WACOSS in West Perth, Western Australia | Community organisation
Locality: West Perth, Western Australia
Phone: +61 8 6381 5300
Address: Level 2, 3 Loftus Street 6007 West Perth, WA, Australia
Website: http://www.wacoss.org.au
Likes: 4181
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25.01.2022 Join the online protest next week to #RaiseTheRateForGood
25.01.2022 Today is Wear it Purple Day! Now in its 10th year, this day celebrates and acknowledges LGBTQIA+ young people in our community. So if you haven't already, throw on something purple to show your support and solidarity! Youth Pride Network - YPN Minus18 Wear it Purple
25.01.2022 Its concerning what will happen when JobSeeker and JobKeeper is wound back.
25.01.2022 We must #RaisetheRateforGood
24.01.2022 Today marks the start of National Child Protection Week, Play Your Part. Children do best when life is on an even keel and their parents have the support they need. National Child Protection Week is all about celebrating the many ways big and small that everyone in the community can make a difference in the life of a child.... To get started, visit www.napcan.org.au, and:: Pledge your support (and add your logo to our website) Download posters and tip sheets Organise information sessions for your staff Run craft activities with children Engage your local community List your events or find events to attend (including online) Share social media #PlayYourPart #NCPW
24.01.2022 IT'S A CHILD'S RIGHT TO FEEL SAFE In Australia, there are high numbers reported of child abuse, poverty, obesity, trauma, suicide, youth unemployment, and chi...ldren that are not developmentally ready to start school. If we are to work towards improving the wellbeing of children in Australia, then we must take the time to inform children of their right to feel safe & be protected. By working together with children, and seeking their views about what makes them feel safe & unsafe, we can work towards Creating An Australia Where All Children Can Thrive. #Joinus - READ & SHARE our campaign and social media tiles to help us Create An Australia Where All Children Can Thrive! #valuingchildren http://valuingchildreninitiative.com.au/creating-an-austra/ Centrecare WACOSS The Children's Collective
23.01.2022 Are you looking for a change? We are looking for a Social Policy Officer (part-time, 0.8 FTE) to use their skills across a range of advocacy and policy work. Apply here: https://wacoss.org.au//join-our-team/social-policy-officer/
22.01.2022 New Australian Council of Social Service and UNSW Arts and Social Sciences report shows that even before the recession, the highest 20% of households had 6 times the income of the lowest 20%. Will COVID19 produce more inequality? A permanent, adequate rate of #JobSeeker, with no cuts in September, and jobs rich stimulus measures would stop the gap from growing. Read more: http://bit.ly/Inequality2020Overview
20.01.2022 These are cruel and callous words to describe the victims of #Robodebt - especially given the debts were not legally enforceable in the first place.
20.01.2022 The Australia Institute Briefing Paper shows that the community sector will likely lose 12,000 jobs, if the Federal Government fails to commit to renewing federal funding for community organisations. If the bunt of the funding cut is through effective wage reductions (through a range of channels - see the paper for more detail) then it will reduce annual incomes for federally-funded community service workers by as much as $15,000 for full-time staff. #SaveEqualPay
19.01.2022 "JobKeeper is not enough in our major cities to survive on."
19.01.2022 Its a heartless decision by the government and it doesnt recognise the fact that mutual obligations dont work, they have a track record of extending the average period of time that people are stuck living on a poverty payment." - Australian Unemployed Workers' Union
19.01.2022 "The card means I can’t do normal things. I can’t go to the football club or to the yacht club. In July I went to the pub for my birthday to have dinner with some friends. When I went to pay for my meal I couldn’t, because of the card."
19.01.2022 MEDIA RELEASE: Real Estate Lobby Out of Touch with Reality The Western Australian Council of Social Service has today condemned the new campaign by the Real Estate Institute of WA against the COVID-19 tenancy laws. To end the emergency residential tenancy laws now would be to place many renters, vulnerable families and their children at risk of becoming homeless, said Louise Giolitto, Chief Executive Officer.... Read more: https://wacoss.org.au/news/real-estate-lobby-touch-reality/
18.01.2022 People receiving a Disability Support Pension or Carers Payment were ineligible for the Coronavirus Supplement, and it is pushing families to breaking point. This increase in expenses for grocery delivery fees, increase in purchasing home delivery meals and loss of income is now putting us into considerable debt that I cannot afford to repay."
18.01.2022 "The cashless debit card has had no substantive impact on crime, gambling and drug and alcohol abuse in one of the trial sites the government wants to make permanent, according to a new study."
16.01.2022 If we are in this together, the Federal Government needs to adequately fund community service organisations in line with the ERO so that people in our communities do not miss out on crucial services.
16.01.2022 The first #JusticeReinvestment site in Western Australia, Olabud Doogethu ("Everyone Together" in Kriol) in Halls Creek, has cut crime by nearly 60% this past y...ear! Since Olabud Doogethu launched in August 2019, Halls Creek has seen: 58% burglaries 35% incidents in stolen motor vehicles 28% in stealing offences Through the "Youth Engagement Night Officer" strategy, community members have engaged with at-risk children roaming the streets at night and helped identify the support they need. Read the full story from The Kimberley Echo!
16.01.2022 The Equal Remuneration Order was a decision in 2012 awarded due to the community sector's mostly female workforce, and accommodated wage rises of 19 to 41 per cent, phased in over eight years, in recognition that their work had been undervalued because of their gender. However, this is in jeopardy, as the Federal Government has not committed to funding services to include the ERO in their funding agreements. The sector is facing a crisis - cut programs, services, or worse, staff.
16.01.2022 ITS A CHILDS RIGHT TO FEEL SAFE In Australia, there are high numbers reported of child abuse, poverty, obesity, trauma, suicide, youth unemployment, and chi...ldren that are not developmentally ready to start school. If we are to work towards improving the wellbeing of children in Australia, then we must take the time to inform children of their right to feel safe & be protected. By working together with children, and seeking their views about what makes them feel safe & unsafe, we can work towards Creating An Australia Where All Children Can Thrive. #Joinus - READ & SHARE our campaign and social media tiles to help us Create An Australia Where All Children Can Thrive! #valuingchildren http://valuingchildreninitiative.com.au/creating-an-austra/ Centrecare WACOSS The Childrens Collective
16.01.2022 Today marks Transgender Day of Remembrance, a national day that honours the memory of the transgender people whose lives were lost in acts of anti-transgender violence. Join TransFolk of WA from 5:30pm today at the AIDS Memorial in North Perth, for an event that will bring the community together and honour those lost.
15.01.2022 Power imbalances between renters and landlords made negotiations for rent reductions largely fruitless, and many rent reductions were deferrals, so many tenants have been building debts they won't be able to repay. With the moratorium on evictions coming to an end this month landlords will soon be able to evict tenants who can't pay.
15.01.2022 We are absolutely dismayed at the Federal Government's announcement today that #JobSeeker will be cut at the end of the year. These cuts are cruel and calculated. We are rebuilding from one of the largest health and economic crises this country has ever faced, but the Federal Government is turning its back on people who are doing it tough, and leave them behind in the nation’s recovery." ... Full statement: https://wacoss.org.au//cutting-jobseeker-christmas-calcul/ #RaisetheRateforGood #AboveTheLine Australian Council of Social Service
14.01.2022 Hundreds of ASU members and frontline workers have just met to plan how we are going to Save Equal Pay. These workers have helped carry Australia through the CO...VID-19 pandemic, supporting the most vulnerable people in our communities while their services have been in more demand than ever. Social and community services workers deserve to be valued and respected, not have their wages, jobs & services cut. We have fought for and won equal pay before and we will do it again. Join the campaign: saveequalpay.com
14.01.2022 #BREAKING: The ACT Government has announced to support raising the age of criminal responsibility from 10 to 14 years old. The ACT is the first jurisdiction in ...Australia to agree to bring its laws in accordance to United Nations standards. Last month, the Council of Attorneys-General voted to postpone a decision on raising the age from 10 to 14 until 2021. #JusticeReinvestment
14.01.2022 Thank you to Fair Agenda for creating this quick and easy tool for WA residents to contact their local Member(s) of the Legislative Council (Upper House). It o...nly takes a minute to send a very important email to let your MLC know that you support the safe access zone bill and that you hope they will, too. Just enter your postcode to find your local representative, fill in the subject line and enter your details. Then you’re ready to hit ‘send my email’ to help ensure this important bill becomes legislation by passing the Upper House. Thank you for your support! Click here https://fair-agenda.good.do/wa_safeaccesszones/email/ (Images attached to show steps to sending your email)
13.01.2022 Today is the National Day of Action to #RaisetheRateforGood. We must not turn people back to $40 per day. The #CoronavirusSupplement has lifted people out of poverty and #AboveTheLine - enabling them to afford to eat properly and not skip meals, pay bills, and purchase medications. Increasing #JobSeeker has literally been lifesaving.
13.01.2022 For the first time in years I can pay all the bills and buy food, I have NO overdue notices. I have been able to do some maintenance to my extremely run down car. Ive been able to buy myself and children new shoes. Message from J
12.01.2022 Isolation is challenging enough for young people living at home with the love and support of their family. For those experiencing or at risk of homelessness the situation can be significantly more challenging. During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in WA, Jeanette Milevski (pictured),Mission Australias Youth Accommodation Support Service Program Manager, said that when restrictions were put in place, her team needed to make creative changes to the way they delivered serv...ices. As the Program Manager for Mission Australias Youth Accommodation Support Service (YASS) we support young people living in Perth who are homeless or at risk of homelessness and supply them with short term crisis accommodation. Our main priority was to maintain a structured environment and routine for young people during isolation, especially since a lot of them were completing Year 12 school work from home. Our team created weekly educational workshops on COVID-19, mental health and independent living as well as creating a recreational day planner which included games, arts and crafts that would allow for our young people to connect whilst maintaining social distancing within the household. I was also having weekly meetings with the young people to keep them informed on the COVID-19 situation and to get their input with the changes. Thankfully, we have had a really positive response from our young people during this time and they have really adapted to the changes and been really engaged in the house activities. For more information on Mission Australias Youth Accommodation Support Service, please visit www.missionaustralia.com.au The community services sector responded to COVID-19 in an exceptional way - pivoting to a different version of service delivery that met the needs of thousands of Western Australians. Jeanette's experience is one of many #StoriesFromTheCommunitySector in WA. #CommunityServices #SectorStrong #CommunitySectorWorkersAreEssential
11.01.2022 WACOSS and the Youth Affairs Council of Western Australia have expressed their disappointment at the continued stigmatism of young people receiving government income support, following recent comments made in the media. Louise Giolitto, WACOSS CEO said: Targeting people surviving on social security payments is something that I thought we had all moved past during this pandemic. Are we, or arent we, all in this together?... Read more here: https://wacoss.org.au//young-income-recipients-unfairly-t/
11.01.2022 "Gordon Legal claims that the dozens of judgments which were previously hidden from public view show the government knew the scheme was unlawful because it declined to appeal on every occasion."
11.01.2022 Tax cuts will not help people who are doing it the hardest. Cassandra Goldie, CEO Australian Council of Social Service said: Millions of people are unemployed and facing years of hardship they are the ones who are really struggling in this pandemic recession and they stand to get absolutely no benefit from income tax cuts."... Media release here: https://www.acoss.org.au/media-releases/
11.01.2022 This is an unnecessary attack on people seeking asylum. This Bill will have the ability remove access to mobile phones in detention, which are a lifeline, enabling access to legal counsel, doctors, caseworkers, family, and advocates. It is an intentional attempt to make sure that what is happening in detention centres is out of sight, and out of mind. ... We encourage you to contact Federal Senators and urge them to oppose this bill. Read more here: https://theconversation.com/banning-mobile-phones-in-immigr
11.01.2022 Tenancy WA has said that COVID-19 accounted for 90% of calls they received, and that the extension to the moratorium will help keep people out of homelessness. This moratorium protects renters from being evicted for not paying rent, if they have suffered significant hardship due to the pandemic.
11.01.2022 "Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people were Australia's first explorers, first navigators, first engineers, first farmers, first botanists, first scientists, first diplomats, first astronomers and first artists." #NAIDOCWeek2020 #NAIDOC2020 #NAIDOC #NAIDOCWeek National NAIDOC
10.01.2022 New research out today from Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre has revealed that 1 in 5 WA children are living in poverty, with the rate of severe poverty in WA rising to 11.4%, compared to 6.7% nationally. You can read the report here: bcec.edu.au/public/the-early-years-investing-in-our-future/
10.01.2022 Today is the National Day of Action to #RaisetheRateforGood. Call your MP, share on social media, and follow the actions below
10.01.2022 Our next Recovery webinar will talk to the Digital Inclusion Blueprint, which is currently in development by the Office of Digital Government. The webinar will be delivered in partnership with representatives from the Department of Premier and Cabinet. The Blueprint describes the Governments proposed draft approach and potential initiatives for community, government and industry to collaboratively improve digital inclusion in Western Australia. Join us for the free webinar, ...and have your say on what Recovery should look like for communities in WA. Date: Wednesday 23 September Time: 1:00pm Cost: Free Register: https://events.humanitix.com/wacoss-weekly-webinar-series Access the draft Blueprint and information on how to provide feedback to Government: https://www.wa.gov.au//have-your-say-digital-inclusion-wes
08.01.2022 Finding Ground: Building a better way back together Conference will take place in February 2021. It will be one of the first opportunities for the sector to gather, and early in the year is both timely and imperative to affirm pathways out of response and into recovery. Register for the conference: www.wacossconference.org.au/register View the program: ... www.wacossconference.org.au/program See more
08.01.2022 We are in the middle of one of the biggest health crises, and people are struggling to get paid work, and yet those looking for work are having their payments cut - forcing them to struggle well below the poverty line. Take action this Thursday 19 November, a National Day of Action to #RaisetheRateforGood. Details below
07.01.2022 Anglicare Australia's Rental Affordability update out today shows that if #JobSeeker was cut, just 13 rentals of 77,000 across the country would be affordable to someone looking for a job. #RaisetheRateforGood #AbovetheLine Read more and download the full report here: https://www.anglicare.asn.au//anglicare-australia-releases
06.01.2022 If anything in this video raises concerns, there is assistance available. 1800RESPECT / 1800 737 732 Men's Helpline 1800 000 599 / 9223 1199... #SpeakingfromExperience #100FamiliesWA 100 Families WA
06.01.2022 Join us this Wednesday at 1pm for our free weekly webinar, as we explore issues around energy hardship and climate change vulnerability, and how to address these issues while supporting our state through the social and economic recovery. We are looking forward to partnering with Shelter WA and the Conservation Council of Western Australia to bring you this webinar. Register: https://events.humanitix.com/wacoss-weekly-webinar-series
06.01.2022 This is a very welcome announcement by the Mark McGowan Government today. Previously children in care have been forced out of the system at the age of 18, many into vulnerable circumstances. Making the Homestretch trial permanent will mean that these children will be supported through the foster care system until they are 21, and will enable them to get a better start in life.
06.01.2022 An excellent opinion piece from Melissa Perry, CEO of Communicare Inc. and White Ribbon Australia in The West Australian today. "We need to ensure our income support system is equipped to enable women to forge new and safe lives, not force them to return to the hands of their abusers."... #JobSeeker #AboveTheLine #CoronavirusSupplement Anglicare WA | Foodbank WA | Ruah | Uniting WA
05.01.2022 The Equal Remuneration Order was a decision in 2012 awarded due to the community sectors mostly female workforce, and accommodated wage rises of 19 to 41 per cent, phased in over eight years, in recognition that their work had been undervalued because of their gender. However, this is in jeopardy, as the Federal Government has not committed to funding services to include the ERO in their funding agreements. The sector is facing a crisis - cut programs, services, or worse, staff.
05.01.2022 Are you, or someone you know struggling financially, and need some assistance? There is FREE help available. Financial counselling is available through community service organisations, along with support in the form of food vouchers, assistance with bills, emergency accommodation, and referrals to other supports and services. WAConnect allows you to search for providers based on your postcode. Visit: www.waconnect.org.au ... #WAConnect
04.01.2022 The program is out now! Read more: https://www.wacossconference.org.au/program
04.01.2022 Anglicare Australias Rental Affordability update out today shows that if #JobSeeker was cut, just 13 rentals of 77,000 across the country would be affordable to someone looking for a job. #RaisetheRateforGood #AbovetheLine Read more and download the full report here: https://www.anglicare.asn.au//anglicare-australia-releases
03.01.2022 80% of respondents to a survey by the Australian Council of Social Service said that the September 25 cut to JobSeeker will mean they will definitely have to both skip meals and reduce how much fresh fruit and vegetables they buy. Read the full report here: tinyurl.com/y2xmlyhh Contact your local Member of Parliament to tell them here how devastating this cut will be for people's health and finances: tinyurl.com/y3tr2d6w... And tell the Prime Minister and Treasurer what you think of the JobSeeker cut. Call the Prime Minister's office on 02 6277 7700 and the Treasurer's office on 02 6277 7340.
03.01.2022 It's concerning what will happen when JobSeeker and JobKeeper is wound back.
03.01.2022 The Federal Government made the decision to introduce the #CoronavirusSupplement payment when COVID-19 hit, and by doing so lifted thousands of Western Australians out of poverty overnight. In 30 days from now, this payment will be cut, sending families that are already disadvantaged back below the poverty line. This supplement has improved the lives of so many living in poverty, and we cant afford to lose it now. Watch the video below, where Renna and Keira from the #100Fam...iliesWA project talk about the impact of the Coronavirus Supplement on their lives. WHAT YOU CAN DO CALL your local MP and tell them how the Coronavirus Supplement has supported you SHARE your experiences on JobSeeker (remember to tag #RaisetheRateforGood!) TALK to family and friends about the need for a higher rate and how they can help #RaiseTheRateForGood #AboveTheLine
03.01.2022 New analysis shows that an extra 330,000 people will be thrown below the poverty line when the federal government reduces the coronavirus supplement after Christmas.
02.01.2022 When COVID hit, visa holders were left out of the JobSeeker and JobKeeper packages and many have struggled to get by without work or government support during the pandemic. "The survey revealed a deep sense of social exclusion among temporary migrants, and of the 6,000 respondents, more than 1,500 detailed the racism they had experienced during the pandemic."
02.01.2022 According to a Deloitte Access Economics report, if #JobSeeker is cut back to the old #Newstart rate of $40 per day by Christmas, we will see a massive hit to national and state economies - the WA economy alone would lose $2 billion, and there will be 15,000 jobs lost. The Coronavirus Supplement put people receiving government support (JobSeeker, Youth Allowance and other payments) above the poverty line for the first time in many many years. The flow on effect saw more mone...y in our local communities. "Reducing income support would set the economy back event further, and would take a heavy toll on the wellbeing of millions of people who are without paid work," said CEO Louise Giolitto. Read our media release here: https://wacoss.org.au//15000-wa-jobs-lost-due-jobseeker-c/ #RaiseTheRateForGood #AboveTheLine
01.01.2022 Perth is facing a housing crisis, and cuts to #JobSeeker will make finding affordable rental accommodation for people on low incomes even harder.
01.01.2022 On September 25, the Coronavirus Supplement will be cut by $300 a fortnight, from its current $550. After finally recognising the need to Raise the Rate after 25 years without any real increase, #JobSeeker was lifted above the poverty line, and families could stop skipping meals, pay their outstanding bills, and afford medications. Now its going to be taken away. It is cruel and devastating to cut the incomes of people who are only trying to cover the basics, especially dur...ing an ongoing crisis. Get behind the Australian Council of Social Service and Raise the Rate National Day of Action on Wednesday 26 August, and tell the Federal Government that we must #RaisetheRateforGood. More about the event: https://www.facebook.com/events/328181174997707/?active_tab=about
01.01.2022 WACOSS is calling on the Federal Government to commit to extending funding that provides for equal remuneration of community sector workers, ahead of Equal Pay Day Australia tomorrow. Supplementary funding has been provided by the Commonwealth since 2012, to address the undervaluing of the highly-feminised community service workforce, but is due to end this year. Without a commitment of funding, we are going to see service providers forced to either cut programs, services, ...or staff, which will leave communities without support, in the middle of a pandemic. It would make the Gender Pay Gap even worse. #SaveEqualPay #IBelieveInEqualPay #WACOSSSupportsEqualPay ASU - Australian Services Union WA Branch
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