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25.01.2022 Today is Shrove Tuesday, also known as Pancake Day. While it is a great day for pancake lovers, it also has a special religious significance. Shrove Tuesday is the last day before Lent begins. Lent is the time when we prepare for Easter, a time of prayer, fasting and almsgiving.... To celebrate Shrove Tuesday, why not try a pancake breakfast (or dinner) with the whole family, and talk about what you could do for the Lenten season together. Need some pancake inspiration? Check out https://bit.ly/3jPctVK for some delicious recipes!
24.01.2022 Today is the last day of National Carers Week. Amanda Nichols has been working as a Carer Engagement Officer for our Carer Support program for 11 months. But Amanda knows more than most about the ins and outs of being a carer, as her own personal experience has shaped the direction of her career.... In her 30s Amanda cared for her grandfather who had advanced dementia, and could no longer perform any daily living tasks independently. For more information on how to join the Carer Support program, visit https://vmch.com.au/services/carer-support/ or call us on 1300 971 720. #carersweek #carers #melbourne #carersweek2020 #Carers2020 #WhyWeCare Carers Australia Carers Victoria
24.01.2022 8 - 15 November is National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee Week - also known as NAIDOC Week. The 2020 theme for NAIDOC Week is "Always Was, Always Will Be." which recognises that First Nations people have occupied and cared for this continent for over 65,000 years. Australia has the world’s oldest oral stories. The First Peoples engraved the world’s first maps, made the earliest paintings of ceremony and invented unique technologies. They are spiritually an...d culturally connected to this country. This week we acknowledge and celebrate their history, which dates back thousands of generations. To learn more, visit https://www.naidoc.org.au/about/naidoc-week
24.01.2022 As things start to return back to 'normal', you might be finding that you're experiencing a bit of anxiety and stress. Busy shopping centres, driving a car long distances again, returning to the office - all of these things which were part of our normal day-to-day lives might might now seem a little bit more stressful. But you're not alone - and there's help out there if you need it. ... Here are 15 tips which might help you to reduce your stress levels. https://eapassist.com.au/eap-employee-assi/too-much-stress/
24.01.2022 Great insights from our Communications Advisor, Phin published by Clickability. Do yourself a favour and have a read!
23.01.2022 Important changes are happening to assessments for the NDIS. Check out Every Australian Counts to have you say.
18.01.2022 2020 is Jillian Bothe’s 40th year as an Occupational Therapist (OT). Soon someone will be referring me to the program as a client! Jillian jokes. Jillian is one of eight VMCH OTs working across our Allied Health and Early Childhood Intervention Service. She works with our Short-Term Restorative Care program in Victoria’s Grampians region, helping older people at risk of entering residential aged care to remain living at home. During COVID we have been very busy there... has probably never been a time when it is more important to support older people to remain at home. The consistent use of PPE has been a change and I have added the use of Telehealth (online support) to my toolbox!" Jillian says this World Occupational Therapy Day, she’d like people to understand how practical and diverse OT is. OT provides a very respectful framework as it always starts from the perspective of what is most important to the client. I always wanted a job working with people, and I gain real satisfaction from assisting others. Happy World Occupational Therapy Day to all the OTs out there you do an incredible job! Promoting OT #worldOTday #reimaginedoing World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) #occupationaltherapy #alliedhealth #earlychildhoodintervention
17.01.2022 Kaye cares for her daughter Isabelle, who has Autism and an intellectual disability, her husband Finlay, who is in the early stages of Parkinson’s Disease, and most recently her Mum, who is just starting to need a little more support. Kaye has been supported by our Carer Support Program for almost 20 years. This National Carers Week, she wants other carers to know they’re not alone, and to reach out for support if they need it. Carers Australia #NationalCarersWeek #carer #carers #vmchcarersupport #NCW2020
16.01.2022 Today is World Day of the Sick. Coinciding with the commemoration of Our Lady of Lourdes, the observation was started by Pope Saint John Paul II as a way for believers to offer prayers for those suffering from illnesses. Today, Pope Francis says, is an opportunity to devote special attention to the sick and to those who provide them with assistance and care both in healthcare institutions and within families and communities. #worlddayofthesick2021
15.01.2022 Have you heard of Disability Busters? They share great films about stories of what it's like living with disability. They're also currently calling out for films for their catalogue! So if you're a filmmaker with disability or have a film about disability you think is a cracker - get in touch with them! Disability Busters #disability #film
15.01.2022 It’s National Carers Week and a time to celebrate our amazing carers. This year we are unable to celebrate face-to-face but still wanted to acknowledge the incredible work of our carers, so we sent packs of delicious treats to their door! The gourmet box included sandwiches, scones, cakes and fruit from lovely local café, Mary Eats Cake. ... We are thrilled to see many of our carers enjoy an afternoon of indulgence. So well deserved! Tegan is a case manager in the Carer Support Program, where she works with young carers to support them and sustain them in their role. "I think the thing that’s often not asked of young people is what do YOU want? What are YOUR goals? What are the things YOU want to achieve?" For more information on how to join the Carer Support program, visit https://vmch.com.au/services/carer-support/ or call us on 1300 971 720. #carersweek #carers #melbourne #carersweek2020 #Carers2020 #WhyWeCare Carers Australia Carers Victoria
15.01.2022 25 - 31 October is Spiritual Care Week. Spiritual Care Week is an opportunity to recognise the spiritual caregivers in our midst and the ministry which they provide. We asked our General Manager, Mission Bridget O'Shannassy for her top tips for nurturing and embracing our own spirituality.
14.01.2022 This week is National Carers Week - a time to recognise and celebrate carers across Australia. Marion Kaye has been a carer for 20 years. During this time, many things have changed, including funding streams, support services, and now a pandemic. Even she has changed. When Marion’s son, David, was eight years old he was diagnosed with an Acquired Brain Injury (ABI). For Marion, this meant that the son she had known was gone, and she had to adjust as her new role of carer, as ...well as mum. She says during the last 20 years, it would be fair to say that it hasn’t been all ‘rosy and joyous’. It has been hard work. For more information on how to join the Carer Support program, visit https://vmch.com.au/services/carer-support/ or call us on 1300 971 720. #carersweek #carers #melbourne #carersweek2020 #Carers2020 #WhyWeCare Carers Australia Carers Victoria
13.01.2022 Check out these gorgeous pics of our new preppies on their first day at St Paul’s College. Today marks two weeks since the five students began their school journey with us, along with their families, and we are thrilled to have them. #preps #preppies #stpaulscollege #community
12.01.2022 Today is Ash Wednesday an important holy day in the liturgical calendar. Ash Wednesday opens Lent, which runs for forty days leading into the Easter Triduum (the three days from Holy Thursday to Easter Sunday). Lent is one of the most significant liturgical seasons in the life of the Church, and is often symbolised by the use of the colour purple/violet. Lent is a time for personal cleansing and renewal. During Lent, people are encouraged to be attentive to prayer, almsgiving, fasting and forgiving. #lent #ashwednesday #eastertriduum
12.01.2022 Today is World Day of Social Justice. The theme for 2021 is: A Call for Social Justice in the Digital Economy The digital economy is transforming the world of work. However, the COVID-19 crisis has shown the growing digital divide, particularly in terms of the availability, affordability and use of information ICT and access to the internet.... We've been working hard to ensure those who are vulnerable are provided with opportunities to learn how to navigate and embrace technology. We've done this in conjunction with YourLink. Click through to read more about how we support our clients.
11.01.2022 "This year we have all been confined to our homes. What does that mean if you don’t have one, or are worried about what the future holds for you? Thank you to Archbishop Peter A Comensoli for helping us shine a light on the importance of housing this World Homeless Day. #worldhomelessday #affordablehomes #vmchaffordablehomes #affordablehousing #socialhousing Everybody's Home #EverybodysHome #BuildSocialHousing Catholic Social Services Victoria Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne
11.01.2022 Are you a budding writer? Or simply have a story to share? ABC News is looking for people with disability to share their stories in the lead up to International Day of People with Disability - Australia. You don't need to have any previous writing experience and will be supported in the task. Check out the link below to learn more. A great opportunity to share your story, be published, and paid!
11.01.2022 This week is National Carers Week - a time to recognise and celebrate carers across Australia. Despite challenges around remaining in isolation at home, our teams continue to think of new ways to provide services to our clients. Our Carer Support Program clients normally participate in programs outside of the home, however these have moved to an online format, which have proven to be equally as popular. ... Our carers have produced some phenomenal works of art and craft, and have been so appreciative of the commitment to keep resources available for carers. I have really appreciated the online sessions that you have provided during this pandemic. Some of the sessions I wouldn’t usually be able access, because I have the drive. It’s so easy via Zoom; it’s been thoroughly enjoyable and has made a difference to my mental health. #carersweek #carers #melbourne #carersweek2020 #Carers2020 #WhyWeCare Carers Australia Carers Victoria For more information on how to join the Carer Support program, visit https://vmch.com.au/services/carer-support/ or call us on 1300 971 720.
10.01.2022 The four weeks of Advent begin today! For those who aren’t familiar, Advent means ‘arrival’ or ‘coming’, and it prompts us to pause each day in December and remember why Jesus came at Christmas. Common ways of commemorating Jesus’ birth are through Advent calendars, wreaths and candles. Each candle has a special colour and meaning. During the first week of Advent, we wait in hope (purple) for the coming of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. #advent #adventcandles #adventwreath #hope
10.01.2022 Cup Day was celebrated in fashionable style at our Nunawading group home on Tuesday. Our ladies gathered in their finest frocks and enjoyed a morning of pampering and creating beautiful hats to wear. They made a toast with sparkling apple juice to ‘good friends and healthy food’.... It was a lovely morning had by all!
09.01.2022 It’s probably no surprise that one of the key community groups who often feel excluded are people who are homeless. We’re proud to offer affordable homes to older people across Melbourne who might otherwise have nowhere to live. John from our Mentone affordable homes community is one of our most loved residents. He goes out of his way to make sure his neighbours feel valued, supported and connected by sharing a cuppa, helping with groceries and organising train trips into the city. Thank you to lovely people like John who can be found in so many of our affordable homes communities. They’re fantastic places that really do provide so much more than just a roof over people’s heads. Social Inclusion Week #isoinclusion #SIW20 #socialinclusion #affordablehomes #affordablehousing #socialhousing #buildsocialhousing Everybody's Home
08.01.2022 It’s a really lovely friendship and I would imagine we’ll be friends forever. VMCH volunteer Susan calls Ann once a week for a chat as part of VMCH’s TeleFriend program, a free service which sees trained volunteers make weekly calls to more vulnerable or socially isolated people who access our services. This week is Social Inclusion Week, aimed to help all Australians to feel included and valued. ... Susan who volunteered at our Mountain Gate Op Shop before restrictions says calling Ann, who accesses our Carer Support Program, has become a highlight of her week. She’s just an absolutely lovely lady, we’ve developed a really nice repour, said Susan. We talk about all sorts of things, our families, what we’re watching on Netflix. Susan also helps Ann with her English language skills. Some of our (Australian) sayings are very odd, so Ann might hear something during the week and will ask me what it means when we chat. Ann said she appreciates Susan’s calls and believes they’ve struck up a one-of-a-kind friendship. Susan agrees: It’s not one way it’s win-win. I’ve told her if she ever needs me anytime, just to call me. If you are interested in becoming a TeleFriend volunteer, call Nadia on 0439 269 088 or [email protected]. Social Inclusion Week #isoinclusion #SIW20 #TeleFriend #volunteering #vmchvolunteers #socialinclusion
08.01.2022 ‘It takes a village’ is a proverb VMCH Occupational Therapist (OT) Maddi Holmstrom witnesses every day in her role. Maddi works with children at our Early Learning and Therapy service, supporting their fine and gross motor skills and emotional and sensory needs. What I love most about being an OT is working as part of a team with a common goal of supporting families and children. I love how we collaborate with so many different people from co-workers, teachers, parents and... carers. I highly enjoy the active role we have in supporting the development and learning in a creative and fun way for the children. Many families who come seeking support for their child with a disability or developmental delay are overwhelmed or confused. Maddi says their feedback to her support makes her job all the more worthwhile. Whether it is just providing a safe space for them to share what they are finding challenging and working together to develop strategies to better support their child. They really value the opportunity for their child to develop their skills and independence. Thank you to Maddi and all of our valued OTs across VMCH services we value your skill, compassion and drive to help improve the lives of the people we support. #worldOTday #reimaginedoing #occupationaltherapy #alliedhealth #earlychildhoodintervention #ot
08.01.2022 11 - 17 October National Carers Week. This is a time to recognise and celebrate carers across Australia. Did you know we offer a range of services for carers living in Melbourne's eastern suburbs? No matter what the circumstances, being a carer has a big impact on your life and requires strength and commitment. It is both rewarding and overwhelming.... Recognising the importance of support for carers, we offer a range of services. No matter what your age, we’re here for you. We ensure you get the right services for your situation and can focus on your health and wellbeing. Visit our website to find out more: www.vmch.com.au/services/carer-support/
07.01.2022 I enjoy the variety of working as an OT, no day is the same. VMCH Occupational Therapist Anna Manoharan supports teenagers to older people accessing NDIS plans and Home Care Packages. On a typical day I could be assessing someone for a wheelchair and then teaching someone how to plan a weekly budget this variety also keeps me on my toes!... Today is World Occupational Therapy Day, and we’re honouring our great OTs who do such a fantastic job supporting people of all ages and abilities across our organisation! What's the one thing Anna would like people to know about the profession? I think in general it would be just to spread awareness of what we do and how we can help people of all ages and abilities. OT is still a relatively new concept to most people, however with the introduction of the NDIS, more people have access to therapy and I am finding that many people are becoming more aware of our role in disability space. I have found that occupational therapy is one of the most holistic health care professions and I am proud to have chosen this as my career path. Promoting OT #worldOTday #reimaginedoing World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) #occupationaltherapy #alliedhealth #earlychildhoodintervention
07.01.2022 Without access to affordable housing, Alan and Barb say they'd probably be living in a caravan. They're sharing their story on World Homeless Day to highlight the need for more housing options for Australians, particularly seniors, who are one of the fastest growing cohorts of people who need housing support. #worldhomelessday #affordablehomes #vmchaffordablehomes #affordablehousing #socialhousing Everybody's Home #EverybodysHome #BuildSocialHousing Catholic Social Services Victoria Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne
07.01.2022 Auslan Connections has announced a free sign language interpreting service (funded by the Federal Gov) for Australians who are Deaf, deafblind, or hard of hearing and over 65. It can be used for banking, finances, superannuation, housing needs, online activities and meetings, social activities such as weddings, funerals or seniors club get-togethers and more. For more info and registration details - check out this clip.
07.01.2022 This week is National Carers Week - a time to recognise and celebrate carers across Australia. Lai Man has been working with VMCH for 17 years now, providing support for those who work tirelessly to look after for their loved ones carers. She is a case manager with the Carer Support program which works with people who live in Melbourne’s eastern region and care for someone with specific care needs, usually due to age, disability or chronic illness.... "Sometimes it is hard for us to understand the intensity of stress that our carers experience. There is a complexity of a personal issue, family dynamics, cultures and values involved. What we could help with might be quite limited. We need to humble ourselves and learn to support them, and learn to work with some complicated service systems like the NDIS." For more information on how to join the Carer Support program, visit https://vmch.com.au/services/carer-support/ or call us on 1300 971 720. #carersweek #carers #melbourne #carersweek2020 #Carers2020 #WhyWeCare Carers Australia Carers Victoria
06.01.2022 Never have we been more in awe of the children we support at VMCH than the last six months. From students studying remotely at our specialist school St Paul’s College, to little ones learning therapies online via our Early Childhood Intervention Service, to children being homeschooled within our respite houses, their resilience and tenacity in challenging circumstances has been incredible to see. This week is Children’s Week, a national celebration recognising the talents, ...skills, achievements and rights of children. The theme for Children's Week 2020 celebrates the right of all children to choose their own friends and safely connect with others. Thank you also to our wonderful staff members who nurture the talents and help harness the potential of each and every one of the children we support. #ChildrensWeek #stpaulscollege #ECIS #respite #disability #disabilityadvocate #NationalChildrensWeek
03.01.2022 December 3 is International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD). We’re excited to bring you some stories of the people we support this week, celebrating their achievements and contributions to the community. On November 27, Year 7 St Paul’s College student Nathan won a Kooyong Student Prize award recognising outstanding students. His teacher Hygenia nominated him and said: Nathan is a fantastic role model within the St. Paul's community, and takes his role as a student ...leader very seriously. He shows great empathy and patience with others, particularly during weekly ‘buddy sessions’ with our prep students, where Nathan supports Seb, a young student with profound and multiple disabilities. Nathan’s kind and gentle nature is an inspiration to all. Congrats on your award Nathan! #IDPwD #DisableStereotypes #disability #disabilityawareness #disabilityadvocate #stpaulscollege #specialstschool #schoolleader #kooyongstudentprize Josh Frydenberg
02.01.2022 Hygenia Lobo believes specialist teaching is the ‘best gig’. Today is World Teacher’s Day! Hygenia is among many of our teachers and educators at St Paul’s College and our Early Childhood Intervention Service who work with such care, compassion and professionalism to guide the littlest people we support through their educational journey. Please click on the link below to learn what Hygenia loves about her job and why she’s devoted more than two decades of her life to St Paul’s. Thank you so much to all the teachers and educators out there for everything you do! #teachersday #brightfuture #thankteachers AITSL
02.01.2022 Today marks the last day of Malnutrition Week ANZ. Please remember to watch for the signs of malnutrition in yourself, or someone you care about. Hopefully we can all help prevent this condition occurring for some of the most vulnerable people in our community. #malnutritionweekANZ #nutrition #malnutrition #gooddiet #protein #highenergy #nutritionawareness #disability #agedcare #alliedhealth #dietition
01.01.2022 November 2 is All Souls’ Day an important holy date set aside for honouring the deceased. Honouring loved ones and friends who’ve passed away during this pandemic has been heartbreakingly difficult for many. Restrictions on funerals have meant some people have missed out on saying goodbye, and worshippers have missed the ability to attend services at their respective faith communities. With this in mind, our Pastoral Care teams have worked incredibly hard to ensure our aged care communities are able to stay connected to their faith and have found innovative ways for residents, loved ones and staff members to remember and honour loved ones passed. #Allsoulsday2020 #AllSoulsDay #pastoralcare #catholicfaith Catholic Social Services Victoria
01.01.2022 I am honoured to work with the beautiful, loving souls who volunteer for VMCH. Anita Ross, Lifestyle Coordinator at our Berwick Aged Care Residence, is humbled by her role as a VMCH Volunteer Supervisor. She's pictured here, surrounded by aged care residents with messages for our volunteers. Today is International Volunteer Manager’s Day (IVMD)! Here at VMCH, these lovely people are known as Volunteer Supervisors and provide leadership and support to our fantastic volunteer...s across our aged care residences, disability services and op shops. The 2020 theme for IVMD is What’s Next? touching on the fact that COVID has created many challenges, lessons and opportunities for all those involved in the volunteering sector. With many face-to-face volunteer roles suspended over the past few months, our Volunteer Supervisors like Anita have worked hard to ensure volunteers have felt supported, connected and engaged. I am in awe of their enthusiasm, their selflessness, their energy and their ability to connect so totally and genuinely with everyone here at Berwick, Anita said. I think of them and miss them every day, and look forward to seeing them back here as soon as they can return safely. Thank you to Anita and all of our wonderful Volunteer Supervisors. You do such a fantastic job of embracing, mentoring and coordinating our volunteers, so they can continue in their vital role. #IVMD20 #volunteersupervisors #volunteermanagers #volunteering #vmchvolunteers
01.01.2022 School’s back! Good luck to all of our wonderful St Paul’s College students and our hardworking teachers and school staff on their first day back today. It’s fantastic to see the return of face-to-face learning, particularly for parents and carers who can now hang up their homeschooling hats and take a well-deserved break! We hope to bring you some happy snaps of students reacquainting themselves with the classroom this week #stpaulscollege #returntoschool #schoolsback #nomoreremotelearning
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