WakeUp to Life in Geraldton, Western Australia | Brand
WakeUp to Life
Locality: Geraldton, Western Australia
Phone: +61 475 882 447
Address: 55 Marine Terrace - OPENING SOON 6532 Geraldton, WA, Australia
Website: http://www.wakeup-tolife.com
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25.01.2022 Ok but What does that mean?? It means to detach yourself from the idea you have of who you are. As we drop this limited concept of Identity, which is nothing but a construct of the mind, we finally come to meet the real I, the one that has no name, no form nor shape. The I/eye that stands in the background, the observer, the witness, the stillness that pertains to all that is. We finally get to experience the vastness of our unbounded true nature. Basically You have to lose... your Identity in order to find the I-density. Let’s run a little experiment shall we... Simply take a seat and let yourself be guided by the prompts: - First of all, I want you to drop your name for a minute. Drop the Jack, the Melissa, the Robert. just drop it. What remains? Are you still here seating down reading this post? Yes, you are. - Now I want you to drop your family status. You are no longer a daughter, a son, a wife, or brother or sister. Just leave that aside for now. Again What remains? You’re still here looking at those words right? You haven’t stopped existing, have you? - Now I want you to forget about your social status, you are no longer an accountant, a nurse, a chef, or a teacher, you are none of that. Again What remains? You still ARE right? - Finally I want you to drop your body, to forget about the idea you have of your physical appearance. For just a moment, you put the body aside. It’s gone. Aren’t you still experiencing this moment? - Yes you are. More than ever you are. Because you’ve just experienced it all through Presence, and not the Person anymore. For this moment, You have detached yourself from your limited Identity and tasted the vastness of the I-density. When everything that was superimposed at birth and through life is stripping away from the person, one is left with the eternal, unchanging, limitless Presence that prevails all of Existence. That which IS existence. That which YOU ARE. Presence never leaves you. It is here, always. What comes & goes are the fluctuations of the mind. Presence stands still. The Presence can be without the Person, but the Person cannot be without the Presence. #justbe
24.01.2022 Gone swimmin’! Living Life from the state of Being, as the observer, does not mean that we are not involved anymore. Quite the opposite. It actually means that you will experience Life as a conscious creator, acting from a place of awareness where you can choose the decor you want to be in, the characters you want to act with, and the scenarios you want to be watching.... Operating effortlessly from the state of being takes away the burden of doing things for a purpose and gives you back the freedom of creating things ‘just because’. Like a child plays endlessly for no reason, so you too will regain the sense of playfulness & Joy which is inherent to the Game of Life Nothing will be so dramatic and serious anymore, it will simply BE. With Love #being #presence #stateofbeing #playfulness #lightness #joy #kids #play #swim #disidentification #selfrealisation #selfawareness #consciousness #awakening #consciousliving #livelaughlove
22.01.2022 And SPACE is the essence of what YOU ARE. Keep it simple, stay spacious as you are #space #spacousness #universe #consciousness #humanbeing #tobe #consciousliving #awareness #awakening #selfdiscovery #selfrealisation #stillness #vastness #universallaws #oneness #perthwa #geraldtonwa #eltonjohn #wakingup #seeninwa #livelaughlove
22.01.2022 The Shadow Self... The Game of Life plays as follows: we are tricked by the conditioned mind (or ego-self) to strongly identify with the shadow of the tree and to remain oblivious of the fact that there is even a tree standing there in the background. Our being can stay trapped in this ignorance for quite some time, experiencing a version of life that is limited, contracted, and even painful at times. This is what we could call the Sleeping state of life.... Waking up from that state comes from the realisation that there is in fact a tree standing there, that this very tree is in fact who we truly are, and that the reflection on the wall is nothing more but the shadow self left in the dark. The same way the shadow of the tree can take many forms & shapes depending on the position of the sun in the sky, so is the Persona changeable & impermanent, depending on the fluctuations of the conditioned mind on that day. You are NOT that. You are way more than the person, You are the unchangeable, unmoving tree in the background. And just as the tree remains where it is no matter where the sun is in the sky, so does your true Self/consciousness ever remains at the same spot, with you, as YOU. Now How do we Wake up from this sleeping state? Well that too can take many forms & shapes, one of them being that Life will throw at you some painful experiences that will eventually crush this Persona/Ego-self in billion pieces, giving room for universal Consciousness to shine through your being completely. Or it could be that the vibration of the words your are reading here today for instance, will touch the cord of consciousness within you, giving it the urge to crack your being wide open, and allowing its light to illuminate your Self in the process. Either way, IT will find you, and you will find IT, as it is nowhere but where you stand, and nothing but who you ARE. #selfrealisation #awareness #awakening #wakingup #selfinquiry #trueself #selfindentity #egomind #conditioning #liberation #consciousness #universe #journey #spirituality #perthlife #geraldtonwa #truthofwhoyouare #bradpitt #trees #shadow #wakingstate #livelaughlove
21.01.2022 Self-Realisation... I AM aware says the being. Great. ... Now who or what is aware of this awareness? Happy Friday pondering Lovies! #selfrealisation #selfawareness #selfdiscovery #theself #being #stateofbeing #awakening #wakingup #consciousness #consciousbeing #consciousliving #awareness #emptiness #universe #iamthat #liberation #freedom #perthwa #geraldtonwa #yogisofinstagram #selfinquiry #livelaughlove
21.01.2022 Can you relate? If yes, take O N E minute before rushing into your day, O N E conscious moment before letting the craziness of the mind take over You - close your eyes and inhale slowly, now exhale OUT completely, completely, completely. Before reopening your eyes, wish to yourself to have a day filled with inspiration, compassion & vitality. No matter what comes your way next, remember that this day will eventually vanish and a new chance will be given to you when the sun r...ises again next. Have a beautiful Monday everyone With Love & Energy #monday #breathing #consciousliving #creativity #vibrancy #actions #selfawareness #awareness #awakening #wakingup #consciousliving #visions #dreams #observing #selfrealisation #perthlife #perthwa #geraldtonwa #geraldtonlife #mindstuff #jenniferaniston #livelaughlove
15.01.2022 21 Days ago I was drawn to run a little experiment.... I would go for 21 Days without refined Sugar. Just to see what could come out of this... And you know what did? A Book, haha I mean, a lot of other things came out of this, like this immense feeling of Empowerment, Gratitude and Liberation for instance. ... But I also noted that, as soon as I removed sugar, a whole bunch of sweet little things & events started to happen in my life, and the intensified creative juice was definitely one of them As I went through this experiment, I designed a little Book/Sweetness Diary where the reader can both find supportive tools & tips, and the space to express in writing their own observations, thoughts & emotions. (Plus some other extra toppings to finish it off beautifully ) I am so excited about this project and I cannot wait to share it all with you Any tips on publishing or self-publishing a book are welcome!! May you all have a beautiful week #sugarfree #refinedsugar #detox #cleanse #habits #book #writing #publishing #publisher #selfpublishing #selfpublishing #selfpublishedauthor #toxicity #conditioning #deconditioning #liberation #awakening #wakingup #awareness #selfdiscovery #trueself #changeyourmindset #changeyourlife #geraldtonwa #geraldton #seeninwa #livelaughlove
13.01.2022 Gift Vouchers are here!! Massage Yoga Energy Healing... Combos Pick your treat! Happy Days #giftvouchers #presents #xmas #presence #gifting #gratitude #lovingkindness #selflove #geraldtonwa #geraldton #seeinwa #perthwa #perth #geraldtonbusiness #livelaughlove
12.01.2022 Time to Move Lovies Doing a little something every day gives you the necessary juice & joy to perform efficiently. It doesn’t have to be a 30kms run. Yoga for instance, is an incredible technology & science that helps us move stagnant energy at the gross & subtle levels of our being. Leaving us with a sense of vibrancy & lightness both physically and mentally.... Just 10 mins of conscious focus on your breath & body is all it takes to turn a shitty day into a not so bad one (and that’s huge) Try it! With Love #movement #breath #scienceofyoga #yoga #consciousliving #consciousbreathing #yogaposes #stretches #physicalbody #subtleenergies #energeticbody #perthwa #geraldtonwa #bradpitt #awareness #consciousness #livelaughlove
09.01.2022 If you let it, Life will show you the Way Trusting that whatever is unfolding in front of you right now, is always part of a beautifully orchestrated chaos, is the key to keep on moving forward with a peaceful heart and a more settled Mind Whenever you are doubting things, go back to this powerful tool - Faith. Not blind conditioned faith, but a deeper and greater intuitive knowing that everything is happening just the way it is supposed to be.... Much Love to all #faith #trust #life #awakening #deeperknowing #trueself #intuition #flowing #wakingup #being #spiritualbeing #experience #geraldtonwa #seeinwa #geraldton #remedialmassage #yoga #reiki #zerowaste #heart #wellbeing #wellness #livelaughlove
09.01.2022 What’s keeping you from flying these days my Love? (Besides COVID of course..) Could it be the big F of F E A R...? As much As we all want to be superheroes (we do have the power to be one btw) , we have to admit that being a human in this Life-Game experience also comes with its set of MASSIVE doubts. ... Regardless of who you are and where you are at on your journey of self-discovery, you will have to deal with these emotions. So let’s see what the big list is again: - Fear of not being good enough (one of my fav’) - Fear of lacking (money, house, food..) - Fear of not being loveable (me again) - Fear of being ridiculous (definitely not me) - Fear of not being interesting - Fear of not being supported - Fear of not being perfect - Fear of not being funny enough And we could go on and on. The list of our fears is endless. But the good news is - We CAN DO something about it. When we start digging up and connecting the dots of Why we had so many failed relationships or jobs or friendships etc, we realise that unconscious blockages had been stopping us from being who we really are, from flying high up in the sky Also, here is a little reminder: - You have EVERYTHING it takes to be a Superhero - You have everything it takes to fly off that branch and experience the freedom of a bird flying in empty space - You are here to experience things, to fail, to stumble and to get back on your feet - You have more courage than you think - You are a valuable unique human being with something to share - We LOVE you We know it’s not always easy to have control over these feelings of fear, but we can assure you that Bringing awareness onto them, is the beginning of the liberation process. Feeling some fear in some cases can also be a good a thing - it means that you’re probably about to do something big, something that will take you forward on your path of evolution. Fear is as real as you let it to be. Like anything else in Life, you can choose to let it creep up on you OR use it to your advantage and wrap it up in Love. #fear #love #consciousliving #livelaughlove #awareness #liberation
06.01.2022 A more satisfactory Life will spring from the awareness that other people are no different from yourself. As simple as at. It is not about conforming to a set of conventions, not about ‘being good’ in order to gain rewards. It is simply about coming into greater harmony with all that lives because all that lives is a part of us, all that lives is us. You can actively develop this awareness, through cultivating love, compassion and contentment... The day one realises there is no real separation between what/who you are and the others, everything changes, everything becomes way simpler... everything becomes more beautiful #harmony #allthatlives #humanbeings #planet #consciousness #awareness #being #selfrealisation #selfdiscovery #openness #oneness #peace #sunday #life #awakening #awakenedbeings #livelaughlove
05.01.2022 Spring is in the air! (in the Southern Hemisphere anyway ) This season is nothing more than a beautiful reminder of the miracle of Life: The glorious return of leaves, flowers, fruits & vegetables, following the cold stagnation of winter. For the health and happiness of the mind, spirit, and body, Ayurveda offers some fascinating insights into how to prepare for spring and what it means on micro and macro levels. The predominant dosha in the heart of springtime is Kapha, a ...Sanskrit word referring to that which flourishes in water. Foods to favor are ones with light, clear, dry, and hot qualities, including spices such as ginger, turmeric, black pepper, and cumin. Ideal light foods for spring include beans, bitter green leafy vegetables, sprouts, radishes, parsley. The general advice for spring is to eat more astringent, bitter, and pungent foods. Foods that help calm the heavy, cold, and oily Kapha qualities steamed vegetables (not raw), greens (especially cruciferous vegetables, like broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage), broth, brown rice, and a variety of astringent and bitter legumes. Decrease or eliminate foods that are sweet, sour, salty, heavy, cold, and oily, including fried foods and cold or frozen dairy, such as ice cream. There is a natural tendency to eat light, fresh foods in spring, following a long winter of heavy carbs and sweets, so it may not be too hard to make the switch. Spring is the time of year to get moving once again, and yoga is a way to rejuvenate. Movement not only strengthens the body, it also pumps the lymphatic system to help detoxify both foreign and metabolic wastes. Twists are the best for that. C’mon my little caterpillars, get on your mats and unfold your wings #spring #seasons #kapha #ayurveda #detox #doshas #ayurvedicmedicine #movement #blossoming #bodymind #yogapath #yogaperth #geraldtonwa #westernaustralia #freshair #consciousliving #awareness #livelaughlove
02.01.2022 Fogginess... What an interesting little thing you are... You can appear at the most random times, leaving the being in a haze of doubts, uncertainties, or even hopelessness sometimes... Fogginess, who are you? You come into surges, only to vanish into oblivion after a while. But Why? Who orders you around?... If you can come & go so easily, could it be that your existence is nothing more than an ephemeral & illusory phenomenon? YES. Anything changeable and phenomenal is related to the Person, NOT to the truth of who you are. Fogginess is nothing more but a state of the psychological-conditioned mind, and eventually it will pass away. The more you position yourself as the observer of these flicking states of the persona, the more liberated you will become. You will no longer be enslaved by the dictature of the mind, and will regain full power in your house Whenever you feel overwhelmed, or lost in a haze of unclarity, rest assured that this too shall pass my Love, even more quickly if you do not feed the beast its favourite drama-food, and remain anchored in the seat of the non-passive observer instead With Love #fogginess #doubts #uncertainty #clarity #mind #fluctuationsofthemind #awakening #observer #selfrealisation #selfinquiry #presence #liberation #awareness #perthwa #perthlife #healing #consciousness #awakenings #geraldtonwa #livelaughlove
02.01.2022 .................................................................... A few cool things are coming on the horizon!!! 01. The First one is round & shiny... 02. The Second one is tall & hairy 03. The Third one is warm & cozy Big reveals in the weeks to come... In the meantime we invite you to have a little play with us and to have a guess at what these cool new things can be! Share your thoughts in the comments below and If you guess it right, there is a little surprise waiting for you! Happy Sunday everyone! #newthings #change #reveal #geraldtonwa #geraldton #geraldtonlife #perthlife #wellbeing #yoga #massage #reiki #yogalife #transformation #awakening #wakingup #perthwa #massagetherapist #energyhealing #chakras #meditation #breathing #livelaughlove
02.01.2022 THE NEWSLETTER IS OUT Check your spam inbox guys and look for a news update from Wake Up to Life, with a little heart in the subject line Inside you will find: ... - Some Juicy News about the Opening of the Lab => Perfect to get yourselves ready for the Big Day - A Sneak Peak of our New Zero Waste range => Perfect for our GREEN FRIDAY - Some useful Books Recommendations => Perfect to get you through these times of contagion with a toxic-free Body & Mind If you haven’t received the News Update and would like to be kept in the loop, PM us your email address and we will forward you our Love Letter ASAP Happy Friday Everyone! And Lots of Loving Vibes your Way #newsletter #openingsoon #shopopening #awakeninglab #awakening #wellbeing #wellness #transformation #shift #liberation #toxicfree #zerowaste #remedialmassage #yogaclasses #meditation #soundhealing #interiordesign #interiorstyling #bohovibes #painting #renovations #theblock #geraldtonwa #geraldton #seeinwa #massagetherapy #energyhealing #bodymind #consciousliving #livelaughlove
01.01.2022 Wishing you a beautiful Thursday #sun #moon #cycleoflife #seasons #spring #autumn #fullmoons #planets #astrology #brittneyspears #awareness #consciousness #abundance #lettinggo #trust #frequency #attraction #being #livelaughlove