Eastern And Mountain District Radio Club | Non-profit organisation
Eastern And Mountain District Radio Club
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25.01.2022 the ACMA have some RF jobs in Melbourne advertised.
24.01.2022 Super Simple Summer Antennas for VHF/UHF... (try saying that quickly three times). from Peter VK3YE Super simple VHF/UHF antennas for FM, SSB & digital modes Most of us are familiar with vertically polarised ground plane antennas for FM and repeaters and directional beam antennas most often used for weak signal SSB and digital modes on VHF/UHF. However there's a whole lot of less well known antennas worth trying. They can be very simple yet give good results. Often they can ...be made from scrap material you may have, or, at worst, can be bought from a hardware store. Presented below is a mix of vertically polarised antennas for FM and horizontally polarised antennas for SSB and digital modes https://vk3ye.com/projects/projsimpvhf.htm
24.01.2022 Club member John went portable with his new toy in his lockdown garden today :D
22.01.2022 The trailers are packed and the clubs two portable VHF/UHF contest station teams are all set for this weekends activity. VK3ER/p near Blackwood and VK3KQ/p south of Ballarat. The Club station from our Burwood clubrooms will also be going Saturday afternoon as VK3BNW. Turn your radio on and put out a call. Even a simple FM radio on 2m/70cm! Every call counts!
22.01.2022 So what does our club have planned this year?
21.01.2022 Some photos from the (~8hr) VK3KQ/P team from south of Ballarat in last weekends VHF/UHF Field Day. Some very nasty weather (that arrived around 3am sunday morning) saw the 'KQ team madly pack up saturday evening before the >100km winds arrived. we are pleased to repot the Gazebo survived!
21.01.2022 Anyone got a spare 6.5mm to 3.5mm plug converter they can loan me. I almost managed to get it to connected.
20.01.2022 A new reverse beacon for VK from The Radio Amateur Society of Australia
20.01.2022 Darrin, VK3VDP, passed on this tip re an 'untrippable' circuit breaker - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TJEzdqtXlQ - caveat emptor in the extreme!
19.01.2022 Reference locking your IC9700 https://3fs.net.au/leo-bodnar-icom-ic-9700-reference-injec/
19.01.2022 A few more photos from the VK3ER/p operation from McLaughlins Lookout in the Wombat State Forest over the weekend. The evnt was successful despite the wild and... windy weather early on Sunday morning. Operators were: Mike VK3AVV, Peter VK3ADY, Andrew VK3BQ, Michael VK3MHY, Peter VK3QI and Jack VK3WWW. Some 596 qsos over the 24 hour period. See more
18.01.2022 Vk5KI on air for the next 2 weeks.
18.01.2022 Cant get to our friends Altronics in person? they are now on eBay!..
18.01.2022 A number of our club members have started (and continued) experimenting with 3D printers. Read about our exploits in this recent club article. If you need a part made up. Ask and the club me be able to assist! https://www.emdrc.com.au/3d-printing/
18.01.2022 Eastern And Mountain District Radio Club 2020 Christmas Party! Saturday 12 December 2020 The EMDRC Christmas Party will be on Saturday 12th December in the grounds of the Burwood Club Rooms.... Being a COVID event members are asked to bring along your own seating, plates, cups, drinks and utensils, you can set yourselves up under the trees and enjoy the weather that summer offers. To comply with Covid rules, the food will be catered for by a spit roast company and the cost per head will be $23.00. The caterers will serve the food on your plate. YOU MUST PRE BOOK!! to book and pay for the catered meal, from the home page log into the Shop at this link https://www.emdrc.com.au/product/christmas_party_2020/ The Christmas Party BBQ at the club rooms, 13a McCubbin St, Burwood (Melway ref: 61 E7). From 10am We are limited to 50 members so be quick if you want to attend tickets are selling fast.
17.01.2022 midweek club net, 8:30pm vk3rec..
15.01.2022 Another of the VK Ham radio retailers, this time Future systems Future Systems in perth who import the very fancy Flex SDR radios are having a NOT Black Firday sale! see below if santa is planning on being extra nice this xmas with a new flex 6700 and remote head! :)
15.01.2022 Sunfest is under three weeks away, October 24 10AM-2PM. We are finalising the details with the venue near Nambour, more info mid this week. Our raffle this year has over $2000 in prizes including the main one - an Icom 705!
15.01.2022 Clubrooms Thursday morning openings!! The clubrooms are open this morning from 10am. masks are mandatory for all at all times. ... the kitchens are closed. Please bring your own drinks. Please read more details in the EMDRC Covid-Safe Plan As required by the state government, our club rooms are operating under a Covid-Safe plan. We have updated this plan to bring it further in line with the relaxing of restrictions by the state government that occurred in December. Please ensure that you are familiar with the EMDRC Covid-Safe Plan (PDF) before you attend any event at our club rooms. The most important restrictions are: Density limit of 1 person per 2sqm: 60 persons upstairs, 24 persons in the downstairs meeting room, 15 persons in the downstairs radio shack. At this time, there is NO USE for the general membership of other rooms. Most importantly the kitchens upstairs and downstairs may not be used. Facemasks are to be worn AT ALL TIMES when inside the club rooms. You must register your attendance at the club using the electronic Services Victoria QR Code check-in. Paper-based check-in is available only if you do not have a smartphone. Adhering to these restrictions is important to keep our members and the community safe, doubly so given that there is an active outbreak with significant community transmission taking place in the eastern and south-eastern suburbs of Melbourne right now. EMDRC Meetings Meeting calendar for 2021: https://www.emdrc.com.au/important-dates-for-2021 Jaimie VK3TZE will open the clubrooms as well as the Zoom meeting for the next weekly Thursday meeting on Thursday Jan. 14 at 10am.
14.01.2022 John, VK3PZ, added a couple of interesting links on our 'page'. https://www.emdrc.com.au/interesting-links/
13.01.2022 If any club members need car or home window tint, drop me a PM and we can arrange a family and friends deal. Cheers Peter VK3PH
13.01.2022 This coming weekend, the ballarat ham club are having a field day contest? more info at http://www.barg.org.au/?page_id=3324 BARG HF FIELD DAY SATURDAY 5 . DECEMBER 2020. Building on previous year’s events another fun day for BARG members is planned for Saturday 5th December. We hope that you will take the opportunity to operate portable at the place of your choice for as long as you want and even invite friends to join in.... The winner will have their call sign engraved on the club’s perpetual Field Day Trophy which will be presented at the January BARG meeting. The winning station will have to have participated as a FIELD station not deriving its power from the mains, and not his normal QTH. Field stations can score from any amateur station as they do not have to be BARG club stations. If operators can provide detail of setup and antenna used and perhaps a photo of the field station for inclusion in the BARG News this will certainly add to the spirit of the day. Event. BARG HF Field Day. Bands: 40m. 7000khz to 7300khz 80m 3500 3700khz. The use of repeaters is not allowed for scoring purposes. Mode: Voice Modes only. Time: 12.00pm 4.00pm, Local Time Members may operate as long as they wish within the above time slot and may change Portable QTH as required but must be shown on Log sheet. Members exchange numbers as per standard contest procedure, eg 59001 as the first Contact including call sign worked, time and frequency. Score 5 points per contact with each portable club member to encourage people to try. Score 1 point per VK3 non club member. Score 2 points per VK1/2/5/7 non club member. Score 3 points per VK4/6 non club member. Score 1 point per DX contact. That is a non VK call area Score 6 points for contacting the club station VK3BML should it be activated. . - Portable Field stations can claim two extra point per contact as per the scoring above. This is to encourage portable station operation in the field by our club members. - For scoring purposes only one contact per hour per station is permitted. - Record time of contact in your log. - Transceiver power to be shown along with antenna details. Log sheets are to be forwarded to Harry, VK3AHH, ex vk3kgl, 29 Cromwell Street Sebastopol, 3356 showing your claimed score. Your log sheets can be submitted electronically, email
12.01.2022 A video showing the vk3kq/p vhf/uhf contest station last weekend before the weather turned and the had to pack up in a hurry!! https://youtu.be/3UvqJSjeFDs
12.01.2022 Deutscher Astronaut Matthias Maurer nun unter KI5KFH QRV Der deutsche Astronaut Matthias Maurer hat die US-amerikanische Lizenzprüfung der Technician Class abge...legt und das Rufzeichen KI5KFH zugeteilt bekommen. Maurer wird voraussichtlich im September 2021 als Mitglied der SpaceX Crew 3 zur Internationalen Weltraumstation (ISS) fliegen. Es darf dann mit Amateurfunkbetrieb im Rahmen des ARISS-Programms gerechnet werden. Sein Rufzeichen hat ARISS in einer Tabelle veröffentlicht: https://www.ariss.org//111680/2020-08-09_hams_in_space.pdf. Darüber berichtet Hans Schwarz, DK5JI. (Foto: StagiaireMGIMO, CC BY-SA 4.0)
12.01.2022 We are monitoring a very high risk conjunction between two large defunct objects in LEO. Multiple data points show miss distance <25m and Pc between 1% and 20%. Combined mass of both objects is ~2,800kg. Object 1: 19826 Object 2: 36123 TCA: Oct 16 00:56UTC... Event altitude: 991km https://mobile.twitter.com/LeoLabs_Sp//1316147305125490694
11.01.2022 ACMA Ham Radio Update (13/10/20) Revised foundation amateur radio syllabus As advised in our July e-bulletin, we have revised the process for updating the amateur radio syllabus to remove the requirement that the Syllabus Review Panel must approve changes. ... We have now advised the Australian Maritime College (AMC) of changes to the foundation syllabus and requested they ensure the amateur radio examinations they conduct (including by its accredited assessors) are based on the revised foundation syllabus. The changes relate to removing historical restrictions on foundation licensees from the Radiocommunications Licence Conditions (Amateur Licence) Determination 2015, and some editorial changes. The revised syllabus is available on the AMC website. Future changes to the syllabus will be undertaken through the ACMA’s usual consultation process with the broader amateur community we’ll let you know when this happens. Transfer of call signs form To give amateurs more options and flexibility in managing call signs, licensees can now transfer their call sign to another licensee by completing our online call sign transfer form. The application needs to be completed and signed by both parties before it is lodged with the ACMA. Delays in qualification and call sign processing We’re aware of delays in processing applications for amateur radio qualifications and call signs. These have been caused by a surge in applications for new call signs following recent changes to the call sign template, as well as COVID pandemic-related resourcing constraints. The source of these delays is temporary, and the AMC will soon revert to normal processing timeframes. Get your licensing notices emailed Email us at [email protected] and let us know your email address. This way, you’ll get your notices faster and reduce paper waste. Your questions answered We often get questions about whether a licensee has to wait for the Register of Radiocommunications Licences (RRL) to reflect their licence has been granted before they can start operating an amateur station. The answer is: No. The RRL is not updated immediately. As long as you have a receipt of your payment, you are authorised to operate an amateur station under the LCD. Useful links https://www.acma.gov.au/amateur-radio-licences
11.01.2022 the ASKAP / CSIRO pathfinder Square Kilometer Array radio telescope in rural WA has just completed the most detailed survey of our galaxy ever, and this is only a technology showcase for the full SKA that is under construction!. https://blog.csiro.au/weve-mapped-a-million-previously-un/’ve+mapped+a+million+previously+undiscovered+galaxies+beyond+the+milky+way.
09.01.2022 Both now taken. Thanks all. Does any EMDRC club member want a free Yaesu ft817/ft818 power plug socket to Anderson powepole adaptor. Club member Andrew VK3BQ 3D printed a number styles to test fitting and has these two left over after using what he needed. both fit and work fine. Printed in mango yellow PETG. They are UV robust and will work well portable. If you are a club member. And interested in a free power plug for your ft817. Reply below with style A or B and we will put them aside for you. (Pickup from east Burwood clubroom only. Club members ONLY. No postage - first in, Best dressed).
09.01.2022 A little research from our USA friends courtessy of David, VK3RU...
09.01.2022 VK3EMB and his magnificent erection. Get a new Antenna they said the wife said get a small one So here are some pics of my magnificent erection. Many Thanks to Greg VK3ND who helped me get it from Wyndham vale, and Ben my son who helped to erect it. First Contacts were to USA and New Zealand.
09.01.2022 Club member Tom VK3FTOM visited club member Greg VK3ND for some portable VHF/UHF Field day activity over the weekend!
08.01.2022 CLub QSL Card collections will be at the XMAS party, the CLub QSL Manager has a large pile for collection. If you can't make it, email the club and we can organise alternative methods for collection (if you are a serious chaser, send the club some pre paid envelopes and we can post you your stash throughout the year!)
08.01.2022 A huge, already damaged Arecibo radio telescope in Puerto Rico has completely collapsed after its 900-ton receiver platform fell onto the reflector dish below. https://ab.co/39yYCj9
08.01.2022 The Easypal group is on again this afternoon, vk3rec from 2:30pm.
08.01.2022 I’m the Ross Hull VHF UHF Memorial Contest Manager and am looking to increase interest in this long running contest. The contest was established in 1950 to honour the memory of the late Ross A. Hull an Australian, who by his pioneering achievements in the study of tropospheric propagation, developed new equipment and techniques for the higher bands. The Ross Hull Contest is a DX contest, where points are awarded for distances worked. There are also band multipliers to enco...urage activity on the higher bands. Stations in New Zealand have been frequently worked and logged. In 2012 the first New Zealander, Mr R. Mcquarrie ZL3TY was the first New Zealand station to win the contest. The contest is open to all amateur radio operators, and they are encouraged to work as many VHF and UHF stations as possible over January 2021. I encourage stations outside VK such as in New Zealand, Fiji, New Caledonia, Solomon Islands and other countries to enter a log to obtain a score. There is no need for contest stations out side VK to have to work any stations in Australia, as it is a matter of DX and tropospheric propagation. Further information relating to the Ross Hull VHF UHF Memorial Contest may be found at https://www.wia.org.au/members/contests/rosshull/. There is no requirement to be a member of the WIA, just have fun and enjoy our hobby; looking to receiving your log for 2021. Please pass this invitation to all the members of your amateur radio organisation. Thank you for your assistance in this matter, 73 Rob Heyer VK2XIC
07.01.2022 An-Tenna-Tuesday. Who else has gone a little stir crazy in the garage with Melbourne lockdown and drilled one too many holes..
06.01.2022 December CQ-DATV now available for download.
06.01.2022 Hello Realization of 2 protective handles for icom 7300 with 3D printer. 3 fixing screws on the left and 2 screws on the right These are my designs and I can send you the STL files on request (IM). 73's to the group
05.01.2022 Did you participate in the Oceania SSB DX contest over the weekend? Make sure you list EMDRC as your home club and submit your log!! http://www.oceaniadxcontest.com/html/enter.html
04.01.2022 Our fiends at WARC have their hamfest in 3 weeks. think of it as a perfect hamfest warmup for the EMDRC hamfest at the end of March! :D
04.01.2022 Do you agree? https://hackaday.com//ham-radio-needs-to-embrace-the-hack/
03.01.2022 Andrew VK3FS has a very neat portable microwave setup in the back of his car, we worked him numbers times over the weekend from a number of locations, this setup allows him quick setup which allowed him to move locations throughout the contest!
03.01.2022 VK3ER/P portable in the wombat state forest for the spring VHF/UHF field day this weekend. 50MHz to 47GHz! #vk3er
01.01.2022 Club member Jack vk3www shows you how to work the ISS repeater from a handheld in this video from the weekend. https://youtu.be/D9bf9tpNZ2A
01.01.2022 SHHHHH... Be very very quiet.. we are hunting pulsars.. (in your best Elmer Fudd voice).
01.01.2022 Warm up that radio. The club net is about to start!!
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