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Vision Therapy at Specialeyes Newcastle in Newcastle, New South Wales | Medical and health

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Vision Therapy at Specialeyes Newcastle

Locality: Newcastle, New South Wales

Phone: +61 2 4926 4799

Address: 245 King Street 2300 Newcastle, NSW, Australia


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24.01.2022 Christmas is getting closer....Times running out to order your contact lenses so you don't run out over Christmas, and be sure to organise some new sunglasses t...o protect you from those bright Christmas UV Rays. #christmashours2020 #christmas2020 #christmas #ContactLenses #Sunglasses #Eyes #UVRays #healthfund #newframenewclaim See more

24.01.2022 Corny jokes aside, vision therapy can go far to improving your vision! Who can be the first to answer todays joke? Maintaining regular vision therapy appointments can correct and improve many disorders, from learning disorders such as ADHD to concussions or even amblyopia, more commonly known as lazy eye. You may be unsure if we can help you, but you have nothing to lose by calling us and finding out.... #VisionTherapy #VisionDevelopment #Eyes #VisionSkills #learning #learningrelatedvisionproblems #SeeBetterSeeUs #specialeyesnewcastle See more

24.01.2022 #WeekendFun #OutdoorGames #Playtime

24.01.2022 Digital Device Tip #1 These days, school work isnt just in books. Computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones create new opportunities for learning... and new dangers for your childrens eyes. #Screentime #deviceuse #digitaldevices #learning

24.01.2022 I feel like this advice is probably in my top 5 of all time. Would you agree? #tummytime #motordevelopment #motorcontrol #vision #visualskills

23.01.2022 We love this quote as its the name of our favourite Charlie and Lola episode - and we think it sums up how we feel about glasses too! Little ones can enjoy the episode here: #behaviouraloptometry #independentoptometry #provision #seebetterseeus #specialeyesnewcastle #Childrensvision #charlieandlola #visiondevelopment #glasses #eyes

23.01.2022 With today being International Cat Day who will win this epic stare down? Goldfish dont have any eyelids, while cats have three! #InternationalCatDay #Cats #Fish #AnimalFacts #Eyes #EyeFacts

23.01.2022 I use infinity walk on a routine basis in the Vision Therapy Room. Walking in this loop strengthens the communication between the right brain & left brain and results in faster processing. We dont use tape on the floor, I generally use 2 cones or chairs and have them walk around encourage use of peripheral vision. Try it at home with spelling lists, sight words, maths facts, or anything else your child may need to work on! #visionskills #peripheralvision #visiondevelopment #spatialawareness #motorcontrol

22.01.2022 Digital Device Tip #4: Your children need to continue to do their school work whether on paper or a device, but there are measures you can take to protect your children from the dangers of Blue Light emitted from the digital devices they use. #Screentime #deviceuse #digitaldevices #learning

22.01.2022 What could be behind reversals when your child writes? If your child has difficulty writing their letters and numbers backwards, upside down or vertical, they may have trouble with their visual-motor skills! Here is how you can recognise the signs #handwriting #vision #visionskills #visiondevelopment #eyes

22.01.2022 Are you worried your child may have a Visual related learning problem - be sure to book in for a comprehensive Behavioural consultation Call us on 4926 4799 or book online

21.01.2022 In line with the recent NSW Health recommendations, youll notice some new accessories when you visit our practice. If we need to be within 1.5 metres of our p...atients at anytime, well pop on a mask #behaviouraloptometry #independentoptometry #provision #seebetterseeus #specialeyesnewcastle #staysafe #facemask #inthistogether #nswhealth

20.01.2022 Are you making the most of your optical extras this year? We are here to help you do just that. Come in before December 31 and claim a new look. #OpticalBenefits #EndofYearHealthFund #NewFrameNewClaim

19.01.2022 30 outside game ideas to get your kids in the 3D world - you might even find your childhood favourite too

19.01.2022 Have you been getting a good nights sleep? Too much blue light exposure can disrupt your natural circadian rhythm, leading to restless sleep and fatigue during the day. Use screen filters or blue light glasses to protect your eyes. #Sleep #bluelight #limitscreentime #deviceusage #circadianrhythm

18.01.2022 Treat YO SELF! Claim a new look with your optical extras before Dec 31. #OpticalBenefits #EndofYearHealthFund #HealthFundBenefits #NewFrameNewClaim

18.01.2022 .... Grade 3 students who watch more than two hours of TV daily or spend more than one hour a day on a computer experience a decline in academic results two years later, a new study has found. The research led by the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute (MCRI) and published in PLOS ONE, found heavy TV use at 8 to 9 years of age impacted on reading, equivalent to a loss of four months in learning by 10 to 11 years and heavy computer use predicted a similar... loss in numeracy. Professor Patton said the data was also timely given the move to remote learning due to COVID-19 and raised important issues around the best way for students to transition back into classrooms. This question about the effects of modern media on children's learning has never been more important given the effects of the pandemic on children’s use of time, he said. It underlines again the importance of children moving safely back into classrooms and face-to-face learning with their teachers. #limitscreentime #deviceuse #visionskills #childdevelopment #reducemyopia #getoutdoors #outdoorplay #visiondevelopment

18.01.2022 Now that Christmas is in the air, a big Thanks to Kellye Kneuppel and her staff for putting this list together again this year!!! Happy Holidays! #Christmas #visionskills #visiondevelopment #toys #childrenstoys #christmasgifts

15.01.2022 THE SIX MUSCLES attached to each of our eyes are the fastest muscles in our bodies! They expand and contract in sync so that we can instantly look around at whatever grabs our attention! #eyefacts #eyes #stongeyesquickeyes #eyemuscles

15.01.2022 Be sure to include movement, even if it’s ‘extra movement’ in you and your family’s life every day #childdevelopment #motorskills #movement #visiondevelopment #visionskills

12.01.2022 Did you know that copying from a board or horizontal surface of any kind can reveal undiagnosed vision problems even to children who have 20/20 eyesight? #Vision #eyes #Eyecare #BehaviouralOptometry #LearningRelatedVisionProblems

11.01.2022 R U OK?Day is Thursday 10 September and this years message is Theres more to say after R U OK?. Learn what to say next so you can have a conversation that could change, or even save, a life. Visit #theresmoretosay

11.01.2022 An article on reflexes and how they can affect our daily lives. This is why our Vision Therapist Hannah I involves reflex integration work in her individually planned programs

11.01.2022 What do the eyes tell us about your child's brain development? Horizontal eye tracking is developed in the brainstem, specifically in the PONS, while the child begins to learn how to move their body forward on their belly. It continues to develop during homolateral and cross lateral movements as the child looks towards their hands and begins to track objects.. Convergence develops later in the cortex and helps to develop simple depth perception. At the same time the child is ...beginning to learn to walk upright and master balance. Functionally, horizontal eye tracking is important for reading. We see many children with delays in their area that cause children to have trouble learning to read, attending to school work (because their eyes can't focus), and even gross motor activities like ball catching and kicking can be affected from poor visual perception. Because vision develops in the brain stem through foundational neurodevelopmental movements and reflexes, it makes sense to use these movements in therapy to improve tracking & convergence. All of the senses (including vision) develop in coordination with movement. Do you know if your child has a tracking or convergence problem? Many children don't even know to tell a parent that the words are "jumpy" or they see double or the words are "falling off the page" because that is normal for them. If your child is having trouble learning, reading, or attending to school work please check how they are doing visually. A couple simple assessments include:1) eye tracking: have your child hold their head still while you have them look at an object approx 12-16 inches away from their face. Can their eyes stay on the object? Can they keep their head still? Do their eyes "glitch" in the centre? Can they follow smoothly through all quadrants?2) convergence: hold a pencil at your child's nose. have them look at the tip. Do their eyes cross? Does one or both eyes float away? Can they maintain the cross? A comprehensive consultation with out Behvaioural Optometrist Susan is always a good idea to make sure you child's visual system is functioning well .#eyes #visualperception #visualskills #visiondevelopment #Vision #visualskills #visiontherapy #horizontaltracking #pons #braindevelopment #neuro #brain #reading #learning #dyslexia #attention #focus #schoolwork See more

11.01.2022 "No one is perfect : thats why pencils have erasers" Wolfgang Riebe

10.01.2022 50 brilliant techniques that will calm down your little ones immediately when they are in an agitated state #calm #emotionalregulation #children #yoga #move #proprioception

10.01.2022 Be sure to book yourself or your child in for a Comprehensive Behavioural Assesment if you are interested in making sure that not only your visual system, but also your other senses are working as a team and/or performing to full potential Visit us online OR call the office on 4926 4799

09.01.2022 #eyes #factfriday #visionskills

09.01.2022 Specialeyes Newcastle will be closed for the Queens Birthday Public Holiday on Monday 8th June 2020! Well be back on Tuesday 9th June for all your Eyecare and Eyewear needs! #specialeyes #visiontherapy #susanwaltonoptometrist #publicholiday #longweekend #seebetterseeus #independentoptometry

09.01.2022 #Crossingmidline #motordevelopment #motorcontrol #mindbrainbody #bodymovement #childdevelopment

08.01.2022 The team here at SpecialEyes Newcastle couldnt be more excited to be back to normal in our practice - we are ready to take care of all your eye health & eyewear needs #Specialeyesnewcastle #independentoptometry #eyes #eyecare #eyewear #SeeBetterSeeUs #flattenthecurve #sanitiserqueens

06.01.2022 Be sure to check out the beauty of our #VeraWang frame range next time you are in the office. Made for every woman with a taste for #style & #elegance. #glasses #eyewear #fashion

06.01.2022 Worth the read - another wonderful blurb from a fellow colleague #visualdevelopment #visionskills #eyeteaming #deviceuse #videogames

05.01.2022 If youve got a deck of Uno cards, youve got a lot of great activities at your fingertips! #cardgames #uno #learning

05.01.2022 Learning to read requires both phonetic and eidetic processes, which are cognitive ways to decode and encode words, respectively. Visual skill deficits can interfere with both encoding and decoding words, in a host of different ways. Vision problems can cause problems with sight recognition, reading comprehension, memorisation, recall, fluency, speed, rhythm and the length of time spent reading or writing. If your child is struggling with any of the above be sure to book in ...for a Comprehensive consultation with our Behavioural Optometrist! #Behaviouraloptometry #independentoptometrist #visionskills #vision #eyes #reading

04.01.2022 #homework #homeworktip #reading #readingtip #comprehension #school #eyes #vision #learningdifficulties #visiontip #visionproblems #kidsvision #eyehealth #optometry #behaviouraloptometry #behaviouraloptometrist

04.01.2022 This video includes instructions on 5 exercises you can do with your baby throughout the day! These exercises are designed to help encourage sensory & motor skill development in all babies. Now is a great time to learn about these Meaningful Moves! If you have had therapeutic sessions cancelled due to the COVID-19 crisis you can use these exercises to help your baby continue to make progress. Enjoy..... ... #sensorydevelopment #motordevelopment #baby #tactile #motorskills #motorlearning #visionskills #visualdevelopment

03.01.2022 The foundation of the brain pathways formed between the eyes, the brain, and the body is laid down during the prenatal and first years of life. The vision skills developed during this time are the same skills needed to read, write, ride a bike, play sports, and all the other things we do with our mind and body. Schedule a comprehensive consultation with our Behavioural Optometrist today to see how Vision Therapy can help your child! #VisionTherapy #Visionskills #Visiondevelopment #childdevelopment #behaviouraloptometry #eyes

02.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day to all the wonderful Dads, Pops, Grandads, Step Dads and Father figures! We hope you are all getting spoilt and having a beautiful day with your loved ones! From the Team at Specialeyes Newcastle

02.01.2022 Very well written and definitely worth the read #primitivereflexes #childdevelopment #motorskills #motorcontrol #VisionSkills #visiondevelopment

02.01.2022 If only she had known about vision therapy sooner to help build strength in her lazy eye. If you are struggling with amblyopia, give us a call to discuss how vision therapy may be an effective treatment for you! #Amblyopia #LazyEye #EyeSurgery #VisionTherapy

01.01.2022 Digital Device Tips #2 & 3 Blue Light Radiation emitted from electronic devices can cause a variety of symptoms including headaches, blurred vision, and even sleep disorders, particularly in children. #digitaldevices #deviceuse #screentime

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