Walbundrie Public School in Walbundrie, New South Wales | State school
Walbundrie Public School
Locality: Walbundrie, New South Wales
Phone: +616029 9004
Address: 14 Queen Street 2642 Walbundrie, NSW, Australia
Website: http://www.walbundrie-p.schools.nsw.edu.au
Likes: 143
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25.01.2022 What a year! Thank you to our 2,200 schools, 810,000 students and 88,000 staff for all their amazing contributions in 2019. #LoveWhereYouLearn *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*
25.01.2022 Coronavirus (COVID-19) update - Wednesday 18 March Secretary Mark Scott talks to principal Christine Smith about the steps our schools are taking to ensure a safe study environment for our students. Follow the department's social media channels and website for regular updates: education.nsw.gov.au/coronavirus... *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*
24.01.2022 Tell Them From Me Survey Please log onto http://nsw.tellthemfromme.com/walbundrieps2019 to complete the annual Tell Them From Me survey about our school. We are looking for feedback in relation to our school and any improvements that we can make for you and your children.... The link above will be also emailed out so that you can complete the survey via the link. The survey can be completed on a smart phone or home computer. You are also welcome to come to the school to complete the survey if you need. Please complete the survey by the end of Term 3.
24.01.2022 Pass it on: #EdWeek20 is only 3 weeks away! Celebrate the amazing work of NSW public school students, staff, parents and carers learning together this year. More info: https://bit.ly/2Dt3U1R *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*
24.01.2022 Say cheese! Don’t forget our school photos are taking place on Tuesday 5 November. All envelopes must be returned - even if you are not intending to purchase. Sibling shots are available - contact the office if you need a new sibling envelope. But most importantly don’t forget your smile
24.01.2022 Good luck to all our students competing today at the Small Schools Swimming Carnival! If you are taking your child home from the carnival make sure you see Miss Purves before you leave.
23.01.2022 Over the next few weeks we will be very busy with Swimming and getting ready for our end of year activities. We ask that students return all Library books (both school and Mobile Library) by Friday 22 November. This will ensure everything is returned before the Christmas break. There will be no more borrowing for 2019.
23.01.2022 Our Small Schools Swimming Carnival will be held Friday 7 February. A permission note, nomination form and lunch order went home earlier this week for those students who are 8 years or older. All students from Years 3 to 6 and students 8 years or older in Year 2 who can confidently swim 25 metres are invited to attend. Students will be transported to and from Walla Walla Swimming Pool by bus with an accompanying teacher. Parents and friends are still invited to attend but wi...ll be required to hold a Greater Hume Shire Council season ticket or pay $1.50 for entry into the pool. Please ensure the permission note, nomination form and lunch order is returned to school by Monday 3 February with the correct money.
23.01.2022 See you 8:45am on Thursday April 30 for a cooking class with chefs Matt Preston, Manu Feildel and Gary Mehigan! They'll take you through some special classes for cooking at home, exclusive to the students of NSW. Find the stream: Website: https://bit.ly/35bKJmV Facebook: https://bit.ly/2xiikPz... YouTube: https://bit.ly/3aLkXHw #EducationLive #LearnFromHome *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*
23.01.2022 Calling all parents and carers: Have you downloaded the School Updates app yet? Opt in to receive notifications about the operational status of our school (e.g. temporary closures). Find out more and download via https://bit.ly/2PD2jd3 *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*
23.01.2022 As a result of the restrictions in place for COVID-19, the Department of Education has advised that parent teacher interviews should take place virtually via a platform such as Zoom or via phone. This semester, our teaching staff will be contacting parents via phone prior to the student reports being sent home to discuss your child’s progress. We are utilising the interview function in our Skool Loop school app to book our interviews. Each family is asked to book in a singl...e interview time for Wednesday 26 June. These phone calls should take no more than 10 -15 minutes. If you are unable to attend any of the times available, please let the school know as soon as possible so another time can be arranged for you.
22.01.2022 Due to the Walbundrie Co-Op being closed on Friday, there will be no lunch orders this week.
21.01.2022 Join us at 8:45am AEST on 1 May for an interactive session with former NRL player Alan Tongue! He'll be tackling the importance of respect, and how to pass the footy the way you'd like to receive it! So don't forget to bring a ball, some pen and paper and a lot of enthusiasm. Find the stream:... Website: https://bit.ly/35bKJmV Facebook: https://bit.ly/2xiikPz YouTube: https://bit.ly/3aLkXHw #EducationLive #LearnFromHome *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*
21.01.2022 Learning from home has started in NSW. Get your family ready now at education.nsw.gov.au/learning-from-home #LearnFromHome *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*
21.01.2022 Daily Coronavirus (COVID-19) update with Secretary Mark Scott - Monday 16 March Secretary Mark Scott explains our school operations during COVID-19 and provides an update on social distancing and learning from home. Follow the department's social channels and website for daily updates: https://education.nsw.gov.au/coronavirus... *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*
21.01.2022 The new NSW school curriculum will build strong foundations in numeracy and literacy, give teachers more time on essential learning, and better prepare students for future work and study. Find out more: https://bit.ly/30agpXV *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*
20.01.2022 The health of students and staff is our number one priority. The Department is working with NSW Health to monitor and respond to the unfolding international Novel Coronavirus situation. The NSW Government has today requested that children, students and staff who have visited China in the last two weeks not attend school, childcare services or work until 14 days have lapsed from their date of departure from China. Read more: https://education.nsw.gov.au//coronavirus-departmen...t-of-ed *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*
20.01.2022 We’re really excited to have Book Club continue running this Term, but it will look a little different! It will be a virtual catalogue rather than the printed catalogues you’re used to receiving. To order from this issue go to: Scholastic.com.au/Book-Club/virtual-catalogue-1/ ... Place your order on LOOP as normal. Orders need to be submitted by Friday 15 May 2020. We will receive your order here to our school like normal. Once your order arrives, it will be placed with your child's Learning from Home pack for collection.
19.01.2022 With school holidays approaching it's important to know what vacation care options are available to you. A list of vacation care services near to your school can be found here: https://bit.ly/3eaSmhI *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*
19.01.2022 Have you returned your note? A reminder to all our families who haven't returned their Super 8s Cricket Note: Lunch order cut off is 10:00am tomorrow morning. Permission notes are also due back asap.
19.01.2022 A reminder to all our families that we start back at school on Monday 14 October - only a few more days Mums and Dads!
17.01.2022 A reminder to all our families that students need to be at Regent Cinemas by 9:45am. Students can wear casual clothing but must have a wide brimmed hat (no caps) for our lunch at the Dinosaur Park.
17.01.2022 Get ready for back to school with checklists, guides, calendars and more: http://bit.ly/2Rd64a9 #Ready2020 *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*
16.01.2022 Staff Development Days: Monday 27 April and Tuesday 28 April. Learning from home to continue until Week 3 - families were emailed detailed information regarding the phased return to school. Home Learning Packs will be available for collection from 2:00pm to 3:30pm Tuesday 28 April.
16.01.2022 And they're off! Our eager Year 3 and 4 students are well on their way to Melbourne for their excursion. We hope you are having so much fun!
16.01.2022 Our year 3/4 students are having a fantastic time in Melbourne.
16.01.2022 We’re eagerly waiting for the movie to start! What a great way to spend one of the last few days of term.
15.01.2022 We are looking forward to welcoming back all our students to full time learning in classrooms from Monday 25 May! Please ensure all laptops and learning at home material are returned to school on Monday.
15.01.2022 Don't forget TOMORROW our school photos are happening! All students need to be in full school uniform. Any envelopes that have not already been returned need to be brought to the office before school. All envelopes must be returned.
15.01.2022 NEWS: NSW students will progressively return to face-to-face learning at school from Week 3, Term 2 with appropriate and enhanced social distancing measures. Read to find out more: https://bit.ly/2wRcdS2 *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*
15.01.2022 School is back! Join Guy Sebastian for an exclusive livestream to kick off your day of learning from home! Connect and learn together each day at 8:45am. Learn more: https://bit.ly/35bKJmV #EducationLive #LearnFromHome
13.01.2022 Don't forget tomorrow is Footy Colours Day! All our students are encouraged to come dressed in their favourite sport team's colours to show their support for the fight against cancer. Please bring a gold coin donation. As part of our celebrations we are having a free hot dog lunch - there will be no lunch orders from the Co-Op.
12.01.2022 Only 4 more days!
12.01.2022 As you would be aware the border between NSW and Victoria closed as of 12:01am 8 July 2020. All staff and students returning from Victoria after this time must have a permit to enter NSW and are required to self-isolate for a period of 14 days. With the exception of staff and students who reside in a border town, all other staff and students who have been in Victoria in the 14 days before the commencement of school should not attend school until they complete the 14 days self...-isolation period since they left Victoria. NSW Health has requested anyone who has been in Victoria and is unwell or has flu like symptoms arrange to be tested through their local medical practitioner or one of the COVID-19 clinics. Find more details of the current advice for people who have recently visited Victoria on the NSW Health border restrictions website.
12.01.2022 Here's a guide to managing the return to school from May 11. Find more information here: https://education.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/advice-for-families *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*
12.01.2022 School Photos are tomorrow!!! All students must be in full school uniform. If you have not returned your envelope, you must bring them to school tomorrow morning.
12.01.2022 Congratulations to Mrs Chang and her family on welcoming a beautiful baby boy, Matthew, into the family on Friday 24 April. We can't wait to meet him in person! Mum and baby are both doing well and are back home.
12.01.2022 In accordance with advice from NSW Health, parents and carers are reminded NOT to send children to school if they are unwell, even if they have the mildest flu-like symptoms. Walbundrie Public School will make arrangements for students who present as unwell or have flu-like symptoms to be sent home. Students and staff with flu-like symptoms will need to provide a copy of a negative COVID-19 test result or a signed letter from your GP before being permitted to return to schoo...l. This can be sent via email to [email protected] or via text to 0437 919 184. Once the school has received the results, you will be sent an acknowledgement email or text. Please do not send your child back to school until they are symptom free. We understand that these new guidelines may be an imposition on students, staff and families but it is imperative we all work together to keep everyone safe. If you have any further questions do not hesitate to contact us directly via phone or email.
11.01.2022 Our Book Fair opens on Monday! This year things will look a little different. Our students were still able to complete their wish lists today, but unfortunately we can't open up our Book Fair to everyone. While we are unable to have any non-essential visitors on site due to COVID-19, we didn't want you to miss out. We have gone digital! ... Our Book Fair now has a online catalogue: https://forms.gle/sDyggem1q29vSzVbA All orders must be placed via the form. Orders close 12pm Friday.
11.01.2022 Looking for the ultimate #LearnFromHome lesson? Mel Silva, Google MD is coming to the rescue at 8:45am on Monday 4 May. Get insider tips and tricks on innovation and how it helps people at Google make some of your favourite tech tools. Find the stream:... Website: https://bit.ly/35bKJmV Facebook: https://bit.ly/2xiikPz YouTube: https://bit.ly/3aLkXHw #EducationLive #LearnFromHome *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*
11.01.2022 On behalf of the staff of Walbundire Public School we wish all our families a safe and restful break. We are looking forward to the busy Term ahead!
10.01.2022 Don’t forget! Monday 27 and Tuesday 28 April will be pupil-free days! Term 2 starts on Wednesday 29 April, with students returning to the classroom for one day per week from 11 May. Find more information on the transition back to the classroom here: https://bit.ly/2XTkb8C *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*
10.01.2022 Our Stage 3 students are having a great time on their Ballarat Excursion!
10.01.2022 We want to hear from all NSW parents about their before and after school care needs in light of COVID-19. Complete this form to help us improve access to services for public school students: https://bit.ly/32JNpsZ *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*
09.01.2022 From the first day of school to the home stretch of Year 12, we're ready for you! Check out our #FirstDay2021 resources on https://bit.ly/39JXTug. #LoveWhereYouLearn *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*
09.01.2022 Communicating with our Parents: As part of our ongoing COVID-19 response procedures, all communication with parents will be made electronically via our school app, email and Facebook. In order to help minimise any possible transmission risks we will no longer be distributing physical notes, flyers and newsletters at this time. All permission notes will need to be completed and returned via the Skool Loop app.... Physical newsletters will only be printed for those families who have indicated that they wish to have a copy sent home via the preference form: https://forms.gle/UhjCthpqzNvAwkwj6
08.01.2022 Tell Them From Me Survey - Extended Did you miss out on the deadline? Good news the survey has been extended. Have your say and log onto http://nsw.tellthemfromme.com/walbundrieps2019 to complete the annual Tell Them From Me survey about our school. We are looking for feedback in relation to our school and any improvements that we can make for you and your children.... The link above will be also emailed out so that you can complete the survey via the link. The survey can be completed on a smart phone or home computer. You are also welcome to come to the school to complete the survey if you need.
08.01.2022 Just a reminder that tomorrow is Footy Colours Day. Your child can come to school dressed in their favourite sporting team’s colours for a gold coin donation. Please ensure that all items have sleeves (singlets are not acceptable, footy jumpers/Guernseys must have a shirt underneath) and enclosed shoes must be worn to school. As part of the celebration of Footy Colours Day and the end of term, we will be providing a free hotdog and prima lunch for all students. Earlier in the week students nominated how many hotdogs they would like (1 or 2). There will be no lunch orders placed at the Co-Op. If your child does not want a hotdog or prima they will need to supply their own lunch.
07.01.2022 Parents, have you completed our Partners in Learning - Parent Survey? Don't worry you still have time - it closes Friday 25 September! This Term, our school is participating in the Partners in Learning parent survey, another part of the Tell Them From Me suite of surveys (student, teacher and parent surveys) on student engagement. The survey asks parents and carers questions about different factors that are known to impact on student wellbeing and engagement.... Running this survey will help our school understand parents’ and carers’ perspectives on their child’s experience at school. These include: communication between parents/carers and staff, activities and practices at home and parent/carer views on the school's support of learning and behaviour. This valuable feedback will help our school make practical improvements. The survey is conducted entirely online on smartphones, iPads, tablets, laptops or computers. The survey will typically take 15 minutes or less to complete and is completely confidential. The parent survey will be conducted over Term 3. Although participating in the survey is entirely voluntary, your responses are very much appreciated as it will give us future direction for school improvement. Information about the survey is available at: http://surveys.cese.nsw.gov.au. To access the survey for our school go to: http://nsw.tellthemfromme.com/walbundrieps2020
07.01.2022 Come check out the local show!
07.01.2022 Don’t forget to come along and support our Bunnings BBQ this Sunday 9th February @ Bunnings Albury 8:30am - 4:30pm.
07.01.2022 What a Disney-rific display of costumes! Everyone looks amazing!
06.01.2022 From classroom desks to dining room tables. See how the students, parents and teachers from these schools navigated online learning, and what they learned together along the way. #EdWeek20 *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*
06.01.2022 Our Walbundrie Small Schools Swimming Carnival is still scheduled to take place this Friday, 5 February. The carnival will commence at 10:00am and conclude at approximately 2:30pm. Admission for all students and adults is $1.50 which is payable upon entry, unless a season ticket is held. Parents are responsible for organising their child's transport to and from the venue. Currently the forecast is indicating wet weather and thunderstorms for Friday. If the carnival is called... off due to wet weather, this will be announced to principals at 8:00am and will be posted on the Walla Walla Public School Facebook page at 8:30am. Parents will receive a text message from the school if the carnival is postponed. We advise that parents be prepared to attend the carnival but also to drop their child at school in the event of postponement.
06.01.2022 We are so excited to start Term 1 tomorrow! A reminder that school starts at 9:00am - don't forget your hat.
05.01.2022 After the fire comes regrowth. See how Grafton Public School welcomed Baryulgil and Nymboida Public Schools, providing a safe haven for students from fire-affected communities so everyone could learn together and recover. #EdWeek20 *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*
04.01.2022 Just a reminder to all our families: Term 1 2021 begins on Friday 29 January for all students. Wednesday 27 January and Thursday 28 January are Staff Development Days. If you need new uniforms for 2021, there will be staff on site both days to assist you. Due to COVID-19 delays in 2020 some items may not be in stock but are definitely on order.
03.01.2022 Don't forget we have a new app! Download it today to keep up to date with everything happening at our school.
03.01.2022 The NSW Department of Education has updated the schools that will be temporarily non-operational from Tuesday 12 November. Check here for the current list of affected schools which will be updated regularly: education.nsw.gov.au/public-schools/school-safety *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*
03.01.2022 Not long now until our Concert and Presentation Night @ the Walbundrie Hall 7pm tonight! ... here’s a sneaky peak at our rehearsals
03.01.2022 Introducing the NSW Department of Education School Updates app. Opt-in to receive notifications when public schools have temporarily ceased operations due to adverse weather, bushfires or other emergencies. Find out more and download the app now: https://bit.ly/2PD2jd3... *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*
03.01.2022 Don't forget to come along to our first assembly for 2020! Our assembly will begin at 2:45pm in the Banksia Classroom. At the conclusion of our assembly we will be having our P&C Meeting and AGM in Banksia as well.
03.01.2022 Farewell Lilly! Congratulations on completing Year 6 at Walbundrie Public School. We wish you the very best in your future schooling.
03.01.2022 Don’t forget to come along and support our Bunnings BBQ Sunday 8 March @ Bunnings Albury 8:30am - 4:30pm.
02.01.2022 COVID-19 UPDATE: This morning the NSW Premier, Gladys Berejiklian, and Education Minister, Sarah Mitchell, urged parents to keep their children home from school from tomorrow (Tuesday 24 March) as an important strategy to limit the spread of COVID-19 in our community. NSW Public Schools will remain open for students whose parents work in essential industries, including our health system, education system, emergency services and other essential workers. Parents that have no o...ption can still send children to school where they will be supervised. This means that the default position is to stay home. Schools will begin to deliver learning from home units of work to be completed by students at home or at school. Printed units of work have been sent home with students today, as well as their login and passwords for online based learning platforms such as Matific, Mathletics, Reading Eggs, Study Ladder and Typing Tournament. Those students who attend school during this period will complete the same learning at home units as those students who are not at school. There will be no formal teaching. Teaching staff will continue to compile learning for next week (Week 10), which will be ready for collection on Friday or Monday. For more details on students learning from home, please follow the link below: https://education.nsw.gov.au//curriculum/learning-from-home We are looking to establish a Google Classroom where students can communicate and share learning with their teacher. If you have any pressing concerns regarding these new arrangements please contact the school directly. We will continue to provide further updates as they become available. Take care, stay safe and keep well.
02.01.2022 Please add this to your diary:
02.01.2022 Is your child learning at home? Download resources, find new content and discover tools to help manage learning from home. Find out more: https://bit.ly/2ShxwE6 *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*
02.01.2022 COVID-19 UPDATE: The NSW Government has taken significant new steps to increase restrictions across the state - including encouraging parents to keep their children at home, if possible and a move towards online learning. Read more: https://bit.ly/2U9uD9u *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*
01.01.2022 Let us know how your Learning at Home is going - send through photos of your children working hard to the school email address: [email protected]
01.01.2022 After a successful concert, we’re just about set for the formal presentation!
01.01.2022 Don't forget, this Friday we're celebrating the end of Term and Footy Colours Day!
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