Vision and Sensory Integration | Businesses
Vision and Sensory Integration
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25.01.2022 An update regarding the COVID-19 situation for our practice
25.01.2022 Very exciting news. We now offer online bookings
25.01.2022 We have some spare capacity at our Carina Heights practice for allied health practitioners. Would suit acupuncture, chiropractor, osteopath, naturopath, psychologist, speech pathologist, counsellor.
24.01.2022 Yes, yes and YES again! Self regulation requires a level of maturity that some of our children don't have because they aren't ready for that yet. Assuming they ...can self-regulate because we think it is a correct response can be inappropriate for them. Developmental maturity takes time. Neuro-Developmental maturity takes time. . #bodytobrainlearning #neuromotormaturitymatters #sensorymaturitymatters #integratingthinking #bodystories #learningstories See more
23.01.2022 "It was found that ATNR persistence was significantly associated with level of attainments in reading, spelling and mathematics and that boys were more at risk ...than girls for ATNR persistence. In both studies, it was found that the movement intervention programme had a very significant impact on reducing the levels of ATNR persistence in children and that this was associated with very significant improvements in reading and mathematics, in particular." This research along with many others find evidence that ATNR is linked to core educational skills and interference from an underdeveloped nervous system. This particular research study also demonstrated that performing specific exercises to integrate ATNR helped improve academic skills. When we have an underdeveloped nervous system, we are unable to fully develop our pre-frontal cortex, or "thinking brain", which results in challenges seen with reading, writing, math, memory, organization, and other higher-level cognitive skills. Remediating reading challenges is just the tip of the iceberg. For proper treatment, you must look deeper and create the foundational skills needed for the nervous system and brain to fully develop through primitive reflex integration & brain hemispheric integration. These techniques are simple and can be completed at home, guided by a professional. . . . Not sure if your child would benefit from neurolgocially-based treatment? Download our FREE ebook: GET TO THE ROOT CAUSE OF YOUR CHILD'S BEHAVIOR, SENSORY, & LEARNING CHALLENGES:
23.01.2022 ACBO Gold Sponsor; Vivid Vision is a virtual reality software company that specializes in visual therapy software which is one of the modalities that may be use...d by optometrists to treat patients with amblyopia, strabismus, and other binocular vision disorders. Over 230 clinics in the US, Canada, Europe, Australia and Asia utilize Vivid Visions patented virtual reality platform, and our partnership with ACBO is an example of our dedication to improving the fields of vision care and education. WATCH [YouTube] and visit: to learn more. #ACBO #behaviouraloptometry #visiontherapy
23.01.2022 Very applicable at the moment in my personal life with my own children. And Mums and Dads our there dont forget to work on filling your cups and that of your partners. Thanks for sharing Brain Blocks
23.01.2022 ARE FINNISH KIDS PERFORMING BETTER? Why play may be more important than learning to read in Kindergarten.
22.01.2022 From another group I am in. It resonates with me so I thought Id share..... NEURO-FATIGUE 10/10/19 ...Continue reading
22.01.2022 Some great resources discussing neuroscience
22.01.2022 So although your sensory kid might have 20/20 eyesight, they may have very poor oculomotor skills and this has a massive impact on reading.
21.01.2022 This is awesome. This should be implemented in Australia
19.01.2022 "The Body Tells a Learning Story About Vision" is tomorrow's professional learning hour (4pm AEST). How is vision associated with learning (beyond the obvious ..."can our students see?")? If you would like to join us, go to and scroll down to Session 3. . #integratingthinking #bodytobrainlearning #bodytellsthelearninstory #bodystories #vision #learning #professionallearning #teachers See more
18.01.2022 Absolutely true
18.01.2022 And just like that we are all set up at our second location. At the Rosalie Childrens Centre at 1A/155 Baroona Rd, Paddington. We have appointments available at this location on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30am-2pm. Call 38433555 to book an appointment
18.01.2022 What a great visual
16.01.2022 The patient recovering at VSI
15.01.2022 I watched the 4 Corners "Digi-Kids" programme last night. It got me thinking and writing. Heré's my view: "'Digi-Kids: Reading, Writing & Learning in a Digital Age." What do you think?
14.01.2022 Ask anyone who works in a primary school or elementary #school, and you'll hear a similar refrain. #Children dropping out of their chairs is the new normal. But... why? What's going on that's making simply sitting in a chair a physical challenge for our youth? A highly respected director of a progressive preschool who has been teaching preschoolers for about 40 years says she has seen major changes in the social and physical development of children in the past few generations. Kids are just different, she said. They are more easily frustrated often crying at the drop of a hat. She has also observed that children were frequently falling out of their seats at least three times a day, less attentive, and running into each other and even the walls. It is so strange. You never saw these issues in the past. She went on to complain that even though her school was considered highly progressive, they were still feeling the pressure to limit free #play more than she would like in order to meet the growing demands for academic readiness that was expected before children entered kindergarten. It is through active free play outdoors where children start to build many of the foundational life skills they need in order to be successful for years to come. It is before the age of 7 years ages traditionally known as pre-academic when children desperately need to have a multitude of whole-body sensory experiences on a daily basis in order to develop strong bodies and minds. This is best done outside where the senses are fully ignited and young bodies are challenged by the uneven and unpredictable, ever-changing terrain. Preschool years are not only optimal for children to learn through play, but also a critical developmental period. If children are not given enough natural movement and play experiences, they start their academic careers with a disadvantage. They are more likely to be clumsy, have difficulty paying attention, trouble controlling their emotions, utilise poor problem-solving methods, and demonstrate difficulties with social interactions. We are consistently seeing #sensory, #motor, and #cognitive issues pop up more and more in later childhood, partly because of inadequate opportunities to move and play at an early age. The #vestibular system, located inside our inner ear, is responsible for our sense of balance and spatial awareness. It also plays an important role in focus and attention, visual skills, and emotional regulation. It is stimulated and developed by moving through space in a variety of directionsparticularly at high speeds. Inside your inner ear are little hair cells. And we need to move in all different directions so that fluid moves back and forth and stimulates those hair cells, and that develops the vestibular sense. That sense is key to all the other senses. If that's not working right, it can affect everything," says Angela Hanscom, pediatric occupational therapist. Weaker core and postural muscles, an underdeveloped vestibular sense, and too many consecutive hours spent at a desk without a break for physical activity all add up. Once we put these factors together, we can start to understand why a child might fall out of their seat at school. Research continues to point out that young children learn best through meaningful play experiences. Education has need to transition towards play-based learning rather than away from it, for the sake of our current and upcoming generations. #neurochild #education #letthemplay
13.01.2022 A great initiative to create independence
13.01.2022 This is what I have been experiencing with my previously very independent 6yo. Stay calm out there mums and dads and try to spend that one on one time with them where you are really engaged. Be kind to yourselves
13.01.2022 Wow. Lets keep kissing our kids
11.01.2022 What a beautiful summary. Could not have said this better myself. I truly dislike sticking labels on kids and I like to look through the behaviour as a mere symptom. A kid who has to touch everything in my consulting room is not being naughty. Their tactile input is far more trustworthy to them than visual input
10.01.2022 Health officials are pushing for Queensland schools to consider adopting a "no sunglasses, no play" policy, in a bid to protect children's eyes. Playgrounds are... now identified as a danger spot for UV radiation, with sunglasses considered just as important as a hat. #7NEWS
10.01.2022 Worth it for everyone but especially those who are educators
10.01.2022 CARDIO DESK DRUMMING! Grab some pool noodles and get your students up and moving throughout the school day! Great for the body and the brain, and so much fun! Here’s a link to the full routine for students to follow along: Imagine Dragons
10.01.2022 I wholeheartedly agree with these sentiments
09.01.2022 Le Dr. Ovide, neurologue pédiatre, alerte sur une tragédie silencieuse qui se développe aujourd'hui dans nos maisons. Il y a une tragédie silencieuse qui se dév...eloppe aujourd'hui dans nos maisons, et concerne nos plus beaux bijoux : nos enfants. Nos enfants sont dans un état émotionnel dévastateur ! Au cours des 15 dernières années, les chercheurs nous ont donné des statistiques de plus en plus alarmantes sur une augmentation aiguë et constante de la maladie mentale infantile qui atteint maintenant des proportions épidémiques : Les statistiques ne mentent pas : 1 enfants sur 5 ont des problèmes de santé mentale Une augmentation de 43 % a été observée dans le TDAH Une augmentation de 37 % de la dépression adolescente a été observée Une augmentation de 200 % du taux de suicide chez les enfants de 10 à 14 ans a été observé. Qu'est-ce qui se passe et qu'est-ce qu'on fait de mal ? Les enfants d'aujourd'hui sont sur-Stimulés et sur-donnés d'objets matériels, mais ils sont privés des fondements d'une enfance saine, tels que : Parents émotionnellement disponibles limites clairement définies responsabilités Nutrition équilibrée et un sommeil adéquat Mouvement en général mais surtout en plein air Jeu créatif, interaction sociale, opportunités de jeu informel et espaces pour l'ennui Au lieu de cela, ces dernières années ont été remplis aux enfants de : Parents distraits numériquement Des parents indulgents et permissifs qui laissent les enfants "gouverner le monde" et soient ceux qui mettent les règles Un sens de droit, de tout mériter sans le gagner ou être responsable de l'obtenir Sommeil inapproprié et nutrition déséquilibrée Un mode de vie sédentaire Stimulation sans fin, nounous technologiques, gratification instantanée et absence de moments ennuyeux Que faire ? Si nous voulons que nos enfants soient des individus heureux et sains, nous devons nous réveiller et revenir aux bases. C'est encore possible ! De nombreuses familles voient des améliorations immédiates après des semaines de mettre en uvre les recommandations suivantes : Fixez des limites et rappelez-vous que vous êtes le capitaine du bateau. Vos enfants se sentiront plus en sécurité en sachant que vous avez le contrôle du gouvernail. Offrez aux enfants un style de vie équilibré rempli de ce dont les enfants ont besoin, pas seulement de ce qu'ils veulent. N'ayez pas peur de dire "non" à vos enfants si ce qu'ils veulent n'est pas ce qu'ils ont besoin. Fournir des aliments nutritifs et limite la malbouffe. Passez au moins une heure par jour en plein air à faire des activités telles que : Cyclisme, randonnée, pêche, observation des oiseaux / insectes Profitez d'un dîner familial quotidien sans smartphones ou technologie qui les distrait. Jouez à des jeux de table en famille ou si les enfants sont trop petits pour les jeux de table, laissez-vous emporter par vos intérêts et laissez-les laisser être eux qui envoient dans le jeu Impliquez vos enfants dans une tâche ou une tâche de la maison selon leur âge (plier les vêtements, commander les jouets, accrocher les vêtements, déballer les vivres, mettre la table, donner à manger au chien etc. Le monde entier Mettez en uvre une routine de sommeil cohérente pour s'assurer que votre enfant dorme assez longtemps. Les horaires seront encore plus importants pour les enfants d'âge scolaire. Enseigner la responsabilité et l'indépendance. Ne les protégez pas trop contre toute frustration ou toute erreur. Se tromper les aidera à développer la résilience et apprendront à surmonter les défis de la vie, Ne chargez pas le sac à dos de vos enfants, ne portez pas vos sacs à dos, ne leur prenez pas la tâche qu'ils ont oublié, ne leur pelé pas les bananes ni leur pelé les oranges s'ils peuvent le faire d'eux-mêmes (4-5 ans). Au lieu de leur donner le poisson, montrez-leur à pêcher. Apprenez-leur à attendre et à retarder la gratification. Offrez des opportunités pour l'"ennui", car l'ennui est le moment où la créativité se réveille. Ne vous sentez pas responsable de garder toujours les enfants divertissants. N'utilisez pas la technologie comme un remède pour l'ennui, ni l'offrir à la première seconde d'inactivité. Évitez l'utilisation de la technologie pendant les repas, dans les voitures, les restaurants, les centres commerciaux. Utilisez ces moments comme des opportunités pour socialiser en formant ainsi les cerveaux à savoir fonctionner quand ils sont en mode : "ennui" Aidez-les à créer un "Flacon de l' ennui" avec des idées d'activités pour quand ils s'ennuient. Soyez émotionnellement disponible pour vous connecter avec les enfants et leur enseigner l'auto-régulation et les compétences sociales : Éteignez les téléphones le soir quand les enfants doivent aller au lit pour éviter la distraction numérique. Devenez un régulateur ou entraîneur émotionnel de vos enfants. Apprenez-leur à reconnaître et à gérer leurs propres frustrations et colère. Montrez-leur à saluer, à prendre des tours, à partager sans rester sans rien, à dire merci et s'il vous plaît, à reconnaître l'erreur et s'excuser (ne les oblige pas), soyez modèle de toutes ces valeurs qu'il inculque. Connectez-vous émotionnellement - sourie, embrassez, embrasser, chatouillée, lisez, danse, sautez, jouez ou gate avec eux. Article écrit par Dr. Luis Rojas Marcos, psychiatre.
08.01.2022 Please note out Christmas Closure. We will be closed from Friday 13 December 2019 to Monday 6 January 2020. Have a blessed festive season
08.01.2022 Great picture explaining why it is so important to work on those foundational levels first. Once those senses integrate then learning can start happening
08.01.2022 And as bad as the smoke was yesterday, it did my head in that my children werent allowed to play outside during break time. Here is to a weekend of camping with no devices
07.01.2022 Could not have said this better myself. A Child's most important work is playing
07.01.2022 What a great explanation.
07.01.2022 I could not have said this better mysef
06.01.2022 Ready for the first patient at new home clinic
05.01.2022 Teacher colleagues: I would love to hear your perspective. . If you could change one thing in your practice to improve your ability to meet the needs of dive...rse children in your classroom, what would you change? . Comment or send me a message. . Thanks! #integratingthinking #body_to_brain_learning #helpingthebodysupportlearning #neurodiversity #teachers #bodymattersinlearning #bodyspeaks #learningstories
05.01.2022 Something to think about. When you have a "regular" child, you feel reasonably assured that class participation and decent study habits will result in good grades. These kids have close friends. They get invited to participate in social things like dances and weekend gatherings. They make the teams, get the awards and accolades. But when you have a child with neurological differences, this is often not the case. Learning may take longer, both academically and socially.... Despite their tremendous efforts, results are often a fraction of their peers and social acceptance is fleeting, setting them up for painful comparisons and bitter frustration. Instead of a fun and fulfilling experience, school can become a breeding ground for depression and anxiety, and assignments a battle ground at home. It is exhausting for parent and child alike. This is the week of SPED (Special Education), Autism, Dyslexia, and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) awareness. For all the children who struggle every day to succeed in a world that does not recognize their gifts and talents, and for those who are walking beside them, please let this be a gentle reminder to be kind and accepting of ALL people. Recognise that the "playing field" is not always a level surface. Children who learn differently are not weird. They are merely gifted in ways that our society does not value. Yet they want what everyone else wants: To be accepted. If you choose, please copy and paste this in honour of all children who are deemed "different". Our world would be far less beautiful without them. All they want is to have a friend.....let that sink in...they JUST. WANT. A. FRIEND.
03.01.2022 There is no need for your child (under 7) to be learning numbers, colours and how to write their name. In fact, if you force it - it could have negative impacts.... Literacy and numeracy is a wonderful thing for the brain, but it doesn’t really meet the needs of a 2-7 year old child... So what do they need instead? Nathan Wallis helps us understand what the latest research says about young children's brains and literacy, numeracy, free-play and child-led environments here:
02.01.2022 My favourite is the fact that your eye muscles are the most active. Which one is yours?
01.01.2022 Very insightful
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