Wahroonga Waterways Landcare in Wahroonga, New South Wales, Australia | Environmental conservation organisation
Wahroonga Waterways Landcare
Locality: Wahroonga, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: 9487 0600
Address: Mt Pleasant Ave 2076 Wahroonga, NSW, Australia
Website: http://wahroongawaterwayslandcare.wordpress.com.au
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25.01.2022 Echidna footprints. Keep your eyes peeled as one was sighted today near Waratah Way. #lovinglivingkuringgai #stepincsydney
25.01.2022 Crypsiphona ocultaria - Red-lined Geometrid Larvae are flat and green with a red line along each side and they feed on Eucalypts #lovinglivingkuringgai... #stepincsydney See more
25.01.2022 Dark-pencilled Blue - candalides consimilis Female laying eggs on caterpillar host plant, Polyscias sambucifolia or Elderberry panex Another stunning new sighting for our landcare site. ... Photo credit Jillian #lovinglivingkuringgai #stepincsydey
25.01.2022 Thynnus zonatus - female, wingless flower Wasp Flower wasps parasitise scarab beetle larvae and when a female emerges from the underground burrow, she climbs to the top of a shrub and waits for a male wasp to find her. Photo credit Elissa... #lovinglivingkuringgai #stepincsydney
25.01.2022 Wandering Monarch - Danaus plexippus A female visited us today, laying her eggs on the native grass and creepers. This is a new addition to our site but I’m sure they have travelled through here before. They have been sighted in Australia since 1871. Photo credit Jillian ... #lovinglivingkuringgai #stepincsydney
24.01.2022 I don’t want this thing...whack,whack...tickling my tummy...whack, whack, whack... Video credit Jayden #lovinglivingkuringgai... #stepincsydney See more
24.01.2022 Asparagus Fern - Asparagus aethiopicus This weedy garden escapee is originally from South Africa. It is mainly spread by birds which eat the berries but can also spread from the crown of the plant. It has lots of underground, watery, white tubers that store nutrients. Gloves should be used while removing the berries and disposing in a sealed bag as the stems are quite rough and thorny. The crown of the plant must be dug out completely and disposed of while the watery tubers ...can be left in the ground to rot. #lovinglivingkuringgai #stepincsydney #landcarensw
24.01.2022 A Fungus-eating Lady Bird. Photo credit Milan. #lovinglivingkuringgai... #stepincsydney See more
24.01.2022 Enjoy the relaxing sound of Coups Creek #lovinglivingkuringgai #stepincsydney
23.01.2022 Black-eyed Susan - Thunbergia alata This scrambling climber is like an octopus; trace each of the arms or runners back to the rooting stem and then pull out the entire plant. This weed is in flower now and needs attention before it sets seed and expands it incursion into our bushland. ... #lovinglivingkuringgai #stepincsydney #landcarensw
23.01.2022 The gang hard at work laying geo-fabric to repair the erosion along the drain above the Causeway. #lovinglivingkuringgai #stepincsydney
23.01.2022 A group of male Lipotriche native bees jockey for the best position as they wait for females to emerge from their underground burrows. #lovinglivingkuringgai #stepincsydney #australiannativebees... #beesintheburbs #sydneynativebees See more
22.01.2022 A Coreid bug basking in the sun atop a flickweed flower. #lovinglivingkuringgai #stepincsydney
21.01.2022 Theres still plenty of fungi around as weve had such a wet season. #lovinglivingkuringgai #stepincsydney
21.01.2022 Mayfly Orchid - Acianthus caudatus A very tiny orchid that is often overlooked. Photo credit Elissa
21.01.2022 A male funnel web spider was found in the grounds of Adventist Aged Care after the recent rain.
20.01.2022 Enjoy the sounds of Coups Creek. Im currently wading upstream in my gum boots hunting for weedy Mistflower. #lovinglivingkuringgai #stepincsydney
20.01.2022 A Crane Fly in slow motion, hovering along the banks of Coups Creek. #lovinglivingkuringgai #stepincsydney
19.01.2022 A Looper Caterpillar on the ATV. After taking the video I gave it a leaf to climb onto and placed it back in the bush. #lovinglivingkuringgai #stepincsydney
19.01.2022 Heres a close up of the jaws of a Jumping Jack. Photo credit Raphael #lovinglivingkuringgai... #stepincsydney See more
19.01.2022 Sydney Rock Orchid - Dendrobium speciosum Its going to look spectacular when these buds open. Photo credit Jayden ... #lovinglivingkuringgai #stepincsydney #lanecovenationalpark #wildorchidwatch
19.01.2022 A group of male Lipotriche native bees, waiting for females to emerge from their underground burrows. #lovinglivingkuringgai #stepincsydney #australiannativebees... #beesintheburbs See more
19.01.2022 An Echidna exploring the Aged Care garden today. The proximity to the wildlife corridor means that we need to keep dogs on leads to safeguard the wildlife that visits. Please also keep your cats indoors. Thanks to Iman for sharing the photographs with us. #lovinglivingkuringgai #stepincsydney
18.01.2022 A tiny little Moth from the Totricinae group, sitting on a tiny, native Geranium leaf. #lovinglivingkuringgai #stepincsydney
17.01.2022 Spot the animal. This is a rather unusual species in its Order as its females lack the necessary appendages to perform the functions for which it's other members are known. #insect #lovinglivingkuringai
17.01.2022 Come join us on Wednesday 19th for a spotlighting walk along coups creek to celebrate the International Day For Biodiversity!
17.01.2022 Galls can be caused by a variety of species of wasps, beetles, flies, psyllids, thrips, coccids, aphids and moths. Galls form as a reaction to insects feeding on or laying their eggs in the plant tissue. When a female gall-inducing insect deposits her eggs in the leaf of a host plant, a biochemical reaction between the egg and the host may produce the gall, inside of which a hatchling larva will feed and take shelter. School student Isaac found one of these leaves and asked... us to tell him what made the lumps on the leaf. Thanks Isaac #lovinglivingkuringgai #stepincsydney
17.01.2022 Woodlouse Spider - Dysdera crocata Preying primarily on Wood lice, this spider hunts through decaying wood. #lovinglivingkuringgai... #stepincsydney See more
17.01.2022 Sydney Rock Orchid - Dendrobium speciosum There are 11 highly perfumed flower spikes on this rock. Photo credit Graham... #lovinglivingkuringgai #stepincsydney #lanecovenationalpark #wildorchidwatch
16.01.2022 Another reminder lovely people - please put WATER out FOR WILDLIFE TODAY and every day - in shaded spots - on and above the ground - with sticks and rocks to he...lp the little people get out if they climb or fall in !! If we ALL do this together WE CAN HELP our precious wildlife get through this weather! Please share this post and then go and do it And please, if you come across an animal in distress, injured or orphaned call your local wildlife group for assistance! Photo: Sonja Elwood Syd Wildlife
16.01.2022 The native ground cover Commelina, which is also known as Scurvy Weed for its high vitamin C content, has a longer leaf than Weedy Trad and a stunning blue flower. Tradescantia has a rounder leaf and a white flower and has gone wild at the moment and is smothering a lot of other native ground covers. #lovinglivingkuringgai #stepincsydney #landcarensw
15.01.2022 Zhao clearing the track at Bush Roundabout after the top of a Turpentine was snapped off in yesterday’s heavy winds. How did you cope with the severe weekend weather? #lovinglivingkuringgai #stepincsydney
15.01.2022 Spider Talk Dr Lizzy Lowe from Macquarie University will introduce you to the wonderful world of spiders. Discover the strange ways spiders catch their prey an...d meet some colourful characters. FREE zoom online webinar. Wed 11 Nov, 10.30-11.30am. Book now https://bit.ly/3hwvIRn *Image Dr Lizzy Lowe
15.01.2022 Similax australis, Lawyer Vine. Similar to the sweet sarsparilla, this vine is a key component of our Sydney Turpentine Ironbark Forest. However unlike Similax australis, it has a bitter taste. It can be differentiated by the spines on its stem. #lovinglivingkuringgai... #stepincsydney #australiannativeplantenthusiasts See more
15.01.2022 Tiphiid Flower Wasp Photo credit Jillian #lovinglivingkuringgai... #srepincsydney See more
14.01.2022 Graham talks about Bonnet Orchids Video credit Milan #lovinglivingkuringgai... #stepincsydney #australiannativeplantenthusiasts See more
14.01.2022 Volunteer Chris found an Annelid Worm while weeding today. #lovinglivingkuringgai #stepincsydney
14.01.2022 Landcarers! Tuesdays are our official volunteer day. If you'd like to join in with our Sydney Turpentine Ironbark Forest regeneration project, or just want more information, send us a message and let us know. Volunteers meet at 8.45 am each Tuesday. Meet at the nursery located at the far eastern end of the car park behind 148 Fox Valley Rd. To gain access from 8.40 am. push the grey button at the boom gate. We have a pot luck combined morning tea at 10.00 am and finish at 12....30. All welcome. If you would like to be involved but are unavailable at this time, please send us a message.
13.01.2022 Graham used the Bobcat to lower these logs into place along another section of slope that has been cleared of weedy Privet. The team then secured the logs with short star stakes and back-filled the logs to create a secure goat track so it can be replanted with native plants. This will help to stabilise the slope and prevent erosion. #lovinglivingkuringgai #stepincsydney
13.01.2022 Zhao dispatches a gully thats over run with Small-leaf Privet. #lovinglivingkuringgai #stepincsydney
12.01.2022 White-faced Herons are quite often seen feeding on ovals in the area and have been photographed at the Causeway along Coups Creek. #lovinglivingkuringgai #stepincsydney
12.01.2022 Ochna is a common garden plant that is spread through the bush by birds when they eat the fruit. Its just coming into flower now and is a difficult weedy tree to eradicate out of the bush. Today Jayden found an old stump that had been cut and painted with Roundup and the multiple new shoots had grown from the roots. Our common practice now is to make 2 or 3 long scrapes with a knife on the stem and then apply Roundup. The plant then absorbs the Roundup and then dies. Here Jayden has discovered the multiple stems and the old stump and then proceeds to scrape and paint the stems with Roundup. Its a tedious process but we have a team of 5 tackling it today. #lovinglivingkuringgai #stepincsydney
12.01.2022 Coups Creek; Im wading downstream in gum boots while hunting for weedy Mistflower and wanted to share this with you. #lovinglivingkuringgai #stepincsydney
11.01.2022 This is the repair to the landslide below the hospital car park. By autumn next year, the mulched areas should be ready for replanting. The landslide happened in January this year when our coast was battered by an east coast low pressure system for 3 days. #lovinglivingkuringgai #stepincsydney
11.01.2022 Species of the week: This clever, little cutie is the Sugar Glider (Petaurus breviceps). During flight, the Sugar Glider uses its long bushy tail for stability ...and steering. It has a membrane extending from its fifth finger to its ankle, which enables it to glide up to 50 metres. And just when you thought that wasnt cute enough, did you know the Sugar Glider commonly gives birth to twins, which remain in the pouch for just over two months? S. Humphreys
11.01.2022 A Jumping Jack Ant has the large jaws for carrying large objects. Photo credit Ziao #lovinglivingkuringgai... #stepincsydney See more
11.01.2022 Some warm coloured wildflowers to brighten up a wet day. #lovinglivingkuringgai #stepincsydney #australiannativeplantenthusiasts
09.01.2022 White-spotted Pintail Beetle #lovinglivingkuringgai #stepincsydney
08.01.2022 Green Stink Bug #lovinglivingkuringgai #stepincsydney
08.01.2022 Parramatta Wattle - Acacia parramatensis #lovinglivingkuringgai #stepincsydney
07.01.2022 Spot the animal! This one is quite springy. #insects #lovinglivingkuringai
06.01.2022 We just finished repairing the drain in time for the regular flushing of the fire hydrants. See previous video. #lovinglivingkuringgai #stepincsydney
06.01.2022 Standing at the sign board ready to roll
05.01.2022 Its a fairyland of delicate Caladenia Orchids on some of the trails. #lovinglivingkuringgai #stepincsydney #wildorchidwatch... #lanecovenationalpark See more
05.01.2022 Welcome to the first day of spring and National Wattle Day Acacia decurrens #lovinglivingkuringgai... #stepincsydney See more
04.01.2022 In flower now!!! What have you found??? #lovinglivingkuringgai... #stepincsydney #australiannativeplantenthusiasts See more
04.01.2022 Bush Cares Big Day Out event planned today has been cancelled due to lack of RSVPs and Rain.
04.01.2022 Snout Moth - Anemosa exanthes Photo credit Connie #lovinglivingkuringgai... #stepincsydney See more
03.01.2022 Cranberry Moth - Poecilasthena pulchraria #lovinglivingkuringgai #stepincsydney
03.01.2022 We have a new male Brush Turkey building a mound downstream on Coups Creek and he’s doing some bush fire preparedness for us. #lovinglivingkuringgai #stepincsydney
03.01.2022 Echidna, a monotreme that lays eggs. The young are referred to as Puggles. Photo credit Iman. #lovinglivingkuringgai... #stepincsydney See more
03.01.2022 The insignificant flowers of the Tangle Orchid, (Plectorrhiza tridentata) #lovinglivingkuringgai #lanecovenationalpark #stepincsydney... #wildorchidwatch See more
02.01.2022 Heres a Brown Ringlet sunning itself. Its perfect camouflage helps it to evade predators as it blends into the dried leaves. Shot in slow motion on an iPhone 6S. Wait until the end when it closes its wings and opens them again. #lovinglivingkuringgai #stepincsydney
01.01.2022 Jillian inside the scar of a mighty survivor of the forest. #lovinglivingkuringgai #stepincsydney
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