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Walk 'n' Talk For Life Gold Coast


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25.01.2022 If you have low self-esteem you may have difficulty with relationships and problems at work or school. You may become very upset by criticism or disapproval and withdraw from activities and people.

25.01.2022 Thanks @holisticallygrace for todays helpful graphic.

23.01.2022 You can’t heal somebody’s pain by trying to take it away from them. It’s so hard to know what to do when your friends are hurting. The thing is, you can’t cheer... someone up by telling them to look on the bright side, or by giving them advice. It just doesn’t work. Watch this video to learn the one thing that will improve all of your I’m here for you intentions, and be that supportive friend you most want to be. See more

21.01.2022 I believe in you. Seriously. Thanks to @peacefulmindpeacefullife for todays helpful reminder.

21.01.2022 #walkntalkforlife #mentalhealthaustralia #mentalhealthsupport #selfcare #selfcompassion

21.01.2022 Mindset Monday! You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new. - Brian Tracy Growth must be chosen again and again; fear must be overcome again and again. -Abraham Maslow... May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears. -Nelson Mandela #motivationmonday #MindsetMonday

21.01.2022 If you’re dealing with anxiety, it can be tough to keep going, and while there are a lot of ways to reduce anxiety in your life, we found some very specific opt...ions that you may want to try. "Individuals should seek professional help if they have tried to control the anxiety and worrying with no success, and it has lasted for at least six months, Poag says. Or when anxiety begins to negatively impact relationships, work, or routine tasks. Stress and anxiety might be unavoidable, but that doesn’t mean we can’t take steps to prevent them from negatively impacting our lives. Try these below...

17.01.2022 CBT Insomnia Techniques- I hope you have found something of value here.

17.01.2022 Insecurity and self-doubt is something which I encounter, it effects many areas of my life such as my relationships and my career. These insecurities keep me hidden from social situations and can stop me from trying new things. It’s a horrible feeling when you just don’t feel good enough or when you feel like don’t belong somewhere. Yet the good news is, I know deep down that I have complete control over these feelings and I have the power to overcome these self-doubts. If you also encounter feelings of insecurity and self-doubt then know that you’re not alone. Self-doubt is completely normal and tends to occur when we experience failure or disappointment, or when we don’t meet the high expectations which we set ourselves. You can overcome these feelings, no matter how you feel.

15.01.2022 Self-help for depression can be effective for improving mood and managing symptoms. If you're wondering how to deal with depression, there are simple things you can do on your own and without leaving the house. This can help if: you’ve been feeling down you want some additional tools to help improve your mood you’re finding it difficult to get motivated.

15.01.2022 Wherever you're at is okay. Its okay to speak up and get help. Its brave. This graphic, or one similar can help you communicate more easily to your loved one...s about where you are emotionally. If you find yourself in the yellow or orange zones make sure to reach out to someone you trust and tell them how you're feeling. If you feel like there is no one you can talk to, come along to your closest Walk 'n' Talk event, there is always a kind ear waiting. Its probably best to also book an appointment with your GP to see what options are available. While you're waiting for your appointment make sure to brainstorm as many self care ideas as possible and try to implement them into your day. Ask for help and encouragement from your loved ones if that's what you need to get you through for a bit. If you are in the red, have no one to talk to and can't get into a doctor today, try: Lifeline 13 11 14 Open 24/7 Lifeline Crisis Support online chat Open 7pm - midnight, 7 days a week Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467 Open 24/7 If you, or someone you know, are in immediate danger, please call 000 or go to your nearest hospital Emergency Department. #WalknTalkForLife #MentalHealthAustralia #SelfCare

15.01.2022 The joy you feel during the holidays doesn't have to end when you head back to work/reality. Keep it as a priority and find ways to find and feel joy in the moments in your day. . #mindsetmonday #mentalhealth #WalknTalkForLife #backtoreality

13.01.2022 Take a minute to thank them for what their impact in your life.

13.01.2022 #WalknTalkForLife

12.01.2022 Apologizing when we’ve clearly hurt someone else, violated a rule, or done something we know to be wrong is a necessary step in repairing the social fabric that... keeps us connected to other people. But saying sorry for stuff we aren’t responsible for not only invalidates us and reinforces feelings of low self-worth, it can trivialize the act of apologizing and give others the impression we’re less capable. Much of getting over the impulse to beg forgiveness for things we aren’t responsible for involves cultivating a tolerance for the discomfort of awkward situations as well as greater self-compassion, Breines says. It’s not easy to suddenly shift your behavior. But studies do show that, in some cases, withholding apologies can be empowering. So next time you find yourself inclined to say sorry, take a breath, pause, and ask yourself whether you’re really to blame. If not, no sorry necessary.

12.01.2022 As parents, we constantly strive to meet an invisible threshold that only moves further away the closer we get to it. How utterly exhausting and demoralizing is! We hoard resources for fear that our child is going to miss out on an opportunity and will fall behind (without giving thought to all the children we push behind in so doing). We often care give alone or with little help, regardless of whether there is a global pandemic forcing us into isolation. Our interactions with our children are more controlled and less compassionate. We tend to overprotect and exert excessive power over our children leaving them with little room to make their own decisions, mistakes, and solutions. Setting realistic and attainable intentions every day leaves space for you to be more present with your child, to be more creative with your time together, to be more loving and compassionate, to be more satisfied. You and your child feel loved. That’s it. -Rachel Mills-Brantley, MSW, LCSW

11.01.2022 What's a boundary you've communicated and implemented, that's had a positive effect on your life?

11.01.2022 2020 made it feel okay to talk about their mental health, let's encourage these conversations to continue. Continue the emphasis on check ins and genuine connection. Whatever the new year brings We will be here with you every step of the way. Walk 'n' Talk For Life - Connecting a mentally strong Australia, one step at a time.

10.01.2022 It can seem like someone has it all together- but remember, you never know how they're feeling inside. Reach out and connect. #walkntalkforlife Gold Coast QLD Australia Gold Coast Queensland

10.01.2022 It can be hard to find the right words to say, no matter how much you care. Here are some great suggestions from The Resilience Centre

10.01.2022 Comment yours, then tag a friend to help them kick start a positive year.

06.01.2022 Lean Back. One of the best wisdom-reminders I ever received. We spend a lot of our time leaning way forward into life, she said: with anticipation, excitement..., anger, worry. We don’t have to turn these emotions off, but we could just lean back a little bit. Lean back has been a little mantra for me ever since, but especially in the last six months. Sometimes it’ll pop up in meditation if I’m trying too hard to have a certain experience. (Pro-tip: silently shouting Calm Down! to yourself does not work.) But more often, it comes up in daily life as I find myself leaning too far forward. Leaning forward into a conflict; into saying or writing that thing that I really want to express, but that actually isn’t that helpful to express; into comparison; into needing things to be just a certain way, or not another way. It happens all the time. So, after years of repetition, Sharon’s phrase is now lodged somewhere in my pre-frontal cortex, where it helpfully reminds me to lean back now and then. I find that lean back is somatically true for me as well. Usually, when I’m leaning forward mentally, I’m leaning forward physically as well: tensing up, bringing my head forward, maybe even actually leaning forward. So, when I hear that internalized Sharon say lean back, I check in with the body as well as the mind. Sure enough, like a ‘tell’ that lets the other poker players know I’m bluffing, my body reveals what’s really going on. More recently, lean back has taken on new relevance because I often find myself leaning forward into the unknown future of the pandemic. What will the next few months bring? Will my daughter’s preschool stay open? Will we experience a ‘second wave’? Will we be okay? Lean back is a useful antidote. Of course, some planning, information, and even speculation is useful. Of course, it’s understandable that we all want to know more about when this will ever end. But when I’ve perused eighteen speculative articles on when a vaccine may be ready, it’s probably time to lean back a little. I’m glad lean back is lodged in my brain. It’s a reminder I need to hear every day, but especially these days. Come to think of it, is there a way you could lean back, right now? Dr. Jay Michaelson The editor of wisdom content for Ten Percent Happier. Thanks to Jay and Ten Percent Happier :) Follow them for amazing content like this.

05.01.2022 Learn how to be effective in interpersonal relationships, and get your needs met with the DBT Skill "DEARMAN." D - Describe E - Express A - Assert R - Reinforce ... M - Mindful A - Appear N - Negotiate See more

04.01.2022 Not everyone needs to know details, but this is a great reminder to clearly communicate how you are feeling to your loved ones. Its the best way for them to un...derstand. And a reminder to be an "open responder" to be more aware of how our loved ones may be feeling. Thanks to @notsosecretdiaryofanxiety . #MentalHealth #MentalHealthAustralia #anxiety #SuicidePrevention #understandmentalhealth

01.01.2022 To the people who haven’t given up on me, your kindness does not go unnoticed. Your love does not go unfelt. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

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