Vivien Anderson Gallery in St Kilda, Victoria | Artist
Vivien Anderson Gallery
Locality: St Kilda, Victoria
Phone: +61 3 8598 9657
Address: 284 - 290 St. Kilda Road 3182 St Kilda, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 VIVIEN ANDERSON GALLERY HOME DELIVERY - TERESA BAKER - Teresa Baker has progressively developed and refined a distinctive vocabulary of explosive motifs to depict the journey of Malilu, her pre-eminent female spirit ancestor, the essential feminist known for her strength, resilience and independence. Her paintings are strong. They are potent. They pulsate with the force of Malilunya. Read more about Teresa on our website news page.
24.01.2022 Guess who is in town?!Naomi Hobson, dropped in for a cup of tea yesterday at the gallery. Looking radiant in front of her magnificent painting Dry Country 2019. Watch this space, tomorrow we reveal why Naomi is in Melbourne. #naomihobson #beautifulpainting #vivienandersongallery
24.01.2022 Now we can reveal Naomi is at The Australia Tapestry Workshop meeting the weavers Pam and Sue who will be interpreting Naomis painting The Royal Harvest for the Australian Embassy in Jakarta. Naomi is spending time today sharing her inspiration for her paintings and talking to Sue and Pam about the many centurys old relationship between Indonesia and First Nations Australians of the top end and Cape York. Food, language & trade were shared. The painting reflects the joyful legacy of that relationship. #atw #naomihobson #vivienandersongallery #marcassantraders #capeyork
24.01.2022 VIVIEN ANDERSON GALLERY HOME DELIVERY - A BILLBOARD DOWN SOUTH In Melbourne, and amongst all these new restrictions, gallery artist Kent Morris brings some much needed joy, and keeps us feeling connected, with his new digital work "Never Alone" as part of the Australian Centre for Contemporary Art (ACCA) initiative Whos Afraid of Public Space? For those within a 5km radius, the digital billboard is at the intersection of Fitzroy Street, Canterbury Road and Grey Street, St Kilda.
24.01.2022 HOME DELIVERY - THE STOCKROOM We read in this week's newspapers about the impact that Covid-19 has had on Indigenous art with sales down by as much as 50% in some remote areas. The Indigenous Art Code campaign Our Art Is Our Lifeline encourages the purchase of artwork as a powerful and effective way to directly support artists and communities during these unprecedented times. To that end, we encourage you to visit our online Stockroom of works from art centres and independent artists.
24.01.2022 Congratulations to Maree Clarke, recipient of the Australia Council Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Arts Fellowship. The First Nations Arts Awards, which recognise and celebrate the outstanding work and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists, were announced in a virtual online awards ceremony last night. Well done Maree, it is richly deserved recognition for a lifetimes commitment to the arts and your practice. @ree_clarke
23.01.2022 Imagine this being on you wall! A rare Hayley Millar-Baker photographic artwork available as an individual sale. . Hayley Millar-Baker,... Even if the race is fated to disappear 2 (Peeneeyt Meerreeng / Before, Now, Tomorrow) 2017 Inkjet on cotton rag 150 x 80 cm $5200 Edition of 7 (+2 AP) . HAYLEY MILLAR-BAKER Toongkateeyt (Tomorrow) Even if the race is fated to disappear Land is mother, we live with the land not off the land. Toongkateeyt (Tomorrow) sees the mashing of Countries to create imagined landscapes that embody both birth country (Wathaurong) and ancestral country (Gunditjmara). First Nation peoples experienced both dispossession and disconnection to land during the colonisation of Australia. Land was taken, sold off, cleared and settled, and the introduction of buildings and roads saw sacred sites and familiar grounds disappear. The on-going development of colonisation has undeniably seen First Nation people adapt to country beneath the concrete and infrastructure. Toongkateeyt takes an introspective exploration of contemporary Indigenous connection to land and identity post-colonisation. Subsequently, through the process of country combination identity as an urban Aboriginal in a post-settled south-east Australia is signified. Each work is built from hundreds of individual layers and photographs. Each rock, tree, animal etc. was photographed individually and cut out to create a new landscape depicting the mashing of countries and a personalised experience existing today as an Aboriginal person. . . . . @hayleymillarbaker #hayleymillarbaker #vivienandersongallery #contemporaryphotography #photographyart #photographicart #australianartist #koala See more
23.01.2022 VIVIEN ANDERSON GALLERY - DHAMBIT #2 WANAMBI NOW ONLINE - Visit to take a virtual tour and view Gudultja - Maternal Oceans, Dhambit #2 Wanambi's extraordinary first exhibition of bark paintings and hollow logs
22.01.2022 VIVIEN ANDERSON GALLERY - VALE MALU GURRUWIWI - It is with great sadness that we learn of the passing of Malu Gurruwiwi, custodian of the Banumbirr - Morning Star ceremony. Malu was a passionate advocate for the maintenance of Yolngu culture, his determination to share the Banumbirr with the outside world saw Malu travel the world as a dancer, as an eloquent orator and as an artist.... (Images of the deceased are used with the permission of his family)
21.01.2022 So pleased your catalogues arrived at Coen, Cape York Naomi. Can’t help noticing it is a glorious day in paradise. Pretty obvious where you get your inspiration just by glimpsing the scenery in the background. #naomihobson #payamutoshine #vivienandersongallery #abstractart #absractpainting
20.01.2022 VIVIEN ANDERSON GALLERY HOME DELIVERY - THE ARMCHAIR EXHIBITION This week we deliver a whole new exhibition, and a new way of viewing, as we present THE ARMCHAIR EXHIBITION. From the comfort of your living room, our new virtual tour enables you to visit the gallery any time and from any where. Its an opportunity to get a sense of space and scale and is another way to experience the works from afar. Take a tour and view the exhibition online at our website.
20.01.2022 VIVIEN ANDERSON GALLERY HOME DELIVERY - ROY McIVOR - Roy McIvor (1934 - 2018) was a senior Guugu Yimithirr man who spent much of his life in Hope Vale, QLD, and was a stalwart figure in the promotion of Indigenous art and culture. There is much we can learn from the resilience of artists like Roy McIvor. As we cope with the uncertainty that this pandemic has brought, his paintings are meditations on the harmony and beauty in nature as a balm for the crises in modern life.
20.01.2022 VIVIEN ANDERSON GALLERY| NAOMI HOBSON VIEWING THIS SATURDAY - Very limited places are still available to join us this Saturday 7 November for a viewing of NAOMI HOBSON: PAYAMU - TO SHINE. Our event model comprises 'hourly opening sessions' from 2pm - 5pm with refreshments. Numbers are limited in accordance with Covid-19 Safe requirements, and RSVPs are essential to attend. Bookings will be taken until capacity is r...eached. To RSVP please contact the gallery
19.01.2022 Strange times indeed. We are thanking those who have viewed this exhibition. Every day since we opened we have enjoyed regular visitors. Lets just say, its worth it. We are open tomorrow from noon until 4pm. #thewomenshow #maureenpoulsennapangardi #hayleymillarbaker #jenniferkemarremartiniello #maringkabaker #semeriawurrkidj #susanmarrawarr # aphiawurrkidj #maningridaartsandculture 3 bukularrngaymulka #kumanaranangala #papunyatjupi #clairegcoleman #tjungupalya #mareeclarke #beryljimmy # burrgnandji#2 #lamangirra#2 #dorothynapangardi
19.01.2022 Update: The Gallery is open, but our door is locked to vet visitors. Best to make an appointment between 11am and 5pm this week. Staff distance is 1.5 or more at all times. Every precaution is being taken. Please do not come to the gallery if you feel unwell. Self isolation is imperative under those circumstances.
18.01.2022 Dino Wilson, Dino Wilson Jaliwaki (Bush potato) 2020 natural ochres on linen 200 x 200 cm $10,800... Provenance: Jilamara Arts, Milikapiti, Tiwi Islands. #dinowilson #tiwiart #jilamaraartsandcrafts #australianindigenousart #aboriginalart #firstnationaustralianartists See more
17.01.2022 Hayley Millar-Baker presents one of her favourite series lm The Captain Now in The Dark Mirror opening tonight Thursday 6 February 6-8pm, at Sarah Scout Presents - pleased to see Hayleys work in such great company #Repost @sarahscoutpresents with @get_repost The Dark Mirror opens tonight... Thur 6 Feb, 6-8pm . Chantal Faust, Lou Hubbard, Hayley Millar-Baker, Mark Rodda, David Thomas, Christian Thompson & Julie Vinci. . The Dark Mirror features work that is at once reflexive, reflective, apocalyptic. Engaging strategies of concealment, revelation, unmasking and subversion, the exhibition considers the idea of post-identity in our post-truth world but largely via the domestic and the personal. As this year marks the 250th anniversary of James Cooks first voyage to Australia and the Pacific, the exhibition seeks also to provide a series of counter narratives to the Cook landing and colonisation histories. David Thomas is represented by @blockprojects Hayley Millar-Baker is represented by @vivienandersongallery . . . Image: Hayley Millar-Baker Untitled 2 (Im the Captain Now) 2016 inkjet on cotton rag 20 x 20 cm (33 x 33 cm framed size) Edition of 5 + 2 AP Courtesy the artist and @vivienandersongallery . #thedarkmirror #sarahscoutpresents @chantalfaust @louhubbard @hayleymillarbaker @rodda_mark @davidthomas3378 @christianthompsonartist @julievinci See more
17.01.2022 VIVIEN ANDERSON GALLERY HOME DELIVERY - MAREE CLARKE: NEW WORK - Vivien Anderson Gallery is delighted to announce that we have a new limited edition work by celebrated artist Maree Clarke in the gallery. Maree Clarkes limited edition lenticular lightboxes Made from Memory - On the Banks of the Murrumbidgee River I, II and III explore the notion of place, revealed through connection to Country, family and histories, which are reinterpreted by Maree in her art.
17.01.2022 VIVIEN ANDERSON GALLERY| DINO WILSON NOW OPEN AND ONLINE - DINO WILSON - NGIYA MURAKUPUNI MANTIYUPWI (MY COUNTRY MANTIYUPWI) is now open and online. View the exhibition and take a virtual tour at: Join us for a glass of bubbles to celebrate the exhibition: 2PM - 4PM SATURDAY 28 NOVEMBER RSVP appreciated A limited edition fully illustrated catalogue is available Exhibition closes Saturday 19 December 2020
17.01.2022 We rejoice in breaking out of lockdown with an extraordinary premiere exhibition of painting on bark and sculptures on hollow logs. Capturing an infinite cosmological sophistication using the glittering metallic black sand of Yalanba , a small pocket of Marrakulu clan country in eastern Arnhem Land. This is Dhambits own identity and that of her fathers and siblings. Guultja - maternal oceans speaks to the design for this place encoded in the dance between waters of two di...fferent clans connected through kinship as mothers mother and daughters daughter. Known as märi/gutharra this connection is symbolically understood as the backbone. The hand sign for this relationship is to tap the top of ones spine. It is the supporting skeleton of all relationships through the endless infinite line of womens bodies. endless infinite line of womens bodies. Viewing from 15 July 11am - 5pm Tuesday - Friday, Saturday 12noon - 4pm and by appointment. Social distancing restrictions apply. #dhambitt#2 #barkpaintings #larrikidj #sparklingblacksand #magicart See more
17.01.2022 VIVIEN ANDERSON GALLERY'S HOME DELIVERY - PAULINE SUNFLY - If you missed us last week, Vivien Anderson Gallery is now delivering a piece of the gallery direct to your inbox each week, from featured artists from current gallery exhibitions, favourite artists from the past, and future online exhibitions and exclusive artworks. Make sure you sign up via our website to receive emails so you don't miss any of our delicious home deliveries!
16.01.2022 VIVIEN ANDERSON GALLERY HOME DELIVERY - and a message from DJAMBAWA MARAWILI AM - Born in 1953, Djambawa Marawili AM is a pivotal political and artistic force in Australia. Djambawa leaves his mark in so many ways: in the politics of land rights, health, reconciliation, art and culture, and as a highly influential and continuously innovative artist. He is the voice of the ANKA campaign Safe Culture, Strong Futures supporting the purchase of art & cultural objects to stay on Country.
15.01.2022 While we continue to manage the impacts on Covid 19 on our lives, please keep in mind the impact on our First Nation artists. The Indigenous Art Code supports artists and buyers of art to promote fair, ethical and transparent trading. So even when considering buying online, ask the questions that will ensure the artist you are interested in collecting created the artwork, was treated with respect and was paid fairly. Check out this link for good advice before you confirm your purchase. Image: Hayley Millar Baker by Jacquie Manning. @hayleymillarbaker @indigenousartcodeaustralia #ourartisourlifeline
13.01.2022 Whoa, its ready. It takes a great deal of love and commitment from the artists we represent , their managers in community, to our invited artists to make this annual exhibition sing loud and strong.Every iteration of The Womens Show is a gift to behold. So behold itOpening tomorrow from 6pm-8pm. Welcoming guest speaker Clair G Coleman, Melbourne based, Noongar published author of Terra Nullius and most recently The Ols Lie, just back from the Adelaide Biennale at ...around 7pm. #lornadawson # spinifexhill #naomihobson #thewomenshow # maureenpoulsennapangardi #hayleymillarbaker #jenniferkemarremartiniello #maringkabaker #semeriawurrkidj #susanmarrawarr # aphiawurrkidj #maningridaartsandculture 3 bukularrngaymulka #kumanaranangala #papunyatjupi #clairegcoleman #tjungupalya #mareeclarke #beryljimmy # burrgnandji#2 #lamangirra#2 #dorothynapangardi See more
12.01.2022 Look at this, poetry in motion. The all star team at Australian Tapestry Workshop whipping up, so easy to say, so hard to do, this fantastic tapestry for the Australian Embassy in Jakarta commission. A collaboration between Naomi Hobson and ATW. The inspiration? Naomis long held family memories of the Indonesian traders over the centuries and one Indonesian shop keeper in Coen who planted the first Tamarind Tree in the community. You have to hear Naomi talk about Tamarind trees to understand how they are revered and guarded. Its like best in show, seriously competitive stuff. #australiantapestryworkshop #naomihobson #indigenouswomen #indigenousart #capeyork #coencapeyork #vivienandersongallery #contemporaryindigenousart
11.01.2022 Congratulations to gallery represented artists @kent_morris_artist, Timo Hogan @spinifexarts, Dhuwarrwarr Marika @bukuartnow, Hubert Pareroultja @manyhandsart, and Angkaliya Curtis, Ginger Wikilyiri and Keith Stevens @tjungu_palya_arts on their selection as finalists in the 2020 Telstra National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Art Awards @mag_nt. Heres hoping by August things will have improved enough that we can travel to Darwin to be there for the opening! #natsiaa #natsiaa2020
10.01.2022 Sneak peek prepare to be fully engaged, this favourite exhibition, The Womens Show launches next week, Wednesday 11 March from 6pm. Our special guest speaker is Claire G Coleman, author of Terra Nullius and The Old Lie. #lornadawson # spinifexhill #naomihobson #thewomenshow # maureenpoulsennapangardi #hayleymillarbaker #jenniferkemarremartiniello #maringkabaker #semeriawurrkidj #susanmarrawarr # aphiawurrkidj #maningridaartsandculture 3 bukularrngaymulka #kumanaranangala #papunyatjupi #clairegcoleman #tjungupalya #mareeclarke #beryljimmy # burrgnandji#2 #lamangirra#2 #dorothynapangardi
10.01.2022 And another perspective #lornadawson # spinifexhill #naomihobson #thewomenshow # maureenpoulsennapangardi #hayleymillarbaker #jenniferkemarremartiniello #maringkabaker #semeriawurrkidj #susanmarrawarr # aphiawurrkidj #maningridaartsandculture 3 bukularrngaymulka #kumanaranangala #papunyatjupi #clairegcoleman #tjungupalya #mareeclarke #beryljimmy # burrgnandji#2 #lamangirra#2 #dorothynapangardi
07.01.2022 KENT MORRIS - NEVER ALONE - In the spirit of collectively supporting each other and our environment throughout this unprecedented time, Kent Morris has released a limited edition lightbox based on his current digital billboard Never Alone, now beaming out across the intersection of Grey Street, Fitzroy Street and Canterbury Road in St Kilda as part of the ACCA Whos Afraid of Public Space? The Never Alone lightbox is a limited edition of 20. Please contact the gallery for information
07.01.2022 The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Attribution Einstein, illustration Golding, The Age. Nailed it!
06.01.2022 Dino Wilson has arrived! NGIYA MURAKUPUNI MANTIYUPWI (MY COUNTRY MANTIYUPWI) in association with Jilamara Arts & Crafts 25 NOVEMBER - 19 DECEMBER 2020 ‘I am born and bred on the Tiwi Islands and it is important for me to be living in Milikapiti and making art about my culture' Dino Wilson... Preview available please email [email protected] #Dino Wilson #jilamara #tiwiart #firstnationsart #indigenousartist #aboriginalart # See more
05.01.2022 Gallery Announcement :-: Whilst many cultural organisations have activated COVID-19 restrictions, Vivien Anderson Gallery, as a private commercial gallery, will remain open until further notice. We welcome visitors to see the outstanding exhibition, The Womens Show and explore the other artists we represent during our regular opening hours. It is very important that we continue to support the indigenous visual arts sector. The current uncertainty has affected many of our art...ists, with national and international exhibitions, residencies and presentations cancelled or postponed. Most of our artists are sole traders whose only source of income is from their art. Many of our artists are also living in remote communities. As most isolated indigenous communities have elderly populations with serious underlying health conditions, the communities have been locked down to prevent the spread of the virus. The artists in these communities are now more than ever very financially vulnerable. The cost of basic food items and goods in remote communities is not subsidised, the average daily shop would be at least 50% more than in a major city or regional centre. We ask that if you are considering acquiring a work of art to treasure, please advance that purchase and we will ensure the artist immediately receives the funds through their art centre or directly in order to feed their family and keep making art. You then can enjoy the appreciation of the artwork and continue the journey of discovery that is indigenous Australian art. We will also take the opportunity to produce regular newsletters with in-depth articles about artists we represent and exhibit, including those in the current exhibition. Our exhibitions and further information on our artists can also be found on our website #lornadawson # spinifexhill #naomihobson #thewomenshow # maureenpoulsennapangardi #hayleymillarbaker #jenniferkemarremartiniello #maringkabaker #semeriawurrkidj #susanmarrawarr # aphiawurrkidj #maningridaartsandculture 3 bukularrngaymulka #kumanaranangala #papunya
05.01.2022 VIVIEN ANDERSON GALLERY HOME DELIVERY - NAOMI HOBSON - This week we feature Naomi Hobson - a multi disciplinary artist from Coen on the Cape York Peninsula of far north Queensland. Inspired by the vast traditional lands of her ancestors which surround the town in which she lives, her practice includes painting, photography and ceramics. It is her confidence about her place in the world - her strong sense of self, place and belonging that makes her works so assured and compelling.
04.01.2022 Every American should see this...
04.01.2022 VIVIEN ANDERSON GALLERY HOME DELIVERY - KEITH STEVENS - Keith Stevens is a Pitjantjatjara artist from Nyapari, in the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Lands (APY Lands). His new paintings of the major ancestral narrative for Nyapari, the Wanampi Tjukurpa (Water Snake Ancestral Men Dreaming), mark the unveiling of a masterful painter.
03.01.2022 Easy peasy, lock me down in this space. Whilst our world has become greatly uncertain, but you can still move around, please visit this exhibition, it will reward and sustain you. #lornadawson # spinifexhill #naomihobson #thewomenshow # maureenpoulsennapangardi #hayleymillarbaker #jenniferkemarremartiniello #maringkabaker #semeriawurrkidj #susanmarrawarr # aphiawurrkidj #maningridaartsandculture 3 bukularrngaymulka #kumanaranangala #papunyatjupi #clairegcoleman #tjungupaly...a #mareeclarke #beryljimmy # burrgnandji#2 #lamangirra#2 #dorothynapangardi VIVIEN ANDERSON GALLERY GROUND FLOOR, 284 290 ST KILDA ROAD ST KILDA VICTORIA 3182 ( between Argyle and Inkerman Streets ) Ex the city Tram 3 stop 34 T: 03 8598 9657 M.0419 89 44 29 E: [email protected] REPRESENTING AND EXHIBITING INDIGENOUS ARTISTS FOR 32 YEARS From: Vivien Anderson
03.01.2022 SAVE THE DATE the WOMEN'S SHOW 2020 Join us to celebrate the opening with the artists & friends 6pm-8pm Wednesday 11 March 2020
03.01.2022 VIVIEN ANDERSON GALLERY| DINO WILSON OPENING NEXT WEEK - Vivien Anderson Gallery is delighted to present DINO WILSON: NGIYA MURAKUPUNI MANTIYUPWI ((MY COUNTRY MANTIYUPWI) in association with Jilamara Arts & Crafts, NT JOIN US TO CELEBRATE THE EXHIBITION... 2PM - 4PM SATURDAY 28 NOVEMBER Exhibition dates: Wednesday 25 November - Saturday 19 December 2020 To obtain a preview of the exhibition please contact the gallery
03.01.2022 SAVE THE DATE the Womens Show 2020 Join us to celebrate the opening with the artists & friends 6-8pm Wednesday 11 March 2020 Our annual exhibition of selected leading & emerging Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander women artists in celebration of their contribution to Australian & international visual arts & culture... To opened by Claire G. Coleman @clairegcoleman Melbourne based writer of fiction, essays and poetry. Claire is a Noongar woman whose family has belonged to the south coast of Western Australia for millennia. She has published two novels: Terra Nullius (2017), for which she won a black&write! Writing fellowship, and The Old Lie (2019) Maree Clarke @ree_clarke Hayley Millar-Baker @hayleymillarbaker Janet Fieldhouse @janetfieldhouse Naomi Hobson @naomi_hobson_artist Maringka Baker #maringkabaker @tjungu_palya_arts Beryl Jimmy #beryljimmy Tjukupati James #tjukupatijames @tjarlirliart Lorna Dawson Pauline Sunfly #paulinesunfly @tjarlirliart Susan Marawarr #susanmarawarr Maureen Ali #maureenali Apphia Wurrkidj #apphiawurrkidj Rosina Gunjarrwanga #rosinagunjarrwanga Semeria Wurrkidj #semeriawurrkidj @maningridaarts Maria Ware @moa_arts Bugai Whyoulter #bugaiwhyoulter @martumiliartists Lamangirra #2 Gumana Burrnganydji #2 Gaykamangu @bukuartnow Dorothy Napangardi #dorothynapangardi Angelina Neale #angelinangale Maureen Poulson Napangardi Kumantjai Nangala (Tilau) @tjupiarts and featuring Jennifer Kemarre Martinello #jenniferkemarremartiniello
01.01.2022 Getting ready. Number 1 son, in isolation post returning from LA said I want to knit. Dragged them needles and one crochet hook out. Now looking for Australian yarns online. Lets start with a beanie, then scarf. Good old fashioned make your own culture. Its coming back! #beanies #knittersofinstagram #firstnationsfashion #knitting #selfisolation #hobbies #menwhoknit
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