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Wilsons Promontory / Walkerville Cottages

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24.01.2022 Impending tragedy at the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area. PLEASE PHONE THE OFFICE OF SCOTT MORRISON (02)6277 7700. This is a national emergency of inte...rnational significance. Demand that the Australian Government immediately prioritises resources to protect the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area, which is now under immense threat of wildfire. As uncontrolled wildfires rage across Tasmania The Wilderness Society and Nature Photographers Tasmania have called on the Premier of Tasmania Will Hodgman and Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison to urgently request international amphibious water-bombing assistance to combat the unfolding tragedy at some of the world’s most important and iconic natural sites, in the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area. Fire is now at the very edge of the largest remaining forest of thousand-year old King Billy pines in the world, at Mt Bobs, and directly threatens Federation Peak and the entire Arthur Range. In the midst of devastating loss of people’s homes we are also on the brink of losing ancient forests and alpine communities. We need not lose one to save the other. We acknowledge the tremendous contribution made by fire crews, including efforts to protect wilderness values. However the scale of the fires, with over 2.5% of Tasmania burnt or burning, has overwhelmed fire-fighting capacity to the extent that little is available to combat remote fires in the Tasmania Wilderness World Heritage Area. Ancient Gondwanan plant communities thousands of years old stand to be irrevocably lost to fire - never to recover in our lives, our children's lives, or our children’s-children's lives. These irreplaceable wilderness icons are among the most critical features of the entire Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area. Tasmania and Australia have responsibilities as caretakers of the Australian World Heritage properties, and these responsibilities are now not being upheld. These are not ‘natural fires’ as we historically understand them. Dry lightning strikes of the type that ignited scores of fires in southern Tasmania over the last month were virtually unheard of before the year 2000 but have been exponentially increasing since that time. January 2019 will smash records for hot and dry conditions in Hobart and Southwest Tasmania. The current fires are as much a consequence of climate change and global warming as are bleaching reefs, retreating glaciers, and disappearing ice-caps. Unprecedented changes in climate call for unprecedented fire-fighting responses. Very large amphibious water-bombing aircraft are routinely used to combat wildfires in North America, Canada and Europe. We call on Premier Hodgman and Scott Morrison to immediately contact Northern Hemisphere leaders and urgently request the deployment of these strategically effective craft to avert a global catastrophe in Tasmania. Media Release Wednesday 30 January 2019 Vica Bayley 0400 644 939 (The Wilderness Society) Rob Blakers 0427 232 539 (Nature Photographers Tasmania) Images by Grant Dixon and Rob Blakers of Mt Bobs, Federation Peak and the Western Arthur Range.

24.01.2022 Its summer..even when its cold ..its not really cold ...

24.01.2022 what a great place to live..cant wait wait til the northerners leave

24.01.2022 The old growth forest of Granite Mountain on the Errinundra plateau continues to be logged! 3000 people have contacted Premier Dan Andrews. The forest is so let's get calling! Please call the Premier and Environment Minister today calling on them to act, stop the logging an protect East Gippsland's forests. Premier Daniel Andrews - Ph: (03) 9651 5000 Environment Minister Lily D'Ambrosio - Ph: 03 9637 9504 You will speak to a person who sits on the front desk. Be polite, this person is just a secretary but they will note your concerns and pass them on. Remind them that you sent an email about logging in the old growth forest of Granite Mountain in a VicForests logging area called 'Fashizzle' 889-504-0011 Ask them to immediately stop logging in this area and protect East Gippsland's forests from logging by legislating new formal reserves and creating the Emerald Link proposal. Remind them that the Victorian environment department has said they will protect ALL old growth forest. A plan to protect East Gippsland's forests was supposed to be implemented 6 months ago, BUT OLD GROWTH IS STILL BEING LOGGED. Remember to be polite, we are listened to when we stay calm, collected and on message. You can also email them Premier here Thank you for your support. If we all pile on the pressure we can and will protect these forests.

21.01.2022 if you really love the ambience of Walkerville February/March is the best time down here weatherise .The water is is still warm, weather patterns steadier ie less windy (well who knows these days..) and the holiday crowds have gone home .mind you ,spring October /Novemebr is the most beautiful..

10.01.2022 Book from travel Victoria and save dollars in specials and booking fees

09.01.2022 Update 3: The Lost Dogs Home has been in touch with us formally. We appreciate your support and concern and will share information as soon as we can. We are people not to call LDH for updates as they remain an important service for lost and found animals. Please remain respectful in all your engagement on this issue. . . Updat 2: John, our director phoned the Lost Dogs Home this morning. He requested to speak to someone senior and he was put through to Customer Service. John was given the brush-off by this staff member, and advised that the Lost Dogs' Home will be releasing a media statement shortly, and will only update the interested party. We are seeking legal advice. . . Update 1: GRV have confirmed to us that the Lost Dogs' Home don't need to use this GRV Temperament Test, they can use their own behaviourist. So, why haven't they done one yet? Franklin has lived in a home, and is not straight from a training kennel. We are asking people NOT to call, but to email. Please remember that this service also assists people with injured pets, lost and found pets -- we need to be mindful that those people and pets need assistance too. Calling will not help, only hinder. . . . Why should a temperament test decide a greyhound’s fate? We’re asking you to share this story to Free Franklin. Franklin needs you to be his guardian angel. His story needs to be heard and shared widely. 8 year old Franklin Velvetsnoot, was adopted out by Greyhound Rescue Victoria to a home in 2018. Franklin is a much-loved fixture of the St Kilda and Elwood community and the greater greyhound community. He has lived for the past 18 months as a much-loved pet with his owner. The greyhound community rallied for him during that time when an abscess burst and Franklin was very sick ( As a result of a changed personal circumstances, Franklin’s dad is no longer able to care for him and we were contacted by a third party with the intention that he be surrendered into our care. We only discovered that he was impounded at the Lost Dogs' Home in North Melbourne through our own investigations, despite Amber (our Adoptions Coordinator) being the Alternate Contact on his microchip registration. From the get-go, we pushed for his immediate release. During communication with the Lost Dogs' Home, we were assured that once the surrender paperwork had been signed that Franklin could then be released into our care. That narrative changed today, we were then advised that Franklin would undergo a GRV Temperament Test. If Franklin fails this test twice, we were told that he would be put to sleep. This is unacceptable this GRV Temperament Test is procedural backside-covering gone mad, and completely unnecessary. Franklin has lived in a home and is very well-socialised, and even had a regular walking partner who was a Bulldog. A temperament test in a kennel environment for a greyhound who has lived as a pet will not produce accurate results a strange and high-stress environment may not yield a PASS for our Franklin. Franklin suffers from severe Pannus where he requires two different types of eyedrops in each eye twice day, it has now been 4 days without this treatment. He has been displaced into a highly stressful environment, and his urgent release into our care would avoid any unnecessary anxiety. What other breed of dog goes through this kind of biased temperament testing? How many greyhounds has this system failed how many greyhounds has the Lost Dogs' Home failed? Amber and Cass (Franklin's original foster mama) visited Franklin in the Lost Dogs' Home (North Melbourne) today. Cass says: Franklin was rehomed into my local community, so for the last 18 months, I have seen the Velvetsnoot grow into a happy boy he is a smoochy goof, the King of Leans, the Duke of Dorks. Franklin is a snuggly older gentleman who deserves another chance. Join us to become one of Franklin’s Guardian Angels again. Your support for Franklin’s freedom is very much appreciated. Please ensure this is shared widely. We're calling on our friends: Animals Australia Blue the Grey Gone Are The Dogs - speaking up for Greyhounds, Greyhound Equality Society Coalition for the Protection of Greyhounds to seek support for Franklin Velvetsnoots urgent release from The Lost Dogs' Home.

08.01.2022 the wildflowers are blooming

07.01.2022 A Welcome relief ...South Gippslands Four Seasons in a Summer .Gentle rain after two sweltering days ....the plants are sighing a breath of relief to the beach !

06.01.2022 an extended summer though winter is coming....we can't seem to make up our mind what season it is ..a different one by the half hour ..good ole South Gippsland ..regardless... the melon growing season has passed . Water is still warm for swimming ...wading...a touch of rain has greened everything up ...listen for Lyrebirds calling on your walks in Cape Liptrap park

02.01.2022 it feels like December..warm,humid ...balmy nights ..

02.01.2022 Spring is emerging as the beach becomes a social event again...

01.01.2022 SPRING ! YIPPEE

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