Walla Walla Lutheran Parish in Walla-Walla, New South Wales, Australia | Lutheran Church
Walla Walla Lutheran Parish
Locality: Walla-Walla, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 2 6029 2580
Address: 17 Commercial Street 2659 Walla-Walla, NSW, Australia
Website: https://walla.lutheran.org.au
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25.01.2022 Death is not a popular conversation topic at dinner parties or other social gatherings. Death and dying are often considered taboo subjects: too painful, too confronting, too scary. We prefer to keep death at a nice, safe distance. Out of sight and out of mind. Have you thought about death? What will dying be like? What happens after you die? It can be scary when we are confronted with death and our own mortality. But St Paul writes in Ephesians chapter 1 that ‘God has placed... all things under Christ’s feet.’ (Ephesians 1:22). Jesus has power over everything. He has power over all creation; power over demons; power over life; Jesus even has power over death itself. And this isn’t just talk, but God showed this power by raising Christ from the dead. And the good news is that God wants to give you this same power. The same mighty power that God exerted when he raised Christ from the dead and exalted him above all things is freely offered to you. This is the good news about death: all who believe and trust in Jesus have the riches of his glorious inheritance the power over death itself. This is good news, so let us praise the LORD with joy! You can join us for worship this Sunday (22 Nov) in three different ways: (1) Work through our Worship Resource, individually or with your household, at any time that suits you e.g. Sunday morning. https://bit.ly/walla-worship-resource-2020-11-22 (2) Participate online via video stream. The stream goes live each Sunday morning at 10:30am. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8kq6BlgXCpv8eiQeLdNHhw (3) Join us for in-building worship at Alma Park (9am) or Walla Walla (10:30am HC). Thinking or talking about what death means can be stressful. If you need to talk please contact Pastor Dan or someone who can help. https://wallawalla-parish.lutheran.org.au/contact/ https://www.lifeline.org.au/get-help/ Lifeline 13 11 14
25.01.2022 Verse for the week: If your brother sins against you, go to him. Tell him what he did wrong. Keep it between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won him back. (Matthew 18:15 NIrV)
24.01.2022 Join us for worship in person or online: 10 January 2020 10:30am AEST (Sydney time): https://www.youtube.com/watch Download the ‘Worship Resource’ for Sunday 10 January here: https://bit.ly/walla-worship-resource-2021-01-10... At Christmas we celebrate that Jesus was born for us. But who is this baby? Who is Jesus? Are the stories about him legend? Is he a great teacher? Perhaps he’s simply an important historical figure? This time after Christmas we will grapple with the life-changing question: Who is Jesus? So far we’ve heard that Jesus is God’s light of revelation and God himself who has ‘pitched a tent’ to dwell with us on earth. This week, as we focus on the baptism of Jesus, we hear that he is God’s beloved Son. Who is Jesus? is the most important question you will answer in 2021! Song: Tell out, my soul (LHS903) Songwriter: Timothy Dudley-Smith. Lyrics 1961 Hope Publishing Company. Used by permission, CCLI no. 92062. Performed by Emma, Lucy, Tim and Christine Biar, Jenny Mueller. Song: Washed by the blood Songwriter: Niki Shepherd. Lyrics 2014 Niki Shepherd. Used by permission, CCLI no. 92062. Performed by Emma, Lucy, Tim and Christine Biar, Jenny Mueller. Song: Good, good Father Songwriter: Anthony Brown, Pat Barrett. Lyrics 2014 Capitol CMG Paragon. Used by permission, CCLI no. 92062. Performed by Emma, Lucy, Tim and Christine Biar, Jenny Mueller. CCLI Streaming Licence no. 33765. Service led by Pastor Dan Mueller. Walla Walla Lutheran Parish, Riverina NSW, Australia.
23.01.2022 God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. (Genesis 1:31).
22.01.2022 Verse for the week: Peter came to Jesus. He asked, Lord, how many times should I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times? Jesus answered, I tell you, not seven times, but 77 times. (Matthew 18:2122).
21.01.2022 Join us for our worship video stream released on Sunday 22 November 2020 from 10:30am (AEST Sydney time). https://www.youtube.com/watch Note: due to factors outside our control, our worship video streams will look a little different and may be irregular for the coming weeks. Sorry!... Death is not a popular conversation topic at dinner parties or other social gatherings. Death and dying are often considered taboo subjects: too painful, too confronting, too scary. We prefer to keep death at a nice, safe distance. Out of sight and out of mind. Have you thought about death? What will dying be like? What happens after you die? It can be scary when we are confronted with death and our own mortality. But St Paul writes in Ephesians chapter 1 that ‘God has placed all things under Christ’s feet.’ (Ephesians 1:22). Jesus has power over everything. He has power over all creation; power over demons; power over life; Jesus even has power over death itself. And this isn’t just talk, but God showed this power by raising Christ from the dead. And the good news is that God wants to give you this same power. The same mighty power that God exerted when he raised Christ from the dead and exalted him above all things is freely offered to you. This is the good news about death: all who believe and trust in Jesus have the riches of his glorious inheritance the power over death itself. This is good news, so let us praise the LORD with joy! Here’s the ‘Worship Resource’ for Sunday 22 November: https://bit.ly/walla-worship-resource-2020-11-22 Song One there is, above all others Songwriter: John Newton. Lyrics in the public domain. Song Yours is the glory Songwriter: Edmond Louis Budry. Lyrics 1982 The Jubilate Group. Used by permission, CCLI no. 92062. CCLI Streaming Licence no. 33765. Service led by Pastor Dan Mueller. Walla Walla Lutheran Parish, Riverina NSW, Australia.
21.01.2022 Prepare for God to come down...Read 1 Corinthians 1:39 .
20.01.2022 Bible verse for the week: The Word became flesh and ‘pitched his tent’ among us. (John 1:14).
18.01.2022 #thankgodforfathers #messagesofhope #luthmedia
17.01.2022 Yesterday (6 January) was Epiphany. We have created a Spotify and YouTube playlist for this ordinary time after Epiphany. Enjoy! Spotify: https://bit.ly/spotify-playlist-epiphany-2021 YouTube: https://bit.ly/youtube-playlist-epiphany-2021 WHAT IS EPIPHANY?... The day of the Epiphany of our Lord is always 6 January, although in practice the festival may be celebrated on the Sunday before (or occasionally after). The word ‘epiphany’ means ‘manifestation’ or ‘showing plainly.’ Epiphany is an extension of Christmas. Now Christ, who came to earth, is shown as Saviour to the whole world to us and to all people, as originally to the wise men from the East. The First Sunday after Epiphany celebrates the baptism of Jesus, when he was shown as God’s beloved Son. The following Sundays continue something of the Epiphany message, although they do not constitute an Epiphany season, but rather belong to the ‘non-festival’ time after Epiphany. The last Sunday after Epiphany is always Transfiguration, when Jesus is shown in glory before his time of suffering. The number of Sundays after Epiphany varies according to the date of Easter and hence of Ash Wednesday (which is the Wednesday after Transfiguration). See more
17.01.2022 Join us for the funeral service of Joan Emma Wenke on Thursday 3rd September from 1pm (AEST, Sydney time). https://youtu.be/Cs7aKMuSVco Download the order of service here: http://bit.ly/walla-funeral-joan-wenke
14.01.2022 Here’s a great idea from Grow Ministries for Advent in your household! Make a paper chain with a link for each day of December up to Christmas Day . Write one of the instructions listed below on each link. Remove a link each day and do what it says: 1. Share: What gives you peace?... 2. Share: What gives you joy? 3. Share: What gives you hope? 4. Share compliments with each other. 5. Read Jeremiah 33:14-16. 6. Share hugs with one another. 7. Share good Christmas memories. 8. Read Isaiah 11:1-3. 9. Play a game together. 10. Sing a Christmas carol. 11. Share what you like about Christmas. 12. Read Micah 5:2-4. 13. Tell the nativity story to each other. 14. Prepare Christmas cards to give out. 15. Read Isaiah 7:14. 16. Sing another Christmas carol. 17. Do deeds of service for each other. 18. Share a Christmas food. 19. Read Isaiah 9:6-7. 20. Go for a walk together. 21. Draw a Christmas picture together. 22. Read Luke 1:26-38. 23. Read Matthew 1:18-24. 24. Read Luke 2:1-7 25. Celebrate that Jesus is born today! See more
14.01.2022 How many hours do you work each week? For farmers or small business owners, the idea of working 9am5pm MondayFriday is a pipedream. Those who want to climb the ladder are simply expected to work longer (often without pay!). In our modern era, it’s all too easy for work to consume our lives, becoming an idol or addiction. The third commandment can be difficult for us. Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Strictly speaking, this means God’s people shall not work b...etween sundown on Friday and sundown on Saturday. Yet, Christians all around the world break this command every week! Why? What does it mean to remember the Sabbath? Remembering the Sabbath is more than just taking a rest day once a week with your family. In the narrow sense, yes, remembering the Sabbath means that we interrupt our working week to acknowledge God we stop creating to worship the Creator. But more broadly, remembering the Sabbath is a counter-cultural rebellion like God who rescued His people from slavery, God’s people rest in order to rebel against economies of oppression. Yet, as important as our human rest is, it is not enough to fully eradicate oppression. But the good news is that through the death of Jesus Christ, God has perfectly rested in the tomb. Every time we remember Holy Communion, we remember that Christ’s perfect observance of Sabbath rest in the tomb frees us from slavery to sin, death, and the devil. So let us remember! Join us this Sunday 20 June in building at Walla 9am or Alma Park 10:30am HC; or online via video stream (from 10:30am AEST Sydney time): https://www.youtube.com/c/WallaWallaLutheranParish Download the ‘Worship Resource’ for Sunday 20 June here: https://bit.ly/walla-resource-2021-06-20
14.01.2022 Join us for live-stream worship on Sunday 6 September from 10:30am AEST (Sydney time). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glmYv1YxCLA Firstly, happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there! Thank you for being God’s hands in the world.... Forgiveness is one of these church words we hear and use often. But I wonder: do we actually know what forgiveness means? Do we live and act in ways that cultivate forgiveness? In our current series we hear what Jesus says about forgiveness in the Gospel of Matthew. Forgiveness means to be released and unbound, to be liberated and set free, to have an obligation dismissed or a debt pardoned. Forgiveness has a vertical dimension (God gives divine forgiveness to humans), but also a horizontal dimension (humans give forgiveness to each other). Most importantly, we will hear that forgiveness is not fair! No one deserves it, yet we freely receive and give forgiveness. Here’s the ‘Worship Resource’ for Sunday 6 September: https://bit.ly/walla-worship-resource-2020-09-06 Song Nothing but the blood. Songwriter: Robert Lowry. Lyrics in the public domain. Performed by Emma and Christine Biar. Song The power of the Cross. Songwriters: Keith Getty, Stuart Townend. Lyrics 2005 Thankyou Music. Used by permission, CCLI no. 92062. Performed by Emma and Christine Biar. CCLI Streaming Licence no. 33765. Service led by Pastor Dan Mueller and various helpers. Walla Walla Lutheran Parish, Riverina NSW, Australia.
14.01.2022 We had a slight issue with our video stream, and it is only streaming now. Join us for worship today (recorded Sunday 20 September 2020). https://m.youtube.com/watch Forgiveness is one of these church words we hear and use often. But I wonder: do we actually know what forgiveness means? Do we live and act in ways that cultivate forgiveness? In our current series we hear what Jesus says about forgiveness in the Gospel of Matthew. Forgiveness means to be released and unb...ound, to be liberated and set free, to have an obligation dismissed or a debt pardoned. Forgiveness has a vertical dimension (God gives divine forgiveness to humans), but also a horizontal dimension (humans give forgiveness to each other). Most importantly, we will hear that forgiveness is not fair! No one deserves it, yet we freely receive and give forgiveness. Here’s the ‘Worship Resource’ for Sunday 20 September: https://bit.ly/walla-worship-resource-2020-09-20 Song O bless the Lord, my soul. Songwriter: James Montgomery. Lyrics in the public domain. Performed by Craig Wenke and Dorothy Brinkmann. Song Lord of all hopefulness. Songwriters: Jan Struther. Lyrics in the public domain. Performed by Craig Wenke and Dorothy Brinkmann. CCLI Streaming Licence no. 33765. Service led by Pastor Dan Mueller and various helpers. Walla Walla Lutheran Parish, Riverina NSW, Australia.
13.01.2022 Two minutes in the Word with Pastor Dan (Sunday 13 June). Behind the second commandment sits a wonderful gospel promise. The good news is that God has decided to give you His Name. God is not some absent being, or disembodied force. God is a person. As a person He has a Name. And He has graciously given His holy Name for you to bear and carry into the world. Most notably in baptism, God stamps His holy Name on you calling you and making you holy. The pastor says at the font...: I baptise you in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. They make the sign of the cross on the chest and forehead. It’s like God stamps his Name on your forehead and chest. Because God gives you his name, this means you can call upon God’s Name for help. God’s Name is like an email address. With the address you can communicate with someone, but without one you can’t send your email. Likewise, now that you have God’s Name, you can communicate with him: call out for help, pray, praise, give thanks. And God always hears you. The psalmist in Psalm 18 says, ‘I called to the LORD, who is worthy of praise, and I have been saved from my enemies. The cords of death entangled me. In my distress I called to the LORD; I cried to my God for help. From his temple he heard my voice.’ (Psalm 18:34,6). The rest of the psalm is this amazing account of God coming to rescue the psalmist, all because they called upon God’s Name. The Small Catechism sums it up succinctly: you can call upon [God’s Name] in every trouble, pray, praise, and give thanks. Watch the full sermon here: https://www.youtube.com/watch
13.01.2022 https://www.ruok.org.au/join-r-u-ok-day
13.01.2022 Join us for worship on Sunday 10 January 2021 in person (Alma Park 9am, Walla 10:30am) or via video stream (from 10:30am AEST Sydney time): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8kq6BlgXCpv8eiQeLdNHhw At Christmas we celebrate that Jesus is born for us. But who is this baby? Who is Jesus? Are the stories about him legend? Is he a great teacher? Perhaps he’s simply an important historical figure? This time after Christmas we will grapple with the life-changing question: Who is Je...sus? So far we’ve heard that Jesus is God’s light of revelation and God himself who has ‘pitched a tent’ to dwell with us on earth. This week, as we focus on the baptism of Jesus, we hear that he is God’s beloved Son. Who is Jesus? is the most important question you will answer in 2021! This Christmas, did you get to tear open a present? If you open a present carefully, you could (in theory) put it back in the box and re-wrap it. But if you tear it open, you can’t put it back, it can’t be undone. In our gospel reading for this Sunday we hear that, as Jesus is baptised, God tears open the heavens. This is something that can’t be undone. Something special and permanent happens when Jesus is baptised. A hole is torn that forever joins heaven and earth. Through Jesus, God is preparing for heaven and earth to be joined together and become one place. And the exciting thing is that God wants to live with us with you forever. This can’t ever be undone. This happens because Jesus is God’s beloved Son. Download the ‘Worship Resource’ for Sunday 10 January here: https://bit.ly/walla-worship-resource-2021-01-10
13.01.2022 Yesterday at our Bible course for young people (aka Confirmation) we heard from the Book of Acts. Our focus word was scattered. In Acts chapter 8 we read: ‘A great wave of persecution began, sweeping over the church in Jerusalem; and all the believers except the apostles were scattered through the regions of Judea and Samaria ... But the believers who were scattered preached the Good News about Jesus wherever they went.’ (Acts 8:1,4). We had an illustration with a potato ...chip and a shoe. Pastor Dan put a potato chip on the table and then unexpectedly smashed it with his shoe it made most of the group jump! This represented the persecution of the early Jesus followers. Although persecuted (smashed), the chip ended up scattered all over the place, just like the early Jesus followers. This persecution and scattering led to the spread of the Good News of Jesus in Samaria, Judea, and to the ends of the earth even to Walla Walla and Alma Park. See more
12.01.2022 We pray for our members, their families and the whole South Australian community as they head into lockdown in order to 'short circuit' the current COVID-19 out...break. It'a good time to remind ourselves of who is in charge and has us in His care always a very good reason to 'in everything give thanks'. https://lutheranwomenofaustralia.org/ten-reasons-to-give-t/ See more
12.01.2022 Do you know the Ten Commandments by heart? I bet you will by the end of this video!
10.01.2022 Prepare for God to come down... Pause. Stop scrolling. Spend a few moments in prayer to prepare for God to come down and meet you this Christmas.
09.01.2022 Prepare for God to come down...Read Isaiah 64:19
08.01.2022 Read the latest from LCA International Mission here https://lutheranchurchofaustralia.cmail20.com//6D604FBC085
07.01.2022 Join us for our worship video stream released on Sunday 29 November 2020 from 10:30am (AEST Sydney time). https://www.youtube.com/watch We wait for all sorts of things. We wait for coffee to brew. We wait for crops to grow and grain to ripen. We wait for the holidays.... Each year the Christian church relives the life of Jesus. At Christmas we relive Jesus’ birth as he comes to the world, and at Easter we relive Jesus’ death and resurrection. Advent is the start of the church year, and so our year begins with waiting. We wait for Jesus to come into our weary world, to come down to us once again. As we wait during Advent, we prepare. This waiting is an opportunity to listen closely to God, to confess our sins and failure, to receive God’s forgiveness, and to receive God anew. And so we wait, and we prepare. And when God comes down, the mountains tremble! Here’s the ‘Worship Resource’ for Sunday 29 November: https://bit.ly/walla-worship-resource-2020-11-29 Song Angels we have heard on high Songwriter: James Chadwick. Lyrics in the public domain. Song Come Lord Jesus Come Songwriter: Robin Mann. Lyrics 1976 Robin Mann. Used by permission, CCLI no. 92062. CCLI Streaming Licence no. 33765. Service led by Pastor Dan Mueller. Walla Walla Lutheran Parish, Riverina NSW, Australia.
06.01.2022 We wait for all sorts of things. We wait for coffee to brew. We wait for crops to grow and grain to ripen. We wait for the holidays. Each year the Christian church relives the life of Jesus. At Christmas we relive Jesus' birth as he comes to the world, and at Easter we relive Jesus' death and resurrection. Advent is the start of the church year, and so our year begins with waiting. We wait for Jesus to come into our weary world, to come down to us once again. As we wait durin...g Advent, we prepare. This waiting is an opportunity to listen closely to God, to confess our sins and failure, to receive God's forgiveness, and to receive God anew. And so we wait, and we prepare. And when God comes down, the mountains tremble! You can join us for worship this Sunday (29 Nov) in three different ways: (1) Work through our Worship Resource, individually or with your household, at any time that suits you e.g. Sunday morning. https://bit.ly/walla-worship-resource-2020-11-29 (2) Participate online via video stream. The stream goes live each Sunday morning at 10:30am. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8kq6BlgXCpv8eiQeLdNHhw (3) Join us for in-building worship at Walla Walla (9am) or Alma Park (10:30am HC).
03.01.2022 Forgiveness is one of these church words we hear and use often. But I wonder: do we actually know what forgiveness means? Do we live and act in ways that cultivate forgiveness? In our current series we hear what Jesus says about forgiveness in the Gospel of Matthew. Forgiveness means to be released and unbound, to be liberated and set free, to have an obligation dismissed or a debt pardoned. Forgiveness has a vertical dimension (God gives divine forgiveness to humans), ...but also a horizontal dimension (humans give forgiveness to each other). Most importantly, we will hear that forgiveness is not fair! No one deserves it, yet we freely receive and give forgiveness. 1. Please find the worship resource for this coming Sunday (20 September) at the following link: http://bit.ly/walla-worship-resource-2020-09-20 2. Worship options for this week: Walla 9:00am Alma Park 10:30am HC (followed by AGM) Video stream 10:30am (search walla lutheran parish on YouTube) 3. We have some health precautions in place to help us love each other (see the full details on our website). 4. Contact the parish office to be added to our email list for the weekly bulletin.
02.01.2022 This Sunday's Psalm is Psalm 139 - one of my favourite Psalms. And this is a beautiful illustration of my favourite verse (probably because I'm a knitter ) : '...For you created my innermost being, you knit me together in my mother's womb.' Psalm 139 :13 Artwork by https://www.impressionsbyveronica.com/original-art.html See more
02.01.2022 William Shakespeare’s Juliet asks, What’s in a name? Are names really that important? In Biblical times names were very important. Great thought was put into choosing a name a name represents something of the person’s character e.g. Isaac (he laughs) was so named because his father Abraham laughed at God; Jacob (seized by the heel) because he followed his twin brother Esau out of the womb. The second commandment is all about God’s name. You shall not misuse the na...me of the LORD your God. In the narrow sense, this means we should not use God’s name for anything against His character: we should not curse, swear, use satanic arts, lie, or deceive by His name. But more broadly, we bear God’s Name in all that we say and do. We bear God’s Name lightly with indifferent worship (Ex 20:2226), casual sex (Amos 2:7), or when we steal (Lev 6:25). In the Lord's Prayer we ask for help to keep it hallowed (holy). Do you feel the weight of God’s holy Name? Yet the gospel promise behind this Word is that God graciously gives you His Name. Most notably in baptism, God stamps His holy Name on you calling you and making you holy. Therefore we can call upon it in every trouble, pray, praise, and give thanks. God’s holy Name helps and protects you. One day God's name will be universally hallowed, and ‘at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth’ (Phil 2:10). But until then, you are given the task and promise: to bear God's holy Name into the world, and by it receive help and protection. Join us this Sunday 13 June in building at Alma Park 9am or Walla Walla 10:30am HC; or online via video stream (from 10:30am AEST Sydney time): search YouTube for walla lutheran parish Retiring offering: This Sunday (13 June) we will have a retiring offering for Mick Hauser, lecturer at Martin Luther Seminary (Lae, PNG). Please come prepared to give generously to support this mission work. Alternatively, you can give directly here: https://bit.ly/lca-mission-mick-hauser See more
01.01.2022 Feeling a little lost and unsure what to do next year? Consider an ARISE Warrambui Volunteer Internship! Applications are still open! Visit http://www.warrambui.com.au/.../volunteer-internship.../ for more details, or contact us!
01.01.2022 Join us for live-stream worship on Sunday 13 September from 10:30am AEST (Sydney time). https://m.youtube.com/watch Forgiveness is one of these church words we hear and use often. But I wonder: do we actually know what forgiveness means? Do we live and act in ways that cultivate forgiveness? In our current series we hear what Jesus says about forgiveness in the Gospel of Matthew. Forgiveness means to be released and unbound, to be liberated and set free, to have an obl...igation dismissed or a debt pardoned. Forgiveness has a vertical dimension (God gives divine forgiveness to humans), but also a horizontal dimension (humans give forgiveness to each other). Most importantly, we will hear that forgiveness is not fair! No one deserves it, yet we freely receive and give forgiveness. Please find the worship resource for this coming Sunday (13 September) at the following link: http://bit.ly/walla-worship-resource-2020-09-13
01.01.2022 Check out the info for the Walla Community Christmas Carols below
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