Wallan and District Netball Association | Sport league
Wallan and District Netball Association
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25.01.2022 NOTIFICATIONS FOR TEAMS Reminder all teams need to have their own bibs by third game, thank-you
23.01.2022 Wednesday Mixed Round 6: 18/03 7:00pm Boomers V Bearforce One 8:00pm Y-Not V Untouchaballs
22.01.2022 Thursday Ladies Round 6: 19/03 7:00pm Here for a Laugh V Bandaids 7:00pm Divas V Blues 8:00pm Blue Illusions V Kiss My Pass ... 8:00pm Captain Cooks Crew V Used By See more
21.01.2022 We want to reassure our Netball Victoria community that we are in close consultation with the State Government of Victoria, VicSport and other key stakeholders, and are monitoring the public health situation and any possible impacts as a result of COVID-19 (also known as ‘coronavirus’). Until further directives from the State Government of Victoria in relation to group gatherings due to COVID-19 concerns are received, all Melbourne Vixens and Netball Victoria events will be g...oing ahead as planned. In relation to local competitions, please keep in close contact with your club, Association or League for the most up-to-date information as it comes to hand. We understand people’s concern given the potential seriousness of the situation, but ask our community not to panic, and instead listen to evidence-based, real-time advice of health professionals and government officials. Please follow the directions and information on COVID-19, issued by the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), which can be found here; www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus. For sport specific advice, please refer to the Australian Institute of Sport webpage, which includes information on travel, as well as FAQs relating to COVID-19. Everyone should practise good hygiene to protect against infections. Good hygiene habits include: washing your hands often with soap and water; using a tissue and cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze; avoiding close contact with others, such as touching. You can read more about protective measures against COVID-19 on the World Health Organization website. We also wanted to reassure you that in the current environment if you feel uncomfortable shaking hands with your opposition at the end of a game, there are plenty of other ways to display sportsmanship and gratitude at the end of a game; such as a verbal congratulations. We will endeavour to keep you updated as new information comes to hand. In the meantime, the most important thing you can do is look out for each other.
21.01.2022 RESULTS Wednesday Mixed Round 5: 11/03 7:00pm Bearforce One 36 V Untouchaballs 12 8:00pm Y-Not 25 V Boomers 15
20.01.2022 LADIES WEDNESDAY SOCIAL Craigieburn has been re-scheduled until next week! Social netball as usual this Wed kicking off at 9.30 ($6.00 each) x
20.01.2022 Dear Players, As you will be aware COVID-19 has now been declared a pandemic. We recognise the need to play our part in slowing down the spread of the virus and protecting our community's health. We would like to reassure you that we are adhering to the guidelines put in place by the Australian Government Department of Health and the World Health Organisation, as the health and wellbeing of our player and officials are our top priority. We will continue to monitor and implem...ent government recommendations as they are announced. At this time Wallan and District Netball Association remains open unless or until directed otherwise. We will ask that all teams MUST PROVIDE YOUR OWN BIBS, we have purchased new balls for every game, we also advise against shaking hands after the game and limit the number of spectators sitting and watching the game. How you can help: Any players that are unwell should not attend the stadium for any reason. Adhere to travel guidelines as per the Department of Health website. Do not attend the stadium if you have recently returned from a country listed as High Risk as per the Department of Health website. Adhere to self-quarantine procedures as per the Department of Health website. Alert us if you do have COVID-19 ASAP. We will keep you notified of any changes if the need arises. Thank you for your on-going support. Let's look out for each other keep each other safe! Warm regards, WDNA Committee
19.01.2022 RESULTS Thursday Ladies Round 1: 13/02 7:00pm Captain Cook's Crew 40 V Here for a Laugh 19 7:00pm Used By 25 V Kiss My Pass 14 8:00pm Blues14 V Blue Illusions 28... 8:00pm Bandaids 33 V Divas 8 See more
17.01.2022 Netball Victoria Membership (VNA) https://vic.netball.com.au/netball-victoria-membership Please click - "How to Register" and follow the instructions, thank-you
16.01.2022 MESSAGE FROM NETBALL VICTORIA RETURN TO PLAY At this stage all community netball is suspended until May 31, 2020. This date will be reviewed and updated as the impacts of the government directions, such as physical distancing, evolve. We thank you for your understanding and the support you have shown throughout this time. The health, safety and well-being of our community is the most important thing right now and you are playing a major role in helping Australia fight throu...gh this pandemic. We are very optimistic that community netball will return sometime this year. Netball Victoria is working on a Return to Play strategy to ensure you have the best possible chance to deliver competitions and programs when it is safe. We do expect that some restrictions will continue through to the end of the year and we will provide advice when we know more about those potential restrictions. We are doing everything we can to make sure that you can deliver competitions in 2020. We are lucky that our sport has flexibility in how we deliver competitions and programs and we are lucky that so many of our facilities are available all year round, on weekends and weeknights. We are lucky that our sport is affordable and most of all we are lucky that we have so many people dedicated to and involved in the organisation and administration of community netball. To assist the netball community to get back to participating in the sport we love, think about downloading the Federal Government’s COVIDSafe App. The quicker we get on top of COVID-19, the quicker we hit the court.
16.01.2022 ALL PLAYERS Just informing you all that as of this week ladies are allowed to wear shorts/leggings or a netball skirt. Obviously needs to be the same colour as you entered on the team registration form. ALSO THE SHORTS MUST NOT HAVE NO POCKETS AND MUST BE THE SAME LENGTH AS A SKIRT. ... NO SHORTER THEN REGULAR SHORTS WILL BE TOLERATED! Refer to picture below, thanks IF WEARING LEGGINGS, NO STRIPES OR PRINTS ON THEM ALLOWED, MUST BE ALL ONE COLOUR!
14.01.2022 RESULTS Wednesday Mixed Round 3: 26/02 7:00pm Bearforce One 42 V Boomers 13 8:00pm Untouchaballs 18 V Y-Not 20
14.01.2022 Attention Players Just informing you all as of 2020 all stepping infringements will be called Footwork
13.01.2022 RESULTS Wednesday Mixed Round 2: 19/02 7:00pm Untouchaballs 16 V Bearforce One 27 8:00pm Boomers 13 V Y-Not 33
09.01.2022 RESULTS Thursday Ladies Round 4: 05/03 7:00pm Here for a Laugh 6 V Blue Illusions 39 7:00pm Captain Cooks Crew 35 V Divas 15 8:00pm Used By 33 V Bandaids 19... 8:00pm Kisss My Pass 26 V Blues 20 See more
09.01.2022 Attention All Players: NETBALL HAS NOW BEEN CANCELLED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE!! Please contact your team captain if you have any further questions, we feel its in everyone's best interest to have an extended 2 week holiday starting immediately, thank-you
09.01.2022 RESULTS Wednesday Mixed Round 4: 04/03 7:00pm Boomers 22 V Untouchaballs 34 8:00pm Bearforce One FORFEIT V Y-Not
08.01.2022 RESULTS Thursday Ladies Round 2: 20/02 7:00pm Divas 11 V Here for a Laugh 25 7:00pm Kiss my Pass 25 V Used By 22 8:00pm Blues 42 V Captain Cooks Crew 13... 8:00pm Bandaids 15 V Blue Illusions 30 See more
08.01.2022 Hey Everyone, Just thought id touch base and let you know what is happening with Netball at this stage. We received the below email from Netball Vic, but it really only relates to outdoor netball not indoor. We are hoping they allow us to return to indoor netball term 3 - After July School holidays... As soon as we have been given the go ahead from council and Netball Vic we will inform you all. Hope everyone is well and keeping safe xxx Good afternoon everyone,... Earlier today you would have received a communication that outlines the changes that can occur following the easing of restrictions as stated by the State Government earlier this week. I would like to take the time to reiterate those points and draw your attention to resources that will be of assistance to you. Easing of Restriction The Victorian Government has announced further easing of restrictions which will enable groups of up to 20 (per court) to participate in training at outdoor venues from Monday 1 June 2020. All activity and training must continue to be non-contact and no competitions or match play may take place. Existing Return to Community Netball Guidelines must continue to be followed to ensure the safety of all involved. Training can consist of one group of 20 plus a coach or 2 groups of 10 plus a coach for each group. The 1.5 metre physical distancing rule still applies and needs to be adhered to. If that cannot be managed then the numbers, or the activity will need to be adjusted. Return to Play Roadmap Netball Victoria continues to advocate on behalf of our community to the State Government for a roadmap to resume competitive netball. At this point in time, we are advocating for a recommencement of competition netball in mid-July 2020. We will continue to support you in preparation for the recommencement. Return to Community Netball Information Session As part of our announcement last week regarding the Return to Community Netball Guidelines, Netball Victoria held a series of information webinars to provide more details on the guidelines. If you were unable to participate in a webinar, or would like to view it again, please click here.
07.01.2022 It is with great sadness that I have to inform you that Wallan Netball will not be running a Spring Season Competition due to the current COVID-19 situation. The committee has decided for the safety and wellbeing of all players and family involved that netball will have a break. We will hopefully be up and running next year. We thank-you for your continually support and hope to see you all back fighting fit next year! Captains please check your emails!!! Stay Safe to you all WDNA Committee
06.01.2022 RESULTS Thursday Ladies Round 5: 12/03 7:00pm Bandaids 26 V Divas 12 7:00pm Blues 20 V Blue Illusions 21 8:00pm Kiss My Pass 30 V Captain Cooks Crew 10... 8:00pm Here for a Laugh 24 V Used By 32 See more
03.01.2022 RESULTS Thursday Ladies Round 3: 27/02 7:00pm Bandaids 24 V Blues 29 7:00pm Captain Cooks Crew 37 V Here for a Laugh 22 8:00pm Blue Illusions 38 V Used By 22... 8:00pm Divas 7 V Kiss My Pass 44 See more
01.01.2022 Wallan & District Netball Association Inc. Annual General Meeting Thursday 20th February 6.00 pm ... Robson Stadium Wallan (Meeting Room) All members are invited to attend Nomination forms from will be available on the night or prior, please ask, thank-you
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