Vitalis Legal in West Perth, Western Australia | Lawyer & law firm
Vitalis Legal
Locality: West Perth, Western Australia
Phone: +61 8 6244 4150
Address: Suite 10, Level 2, 1321 Hay Street 6005 West Perth, WA, Australia
Likes: 414
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25.01.2022 At Vitalis Legal we understand that your health is not just physical, but emotional as well, and we know that life can be a bit overwhelming. We are maintaining this simple mental checklist each day to focus on what is important and to combat any anxiety that may creep up. #vitalislegal #perthlawer #mentalhealth #smallsteps #haveagoal #strivetodosomethingeveryday #weareallinthistogether
24.01.2022 During this uncertain time its nice to see a happy face that brightens you day! Join Gen & Kendra the Story Dog with another online home reading session. This time we are reading "Harry and the Dinosaurs say Raahh!" by Ian Whybrow. #vitalislegal #supportingliteracy #storydogs2009 #weareallinthistogether #homereadingfun #brightenyourday #everyonesayraahh
24.01.2022 Happy Mothers Day to all the mums out there. Today we celebrate you! #vitalislegal #workingmums #stayathomemums #allthemums #happymothersday2020 #celebratingyou #celebratingmotherhood
24.01.2022 May we be of service?? Do you need assistance with a property matter?? OPEN A NEW DOOR OF OPPORTUNITY. Whether you are buying or selling, holding or transferring, or require legal advice, we are dedicated to ensuring a clear and simple outcome. #vitalislegal #personablelawyers #freshapproach #clearadvice #maywebeofservice #propertylaw #buyingorsellingaproperty #conveyancing #constructioncontracts #commercialleases #familyfarmtransactions #inspecietransactions #propertydisputes
24.01.2022 Times are tough. Remember that there are people available to help you and your business. #vitalislegal #personablelawyers #freshapproach #clearadvice #listening #wearehereforyou #weunderstand #maywebeofservice #wecanhelpyou
24.01.2022 Both of my grandparents suffered in their final years. My Grandpa was diagnosed with Alzheimers and passed away in 2001, and my Gran suffered from Dementia and passed away in 2012 . During the course of my Grandpas diagnosis, our family went to a course and learnt how to interact with him. Having a loved one suffer from Alzheimers and Dementia is such a heartbreaking journey for any family to go through. Every year our family supports this amazing cause and I hope that you can too. Genevieve Scagliotta, Administration Assistant at Vitalis Legal #vitalislegal #personablelawyers #freshapproach #clearadvice #worldalzheimersday #supportingcauses
24.01.2022 #vitalislegal #personablelawyers #freshapproach #clearadvice #newyearnewyou #getyourlegalaffairsinorder #refreshyourlegaldocumentation #updateyourestateplan #updateyouremploymentcontracts #doyouneedassistance #howcanwehelpyou
23.01.2022 #vitalislegal #personablelawyers #freshapproach #clearadvice #helpingyousucceed #helpingyourbusinesssucceed #maywebeofservice #wecanhelpyou
23.01.2022 At Vitalis Legal we want to keep our clients informed. Please make sure you are aware of your individual service agreement terms from your internet service provider about the individual terms regarding your ability as a user to transfer your digital assets. Ensure you keep regular backups of all your digital assets, such as photos and documents, and provide a listing of such to your executor (in your Will). Awareness of your digital assets and how to access them is important in ensuring all your assets are safe. #vitalislegal #digitalassets #knowyourserviceprovidersagreement #informyourexecutor #keepalist #backupregularly
23.01.2022 #vitalislegal #personablelawyers #freshapproach #clearadvice #vitalisvault #keepyourdocumentssafe #storagefacility #importantdocuments #storeyourlegaldocumentsinourvitalisvault
22.01.2022 May we be of service?? Do you need assistance with an Employment matter?? PEOPLE ARE VITAL TO BUSINESS. PROTECTION IS JUST AS CRUCIAL. In a complex industrial landscape, whether you are an employer or employee, or contractor, Vitalis Legal can assist you in deciphering your legal obligations. #vitalislegal #personablelawyers #freshapproach #clearadvice #maywebeofservice #employmentlaw #employers #employees #contractspoliciesandprocedures #humanresourcemanagement #disciplinaryaction #breachofemploymentcontract #redundancy #restraintoftrade #dismissal #workplacerights #knowyourrights #knowyourobligations
21.01.2022 Have you thought about Succession Planning? At Vitalis Legal we believe that a good succession plan can give you control over your assets, save time and stress for loved ones, and save money in the long run. Call us today on (08) 96244 4150 to discuss how we can assist you with your Succession Plan. #vitalislegal #personablelawyers #freshapproach #clearadvice #successionplanning #doyouhaveawill #beprepared #maywebeofservice #wecanhelpyou
21.01.2022 #vitalislegal #westperthlawyer #goodmorning #thisiswinter #sunshine #loveWA
20.01.2022 #vitalislegal #buisnessmakeover #getreadyfor2021 #commerciallaw #employmentlaw #corporatelaw #professionalelgalteam #westperthlawyer
20.01.2022 #vitalislegal #personablelawyers #freshapproach #clearadvice #westperthlawyers #estateplanning #probate #lettersofadministration
19.01.2022 May we be of service?? Do you need a Will or Estate Plan?? YOUR LIFES LEGACY IS INVALUABLE. Whether you require a Will to be drafted, or assistance with planning the distribution of your estate, we understand your need for wanting to protect and conserve the lifetime you have spent building. #vitalislegal #personablelawyers #freshapproach #clearadvice #maywebeofservice #wills #estateplanning #doyouhaveawill #doesyourwillreflectyourwishes #wecanhelpyou
18.01.2022 #vitalislegal #congratulationsSam #3yearswithVitalis #teamplayer #professional #organised #intelligent #honest #hardworking #thankyou
18.01.2022 #vitalislegal #congratulationsAmy #2yearswithVitalis #teamplayer #professional #organised #intelligent #honest #hardworking #thankyou
17.01.2022 #vitalislegal #personablelawyers #freshapproach #clearadvice #westperthlawyers #propertylaw
17.01.2022 R U OK? These simple words can start a conversation. Remember to check in with your family and friends and ask if they are ok? #vitalislegal #ruok #checkinwithfamilyandfriends #askthequestion #startaconversation
17.01.2022 #vitalislegal #personablelawyers #freshapproach #clearadvice #beyourownmotivation
16.01.2022 #vitalislegal #personablelawyers #freshapproach #clearadvice #happynewyear #goodbye2020 #bringon2021 #newyearcelebrations #happynewyear #whatwillthenewyearbring #excitedfor2021
16.01.2022 Lest we forget. #vitalislegal #personablelawyers #freshapproach #clearadvice #anzacday2020 #lestweforget #rememberthefallen #respecttheveterans
16.01.2022 This week we are celebrating Law Week 2020! Law Week is all about communicating with the wider public, breaking down stereotypes and telling powerful, positive stories of real lawyers and their important work in the community. Here are our wonderful lawyers! #VitalisLegal #LawWeek2020 #LawyersMakeADifference #WestPerthLawyer #smallbusiness #maywebeofservice #PropertyLaw #CommercialLaw #CorporateLaw #EmploymentLaw #WillsandEstatePlanning
14.01.2022 May we be of service?? Do you need assistance with a Commercial or Corporate business matter?? LEAVE THE COMPLEXITIES TO US. Our commercial lawyers provide timely, practical, and affordable legal solutions for your business. #vitalislegal #personablelawyers #freshapproach #clearadvice #maywebeofservice #corporatelaw #commerciallaw #businessstructures #assetprotection #riskmitigationstrategies #generaladvice
14.01.2022 Biodiversity describes the variety of life on Earth, including the 8 million plant and animal species on the planet, the ecosystems that house them, and the genetic diversity among them. Reversing biodiversity loss is the only way to restore and sustain a healthy planet. It is time to reimagine our relationship with nature and put nature at the heart of our decision-making. What can you do to help? Be good to our climate by reducing fossil fuels, recycling, buy sustainable wood and seafood, and think before you buy! #VitalisLegal #WestPerthLawyer #reduce #reuse #recycle #reversebiodiversity #worldenvironmentday
14.01.2022 Vitalis Legal are proud to support the organisation of Alzheimers WA, and are hoping to increase your awareness regarding dementia and Alzheimers Disease. September is Dementia Awareness Month and this years theme Together we can ensure no one faces dementia alone highlights the need for all Western Australians to reach out to people with dementia in their community to let them know they are not alone. Alzheimers WA are committed to ensuring people with dementia never to face their journey alone. With your help and generosity, we can provide the best care and support for people living with dementia in Western Australia. Every donation, big or small, goes a long way, ensuring that we can always be here to support people living with dementia. If you would like to donate then please head to and follow the links. See more
14.01.2022 Is your business legally healthy? How can you tell? Check out our top 5 considerations. Call us for a chat about how we can help ensure that your business is in tip top shape before the new financial year kicks in!!! #vitalislegal #personablelawyers #freshapproach #clearadvice #uniquelegalservices #perthlawyer #westperth #lawyerlife #smallbusiness #smallbusinesswomen #smallbusinessspecialist #smallbusinesswesternaustralia #healthybusinesstips
13.01.2022 WA Day is a day to celebrate all Western Australians. Its a day for each of us to reflect and celebrate all the great things about our people, our lifestyle, our culture and our potential. Please note, our office will be closed today, and will reopen at 9:00am on Tuesday 2 June 2020. #vitalislegal #personablelawyers #freshapproach #clearadvice #smallbusiness #smallbusinessaustralia #smallbusinessowner #smallbusinesswa #lawyerlife #perthlawyer #perth #celebratingWADay2020 #lovelivinginWA
12.01.2022 #vitalislegal #personablelawyers #freshapproach #clearadvice #publicholiday #smallbusiness #smallbusinessaustralia #smallbusinessowner #smallbusinesswa #lawyerlife #perthlawyer #perth #celebratingWADay2020 #lovelivinginWA
12.01.2022 #vitalislegal #personablelawyers #freshapproach #clearadvice
11.01.2022 Lest we forget #vitalislegal #RemembranceDay2020
11.01.2022 #vitalislegal #personablelawyers #freshapproach #clearadvice #merrychristmas #tistheseasontobejolly #happyholidaystoallourclients #seasonsgreetings
11.01.2022 #vitalislegal #personablelawyers #freshapproach #clearadvice #newfinancialyear #businessadvice #businessreview #corporatelaw #employmentlaw #commerciallaw #smallbusinessadvice
10.01.2022 International Childrens Book Day encourages reading, and promotes the love of books for children. At Vitalis Legal we love books and reading, as does Kendra our sponsored Story Dog. With everyone self-isolating and working from home its the perfect opportunity to read. You can celebrate today by spending time reading to a child. Its a great memorable bonding time and helps to instill a love of reading, promoting a lifetime of learning and enjoyment. #vitalislegal #personablelawyers #freshapproach #clearadvice #westperthlawyer #internationalchildrensbookday #reading #lovereading #literacy #storydogs2009
10.01.2022 This will not last forever. #vitalislegal #personablelawyers #freshapproach #clearadvice #westperthlawyer #staypositive #wewillgethroughthis #wearehereforyou
10.01.2022 Purchasing or selling a property is one of lifes biggest and most important transactions. At Vitalis Legal we believe that this matter should be handled by a Solicitor. As a boutique West Perth Law firm we are knowledgeable, professional and understand all the requirements needed for settling a property. Call us today on (08) 6244 4150 to discuss your settlement. #vitalislegal #personablelawyers #freshapproach #clearadvice #propertylaw #settlementexpertise #trustyourlawyer #useasolicitor #maywebeofservice #wecanhelpyou
09.01.2022 #vitalislegal #personablelawyers #freshapproach #clearadvice #meanslively #westperthlawfirm #estateandsuccessuibplanning #corporatelaw #commerciallaw #employmentlaw #propertylaw
07.01.2022 Although Story Dogs are not currently visiting schools, we are still active as a group during this uncertain time. Take a break during your day and listen to this home reading session with Gen & Kendra as they explore How do dinosaurs eat their food by Jane Yolen. #vitalislegal #supportingliteracy #storydogs2009 #weareallinthistogether #homereadingfun #positivity #bringingsomefuntoyourday #welovestories
06.01.2022 Here are our Top 5 End of Financial Year Business Tips With just over 3 weeks until 30 June 2020, is your business ready for the new financial year?? #vitalislegal #personablelawyers #freshapproach #clearadvice #eofytips2020 #updateyourbusinessdocuments #debtrecovery #reviewyourcashflow #employmentcontracts #termsandconditions #prepareyourbusiness
06.01.2022 #vitalislegal #personablelawyers #freshapproach #clearadvice #storydogsau #kendraourstorydog #supportingliteracy #pawsomechristmas
04.01.2022 We will stand together by not standing together. Call us on (08) 63244 4150, or email us at [email protected] We are here for you. #vitalislegal #StopTheSpread #COVID19 #socialdistancing #calloremailusforadvice
04.01.2022 #vitalislegal #personablelawyers #freshapproach #clearadvice #workingforyou #smallbusiness #corporatelaw #employmentlaw #estateplanning #commerciallaw #propertylaw
03.01.2022 Thinking about updating your Will? Below are some circumstances about when you should update your Will. If you are unsure or would like your Will reviewed, please contact our office on (08) 6244 4150. #vitalislegal #personablelawyers #freshapproach #clearadvice #updateyourwill #checkyourwillisstillrelevant #areyourwishesreflectedaccurately #estateplanning #getyourwillright #doyouhaveawill
01.01.2022 It is with great happiness that we announce that Gen and Kendra are back with the Story Dogs Volunteer program this week. After a long break, due to Covid-19, they have been invited back to continue their wonderful volunteering with their local Primary School. Happy Reading everyone! #vitalislegal #supportingliteracy #supportingstorydogs #storydogs2009 #happyreading
01.01.2022 Our website is a great place to get to know everything Vitalis - who we are, our services, news and information, and how to get in touch with us. Please feel free to visit us at #vitalislegal #perthlawer #personablelawyers #freshapproach #clearadvice #whoweare #ourstaff #ourservices #newsandinformation #contactus
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