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Walk to Everest for A-T | Non-profit organisation

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Walk to Everest for A-T


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25.01.2022 What a fun week of school this will be!! Thank you Riverina Anglican College

24.01.2022 What is your challenge going to be?

24.01.2022 We are so excited for this Saturday and invite you to join us to see the MCUE Goannas footballers and Netballers taking to the field/court in purple to raise awareness for Ataxia-Telangiectasia Mangoplah vs Wagga Tigers At Mangoplah Sports Ground 15/8/20... See you there!! BrAshA-T Ataxia-Telangiectasia WhitelineDesigns Australia

23.01.2022 Good Morning! Our volunteers on on deck this morning to wrap all your Christmas gifts! Come in for some last minute Christmas shopping and support the Brash-AT foundation!

23.01.2022 Please consider sponsoring A-T superstar Laila as she prepares for her #26steps4AT challenge this Sunday! Laila will walk 26 minutes on her manual treadmill, which is equivalent to running a marathon for someone with A-T. Please show your support by sharing with your friends, doing your own challenge or by clicking on the donate button below.

22.01.2022 Breaking news We are very excited to share with you that the Federal Government has provided $2.45 million for a clinical trial for A-T! Congratulations to Dr David Coman - Paediatrician, Metabolic Physician, Clinical Geneticist and the team at University of Queensland who have been awarded the funding through the latest round of the Medical Research Future Fund's Rare Cancers, Rare Disease and Unmet Needs grant. The trial aims to treat mitochondrial dysfunction in A-T ...using a novel form of anaplerosis and will be open to all A-T patients throughout Australia. ~ BrAshA-T Ataxia-Telangiectasia This news unlocks so much hope and possibilities for those touched by A-T Thank you to everyone that has contributed to making this possible!! We would also like to make a special mention to our supporters whether it was trekking Everest, donating your time or money, sharing our posts to spread awareness YOU have all played a crucial part in helping to get us to this point and we couldn’t be happier that Charlie and Zara will take part in this new Australian first trial..we have hope and are so grateful #AtaxiaTelangiectasia

21.01.2022 Thank you once again to St Mary’s Rainbow Preschool and it’s wonderful educators and families for your ongoing support. A recent fundraising pie drive raised $1,318.55 in the fight for a cure, simply amazing!! BrAshA-T Ataxia-Telangiectasia

20.01.2022 Charlie and Zara Millar have a big fight ahead of them, but they have the community of Wagga backing them all the way.

20.01.2022 Rare Disease Day 2020 is this Saturday 29 February, a very rare day itself! It is an opportunity to raise awareness and support for rare disease communities all... around the world. This year's empowering theme is that rare is many, rare is strong, rare is proud! Our 40 A-T superstars living in Australia are part of a much bigger community of 300 million people worldwide living with rare disease. BrAshA-T needs your help to spread the word about our fight for a cure for A-T by liking, commenting on and sharing our posts throughout the week. #RareDiseaseDay #RareIsMany #RareIsStrong #RareIsProud #FightingForACure See more

18.01.2022 BrAshA-T Day Thank you MCUE Goannas for hosting a day of purple for BrAshA-T Ataxia-Telangiectasia. The BrAshA-T flag flew high and there was a sea of purple as all Mangoplah footballers and netballers took to the field/court in purple socks and the Wagga Tigers netballers wore purple ribbons in their hair.... To say thank you never feels enough- both of these clubs have been a huge support in our mission for a cure and we appreciate all the efforts that went into the day and the generosity and love from everyone involved. We are so lucky to have a community that is not only behind Charlie and Zara to beat this cruel disease, but to all that are touched by A-T. All proceeds from the day get us a step closer to a cure More photos to come

16.01.2022 What is Ataxia-Telangiectasia #RDD2020 #RareIsProud #RareIsStrong #RareIsMany #HopeForAWorldWithoutAT #FightingForACure

16.01.2022 Today at Mangoplah Sports Ground... MCUE Goannas vs Wagga Tigers

16.01.2022 In November 2018, 25 men will make the extraordinary trek to Mt Everest Base Camp to raise awareness and much needed funding for a rare genetic childhood disease called Ataxia-Telangiectasia (A-T). Charlie and Zara Millar are two of the 40 children in Australia affected by this life shortening debilitating condition. Walk to Everest for A-T are determined to do Whatever it Takes to find a cure! You can show your support by liking and sharing this video. We also have several... sponsorship packages available to choose from including naming rights for the campaign! Please contact us for further details or consider making a tax deductible donation today at Thank You Zachary Williams Productions Music in order of appearance Better days - BenSound Whatever it takes- Imagine Dragons (rights approved by Universal Music)

15.01.2022 Another family recently touched by a devastating diagnosis...BUT the future is looking brighter than ever with a potential TREATMENT to improve mobility and speech on the horizon!!! Thank you to all that have and continue to support BrAshA-T Ataxia-Telangiectasia and the amazing work that is being done here in Australia #AtaxiaTelangiectasia #FightingForACure #goldiesangels

14.01.2022 Xav and Pria looking fabulous today in their purple BrAshA-T Ataxia-Telangiectasia socks for crazy sock day at school. Thank you!

13.01.2022 So grateful for the wonderful support of family and friends we are surrounded by

13.01.2022 Charlie and Zara stepping it up for A-T! They are taking part in the #26steps4AT challenge by balancing for 26 seconds which may not seem like long for many but for those that have ataxia, standing still is almost impossible...even harder when your brother keeps tugging on your shirt for support!! Please show them some for their outstanding efforts by sharing with your friends, doing your own challenge* or by clicking on the donate button below. ... BrAshA-T Ataxia-Telangiectasia #26steps4AT #twopointsixchallenge #fightingforacure *Keep the momentum going by doing your own challenge and tagging BrAshA-T Ataxia-Telangiectasia and sharing the donation page to help keep vital research ongoing in these uncertain times. (More details on their Facebook page) Thank you

12.01.2022 Multiple colour runs and a purple themed mufti day supporting BrAshA-T Ataxia-Telangiectasia has raised $3025 towards research! Thank you so much Riverina Anglican college students and families for your kindness and generosity

11.01.2022 Rare Disease Day 2020 We would like to say a special thanks today to all that are working tirelessly towards a treatment and ultimately a cure for Ataxia-Telangiectasia #RDD2020 #RareIsProud #RareIsStrong #RareIsMany #HopeForAWorldWithoutAT #FightingForACure

10.01.2022 Such a fun way to raise awareness BrAshA-T Ataxia-Telangiectasia

08.01.2022 The reality of A-T can sometimes feel a little overwhelming but we are so thankful to have such uplifting support around us and an incredible team working tirelessly here in Australia towards a cure giving us great hope not only for Charlie and Zara’s future but for all who are touched by Ataxia-Telangiectasia. Link to the full story in the comments below

08.01.2022 A touch of purple for BrAshA-T day at Mangoplah Sports Ground raised $5,001.55 towards research for Ataxia-Telangiectasia!! A very big THANK YOU once again to all involved ..And the WhitelineDesigns Australia A-T socks have been so popular!! Thank you to everyone that has purchased or placed an order (next delivery arriving soon ) We will continue selling them so if you haven’t already got a pair or would like another pair of these seriously cosy socks please comment o...r contact us to get yours $10ea Adults and kids sizes available BrAshA-T Ataxia-Telangiectasia MCUE Goannas Wagga Tigers

07.01.2022 A clinical trial for a potential treatment for A-T to start next year

06.01.2022 Hope for a world without A-T

05.01.2022 12 month reunion! #StillFightingForACure #OurHeroes #AtaxiaTelangiectasia

03.01.2022 Thank you to our beautiful Wollongong family and followers for taking part in the Bakers Delight hot cross bun fundraiser this Easter raising $209 for BrAshA-T Ataxia-Telangiectasia. We appreciate your support and a special thanks to the gorgeous little bunnies that delivered them! Happy Easter everyone from our family to yours!

01.01.2022 In need of last minute Christmas gifts?? Visit the Riverina Co-op Wagga for the most beautiful homewares and gifts and we’ll take care of the wrapping for you! Come and and visit the team and support a great cause this Christmas! Open 10am -3pm each trading day until the 22/12 except Saturday which will be 9am - 1pm.

01.01.2022 Truly the most amazing preschool!! Thank you St Mary's Rainbow Preschool for once again going above and beyond to support our cause BrAshA-T Ataxia-Telangiectasia and thank you to all the beautiful families for your generosity and kindness

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