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Vitalize Fitness And Life Coaching

Phone: +61 478 236 161


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25.01.2022 Please be advised, there will be no classes today as I am unwell. Sorry about the inconvenience.

25.01.2022 How has everyone's long weekend been? Did we all get spoilt with a chocolate over load? Or maybe a sneaky wine? ... If you are looking to do something while couped up in quarantine try this workout, on your own or with the family. All you need is a mat, a towel and some water. Easter Accumulator: 30s each (10 minutes) Set an interval timer for 30s x 20 rounds. Do exercise 1 (for 30s), then rest (for 30s). Do exercise 1 then exercise 2 then rest. Do exercise 1, then exercise 2, then exercise 3, then rest.and so on until all 5 exercises are done. Rest and repeat. Format: Exercise 1, Rest Exercise 1, Exercise 2, Rest Exercise 1, Exercise 2, Exercise 3, Rest Exercise 1, Exercise 2, Exercise 3, Exercise 4, Rest Now heres the ex3rcises. Squat thrusters Reverse lunges Mountain climber Skaters Crunches If you found that a bit easy try challenge no2. Set an interval timer for 20s : 40s x 10 20sec High Knee 40sec 1 Push Up1 Squat Jump 20sec High Knees 40sec 2 Push Ups 2 Squat Jumps Try this till you get to 10 push up and 10 squat jump without running out of time. I hope you all enjoy you time together as a family, look forward to hearing how you go. Make sure you leave a comment below. Till next time, stat safe x

25.01.2022 What is your Monday going to look like?? I find if I miss a Monday workout the motivation is lacking for the rest of the week. Does anyone else find the same thing?... So here is a little Monday motivation to get you started. 100 squats (if your new, start with a small range and build into it) 90 bicycle crunch 80 alternate lunges 70 Speed skaters 60 mountain climber 50 sec plank 40 squat pulse (rest as needed) 30 push ups 20 burpees 10 x 20sec sprint on the spot

24.01.2022 This is probably the hardest post I have ever had to write..... Its with much regret I inform all our loyal customers, Vitalize will be taking a break from all sessions as of the 1st of August. I have had one hell of a ride doing what We do!!! And have learnt and grown so much while doing it.... However the 70+hr a week I have been working is starting to take its toll on me physically, mentally and emotionally. I have always been someone completely transparent with who I am, and with the things I do and Id be lying to you if I said I was happy. I dont want to get to a point I hate what I am doing...... so for now its good bye In the mean time I will further my skill set and come back better than ever Keep your eyes peeled for updates. Until such time we meet again. Keep training, enjoy life. Find the balance of happiness x

24.01.2022 This couldnt be more true.

24.01.2022 I have seen some pretty impressive weekend photos this weekend. (Congrats to everyone doing the Duchess To dawn, masters Hockey and the Cairns Ironman) Months ago we had planned to participate in cairns 70:3 however with work and life my training hasnt been the best. So instead we tried something different. We still ventured over to Cairns ready to fly out to Japan, but first......... We had so much fun paddling from Barron gorge to Lake Placid. And you might see poor old Tristan went for a dip

24.01.2022 5:30am WOD will kick your day off on the right leg Strength & cardio for the ultimate all round workout

22.01.2022 Monday 5:30am Short But Intense cardio AMRAP, with a cracker of a finisher Monday 6pm Rep effect 45min barbell class. Fastest way to tone, shape and burn that body fat. Tuesday 6pm Metafit the original HIIT class Wednesday 5:30am metapwr Functional training with all the fun toys Wednesday 6pm step HIIT perfect way to finish hump day!!... Friday No session Friday No session Please note there is no session run on Friday, then for the next 2 weeks. We will be back on board Monday 24/6/2019 Anyone that has a 3months pass we have extended it by the 2 weeks See more

22.01.2022 Hey guys, vitalize is back and on the Sunny Coast. Sorry we have been MIA, there has been a lot going on recently. We have our online program almost ready to kick off. And will be offering big discounts once we launch. This will let you workout at your own pace in your own space ...Continue reading

20.01.2022 Dont fear judgement. Do it for yourself. Everyone had to start somewhere

19.01.2022 Anyone interested in doing a shift at rodeo.$50 per shift and free entry. Jump online at to register

19.01.2022 Tonight session will be at the pool. Grab your swim gear and meet us there @ 6pm for a great cardio swim session

18.01.2022 How brilliant is this. Who needs a gym?? Think outside of the box & you can work out daily

17.01.2022 Its been so long since I have posted on here. Perhaps too long? This post is about turning lemons into lemonade Have you ever had a week, month or even a year you wish it would all just end??... Hear me out.... This past 18month has had me face more turmoil and trauma than the 39years I have been alive. Just when i thought i was moving up the mountain, life was moving forward. I had found happiness. I broke my foot and tore 7 ligaments, which bought me tumbling back down. Those feelings all came flooding back what was I doing wrong. What was the universe trying to tell me?? I have coached 100s of people to lead better lives but there was something I was missing in my own!! Belief and faith in myself. So its time to take a leaf out of my own book and turn these lemons into lemonade The power is within, it doesn't come from anyone else. If you can believe, you can achieve. It will happen. Not just saying it, actually full faith and belief Bring on IM NZ with or with out my foot in a cast. Just under 6 months, its going to be hard, its going to be tiring, it will probably get a bit ugly....but its going to happen. Mark my words, I will become an Ironman . All I can do is "Control the controllable" (thank coach Jody for always being in my thoughts) I am so thankful for all the supportive people in my life, please dont underestimate the power of love, support and checking in on those people you care about 2020 might have bought me down but it won't keep me there xx In love and peace

17.01.2022 To anyone out there struggling its ok We cant be happy all the time, but here are a few ways you can help yourself 1. Giving. Sharing your knowledge, volunteering, or just making someone a cup of coffee: research shows that giving to others improves our own sense of well-being.... 2. Relating. Improve your listening skills and make connections with people. 3. Exercising. Exercise reduces stress, helps you to think clearly, and raises your energy levels. 4. Awareness. Focus on the present moment and notice the world around you. Such mindfulness techniques can lower your stress and improve your concentration. 5.Trying Out. Be curious. Seek out new experiences and opportunities. 6.Direction. Define your values and set yourself achievable goals to pursue. 7.Resilience. Developing your resilience will help you to overcome setbacks. We may not be able to control what happens to us, but we can control how we react to it. 8.Emotions. Learn to recognize your feelings and to regulate your emotions. 9.Acceptance. Find peace with yourself by acknowledging your strengths and weaknesses. 10.Meaning. We feel happiest when we see meaning in our lives. Find connections between what you do and "the big picture". There are many ways we can build each other up

15.01.2022 If your looking to get fit this pm. Join us down the hockey field for the latest Metafit. Slip and rip. All abilities catered for, dont be scared to give it a try 6pm on the bottom field ... See more

15.01.2022 This weeks group session line up.... 24/6-30/6 Monday 5:30am a tribute to Daniel who recently passed away to stomach cancer.... Metafit the latest release legend 6pm Power bar Rep effect. One of the fastest ways to drop body fat while building strength and developing muscular endurance. Tuesday 6pm Boxing Is back on for the next 3 weeks. Wednesday 5:30am HIIT strength 30min of intense work. Get in get it done 6pm AMRAP Guaranteed to get you sweating in this cold weather Friday 5:30am Meeting at the lookout hill for a solid hill session! 6pm Deadly Whirlpool Workout! It's a fast-paced, unique, and very intense workout that will get the heart pumping Just a reminder, we are wrapping up all sessions at the end of July. Thank you all again for your understanding

15.01.2022 Change of plan for Friday morning. We will meet at 19 opal st happy valley instead of the lookout hill

10.01.2022 What have you got planned today? I like to start the day with a positive. Great ways to do this is through meditation, journaling, motivational videos, books, exercise or pod casts. ... It doesnt mater how you do it, its just doing it. It will set you up for any hurdle you might face throughout the day, giving you the strength to continue. My lemons are being turned to lemonaid and my thoughts become my focus. Todays goal, 30k ride in 60min mission accomplished

09.01.2022 6pm tonight, bring along your foam roller. After our strength session we will do a stretch and roll.

09.01.2022 I am not one to be like this but winter has got me this year. Just curious, how do people stay motives when the weather gets cool or your days get busy??

09.01.2022 What are you doing to get through this pandemic? As rough as it might seem, it's not forever. Its tempory and when things go back to normal you will be wishing things weren't going so fast.... So instead of resisting the change, embrace it. Take time to smell the roses. Do something for yourself, and refill that tank that gives you energy. This morning I started my day with a run along the river and finished with a beautiful swim in the ocen. Mood=relaxed= time to give back to my family Feel free to share your day below

09.01.2022 Due to a family matter out of our control. We wont be doing any sessions today.

09.01.2022 Today I have made an effort to drink more water. I have forgot just how much it impact your appetite. Try it next time your hungry.

07.01.2022 If your not doing anything tonight, join us for the latest Metafit session 6pm @19 opal st

07.01.2022 6pm who wants to get fitter?? tonight we are going to increase our vo2 max with an epic cardio session. Pm for more details

07.01.2022 I was once told by a famous cyclist that all you have to do is get your feet to hit the ground. #annameares This morning I had to dig a little deeper to find some inspiration to get on my bike. But we got there... Once your feet hit the ground, there is no point going back to bed. This is so true. If you did, you would be laying there feeling guilty that you didn't get up. Wishing you had!! So out of curiosity, what is it that gets you moving in the morning? Drop a comment below

06.01.2022 New week to improve yourself How are you going to make a difference this week? Monday 5:30am Join us for a cardio HIIT session @19 opal st ... Monday 6pm Rep effect, the perfect weighted workout to sculpt and tone. See more

05.01.2022 I love a good truth bomb

05.01.2022 We are living through an obesity epidemic and KFC comes up with this. Zinger Stacker Burger which contains 2993kJ. This breaks down to 36.7g of fat, 55.1g carbohydrates, 12.4g of sugars and 2257mg of sodium. Maybe we could wash it down with a large coke too?? Remember, It is recommended to keep salt under 2300 ... Just out of curiosity, has anyone tried 1 and what do you think?

05.01.2022 Join the crew tonight for the latest metapwr workout!! MetaPWR is a thirty minute circuit class that combines resistance and bodyweight exercises to target and develop strength, power, agility, and cardiovascular efficiency. Perfect Blend of Cardio and Strength Training... Beat the Boredom Save Time MetaPWR is hard, and if you put in 100% of your effort into each and every exercise, you dont have t worry about not doing enough for your body. Metapwr has the same effect on calories as high-intensity interval training it torches them. By doing this 30-minute workout, youll burn more calories than by doing moderate-intensity endurance cardio for an hour. We will kick off at 6pm @19 opal st Happy Valley. Bring a towel and water bottle. Open to casual visits too.

05.01.2022 Let's try a mixture of exercises tomorrow. Get prepared tonight for what you can do tomorrow. How you might improvise if you don't have equipment at home. 1 thing I know, that exercise will get you through the next few months, so keep moving.... It has so many positive benifits and doesnt need to cost you an arm and a leg. AMRAP Time: Advanced: 5 minutes; Intermediate: 4 minutes; Beginner: 3 minutes 10 Hand Release Push Ups 10 KB Swings 10 Jump Squats Set the timer for either 5,4,3 minutes and get through as many set of the above exercises. Record the number and try and beat it. EMOM Time: Advanced: 6 minutes; Intermediate: 5 minutes; Beginner: 4 minutes 8 Press Ups 8 Squat Thrusters/mountain climber as a lower option. 8 Broad Jumps Once you have completed the 3 exercises use the rest of the minute to rest. Last 1. Tabata Time: Set an interval timer for 20s work : 10s rest x 8 rounds Burpees Lunges If you have a favorite go to workout you want to share, send me a pm or comment below

05.01.2022 Monday 20/5/2019 5:30am @ 19 opal st HIIT step THE WORKOUT DESIGNED TO GET YOU SERIOUSLY FIT!! The 30 minute HIIT exercise class using only bodyweight and a STEP.

04.01.2022 If you are looking for some gym gear flick me a message as we have down scaled and looking to clear some of our equipment. We have pump bar/weights, kettlebells, slam balls, medicine balls, rower, boxing gloves, focus pads, battle ropes, leg press, lay pulldown, to much to post.

04.01.2022 Just a reminder we have no bootcamp for the next 2 weeks while our little family is on a much needed holiday

03.01.2022 Monday 5:30am cardio HIIT Monday 6pm Rep effect (power bar) Tuesday 6pm Metafit Wednesday 5:30am metapwr Wednesday 6pm step HIIT... Friday 5:30am wod Friday 6pm bootcamp See more

01.01.2022 May your Sunday be blessed with love, joy, peace and happiness. You get what you focus on. Use today to clear your troubles of the week and start the new week fresh

01.01.2022 Here is a little food for thought What an interpretation of Row, Row, Row your boat And we dont sing kids nursery rhymes, why?

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