Valley Of Praise Retirement Village | Community
Valley Of Praise Retirement Village
Phone: +61 400 373 676
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25.01.2022 To all families, please see the following information being sent out today to residents in response to the current and updated COVID-19 situation. RE: COVID-19 Restrictions Dear Residents,... It is good news that the COVID-19 restrictions in South Australia are beginning to ease. Based on information from SA Health we need to determine how we implement this in response to our unique circumstances within our Retirement Village. At this current stage the board of management of the Valley of Praise Retirement Village have decided to maintain our current situation for now. A review will be done at the beginning of June to determine how we proceed in getting the village back operating as previous to COVID19. We thank you for your understanding and patience. Rest assured that your health and wellbeing is of most importance to us at this time. Remember: Gatherings should be 10 or less people at any time Keep 1.5 metres distance from others If you have cold or flu symptoms, seek testing and stay home until you are well Wash your hands often Residents are in the vulnerable category Family may visit, firstly ensure family members are in good health before they visit If any of you have any concerns please do not hesitate to give myself a call on 0400 373 676. Kindest regards, Rosslyn May Secretary Valley of Praise Retirement Village
23.01.2022 Happy Mother’s Day to all our Beautiful MumsHappy Mother’s Day to all our Beautiful Mums
23.01.2022 Yep, we're still having fun and won't let COVID-19 beat us!!!
23.01.2022 **Notice to families of current Residents:** To all families, On Friday, we placed some information for each Resident in their letter box regarding the current Coronavirus (COVID-19) disease. As their health and safety is our priority, this was given to them so they know when to seek help if they become ill and what they need to know about the virus. Please note that this was not to make them feel in anyway alarmed, but to ensure they are doing all they can to steer clear f...rom any unwanted germs. If you have a family member that is a Resident, please make it known to us if they become unwell in anyway. This way we know who may need to be monitored for further symptoms and/or treatment. Attached is the letter that was sent out to each Resident, and below is the link to the document that we attached to the letter. If you or any other members of your family have any further concerns, please do contact us. Thankyou.
22.01.2022 Unfortunately due to the current outbreak of the coronavirus here in South Australia, the board of management together with members of the Residents Committee of the Valley of Praise Retirement Village have decided to close the Resident Centre for 2 weeks, we thank you for your understanding. Remember to wash your hands regularly, please stay home if you are unwell. Take care everyone
22.01.2022 Guess what everyone??? WE MADE THE NEWS!
22.01.2022 You don't stop having fun when you grow old, you grow old when you stop having fun... Here we are definately not growing old!!!!
21.01.2022 Due to the feedback we have received, the VPRV website has now been updated. These changes will make it easier for families of residents to keep up with what activities are on and when, helping to remind them of the wonderful activities they have the opportunity to participate in. Below is a sneak peak of the new changes. Check out the website in full here:
21.01.2022 UPDATE SENT TO RESIDENTS TODAY 22/05/2020: Dear Resident/s As you are aware COVID-19 restrictions are easing. We are proposing to re-open the Resident Centre with restrictions on Monday 15th June 2020. The swimming pool and spa will re-open on Monday 22nd June 2020 all being well.... Stay tuned for further updates. Keep smiling and stay well. Kind regards, Rosslyn May On behalf of the Board of Management for the Valley of Praise Retirement Village
20.01.2022 Covid19 Update and Restrictions... Letter sent out to our Beautiful Residents today :-) It is good news that the COVID-19 restrictions in South Australia are beginning to ease even more. Based on information received from SA Health we will implement the following changes. Your Resident Centre main hall area will reopen on Monday the 15th June 2020. The Swimming Pool, Spa and Gym for remain closed until further notice. Gatherings are limited to 20 residents only (Sorry no o...utside visitors allowed in the Resident Centre currently). The following COVID-Safe plan must be adhered to when using the Resident Centre: On entry to the Resident Centre it is mandatory that you sign in, there has been a sign in book placed at the front door. Please enter the date, your name, the activity you are there for and the time you enter. The Kitchen will remain closed as there is to be no communal food. You are able to bring your own food and drink but it is not to be shared. Physical distancing - Keep 1.5 metres from others wherever possible Please use the Hand Sanitizer that has been provided regularly. We thank for your co-operation with the above. Please rest assured that we are attempting to do our very best for all our residents. Stay well everyone
19.01.2022 One of our units with a new kitchen, laundry bench and carpet all ready for its new owners! Welcome to VPRV
18.01.2022 Happy Friday everybody!! Make sure you head to Lobethal Lutheran School and see Bec & Cosi live between 7am - 9am TODAY!!!
18.01.2022 Thankyou Rudy for making all our faces smile this morning!!
18.01.2022 We know many people are tired and frustrated at the restrictions around us at the moment ... We want to remind you that these are slowly beginning to ease and to remember life is a privilege many don't get to enjoy so lets make the most of what we can!
17.01.2022 Happy Friday!! We have just sold the last available 2 bedroom unit! We are so grateful to have a village full of beautiful residents and all the ongoing support from both residents and the community! Thankyou!
17.01.2022 Ready for the concrete pour ... watch this space
17.01.2022 Very important for a community like ours! Today and everyday
17.01.2022 What a fabulous morning!!
16.01.2022 Our gardens are thriving after the much needed rain last weekend and sunshine this week! Check them out, they are amazing!!
15.01.2022 Awesome turn out this morning for 'Shrove Tuesday'. Pancakes and Bowls, filled with smilling faces, laughter and of course a few competitive Residents! Thankyou to all involved.
14.01.2022 Rain, Hail or Shine.... WORKS TO THE NEXT 2 UNITS HAVE BEGUN!!!
14.01.2022 Dear Residents, On behalf of the Board of Management we wish to thank you all for your co-operation and for understanding of the importance of isolation in these trying times with COVID-19. You are all doing a tremendous job! We strongly feel that for the continued safety of all of our Residents that the restrictions must continue for now. ... You can be assured that we are continually monitoring the situation and doing our best to keep you all informed. Your patience and understanding is greatly appreciated. Note to Families: We would like to remind you that the 2 person rule does not apply to SA. However, if you wish to see your family member/s in the village, you can do so, so long as you follow social distancing laws of 1.5m and you only do so if you are well and healthy and have not been anywhere that could put you or anyone else at risk of the virus. We strongly encourage you to keep in contact with family members as often as possible to keep them smiling, as many would be missing their weekly catch ups and activities with friends and families. Again, thank you. Yours sincerely, Ros May Secretary Valley of Praise Retirement Village
14.01.2022 And the construction work continues... We are loving the roof colour, what do you think?
14.01.2022 Only the best! Thankful everyday for our beautiful garden area!
13.01.2022 For anyone interested, Emma & Ivy have a new delicious takeaway menu. Get your orders in by Saturday for collection next Wednesday!! YUM!!!
13.01.2022 Whats on in the Resident Centre this month? (July) Please see the activities for the month below - Other updates on our VPRV website: *A friendly reminder that these activities are for RESIDENTS ONLY*... IMPORTANT NOTE FOR FAMILIES: Terry would like to remind residents that there are telephone/email scams going around. A reminder to never give ANY bank details over the phone or on your computers/mobile phones etc. Families please remind your loved ones in the village of this as they can be vulnerable to hackers.
12.01.2022 Below is the latest COVID-19 update Residents received this week, any questions please don't hesitate to contact us. 1st July 2020 To our dear Residents, ... We have some good news for you all RE: COVID-19! From Monday 29 June, restrictions are being eased in South Australia with the introduction of a 1 person per 2 square metres density rule. All South Australians need to play their part to keep South Australia COVID safe: If you have COVID-19 symptoms, even if mild, get tested. Wash/sanitise your hands regularly. Avoid close contact with others. Wipe down frequently touched surfaces. Does the 1.5 metre rule still apply? Yes. We strongly encourage people and businesses to practice physical distancing of 1.5 metres wherever and whenever possible. As per SA Health’s roadmap to recovery; the following changes will be made throughout the Valley of Praise Retirement Village: Swimming Pool/Spa: As of Monday 6th July 2020, we will be reopening our swimming pool. Please be aware once we reopen the pool there will be a strict 6 persons maximum swimming at any one time. You must also please use the shower before swimming as normal. (The spa will remain closed for maintenance; we will advise when this will reopen later). Please sign into the Resident Centre on arrival. Resident Centre Bar: From Monday 6th July, drinking at bars has been approved to resume. Therefore; our ‘happy hour’ is safe to go ahead providing 1.5M social distance is in place. Please sign into the Resident Centre on arrival. Food/beverages during recreational activities (Table tennis/Bowls etc): As of the 6th July you can enjoy a coffee and shared plate while undertaking these activities. (Please note the kitchen is to remain closed). Remember the 1 person per 2 square metres rule applies. Please sign into the Resident Centre on arrival. Gym/Fitness Class: From 6th July, Indoor fitness classes will be subject to the 1 person per 2 square metre rule and must maintain contact tracing records. Our gym has also reopened effective Monday 6th July, however, please do not exceed 4 persons in the gym at any one time. Please sign into the Resident Centre on arrival. Theatre Room: Effective July 6th the theatre will be reopened for 8 people maximum. Please keep the 1.5m distance. Please sign into the Resident Centre on arrival. Although these changes will be effective as above, we remind you to keep your social distance of 1.5M from others and follow the 1 person per 2 square metre rules (recently changed from 4m). Please be aware the opening of the above activities does not mean you have to participate or use the facilities if you are not comfortable. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask either Terry or myself. Kindest regards, Ros May.
12.01.2022 Our Residents have made the sun shine when the world is so dark and gloomy at the moment... This is why we love our Residents, not even the closure of their Resident Centre and weekly activities can stop them smiling. We love it here
12.01.2022 Easter is the time to rejoice and be thankful for the gift of life, love and joy. Have a Blessed Easter!
12.01.2022 Early start this morning...Boys are doing a great job
10.01.2022 The Valley of Praise Retirement Village wishes everyone a safe and happy Australia Day long weekend! #aussieaussieaussie
08.01.2022 To EACH AND EVERY one of our Residents... WE ARE THINKING OF YOU! We know the weather is gloomy outside and you are all limited on what you can and can't do. But this is a reminder that we are thinking of you all daily, and hope you all find many reasons to keep smiling! From us to you, stay safe x
08.01.2022 We are so lucky to live here in Lobethal!! We have the most beautiful town to walk around in and look at all the benefits! We encourage everyone to get outdoors and enjoy this gorgeous sunshine! Have a great weekend all!!
07.01.2022 Following yesterdays posts in regards to COVID-19: A decision has been made this morning to close the Resident Centre and cancel all activities in the centre until further notice. We understand majority of the Residents will be disappointed by this and means they will miss out on their monthly activities, however, the health and safety of all Residents is a high priority. By closing the Resident Centre until further notice it will reduce the risk of close contact with a large... group of people, bowling bowls and other equipment being handled by multiple people sharing any unwanted germs etc. We ask Residents to be vigilant at this time, and apologise for the inconvenience it will cause. We also ask that visitors into the Village are kept to a minimum and that you only visit your family members in the village if you are confident that you answer no to ALL following questions: - Have you and/or your family or anyone you know returned from overseas travel within the last 2 weeks? - Have you and/or your family or anyone you know been in close contact with a person confirmed as having the COVID -19 Coronavirus? - Are you and/or your family or anyone you know displaying symptoms?? People with Coronavirus may experience: fever, flu-like symptoms such as coughing, sore throat, fatigue and shortness of breath? If your answer is yes to any of these questions, we ask that you self-isolate for a minimum of 2 weeks and DO NOT ENTER THE VALLEY OF PRAISE RETIREMENT VILLAGE!!! Thankyou all, we hope you can understand and work with us at this time.
05.01.2022 Dear Families of Residents, In the below link is a letter we received yesterday from SA Health following COVID-19. For your information, a copy has been given to each of the residents in the Village to keep everyone updated. As stated in previous posts, we are doing all we can to keep our Residents safe and healthy. We thank them all for their co-operation and we will continue to keep everyone up to date. Thankyou....
03.01.2022 On the 29th of March 2020, Dementia Australia is hosting a fundraising 'Memory walk and jog' at Glenelg Beach. All proceeds go towards finding a cure for Dementia. Here at the Valley of Praise Retirement Village, we know how heartbreaking dementia can be for families.. SO WE HAVE REGISTERED A TEAM IN THIS YEARS EVENT! ... Click the link below and when you register, make sure you join as part of team 'Valley of Praise Retirement Village - Lobethal'. We would love to have our active residents, families of residents and members of our Lobethal community joining us for the walk. You can register for either a 3km walk, 6km walk or a 10km Jog. The cost to register is currently $34 for adults, $25 for children and over 60's, you can even bring your dog for $10 more. Please note: After what our community has been through with the recent bushfires, we are NOT asking for donations towards our team. We would just like anyone interested to join and walk with us. A fantastic opportunity to chat to those from our community and help raise awareness to Dementia. Our team is coordinated by Ros May and Teagan Plummer. If you would like help to register, please contact us on 0400 373 676 to discuss and we will assist you in the process. We look forward to seeing you there. For more info please see below:
02.01.2022 UNIT CONSTRUCTION UPDATE! The team of hard working trades have been extremely busy since our last update... The first 2 units (Unit 65&66) have now got majority of the cabinetry work completed, tiling in the laundry and bathroom has been done!!... The second 2 units (Unit 67&68) have now had the brickwork completed, carpentry works are 50% done which means we are only weeks away from the beginning of roofing! We look forward to the next update very soon!!! Stay tuned
01.01.2022 We will remember them..
01.01.2022 This weekend, RE: gathered, is happening in Lobethal. Our beautiful gardens will be open for the public to walk through and have a look at our wonderful village. All we ask is that you are respectful of our residents. See you there! For more info, please see event below , or visit
01.01.2022 90 TODAY!! We have another milestone birthday to celebrate in our village... A very happy 90TH birthday to Mr Cornish!! Enjoy the celebrations with your family! Congratulations!!
01.01.2022 A BIG HAPPY 96TH BIRTHDAY TO OUR DEAR NORMA! We are blessed to have to in our Village and we wish you all the best for your birthday. We hope you know how loved you are by all your fellow residents. Thankyou Kyra Plummer and the rest of the family for helping celebrate her very special day! Happy birthday!!!!
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