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VMK Naturopath in Margate, Queensland | Nutritionist

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VMK Naturopath

Locality: Margate, Queensland

Phone: +61 417 790 217

Address: Mabel street 4019 Margate, QLD, Australia


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25.01.2022 Second Nature Organics so close to home

25.01.2022 Iridology featured in Healthy Magazine in the UK! We loved this quote, "Iridology cannot be understood in terms of orthodox medicine, in which you are either clinically ill (test positive) or not (test negative). Iridology reveals the dynamics of disharmony, not the named pathology." A combination of iridology / Sclerolgy and functional pathology testing can reveal so much more then you ever expected and lead you to really find the cause and underlying drivers of your problem.

24.01.2022 The twins power up blue and green are both in stock now

24.01.2022 A comment from my colleague and friend,where I could not resist to share

23.01.2022 Season greetings from Vmk Naturpath Please note we are closing for a Christmas break from the 19th of December till the 4th of January If you like to make a booking prior Christmas please call soon I hate to disappoint you If you want to stock up on your supplements please place your order before the 12 of December Wishing you all a merry Christmas season ... And don’t forget we do have gift vouchers for your loved ones - well being consultation could be a great Christmas gift See more

23.01.2022 Is it coming from your gut ? Research shows the microbial balance is impacting on your Neuro transmitters - certain gut bacteria are related to Neuro toxicity - Not sure ? We can authorise testing for you

23.01.2022 Candida - yeast infection - Mould - and fungal infection can run parallel with many other diseases So often the symptoms are treated but the cause like mould ,fungus ,yeast - a biofilm continues and causes fatigue symptoms - mood disorders - skin problems - gut issues - hormonal problems and many more Here at VMK Naturpath we can test you with the help of independent laboratories and show you what you can do , to improve your overall health

23.01.2022 Just what I needed right now Power uP Vegan with a mixture of frozen Berries1 tsp organic flaxseed oil ( stony creek ) and half a glass of purified water and half a Glas Bon Soy milk Cheers

22.01.2022 Do you Love to have a health chat?

21.01.2022 Thank you Dr Mehlmauer for your contribution to help people to see the bigger picture when it comes to health. I am forever thankful for your mentoring.

21.01.2022 That leaves you, the consumer, with only one option. For the sake of your health, the environment, and animal welfare, you should minimize your dependence on co...nventionally raised poultry. Its not always easy. Youll have to make a special effort and, in some cases, pay a little extra if you want to eat chicken that is as natural and as wholesome as the birds our great-grandmothers consumed. When it comes to poultry, I recommend eating: - Organic or pasture-raised whole chicken, turkey or duck - Pasture-raised, organic, or omega-3 whole eggs. See more

20.01.2022 Potential Root causes for low Testosterone level can be : Hypothyroidism Traumatic brain injuries ( Soccer / boxing ) Zinc deficiency ( from gut issues/ malabsorption) Regular alcohol ... Obesity Sleep deprivation and Stress Medication ( steroids /opioids ) all this will be covered in our Initial consultation See more

20.01.2022 I would change the recipe a bit instead of cheddar use Mozzarella instead of milk I prefer Bondi but I gues rice milk or oats milk would be ok too - I may give it a go sounds yummy

20.01.2022 Some wisdom for the day. xx

20.01.2022 On wings... On wings we soar...we fly..we Expand And we move on...we get to a point.. The point has so many possiblities That we toss them up..and ask..ok..if... Not these..then what...ready and able To take flight..of a different heading Perhaps the same..but more specific More In tune with your being ... allowing You another do your dance .. Your be the eyes..of the be the one that sees.. That accepts...wisdom..and grace. . There...are Live...and it seems That if something is stopping you.. And you can remember...before this Habit started..what you would do . Before it would not care.. if another Saw.. . heard... Or....tried to distract You....your focus .would be. single Eyed...the other things...would matter ...not...for then. In that moment.. We could as a in The computer... That could defrag And the computer..would work much Better..faster... to for Us...when we find a gliche..hey..I I use to deal with The world...yes..let's.defrag.....and Immediately let...all photons...fill up That vaccum Ahh..soaring is so much Easier...dreaming is so much more Open...let us on our own wings... Lift them and soar...with our warrior Being..and Celebrate...we can always Rise..and soar...seeing far beyond... What our possible range... To a live without Their will.. To choose.our next...move.. Blessings Robin Neeley See more

20.01.2022 Gift vouchers for Christmas are still available until Monday 21. Dec. You call and pay and we can send it digital and personalized to your email address. Initial consultation vouchers Iridology vouchers Back treatment voucher ... You ask we serve See more

19.01.2022 A lot of people can go on the same diet but do get different results. As you can see on the picture below, our genetics determine what is right for us. It is exciting for me to announce that with the power of your own Nutrigenomic report, we at VMK Naturopath, can now find out and personalise the interventions to help you to achieve your best weight and wellbeing and prevent that you go down the same pathway as your ancestors. Everytime we come to the dinner table we not bring our appetite but also bring our genes. Our genes are like a " dimmer switch " we can essentially dial them up or down; those genes that control the body functions by making appropriate nutrition and exercise choices. Most likely you have experienced in the past that certain things don't feel right for you, but you never listen to that - you believed what the media or other friends are telling you about their diet. But now as you can test your genes you can find out for sure what your body really needs. Find out what your genes respond to and you will be a winner not only in 2021 but for the rest of your life, if you commit to it. See more

19.01.2022 In my naturpatic consultation we focus on long-term health and prevention, though I can also help with acute and chronic conditions. I can work with you to address a wide range of conditions including gastrointestinal issues, stress and nervous tension, sleeplessness, fertility problems, headaches, joint health, and skin conditions and functional testing for scientific based evidence Contact me today for a 15 min free discovery consultation on the phone

18.01.2022 Another great video on skin problems and what we can see in the eyes and sclera

18.01.2022 Yes we treat Hay fever and help you to regulate your immune system . My understanding is look at the underlaying causes after we settled the symptoms. Causes can come from food sensitives Yeast infections Mould comprised gut bacteria - longterm stress and toxins accumulated Why not talk to me ?

18.01.2022 Hormone health is a vital part of your wellbeing. Here at VMK we make sure your hormones pathways are going in the right direction - guessing is out of question- scientific integrated testing is my first choice when it comes to Hormon health

18.01.2022 Male hormone testing is becoming more popular . Why? You may have a normal serum total Testosterone but have you tested your free flowing Testosterone and all the Androgen pathways ? What are the signs of low levels ? * Belly Fat * Bone Loss * Low Energy... * Low Sex Drive * Low Muscle Mass * Mood issues - brain fog * Enlarged male breast Tissue ( Gynecomastia) * Erectile dysfunction What do you need to do ? Make an appointment . We can authorize your test - and give you the results and recommendations. No more blood drawing this can be done from your home from collecting a simple urine sample and then send to the lab. See more

17.01.2022 What a great tool and no electricity needed

17.01.2022 From me to You - a recipe for the weekend. Looks delicious. It does not have to be meat all the time. Falafel is a great source of Protein combined with all the greens and ingredients it is really yummy. Enjoy.

17.01.2022 Pain relief in Arthritis through natural methods. Devil's claw is a ‘celebrity’ among arthritis natural remedies being approved by German Commission E for the treatment of degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It is one of the most highly commercialised indigenous traditional medicines from Africa, with bulk exports mainly to Europe. It is commonly used for general body aches, especially muscle and joint aches and pains in the elderly. The hunter-gatherer San people of Botswana, among the oldest cultures on earth, say most aged people use it for painful muscles and joints, taking it daily on a long-term basis. It’s important that you use a quality product without fillers and additives - contact your herbalist the only qualified person who knows how to despense and advice . Fight chronic inflammation.

16.01.2022 Vitamin D and more research

16.01.2022 Todays health and Beauty Drink - you wont be disappointed it taste fantastic and is ready in less then 3 min Today I took : 1 scoop of Power UP Vegan 1 scoop of Natural marine collagen peptides 1 cup of mixed Berries ( anti oxidants) ... Half a glass water Half a glass Bon soy soy milk organic 1 tsp of Stoney Creek Flaxseed oil See more

16.01.2022 The greatest gift! Take good care of yourselves this holiday season.

15.01.2022 Did you know: woman with PCOS have four time the risk of Diabetes . Can you do something about PCOS - absolutely - get in touch with me and I am more than happy to teach and help you to change to get your hormone regulated with no artificial means.

15.01.2022 You want to find out why your health is not the best ? We have options to help you finding out Functional pathology testing via your urine / swap test or iridology combined with Sclerolgy and biochemistry knowledge . You will be amazed what and why you can change . Treating symptoms is not finding a cure - You can get what you want - but you need to do the first step . Here at VMk Naturpath Margate -we are ready to support you with your health and problems ... Mood disorders / Gut problems /Hormone Imbalance / Intolerance /skin health / Muskular & Skeletal problems . See more

14.01.2022 Having your hormones in balance is so major important to your overall health . I am not talking here artificially manipulate these - no this is not the same . - looking for a blocked pathway and correct it that is my favourite way to treat . The picture below is just one sample of one good hormone . ( again I like to make sure I am not talking here synthetic hormones nor bio identical hormones - I mean natural intrinsic hormones -your own produced hormones )

14.01.2022 Are you trying to find out what could be helpful to find and treat in a case of gastrointestinal disorders or chronic fatigue - many more listed below # Vmk Naturpath #integrativehealth

13.01.2022 Hormones play a massive role within your health - Testing more then just 3 hormones - testing the entire pathway - can give you so much insight what has gone wrong - here at VMK Naturopath we partner up with private integrated laboratories and the results are outstanding - PMS - POCS- Endometrioses- Fertility Male and female - Menopause - weight problems - thyroid issues

13.01.2022 Taste testing for the new reformulated Power up Athlete has passed with 5 stars plus I cant believe how good it taste with just a few tweaks . Added enzymes and probiotic sprouted quinoa and whey concentrate plus my secret formula - I am looking forward to launch the new face of power Up Athlete in about 3 weeks So keep your eyes open if you are an Athlete - hard working man/ woman- a Marathon Runner or just want a bl oomen good protein powder - cheers

13.01.2022 Power Up Athlete - our designer product to help with the most sensitive gut to gain Energy with natural ingredients but also support muscle / gut / absorption with superior nutrients like no other #qualitynutrition #athlete

12.01.2022 Migraines is ranked as the 7th most disabling condition finding the cause and make changes to the Nutrigenomics can be a life saver. If you want more information what we can do about it please dont hesitate to call me.

12.01.2022 Sclerology is a means of using the various marking and colourings in the whites of the eyes to help and determine a person's health circumstance towards supporting them and help in understanding them, of how they got to were they are; And how to improve their situation and encouraging and motivating them to practise a higher way of life that essential frees them of chronic degenerative disease.

11.01.2022 Tired all the time? Get the oxygen back into the cells with sufficient Iron. Fatigue is a common complaint that may arise from stress, infections, inflammation, hormonal imbalance, methylation defects and the list goes on.... The red blood cell (RBC) in the blood turn over every 120 days and account for up to 45% of blood volume. RBCs are abundant in haemoglobin, the red colour in blood containing the iron-rich molecule haem which cart oxygen to tissues for cellular respiration. Iron is an Important Team Player Iron does not work alone; iron needs vitamin B12, vitamin B6 and folic acid to produce red blood cell and catalyse all sorts of reactions which produce neurotransmitters. Another team player in the iron and energy game is vitamin C, which increases the absorption of Iron. Iron come to the rescue in the ageing process Iron has been shown in Neuroscience News to be an important key to slowing the ageing process. Blood iron is affected by diet and abnormally high or low levels are linked to age-related conditions such as Parkinsons disease, liver disease and a decline in the bodys ability to fight infection in older age. The Dark Side of Iron Whilst most of us may be deficient in iron, some may become toxic with iron. Iron deficiency is typical in vegans, vegetarians, pregnant women or the aged. A small group of the population may have a genetic defect, a condition called hemochromatosis. This is why its really important to keep a tab on your iron studies with a simple blood test. Scared on a blood draw? Now you can measure your iron levels with a finger prick test.

11.01.2022 Pain relief in Arthritis through natural methods. Devils claw is a celebrity among arthritis natural remedies being approved by German Commission E for the treatment of degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It is one of the most highly commercialised indigenous traditional medicines from Africa, with bulk exports mainly to Europe. It is commonly used for general body aches, especially muscle and joint aches and pains in the elderly. The hunter-gatherer San people of Botswana, among the oldest cultures on earth, say most aged people use it for painful muscles and joints, taking it daily on a long-term basis. Its important that you use a quality product without fillers and additives - contact your herbalist the only qualified person who knows how to despense and advice . Fight chronic inflammation.

10.01.2022 The genes of your brother can be different to yours - or vise versa and have impact how you express and react - but after all they also can be activated by natural transporters. complicated but fascinating.

10.01.2022 why would you need more good bacteria in your gut ? Antibiotic use : Kills good bacteria with the digestive tract. Reflux medication : Interferes with stomach acidity , which is the first line of defence against gut infections , therefore allowing the growth of bad bacteria .........

09.01.2022 In times like this we all appreciate good Health and stamina . There are so many things you can do to stay stronger and feel better if you just would know where to start . Treating symptoms is not the answer and does not make things go away it cost you also not only more energy but can have quit a dremendous impact on your job or your family . I love what I do and I am very passionate finding the right pathway - prescription - plan - diet and lifestyle change for you . As the old saying says, If you change the way you look at things - the things will change - and this is my job helping you to look at things may be from a different angle and you will be surprised what you - YOU - can do . Empowering your own capacities. Love to have a chat with me ? Feel free to call - I am happy to give you 15 min of my time for free

08.01.2022 The sclera markers of the eyes revealed - see pictures below : When a client makes positive changes the markers in the sclera start to faint and go lighter. Below pictures show you the difference in 4 weeks. But not only the density of the markers in the sclera changed, the client was happy too and felt the difference in health.

08.01.2022 Herbal Highlights from our Dispensary. The herb of the month. Eyebright ( Euphrasia officinalis ) A herb we use a lot during the winter month in our Tonics. Eyebright is an anticatarrhal herb for the upper respiratory tract particularly where there is profuse watery flow and the nose keeps dripping. It is a herb useful for tonsillitis, sore throat, sinusitis, hayfever, chronic sneezing middle ear problems and the catarrhal phase that occurs during and after measles. Ski...n aging is a complex process with one of the major contributing factors being solar ultraviolet ( UV) radiation which is divided into three categories : UVA, UVB and UVC . UVA and UVB can penetrate the Earths atmosphere and cause sunburn, photoaging and some forms of skin cancer in humans. Cumulative exposure to UVB evokes photoaging, which is manifested by the formation of deep wrinkles, pigmentation and dry skin. A recent in vitro study strongly suggests that eyebright ethanol extract could reduce UVB-induced photoaging by alleviating oxidative stress, proinflammatory activity and cell death. written by Christine Thomas, Herbalist and Technical Writer, July 2020. See more

06.01.2022 You literally can feel the peace

06.01.2022 Your iris ( eyes ) shows if you belong to a category of people who are highly sensitive. This also could mean you got enormous gifts and my question then is , are you using them to our advantage ? You can turn things around knowing your strength but also your weakness.

05.01.2022 That’s a good way of looking at life and happiness

04.01.2022 clinical Naturoath with 3o years experience

04.01.2022 This may be the best tune Ive heard to cheer up your day ! Turn up the volume and enjoy!!

03.01.2022 We came onto this earth with the birthright of good health . So what are we doing with it ? I share with you some of my favourite quotes: Work like you dont need money Love like you never been hurt Dance like no one is watching ... And then Einstein one of my favourite German philosophist and scientist : "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. So what are you doing to improve your health status ? Waiting that one day you got the money to work on it - waiting that you have more time to look at it Or do you take action? Change the things you can ? - change the way to look at things ? In gratitude for my determination to never give up

03.01.2022 I love Antipodes as my daily skincare

03.01.2022 Hormones are like a symphony . Each player is important but its never a good music because of one player. It is the interplay of All - the harmony of All Here at Vmk Naturpath we love to get you right. With the support of independent laboratories we Test and support you all the way so your health restores at its best level

02.01.2022 Dopamine is a highly need in ADHD to help with overactivity and bloodsugar drops. I found a great recipe here for you. But it is not only for ADHD it is a very healthy meal we all should eat more off.

02.01.2022 Celebrate good health - what are you waiting for

01.01.2022 Many people suffer from chronic gut problems and in some cases it improved but later it reoccurred other cases they get additional problems like depression . Many neuro science studies are confirming the impact of the gut microbiota on brain and behaviour in children and adults We now can scientific test via your urine how it impacts you and what needs to get done to allow you to move forward

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