Wallaby Creek Retreat in Urbenville, New South Wales, Australia | Cottage
Wallaby Creek Retreat
Locality: Urbenville, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: nsw 6634 6166
Address: Wallaby Creek 2475 Urbenville, NSW, Australia
Website: http://www.wallabycreek.com.au
Likes: 304
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24.01.2022 We've had frosts several days and no rain for a while, it's that time of year that the grass turns straw-coloured in the slanting soft afternoon north-west sun. As I check the heifers and the waters, everywhere there is the soft scurry-thump-thump-thump of kangaroos and wallabies in the long grass. The cottage is mostly booked for June and for early July, but still a week mid-June, two weeks late July and most of later August available for a winter break.
24.01.2022 Thanks to the clever tech-savvy person who posted this: we get too busy looking after the hills and trees and grass and cows. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ut0_E3aKxbg
24.01.2022 Autumn, time of glorious days, harvest and culmination.
24.01.2022 Isolated. Socializing. The locals are good with that.
23.01.2022 New yard fence is finished and makes a great big space to relax or play, credit to Ben for all the hard work. I'll be doing the fun bit, the gardening.
23.01.2022 Been spending too much time together? But don't worry, Wallaby Creek Cottage is opening again soon (and see comments).
23.01.2022 Thanks to the lovely rain Our beautiful creek runs again
23.01.2022 Our neighbour kindly said "You dodged a bullet there". The fires have almost burnt themselves out now . . .
23.01.2022 Farmer's joy . . . Queen Bee and Lilly-belle munching lush fresh green grass (and Queen Bee is going to calve any day now). The farm has turned a glowing green, amazing.
22.01.2022 Garlic harvesting is on in early to mid November, guests at the cottage, all ages, can join us for a garlic harvest session in the garden.
22.01.2022 It's been variable weather, some days of cold clear frost, some of blistering winds, but at the cottage the sun comes in to you without the ice crystals.
22.01.2022 My little star doing star-jumps with mud boots. She's in the new dam we just had built below the cottage, let's hope it fills (gently) this spring and summer. And yes, it's a lot bigger than we imagined too but good for fishing and swimming according to some.
21.01.2022 Those familiar with our green lush valley will know this view but not the dry hills and smoke. Fires continue to burn nearby and it has been a difficult time as we continue to deal with the dry, but all is well at the farm.
20.01.2022 Garlic harvest: bunches of three large, plaits of ten, bags of 1/2 kg and bigger lots available, approx $20/kg, homegrown organically, Italian White, keeps well until winter next year.
20.01.2022 More on Clancy and Joe: last week, the boys were fitted with their new hand made traditional Australian collars. How did we make this happen? A huge thanks to Dean Jeffery, local harness maker, who put in a special effort to fit these two perfectly.
20.01.2022 Bird of the month for November is.............. Regent Bowerbird! These were, for once, in abundance this morning as we sat in the hides by a rapidly diminishing pool of water. All together I think five came. In my opinion, this is the most beautiful bird around, bar none.
20.01.2022 From the beginning of spring, the Silvereyes have gone off. Not a normal visitor to Wallaby Creek, they have been a joy to photograph as they are quite inquisitive and bold, often sitting just a couple of meters from me. Here's some photos from yesterday and today. -Murray
19.01.2022 Lots happening on the farm these last couple of months, even if it doesn't always make it onto fb. The rain was a blessing and it's so green and lush again. Here's some photos out of the last month: evening storm skies, tailing weaners with the kids, mother duck taking the ducklings out, water in the creek clear and fresh, breadmaking in the camp oven, new milking yards and gates, flowering apple gums. Beautiful, hectic, abundant and everything doing its best to raise young ones.
19.01.2022 One especially good thing happened in this otherwise difficult summer: Q. What has huge feet, is taller than me and eats like the proverbial horse? (No, not my teenage son; well, yes, that's him, but that's not the answer) Q. What is handsome, hairy and the best way to get farm work done (other than Ben, I mean)? ... Did you guess? (photos coming soon)
19.01.2022 The new dam, full and lush. Sometimes a different view of the same day is all that's required.
18.01.2022 Crown Park Goats open locally in Urbenville for really cute hand-on baby goat action.
18.01.2022 Now doing farm baking! Bread making workshops: organic sourdough, yeast dough, crackers, buns, wood fired campoven baked, plus butter and spreads to go with your breads. Suits adults or the whole family, spend the morning with us in the cooking galley, with tea and coffee included. I've been baking the family's bread for more than 10 years now so if you're interested, message me or book as an option with your cottage booking.
18.01.2022 Time to introduce the Boys, I've been a bit slow, but we LIKE slow at Wallaby Creek. This is Clancy, 14 yrs, classic Clydesdale, huge feathery feet, long hair everywhere, broken to harness and doesn't mind kids in tow. Perfect.
17.01.2022 Time for puppy update - shortly off to new homes, but one gets to stay (but which one?!)
17.01.2022 Relaxed family time at Wallaby Creek. Our latest airbnb review: "We loved our stay at the cottage. It was lovely to be met by a mob of kangaroos as we climbed the hill to the accommodation! No Internet or mobile connection for a few days was bliss and our family enjoyed just hanging out together, playing board games and sitting around the firepit."
17.01.2022 Horse riding for the kids (ages 4+) now an option for guests staying, come to the stable with us, brush Honey the pony, saddle up and go for a gentle led ride; $25 pp to get all horsey with us.
17.01.2022 The moon was pretty spectacular last night (and tonight).
16.01.2022 An amazing season for birds at present, some 70+ species sighted this last week, lots of trees flowering and activity aplenty. (Credit to guests Rod and Kath for the excellent photos.)
16.01.2022 And then there's Joe, 6 yo unbroken, but such a willing learner, he is currently in training to draught work, after 3 weeks of training he's driving in the open paddock, pulling light weight. And truely handsome!
15.01.2022 Investigating floodwash . . .
15.01.2022 P&C fundraiser for city school? I know it's not the time for thinking of school days but worth a thought for early next year: Our local school P&C (we have less than 20 kids K-6 - imagine that!) is looking to offer a voucher for a free weekend stay at Wallaby Creek Retreat, for another school's P&C to raffle. The two P&C's can work together, split the proceeds and it will help our P&C to send the grade 5 and 6 kids to a combined small-school's camp in March 2016. It's a great fundraising idea, better than the cake stall and Easter hamper combined (and healthier)! Let me know if you know a school that would be interested. Thanks.
15.01.2022 Spring . . . good spring at last. As promised, here's Mojo's progeny, they're red, cute and humpy!
14.01.2022 The nectarine tree tells me that the Season-of-Much-Wood-Chopping will soon come to an end . . .
14.01.2022 Where would Spring be without some cute calf photos? But just as exciting is the new cottage fence being built in the background, more on that soon . . .
13.01.2022 Fruits of the Farm and the Forest The tamarillos in the bush are ripe and the roosters too, this dinner was two roosters with a caramelised-onion-tamarillo-lemon juice marinade. It wasn't in the camp oven but there's an idea . . .
13.01.2022 Wilted and withered . . . We've resisted posting . . . what is there to say apart from waiting for rain, but I thought I'd share the scenery and say we are doing our best to find some shade and wait it out with bovine patience. There is something good happened on the farm this summer though, so I'm going to post again soon.
13.01.2022 Clearing the tracks . . .
12.01.2022 Birding tours at Wallaby Creek now available . . . spring is here . . .
12.01.2022 Making old things good again . . . the roof on the old-new stable going on. Soon guests can meet the horses at the stable as well as the farmyard cows, chooks, duck, calves . . .
12.01.2022 There's not much to say about this season, just ride it out under a shady tree if you can.
11.01.2022 Not much to write about this season, although it's been busy all winter. We're keeping up with looking after animals in the dry, with one orphan calf on Flossy, and feeding hay to the last few cows on this farm. The main mob of breeders has been moved to a nearby lease paddock. But we've been getting on with things, pouring the slab for the shed (at last!), fencing, exploring the forest, photographing birds, and fighting off invading knights. On account of the bird photography, I've requested a Wallaby Creek bird photo of the month for this page. Results to follow.
10.01.2022 We set the chook on Christmas day and 21 days later (plus a couple of days before mamma chook would show us) . . . Cute number 1 and Cute number 2!
10.01.2022 Thanks all for your generous support of our school raffle, I am humbled by your generosity - thank you. If you don't win and you still need a break away from the busy life, let me know. And to make it easier, we're doing an autumn mid-week special price, either 3 nights for the price of 2 or a 20% discount on two nights if you can't get away for 3 nights. The special is for all of autumn, any Mon-Thurs nights, not including public holidays. It's nearly the season for sitting around the fire at night . . .
10.01.2022 We had a great weekend of blacksmithing and breadmaking with guests (thanks everyone), check out these herby cheesy scrolls, rye loaf, sandwich loaf, fruit buns and salted rye rosemary sour dough crackers. No-one was hungry after that with plenty of billy tea and lots of farmyard fun for the kids.
10.01.2022 If you've been to Wallaby Creek lately, you'll have met Lulu. She's sassy, bossy, gutsy, noisy, cheeky and funny; she's in our hearts for sure.
09.01.2022 This Nankeen Night Heron was photographed near the house recently and this week two night herons have been circling the small dam in the milkers' paddock, much to the disgust of the smaller birds.
08.01.2022 This is Brown, whose feet hardly touch the ground but she never misses
07.01.2022 For those who know Ben's dog Brown, you'll be glad to know she has three fine puppies, and you won't be surprised that she leapt into the back of the ute ready to go to work, the very next morning!
07.01.2022 Guests at our cottage yesterday kindly rescued an orphaned kangaroo joey and we ferried him over to our local wildlife carer - he was really hard to photograph but we tried! Having some fur and being about 7 months old, he has a very good chance of survival.
07.01.2022 Birdwatching season in the bush - spring brings a whole new life. The satin bower birds are busy and we've lost all our blue pegs! If you are interested in birdwatching bushwalks, enquire with us.
07.01.2022 Poor old Queen Bee had to wait until the week of rain stopped (cows seem to be able to wait for the weather even for calving) and this little fellow was born on Monday morning. What do you think we should call him, Spot or something??
07.01.2022 Handsome PB Light Sussex Roo, strutting his stuff for a new home, if anybody locally is looking for such as he. $15.
07.01.2022 It seems to have been school holidays for weeks and weeks already and we're only half way through our NSW holidays. We've been making baskets, including one for "Slippery" the duckling (who was surprisingly tolerant and photogenic).
06.01.2022 We were very pleased to hear from our guests that a Rufous Bettong has been visiting the cottage lawn nightly, and Rod and Kathy were kind enough to send through this excellent photo. Bettongs are becoming less common but are a critical part of the bushland ecosystem. This area has the highest number of macropod species and the bettong is one of those species.
05.01.2022 Time for family time under the stars in the frosty nights, around the blazing camp fire then a super-comfy warm bed as well.
05.01.2022 Getting the jump on spring: with some careful attendance we hatched some Sussex chicks from the incubator. Lucky life is good on the farm because looks like we won't be traveling far this spring.
05.01.2022 Water Water Everywhere ! Hooray. Cottage taking bookings from March, for a luscious green autumn on the farm.
04.01.2022 The recent rain has been fantastic for us . . . and for frogs. We went frogspotting at the dam the other night and saw four species: Eastern Dwarf Tree Frog (all over the water lilly pads), Rocket Frog, Broad Palmed Frog and, in the paddock, the Green Thighed Frog, which is listed as vulnerable. The two photos here are the Barred Frog and . . . not sure! Any suggestions on the yellow frog on a creek rock?
03.01.2022 It's here . . . the Urbenville Primary School P&C raffle for a weekend stay at Wallaby Creek Retreat, $5 a ticket for a two night stay, and if you don't need a holiday in the quiet country (really?) you can use the voucher as a gift. It's easy, all online and funds raised go to help students attend camp and outings. Thanks for your support. http://www.mycause.com.au/page/118440
03.01.2022 Next week now available at the cottage, due to sudden cancellation, if you can organise some extra holiday to go with the Show Holiday. Check website calendar for details and email us from the website if this looks like you.
02.01.2022 Looking for your very own quietness for the New Year weekend? Cottage is now available from Friday night (30th) through to the following Friday. Complete peace and privacy.
02.01.2022 Wallaby Creek Retreat offers a free farm yard tour for kids . . . Guests at the cottage can arrange with us for a farm yard tour for the kids (after breakfast and weather permitting!).Come with us while we feed the chooks, throw grain to the ducks, give hay to the calf and, best of all, milk the cow for fresh warm cow's milk - are you game to try? Maybe we'll even give old Steamer the cart horse a pat.
01.01.2022 A chilly winter view from the cottage
01.01.2022 Farm School for Home Schoolers special for 2 days / 2nights Tues-Thurs school terms Hand-on workshops designed for kids in a great farm setting with accommodation at comfortable farm cabin: choice of workshops includes horse riding, blacksmithing, bread making, bush exploring and farmyard experiences with cow milking. All run by a home schooling farming family. Blacksmithing: $140 2 people day... Breadmaking: $120 per family day Horse riding: Introductory $25 pp or Half day $60 pp Bush exploring and Farmyard tour included with accommodation price. Accommodation is $200 for 1 family (up to 5) or $300 for 2 families (BYO extra bedding) Full details of workshops on the website. Phone us for details and to arrange bookings at Wallaby Creek on 02 6634 6166 http://wallabycreek.com.au/hands_on/
01.01.2022 Truly the land of milk and honey this morning as I milked Queen Bee and Ben and kids harvested the bee hives. Honey for sale this year! As chemical free as honey could be.
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