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The Wallaby's Rock Garden in Garvoc, Victoria, Australia | Botanical garden

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The Wallaby's Rock Garden

Locality: Garvoc, Victoria, Australia

Address: Ridge Road 3265 Garvoc, VIC, Australia


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25.01.2022 One of the best post-covid plans for Australia. Very well researched and completely possible.

24.01.2022 The trouble with wilderness gardening is that doesn't look that neat in a photo. Still looks great in person but green on green background I am still learning how to take a nice photo. But then I'm only getting the hang of flower photos and they should make it easy for me. Very happy with this bed. Profusion of messiness but pretty much all edible. Acacia, oregano, thyme as perennial cornerstones. Rhubarb, globe artichoke, sorrel, rocket, lettuce, perpetual spinach filling pretty much everywhere else. A bit of grasses poking through but mulch, competition and occasional sickle swipe keeping easily under control.

23.01.2022 How awesome is this? Currently looking like if I have extra residential places beyond mine at The Wallaby's Rock Garden it would need to be tiny-house-on-wheels. (Who'da thunk they actually do seem good for fitting in with regulations?) Since I could make them on location they don't need to be practical mobile houses, could really focus on the art. I'd love to have ones like this. Hopefully in about a years or two's time will be able to have tiny house parking. If you are interested in parking your own, short term rental or other inquiries, let me know.

22.01.2022 I'd risk swimming out there to gnaw on that.

22.01.2022 Little native rat burrows. Make a mess but don't seem to actually cause any damage. Will keep an eye on them.

20.01.2022 Good to see. Hope they pay attention to this excellent plan.

18.01.2022 Useful little animal identification guide.


16.01.2022 Lovely native plant photo set

15.01.2022 Do you think Utopia or Oblivion will win the race?

14.01.2022 or in comic form

13.01.2022 Coming soon again. Always good to be that more aware of the wildlife.


07.01.2022 It is enews time! And August's "Bird of the Month is the Rose Robin! Unlike other members of the Australasian Robin family, Rose Robins prefer life in the t...reetops. Although they wait on a perch while looking out for potential prey, just as other robins do, instead of waiting patiently, Rose Robins are always active, constantly changing their position on the perch or fluttering between perches every few seconds. And, instead of looking for prey on the ground, they raise their sights and look for insects flying past. Then they launch into the air, darting out from the perch, then tumbling about acrobatically in pursuit. Studies have highlighted the difference in their foraging behaviour: while Flame Robins, for example, spend two-thirds of their foraging time on or near the ground, Rose Robins can spend over 90 per cent of their time foraging more than 2 metres above the ground. To see one in action is more like watching a fantail feeding than watching a robin. Sometimes they even forage in the company of fantails, but they are never seen in the company of other species of robins. Vive la difference! So put the kettle on and enjoy this month's issue: Rose Robin by Andrew Silcocks

06.01.2022 Start counting the Aussie Backyard Bird Count starts TODAY! You can submit as many different counts as you like throughout the week, as long as each count la...sts for 20 minutes. Download the app or head to The Aussie Backyard Bird Count website to get started... Today we will launch the Aussie Backyard Bird Count Broadcast - live on Facebook and YouTube! Join our Chief Counters and BirdLife supporters around the nation as we celebrate all things BIRD! *We'll post the live video link to the Facebook event page when we kick off on Monday, so keep your eyes peeled for that* Run time by timezone: 12pm 2pm AEDT (NSW/ACT/VIC/TAS) 11:30am 1:30pm ACDT (SA) 11am 1pm AEST (QLD) 10:30am 12:30pm ACST (NT) 9am 11am AWST (WA) *Don't worry if you miss the livestream - we'll be putting the video online for you to catch up later* #AussieBirdCount #BirdLifeOz #UrbanBirds #BirdsinBackyards #Birdata #CitizenScience #CitSciOz #cuppawiththebirds #birdingathome

06.01.2022 You know how people say 'just plant one thing', and part of you thinks 'but one bit of lettuce isn't going to save the world'. What they're getting at, though,... is that planting something is the first step towards growing lots of things. It's the first step towards appreciating the seasons, to discovering the magical world of nematodes and humus that lies beneath our feet, to spending more time outdoors and less time in line at the supermarket. It's the first step towards seed saving and having a deep appreciation for local food sovereignty. It's a step towards taking our needs into our own hands and removing our vote from the industrial food system. It's the first step towards learning how to cook with whole foods, how to forage wild fruit and eat local weeds. It's a step towards the deep satisfaction we feel from embracing growing good as a new and important skill. Planting one thing leads to all this and more. #permacultureillustrator #patreonartist #growyourownfood

05.01.2022 Salvia involucrata looking just awesome poking through its pallet shelter.

03.01.2022 Cup day. First Tuesday of November. Where Melbourne and various areas of the rest of Victoria get a day off to plant out tomato seedlings into the garden from the sheltered nursery such as a greenhouse or well lit windowsill. This is as the risk of frost is generally gone that could otherwise kill them if planted out earlier in our temperate region. Name is from the cup sized pot the seedlings are often in and the cup of tea or fruit cordial you have afterwards.

03.01.2022 The worry is changing baselines means humanity'll never actually get the wakeup call to not ruin things before it's too late.

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