Election, concerns about COVID-19 would not be considered a valid reason not to vote. "The ECQ is using all the lessons from March to ensure a safe and fair general election in October," he said. "This means voters will be provided with every opportunity to vote while accommodating health requirements."
22.01.2022 This morning I made the following statement in Parliament about the upcoming Local Government Elections. Electoral Commission of Queensland Yvette D'Ath for Redcliffe Annastacia Palaszczuk MP
21.01.2022 I am concerned that this misuse of information gained "officially" by Mark Jameison in his capacity as Mayor was to his "personal" "benefit" in the election campaign. It shows that he made over his OFFICIAL FACEBOOK PAGE OF THE MAYOR OF SCRC to be his "True Direction" campaign page during the election AND was actively promoting his campaign to those OFFICIAL "friends". That would be a "the misuse of information acquired by the Councillor in the performance of the Councillor's responsibilities" IMO (at least) and under the Councillor's Code of Conduct that suggests "Corrupt Conduct" which "if proven would be a criminal offence".
21.01.2022 Some reality as regards HTV cards and their influence in LG Elections.
20.01.2022 Early voting has started for Queenslands local government elections so Im asking everyone to be patient during these challenging times. Be patient in voting q...ueues. Be patient when getting information from the Electoral Commission of Queensland. Be patient at the supermarket. Seriously. Just be patient. And kind. Be kind. #harmonyweek #daytohaveyoursay #lge2020 #seriouslybekind
19.01.2022 EXCLUSIVE The Queensland Ombudsman is understood to be investigating complaints about conditions of a Sunshine Coast Council development approval for a pub linked to Mayor Mark Jamieson. The body corporate committee for Duporth Riverside Apartments is understood to have had an investigator assigned to its complaints to the Ombudsman about conditions imposed by council....Continue reading
17.01.2022 Links between LGAQ and Qld Government as regards arrangements for the ICEO. Found the comment by the LG Minister re the election monitor, but it is from previous LG Minister. ...The LGAQ report, which described the 2016 campaign as the worst in living memory, consulted with the Crime and Corruption Commission and the Electoral Commission of Queensland. Both statutory bodies warned the election monitor to avoid encroaching on their patches. Local Government Minister Mark Fur...ner also indicated there could be overlap with the State Governments Office of the Independent Assessor, which was announced in July this year. Under this simpler model, the Independent Assessor will have the power to impose tougher penalties, but importantly will also have the power to dismiss any complaints that are deemed frivolous or vexatious, Mr Furner said. I meet with the LGAQ regularly and I look forward to discussing this report in detail with them. 170903 01 Greg Hallam says LGAQ to monitor 2020 poll and call out fake news
17.01.2022 Details of SCRC Caretaker Period Ordinary Meeting 19th March 2020. Important to note, zero mention of 15.0million pcm accelerated cash payment seven days "subject to resourcing" programme initiated by Caretaker Mayor Mark Jameison WITHOUT approval of Council. And without approval of DLGRMA Minister or Health Minister or QCHO in a "declared health emergency" despite claiming it was an urgent measure to assist with covids impacts. ...
17.01.2022 These images show a number of things. They all relate to the Duporth Tavern. A declared ROI asset of a company in which M & L Jamieson are owners.... There ARE regular planning applications listed. That satisfies the LGEA meaning of "property developer". But it also highlights, as came out during the election campaign, that there was ongoing planning/DA applications during February and March 2020 - which included (as reported in SC Daily at the time) issues like incomplete plans and works before permit etc. The real point is that Mark Jamieson falsely claimed on his nomination form for Mayor as follows; "I am not currently a party to any outstanding applications or representations which were not decided at the time of nomination. I also confirm that my close associates are not currently parties to any outstanding applications or representations which were not decided at the time of nomination". I think these Developmenti details direct from SCRC public database tell a very different story, and the SCDaily plus the tower residents beside the pub were right to be kicking off about it at the time. There are even just weeks ago fresh changes to the 2019 DA number from late December which IS the ongoing improvements ATM. The form itself warns as follows; "It is a crime to knowingly give information in this document that is false or misleading. The maximum penalty for doing so is 7 years imprisonment under s169 of the Local Government Electoral Act 2011". The form ALSO warns that "To ensure you are properly nominated as a candidate, you must complete parts A-F of this form." IF you gave given false or misleading material particulars (which includes intentional omissions) you have NOT properly nominated AND have committed a crime. The original nomination form of Mark Jamieson ALSO provided a FALSE Date for his" Candidate's declaration" in that he stated "I started campaigning on 1/2/2020". I will be showing the Supreme Court video filmed by Charles Hodgson of View News taken at Beerwah Golf Club. The first Mayor's debate Forum was on Wednesday 29th January 2020. It's the little bits of BS that really define a man. Completely unnecessary, but just can't help himself!!!!
17.01.2022 Mates???? MJ wearing his Labor heart on his sleeve? Wasn't this being championed by John Connolly but essentially opposed by Joe Natoli, and who got in?
16.01.2022 section 142 of the LGEA (2) The court if not bound by technicalities, legal forms or rules of evidence.
16.01.2022 There ya go. News coverage from Wed 5th February stating last Wednesday which was 29th January 2020. So "declaring" that MJ "started campaigning" 1/2/2020 is a s169(1) LGEA criminal offence.... Cheers
16.01.2022 Real fear, and the ECQ answer.... Compulsory to expose yourself to risk of harm.... 'You f-----g bastards': Voters rage over election go-ahead... Amber Hookerby AMBER HOOKER 28th Mar 2020 10:34 AM Subscriber only VOTERS have vented their fury at being forced to make the decision between their health, and their hip pockets, in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. "My family would disown me if they knew I was here," a masked woman said as tears began to well in her eyes minutes after voting in the Local Government election at Nambour. She stopped again, this time in her car outside Nambour State College, her gloved hands on the steering wheel. She did not wish to be named for fear her sick family members would find out she had voted, despite extreme social distancing measures in response to CoVID-19. "This is terrible I don't want to be here, I rang (the ECQ) last week and couldn't get through. I am immune-compromised," she said. Nambour local Lauren Miles said: "We are being bullied to be here, we all feel bullied." Darren Potts of Nambour said he feared he would lose his two jobs due to coronavirus shutdowns, and the only reason he came out to vote was because he couldn't afford the fine. He said he did not give a "rats" about the election and shared his feelings on the ballot. "I wrote on it 'this should have been cancelled you f-----g bastards'," Mr Potts said. Gina Sweeney of Cooran said forcing people to vote sent a mixed message about rules and regulations to combat coronavirus, and made it impossible to take any advice seriously. Joy Willis and her carer William Livingstone have stayed indoors for two weeks. Joy has COPD disease, a hardening of the lungs that will eventually kill her. She said she was denied the opportunity to vote over the phone. Dave and Michelle Clark of Ninderry said they did not have a problem having to vote, but were concerned that they used the same pencils and surfaces and could not see hand sanitiser readily available. They said they didn't want to be fined so made the decision to vote this morning.
16.01.2022 Section 142 (2) of the LGEA. (2) The court is not bound by technicalities, legal forms, or rules of evidence.
16.01.2022 No one should be fined. Brisbane Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner....
10.01.2022 Sydney Morning Herald. Today. Commissioner Brett Walker, SC, pondered on the issues surrounding the Ruby Princess. "it seemed the seminal event that would saturate Australia with coronavirus and which epidemiologists had been half-expecting had arrived. The country held it's breath."... Brett Walker... "One thing I want to be able to address finally is, does any of this matter?" Does any of this matter in the sense that everyone was going to home isolation, with or without testing... no harm done, no community spread? It is a very interesting point. It might only be a footnote, ultimately, because you don't test, I think, the narrative of public health precautions by whether or not you dodged a bullet". Yet here in Qld, that is EXACTLY the Outline of Argument the ECQ are running as regards going ahead with the LG Election. March 8th, the seminal event occurred. March 11th ECQ Commissioner Pat Vidgen said an "as normal" Qld LG Election. By the 14th March it was known widely that the contagious disease genie was well out of the bottle. In every state with unknown community transmission. The only thing that made Queensland "dodge a bullet" was the extra-ordinarily high level of civil disobedience from the most affected and at risk sectors of the community, yet ECQ just kept on threatening everyone with fines. The Ruby Princess findings will be introduced into the Court of Disputed Returns. I have no doubt that ECQ and Crown Law will try every trick in the book to shut down a proper enquiry into the extra-ordinarily reckless risk they subjected Queenslanders to. ALL OF QUEENSLAND WAS "HOLDING IT'S BREATH".....
10.01.2022 Amber Hooker reporting on the mood in the community on polling day. 'Shouldn't be here': Voters distressed by pandemic risks Amber Hookerby AMBER HOOKER...Continue reading
09.01.2022 Check out the stats for SCRC. 3 investigations, 3 legal, and 2 at the Councillor Conduct Tribunal....
09.01.2022 Full ECQ Statement. This should be compared to other facts and statements for accuracy. Previously the Commissioner intended to pursue fines for all....Continue reading
09.01.2022 Since Friday afternoon, the ECQ has received over 96,000 applications for postal votes for the 2020 local government elections. Remember, applications close at ...7pm on Monday, 16 March 2020. Apply by phoning 1300 881 665, email [email protected] or online. For more information about the elections:
07.01.2022 Background for court regarding the value of fines + this weird 11,000 discrepancy between DNV for Mayor, and DNV for councillors.
05.01.2022 Details as regards the importance of HTV cards and known information about the actual time most people make their mind up about who to vote for. Add a 12 day pre-poll due to the declared health emergency and this email information actually documents one of the key reasons for MJ apparent voter support.
05.01.2022 Sunshine Coast Councillors will this morning decide the future of the Stocklands major Twin Waters West development. FOLLOW OUR LIVE UPDATES
05.01.2022 A little like what I'm finding I'm up against ATM. Sadly. Born in a culture of BLAME AVERSION.
04.01.2022 Local Government elections are proceeding on 28 March. More than 270,000 Queenslanders have already cast their vote for the local government elections at early centres, on top of 540,000 Queenslanders applying for postal votes. The latest health advice from our Chief Health Officer is that polling should go ahead. So, take advantage of extended early polling hours this week, which includes until 9pm tonight (19 March) and 9am to 5pm tomorrow and Saturday, before we head into our final week of polling. The ECQ is encouraging electors that are more vulnerable to COVID-19, including Queenslanders aged 60 and over, to vote early between 9am and 11am each weekday. For more information visit or call 1300 881 665 Electoral Commission of Queensland See more
02.01.2022 I take this as an open admission, to be provided to the Court, that the lessons learned from the LG Election were that it was NOT SAFE or FAIR. The non-voters facing fines after Coast council election Play Video Meet the Sunshine Coast Daily team... Tegan AnnettTEGAN ANNETT 6th Aug 2020 11:00 AM Subscriber only Almost 70,000 residents failed to vote at the 2020 Sunshine Coast Council election and now some could be fined more than $100. The Electoral Commission of Queensland has announced a tailored response to non-voters from the March elections, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic which was intensifying during the voting period. Repeat non-voters will face fines, unless they provide a valid reason for not voting, but those who failed to vote for the first time will be let off. The ECQ recognises that many electors who wanted to vote in the local government elections or by-elections may not have voted due to a heightened anxiety about COVID-19," electoral commissioner Pat Vidgen said. On the Sunshine Coast, 69,576 residents failed to vote for a divisional councillor, and 58,519 did not cast a vote on the mayoral ballot. Electoral data shows 25.4 per cent of eligible residents failed to vote for the Sunshine Coast mayor this year, up from 17.9 per cent in 2016. ECQ will issue "apparent failure to vote notices" to around 20,000 repeat non-voters across the state requiring them to provide a valid reason for their failure to cast their ballot in the 2020 council election," Mr Vidgen said. He Vidgen said those unable to provide a reason for not voting would be fined $133.45 each. Another 30,000 Queenslanders will receive warning letters after failing to vote on more than one occasion, while 270,000 first-time non-voters will escape a warning and penalty 'in recognition of the unprecedented circumstances". Mr Vidgen said as there would be expanded voting options for the October 31 Queensland Election, concerns about COVID-19 would not be considered a valid reason not to vote. "The ECQ is using all the lessons from March to ensure a safe and fair general election in October," he said. "This means voters will be provided with every opportunity to vote while accommodating health requirements.
01.01.2022 UPDATE 6PM: Stockland has responded to Sunshine Coast Council's rejection of its Twin Waters West development. The company's bid to develop a floodplain north of the Maroochy River was voted down by a majority of the councillors this afternoon....Continue reading
01.01.2022 Just confirming that View News were present at this event along with Mrs Jamieson on Wednesday 29th January 2020
01.01.2022 Turns out this post and the MJ press conference had the largest effect on the conduct and manner of the election. 1. MJ stated "the intention is to proceed with the election". 2. AFTER advice from ECQ. 3. MJ also stated further arrangements were being considered by "the department".... But time for anyone interested to refer to the actual online (now reposted) nomination forms. Each and every candidate has a technicallly incomplete nomination published. Box 4 didn't "populate" according to ECQ. Only I'm sure that when I looked during the campaign my box 4 WAS "populated". Anyone got copies of originals, or online nominations to compare to what's posted up now? Deeply troubled that this was pulled down apparently to try and frustrate me.... And that ECQ refuses to provide anyone's version that WAS published during the election period as required UNDER CEA, EA and LGEA legislation.
01.01.2022 This story, which I can't see, relates to statistics that ECQ have been seeking to conceal from court proceedings. I will be advising the Court that these are numbers which ECQ fought in a directions hearing regarding disclosure. And given that ECQ and Crown Law are apparently NOT model litigants they now turn around and release the numbers as they probably hope to use them against me in the proceedings.... However under the CEA 1918 the fines are NOW out of time. 3 months is the limit. Plus the red cards were sent late AND did not include formal notice as regards election details changing OR information concerning health and not voting. On top of that ECQ now state quite specifically in formal OUTLINE of ARGUMENT "In any event, failing to vote due to illness was a lawful excuse for not voting". ECQ have no investigative powers as regards "due to illness" AND the fear of falling ill was a valid ground, just as a fear of passing on the disease. Not one single person can be fined. It is not a lawful basis to suggest a pattern of non-voting behaviour in a declared health emergency. However, over 25% of 3.4million Queenslanders didn't vote, and did so because of the "risk of harm". How exactly does NOT voting before mean you committed an alleged offence this time? And single out 20,000 from 850,000? Come on Courier, do some journalism - please!!!!
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