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Vital Chi Wellness in Blackburn, Victoria, Australia | Alternative & holistic health service

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Vital Chi Wellness

Locality: Blackburn, Victoria, Australia

Phone: +61 3 9894 0014


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25.01.2022 Mindful Monday: 5 mindful tips for parents 1. Start with Love Kids will be much more engaged if they know they are genuinely loved and cared for. When you interact with your child, aim to communicate love to them through your attention, tone of voice or touch.... 2. Breathe Teach your kids to use their breath to help calm them down and get in contact with how they feel. When they're worked up, educate them to stop, put their hands on their belly, and breath in slowly for 3 seconds, and out for 6 seconds. Ask them how they feel after they take time to breathe. 3. Meet kids where they're at Seek to understand where you're child is at, and let go of your preconceived notions of where you want them to be. Help them feel responsible for themselves and their actions, and when they're old enough ask them 'who are you?' to encourage them to discover their unique interests, aspirations and dreams. 4. Let go of expectations It's great to have ideas about what you'd like your child to achieve. But if you have too many expectations and goals for your child, you could end up blaming them or yourself if these expectations are not met. Try to be in the moment with them, and be flexible - realising that they'll grow and reach goals in their own time. 5. Have fun! Play and joy are integral to a child's growth and healthy development. Help your child have fun by telling jokes, watching cartoons with them, or take on the persona of one of their favourite move characters. In what ways are you mindful with your kids? We'd love you to leave us a comment and share this post if you found it useful! Photo and content adapted from

25.01.2022 Support immune health naturally Tip #5: connect Research shows that social contentedness strengthens our immune system and helps us recover quicker from illness. Spend quality time with your family, housemate, or partner by sharing a meal together or engaging in an activity you both enjoy, and/or connect virtually with friends and colleagues

24.01.2022 Today is World Mental Health Day. This day aims to raise awareness of mental health issues and increase efforts to support mental health. This year has been a challenge to all of us in terms of our emotional wellbeing & mental health, and we can't think of a better time to raise awareness and support ourselves and others to get help. Free mental health services available in Australia, include Beyond Blue | 1300 224 636 and Lifeline Australia | 13 11 14... MensLine Australia | 1300 78 99 78 Suicide Call Back Service | 1300 659 467 MindSpot | 1800 61 44 34 Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Australia (PANDA) | 1300 726 306 and For children and teenagers: Kids Helpline | 1800 55 1800 and Headspace | Some ways you can offer support to those in your life struggling with their mental health include: Let them know you care for them and are here for support Listen to them openly, allowing them to express how they're feeling without interruption Spend time with them doing any activity they enjoy Suggest they speak to someone who they feel comfortable with, such as their GP or another health professional Offer to help them find a mental health practitioner who they can speak with and, if they wish, book the appointment and be with them at the time Please share this post, and let us know of any other useful resources out there for supporting mental health.

23.01.2022 Our Mindful Monday tip this week is also our healthy nutrition tip #2 - eat mindfully Eating mindfully means slowing down and limiting distractions when consuming food. Studies have shown that individuals who eat slower report improved digestion, feeling fuller quicker (thus are less likely to overeat) and overall have a smaller waist circumference and lower body mass index than faster eaters. Aim to chew each mouthful of food 30 times. Notice the smell, taste and texture ...of your food while you’re eating. Don’t eat while distracted (e.g. watching TV, scrolling social media or reading). Aim to make mealtimes a family occasion. Above all, enjoy the food your consuming! Let us know what YOU noticed when eating mindfully. #mindfulmonday #mindfuleating #slowdown #smell #taste #chew #familymealtime #mindfulness #healthtip #nutrition #naturopath #blackburn #victoria #foodasmedicine

23.01.2022 Naturopath Alon Blumgart discusses the importance of structure and following sound nutrition principles during uncertain times.

17.01.2022 Naturopath and Nutritionist Lina Capovilla discusses the importance of structure and rountines when dealing with uncertainty and change.

14.01.2022 Support immune health naturally Tip #6: manage stress levels Stress is an important factor in immune health. A 2004 meta-analysis of more than 300 empirical studies found that chronic stressors were associated with suppression of the immune system. Aim to reduce stress by spending time each day moving, and try restorative practices including yoga, Qigong and meditation. Ensure to create boundaries between work and home life, and do an activity every day that you enjoy!

13.01.2022 Watch this 2 minute video where our Naturopath Shiho Mafune discusses mindfulness approaches to deal with uncertain times to stay healthy and balanced.

13.01.2022 Join Shiho and Sophie this Saturday at 10am for a mindfulness webinar to: Learn simple and practical mindfulness strategies to help you manage the anxieties you may be feeling about the transition back to your "normal" routine after restrictions ease Self-care practices to help support your mental health Grounding techniques that can be done "on the spot" and easily weaved into your daily routine Connect with others experiencing similar concerns to you... Q & A to ask about any other general concerns you have This will be a practical webinar with experiential components. No prior experience with mindfulness is needed. For access, send us a DM for the zoom link, or email [email protected]!

12.01.2022 We are now offering pre-paid product collections for those who live within 5km of the clinic at Blackburn. We otherwise will post your products out, with free postage for product orders over $100. If you need a top up of your prescribed products, please call 9894 0014 or email [email protected].

11.01.2022 Support immune health naturally Tip #4: stay hydrated An important part of maintaining immune health is to keep hydrated. Being hydrated ensures healthy functioning of the lymphatic system, transportation of nutrients throughout the body, and adequate elimination of toxins and waste products. Aim to drink at least 2 litres of filtered water, herbal tea or sparkling water per day. We love adding lemon and lime to add a little flavour!

07.01.2022 Recipe: organic tuna caesar salad This recipe, by our Naturopath and Skin Specialist Emily Segal, is easy to whip up and perfect for the warmer spring weather! This would make a filling lunch, or a delicious side for weekend dinner. Find the recipe here:... See more

06.01.2022 Healthy nutrition tip # 3 - Create structure Make a weekly meal plan to have a framework of what to eat rather than reaching for whatever is in the fridge/cupboard. You might not always stick to it, but at least you’ll have a road map of your meals and will be less likely to turn to takeaway or a frozen meal after a long day’s work. If you'd like to know how our practitioners can create a personalised holistic treatment plan for you, which includes meal ideas, contact us at 9894 0014 or email [email protected]!

03.01.2022 Healthy nutrition tip #1 - don't have processed foods in the house Due to the preservatives they contain, processed foods (e.g. chips, lollies, biscuits) won’t go off and will always be available to snack on. If you stick to wholefoods (such as fruit and vegetables) you’ll be more motivated to eat them before they go off and don’t go to waste. You can also make healthy home-made treats that nourish you and give you joy. One of our favourites is this banana spice cake by our ...Naturopath Shiho Mafune: Let us know what you're favourite home made treats are, and whether you found this post helpful!

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