Vitality Holistic Nutrition in Traralgon, Victoria | Alternative & holistic health service
Vitality Holistic Nutrition
Locality: Traralgon, Victoria
Phone: +61 487 331 813
Address: 43 Shakespeare Street 3844 Traralgon, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 Body Fat Distribution - Stomach/ Torso Often nicknamed 'Spare tyre' or 'Love handles' If you notice that your stomach/torso area is where you hold your weight, then you can thank your adrenals for producing too much stress hormone. ... When we are stressed, our body is wired to think that stress = danger. Danger used to mean that we ran away from something that was attacking us and therefor we wouldn't know when our next meal would be. Our body increases fat around the abdomen to protect our vital organs as our body perceives that we are in danger, and so is our food supply. These days, life is a little different. We stress A LOT more and we tend to 'hold on' to things emotionally. Our stress is different to our ancestors but our body doesn't know that. It perceives stress as danger - and if our body is in danger it needs to be protected. People who hold their weight on their stomach / torso often: a) Experience a lot of stress that is not managed well b) Have experienced a lot of stress/trauma in the past that has not been dealt with (holding on/struggling to let go) - this can be from YEARS ago too, not just the past few months. What can you do to try and help your adrenals? 1. Decrease or eliminate caffeine consumption - Caffiene stimulates the production of stress hormone in the body 2. SLOW YOUR BREATH - Meditation or deep breathing slows down the nervous system and tells your body that everything is calm, that there is no danger - If you can, slow your life. Take a break to reset. 3. Address your stress/trauma - Work with someone who can help you manage or alleviate your stress or help you work through a past trauma 4. Increase your consumption of whole foods - Whole foods provide the body with nutrients it needs to assist your body in managing stress 5. Increase Magnesium, B Vitamins & Vitamin C - Talk to your natural healthcare practitioner about potentially supplementing these nutrients - Increase these nutrients in your diet via whole foods
24.01.2022 Body fat distribution - Hormone imbalance Often referred to as 'pear shaped’, as weight is concentrated around the bottom, hips and thighs (below the waist) giving women a pear like appearance. The underlying cause of weight gain below the waist is having a hormone imbalance. ... Throughout the month, the female body produces different levels of sex hormones. Oestrogen & progesterone being the two main hormones. Oestrogen has many benefits and has many roles in the body other than assisting in reproduction. Oestrogen levels rise and fall each month during a woman’s cycle. Women’s bodies are programmed to be fertile and both oestrogen & progesterone want a woman to fall pregnant. As a result of this biological imperative to conceive each month, oestrogen ensures that there is adequate body fat, as most women don’t know they are pregnant straight away. Without adequate body fat, a new foetus may not survive - so oestrogen signals for fat to be laid down in the typical female areas (below the waist) to help sustain this brand new foetus. Oestrogen is also responsible for growing breast tissue, broadening hips and giving women curves. This is why during puberty, young girls change in body shape. If there is an excess production of oestrogen, not enough progesterone production OR the liver is recycling oestrogen back into the body as it is not being excreted properly - you end up with too much oestrogen, which then increases the amount of fat that is laid down below the waist. Other than weight gain below the waist, other symptoms of excess oestrogen include: * Heavy periods * Painful periods * Passing clots during periods * Swollen/tender breasts * Mood swings So how do we balance out oestrogen & progesterone? 1. Ensure you are able to produce sufficient amounts of progesterone 2. Ensure your liver is able to excrete used hormones - if not, find out why! (check out my previous post on liver) 3. Support your adrenals - stress causes havoc with reproductive hormones. Stress leads to poor production of progesterone, which also leads to excess oestrogen. If you're having some hormonal imbalances and you're not quite sure how to address it (no the pill will not fix your hormone imbalances!) make an appointment to see me today. I provide an in depth assessment of your hormones based on questioning, testing & your presenting symptoms. For more information call 0487331813 or email [email protected]
23.01.2022 Ladies, some new research on the hormonal contraception. Something to think about if you'd like to have a family in the near future!
23.01.2022 Sunny days are for smoothie pops! Recipe: 3/4 cup yoghurt 1/2 frozen banana (chopped)... 1/2 cup frozen strawberries 1/4 cup frozen blueberries 1/4 cup water Method: - Add all into the food processor & blend until smooth! Pour into icey pole moulds and freeze for at least 2hrs This recipe only makes a small batch as I only have 4 icey pole moulds. Enjoy! I know my little one did
22.01.2022 Every time we eat, we have an opportunity to nourish our body, mind & soul. Become aware of what nourishes you & what doesn't.
21.01.2022 Vitality Holistic Nutrition is taking a short break for the Melbourne Cup long weekend. I'll be back in the office on Wednesday the 4th of November. If you'd like to book an appointment for November, email [email protected] or click this link to book online >>
20.01.2022 'Change the formula, to get a different result'
20.01.2022 Good morning Traralgon! Such a beautiful day Just a quick reminder that there are only 3 weeks left for new patients to book an appointment to see me. ... Don't wait til it's too late!
20.01.2022 Try For 5 Tip #1 Reach your 5 servings of vegetables each day by trying this handy tip. Roast your vegetables!... Chop up a variety of vegetables into bite size pieces. Think outside the box when it comes to roasting vegetables, because you can absolutely roast more vegetables than just potato, carrot & pumpkin! Try roasting these veggies & see how delicious they become! - Zucchini - Cauliflower - Cabbage - Brussel sprouts - Capsicum - Eggplant - Broccoli - Beans Roasted veggies are extremely versatile. Add them to salads to bulk them up, add them to a quiche or even eat them on their own as a snack. YUM!
19.01.2022 ***EDIT: This spot is no longer available!*** Ladies and Gents, I have just had spot open up for tomorrow at 4pm for a NEW patient! My later Wednesday afternoon time slots are always difficult to get, so if you're wanting to book in and that time suits you PM me or email me at [email protected]! ... HURRY! This spot won't be available for long.
15.01.2022 Did you know that if you hold your weight in a specific area, it can give you clues as to what's going on inside your body? This is why fad diets don't work for everyone, because it's not as a simple as eat less & exercise more! Fad diets don't take into consideration the specifics of WHY you gained weight in the first place, they don't look at the underlying cause AND they fail to recognise that everyone's body is completely different. So stay tuned for my 4 part series on the 4 most common body fat distribution patterns and what they mean for you.
14.01.2022 How many do you do? It's National Nutrition Week! And as always, the campaign is Try For 5. The recommended daily intake of vegetables for an adult is 5 servings each day. ... Only 4% of Australians consume their 5 servings of vegetables each day 1 serving of vegetables = 1/2 cup of most cooked vegetables, or 1 cup of leafy vegetables When it's put like that, 5 servings of vegetables isn't that hard to manage! Take note of your vegetable intake this week, is it enough? Over the next few days I will be sharing some easy ways to increase your vegetable intake, to make it even easier to hit that 5 servings for the day! What are you go to ways for increasing veggies in your day?
10.01.2022 Following on from my announcement yesterday, I wanted to urge anyone who has been thinking of making an appointment to see me, to do so before the end of November. >>>>>> This means there are only 9 weeks to book in, as I will not be able to take on any new clients as of December 2020 - until I come back from maternity leave <<<<<< My maternity leave dates & any changes to working hours will be announced later in the year. ... If you would like more information please call 0487331813 or email [email protected].
09.01.2022 LAST CALL for NEW Patients I have the following appointment spaces left for the month: TUESDAY 24th (tomorrow): 1.40pm, 2.50pm... *EDIT: 2.50pm no longer available* MONDAY 30th: 9.30am, 10.40pm, 12.30pm These are the only days & times I have left to take on NEW patients, as I am not taking on any new patients in December. If you would like to take any of these appointment slots, please contact me either at [email protected] OR send me a Facebook Message. #nutrition #nutritionist
09.01.2022 Thought I'd give everyone a little update on how my bump is coming along 27 weeks, oh how the time has gone! Quick note to mention that I am no longer taking on any new clients until I return from maternity leave towards the end of next year. Christmas is coming up fast and my final day for 2020 is the 22nd of December and I will return on the 11th of January. ... I don't officially go on maternity leave until the 28th of January, so existing clients you will still be able to make appointments in December & January. Happy Monday everyone :)
08.01.2022 Body fat distritution - Under the bra line Often referred to as liver roll, as the underlying cause of weight concentration in this particular area is the liver. The liver is an amazing organ, it is the second largest organ in the body after the skin. It’s primary role is detoxification and it can play a vital roll in your energy, vitality, cholesterol levels & hormone balance. So why do some people end up with a liver roll?To understand this, we need to look at the function... of the liver. If we put too much pressure on the liver by increasing it’s work load, it struggles to keep up with all the tasks it has to do. I often refer to the liver as a busy office worker, it has paperwork piled up on it’s desk and needs to prioritise what has to be done first & what can simply wait. So imagine your liver, with lots of tiny little cells. Each little cell doing what needs to be done, but after a while those cells have served their time and eventually die. A new healthy cell will grow back to replace the old one. Now imagine you add extra workload for your liver. Each tiny little cell has to work harder, meaning that they wear out faster and die faster. Yes, a new healthy cell can grow back to replace the old one - but after a period of time this is no longer possible if the liver is working too hard. This means that a globule of fat can take up residence in the spot where a cell used to be. When too many fat globules take over, your health can suffer significantly. * Less efficient detoxification * Recycling of waste products back into the blood stream * Poor thyroid function * Sex hormone imbalances * Congested skin * Headaches * Fatigue * Elevated cholesterol levels * Impaired blood glucose management (often presenting as sugar cravings) PLUS body fat concentrations shift to the surrounding areas of the liver. This is when people notice the ‘liver roll’ or concentration of fat under the bra line for women, or for men just beneath their pectorial muscles. So how can we support the function of our liver? 1. Decrease liver loaders: * Refined sugar * Artificial ingredients * Synthetic substances (pesticides, chemical cleaners, chemicals in skincare) * Alcohol * Caffeine 2. Increase bitter foods: * Leafy green vegetables * Apple cider vinegar * Turmeric * Ginger 3. Concentrate on whole foods and reduce consumption of processed foods 4. Drink plenty of water! Everyone is different but if your liver is struggling you will need at least 2L of water per day. 5. Have an epsom salt bath at least once per week * Helps to draw out toxins from the body 6. Sweat! * Sweating is another way we can eliminate toxins from the body * Sauna * Exercise
07.01.2022 Monday the 30th of November is the final day for NEW PATIENT consultations I have the following times left: 9.30am, 10.40am, 12.30pm... These are the only appointment times left for NEW patients in 2020. I am not taking on any new clients in December. If you would like to book any of these times, please email me at [email protected] or send a Facebook message.
07.01.2022 There are only TWO WEEKS left for NEW patients to book into see me this year Click the link below to see my availabilities for the rest of November and book online today
05.01.2022 Ain't that the truth
05.01.2022 How do I turn hormone troubles into hormone harmony? Using my hormone health roadmap. Firstly, we need to determine ovulation. Ovulation is CRUCIAL in producing hormones. Without it, we can't produce oestrogen or progesterone. If you aren't ovulating, we work out why. ... If you are ovulating, we work out what else is causing your hormones to be out of balance. Once we identify the root cause of your hormone troubles, we can then use that information to support hormone production in the body as well as hormone clearance. The final step is to maintain balance, and provide your body what it needs to continue to do step 3 & 4 properly. If you have hormone troubles that you'd like to turn into hormone harmony, don't hesitate to send me an email [email protected], a facebook message or give me a call on 0487331813 to discuss how I can help you
04.01.2022 Now that I'm in my 2nd trimester (fast approaching the 3rd!) I've been able to think about my journey so far. I often get asked what I eat as a Nutritionist, but even more so now that I'm pregnant. Everyone assumes that I eat 'perfectly' but I'm just like every other pregnant woman. I have cravings, I experience food aversions & nausea. I try my best to nourish my body as much as I can as I know I'm supporting the growth of my baby, but some days I'm too tired, I feel 'bleh'... or I just want to eat a certain food group. During the first trimester, the huge hormone surge is to blame for fatigue, nausea & feeling pretty average. Honestly, I just ate whatever my body would tolerate at that stage (a lot of potato & toast & midnight snacking ). Eating something is better than not eating anything because of the guilt that's potentially attached to it. The second trimester is a different story and I've been able to eat more of a variety of foods. This is because the placenta has taken over the production of hormones, which balances them out a little and reduces those first trimester symptoms (for most women!). I always find it hard to explain how I eat. It's a combination of flexible eating, intuitive eating & I love food so much type of eating I eat specific for me and my needs, and I think that's important to note. Stay tuned as I talk through the important nutrients to get throughout pregnancy, more specifically for each trimester! #nutrition #nourish #health #pregnancy
04.01.2022 Try For 5 Tip #2 Utilise Lentils & Legumes Did you know that 1/2 a cup of cooked lentils or legumes is 1 serving of vegetables? They keep well in the cupboard plus they add an extra boost of fibre & protein to your meals!... Here are my a few super easy recipes that use lentils & legumes: Hummus! Red Lentil Sweet Potato Coconut Soup And of course, my delicious chilli con carne
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