Wallington Primary School in Wallington, Victoria | Primary School
Wallington Primary School
Locality: Wallington, Victoria
Phone: +61 3 5250 1841
Address: 608-610 Wallington Rd 3222 Wallington, VIC, Australia
Website: http://www.wallington-ps.vic.edu.au
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24.01.2022 https://playreg.cricket.com.au/pages/reg/welcome.aspx
23.01.2022 https://www.education.vic.gov.au//learning/Pages/home-lear
22.01.2022 Icy poles are available again at lunchtimes, please see the photos for options and pricing.
22.01.2022 We have some very exciting news to share with you all Tomorrow night at 6pm well be launching a live stream of our much-loved Penguin Parade. Fans from acro...ss the world will be able to tune in on either our Facebook page or YouTube channel and ask our Rangers questions in real-time. This free 30-minute stream will run nightly from tomorrow. You can watch on your phone, laptop or even stream to your TV to see Phillip Islands Little Penguins swim from the ocean and waddle home to their burrows. This is believed to be the worlds first live stream of a natural wildlife event at a regular time, with expert commentary - so its certainly one you wont want to miss! #LivePenguinTV
21.01.2022 Pupil Free Day Friday 7th August: Dear Parents/Guardians, The Department of Education and Training has today approved an additional Pupil Free Day for schools to assist teachers as we all transition to remote learning. Wallington PS have designated this Friday 7th August as our pupil free day. This means there will be no scheduled classes/learning and no onsite supervision of students. Teachers will be working remotely to develop the online remote learning. I apologise for th...e late notice and thank you in advance for your understanding. Stay safe, Glen Lauder Principal See more
21.01.2022 2021 Grades/Teacher: Dear Parents/Guardians, Going home today with students in their diaries will be a note with their grade and teacher for next year.
19.01.2022 Dear Parents/Guardians, This Friday we are planning Family Friday Movie day for those that want to take part. No classes will be scheduled for the day and like last time there is a matrix of activities that you can chose to undertake. Have fun and enjoy a mental break for the day! Thanks... Glen
18.01.2022 https://www.positivepartnerships.com.au/workshops-/webinars
18.01.2022 Assembly Change: Due to the predicted weather forecast and the high likelihood of heavy rain we are conducting this weeks assembly over the PA system (similar to last year). Sunglasses will still be available for purchase at the front of the school next to the main entrance.
18.01.2022 Dear Parents/Guardians, Last night it was announced that standalone P-6 primary schools in regional and rural Victoria will begin opening from the first week of term 4. Once details are confirmed I will update the school community of our plans for students returning. Thanks again in advance for your patience. Glen
18.01.2022 Just a reminder that removal of asbestos containing materials (cement sheets in the aves of the 5/6 rooms) will be taking place on Monday and Tuesday this week and the school and grounds are closed.Just a reminder that removal of asbestos containing materials (cement sheets in the aves of the 5/6 rooms) will be taking place on Monday and Tuesday this week and the school and grounds are closed.
16.01.2022 On Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th January maintenance works to remove materials containing asbestos (cement sheeting) will be taking place. During this time to school will be closed for all visitors and there will be no access to the school permitted. Thanks Glen
16.01.2022 Today the Grade 5s are making their pitches to be house captains in 2021. Good luck everyone!
16.01.2022 This Thursday 10th September is RUOK Day and we are encouraging everyone to wear a little yellow on the day. Teachers will be including some wellbeing activities for students on the day and we encourage everybody to look out for each other, especially at the moment.
15.01.2022 Reminder: All students finish today at 3:30pm, staggered finish times will no longer be used. Parents are welcomed back on site, for example for school drop-offs and pick-ups. However, to ensure consistency with physical distancing measures, students and families are required to maintain 1.5 metres between each other as far as is practical while on school grounds. We also encourage parents to continue with the drop and go in the mornings as this has led to greater independence by the students.
15.01.2022 A great social story. Thanks to Armstrong Creek School.
15.01.2022 Dear Parents/Guardians, As you may have heard at todays press conference the Premier announced that we will be remote learning again from Wednesday 5th August. Tomorrow will be a "normal" school day and Tuesday 4th August will be Pupil Free. At this stage I do not have any further details but as always I will keep you updated as quickly as possible. Right now, stay positive and reassure your kids. We have done this before and we didnt just do it we did it well as a team and we will again. Stay safe, Glen Lauder Principal
15.01.2022 The Grade 3-6 students have been learning different circus skills since theyve returned to school. Heres a little preview of what theyve been doing. Stay tuned next term for their class circus performances
14.01.2022 What a glorious morning! Great to see the new pitch in use.
14.01.2022 Issue resolved, we are back online. Login Issues: We have an issue with the server that our tech is working on, some may experience difficulty logging in at the moment
14.01.2022 I know this might not be the news everyone wants to hear but it is the action we need to take to slow the spread of Coronavirus and help save lives For schools... in metro Melbourne and the Mitchell Shire, VCE, VCAL students, Year 10 students who do VCE subjects, and special school students will return to face-to-face learning on July 13. School holidays will be extended for a further week for other students who attend these schools. School staff will use this week to prepare for a possible return to remote learning for prep-year 10 from July 20. There will be no changes to Term 3 for regional Victoria other than Mitchell Shire. Schools outside of metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire will return to face-to-face schooling for all students on 13 July.
14.01.2022 The bike riders made it to Queenscliffe!
13.01.2022 https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/managing-the-coronacoaster-
13.01.2022 Some classroom fun on a windy day inside lunch!
13.01.2022 Dear Parents/Guardians, Department of Education policy now requires that all visitors that are onsite at Wallington PS for longer than 15 minutes must sign in to assist with contract tracing in the event of a reported case of COVID-19. This includes if you are in the grounds waiting to pick up your child or dropping them off in the morning. If you will be inside any school building, for example a meeting with a teacher or assisting with a job (e.g. sorting lost property) you ...will need to follow normal procedures and sign in at the office. We will be using the Victorian Government QR code service for checking in. QR codes will be located at the entrance gates to assist with signing in. Thanks in advance for assisting with this process. Glen Lauder Principal
13.01.2022 Curriculum Day Monday 23rd November: Just a reminder that Monday is a student free day. Staff will be undertaking professional learning and planning for 2021.
12.01.2022 Dear Parents/Guardians, I know that some of you will have questions about todays announcements by the Premier today, particularly in relation to face masks. At this stage I dont have any details on the announcements and what it may mean for you, the children or the staff. As always, as soon as the information is available I will pass it onto you. Again I want to reinforce that we are taking every possible measure to ensure everyones safety. Stay safe,... Glen Lauder Principal
11.01.2022 www.playcricket.com.au
11.01.2022 Dear Parents, We are excited to announce that Mrs Ros Taylor is joining the Prep team in Mrs Bernie King's grade. Bernie will be teaching 4 days a week, Monday to Thursday and Ros will teach Fridays. Ros and Bernie are a great combination and compliment each other extremely well. Ros has many years experience working as an Early Years educator and brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to the role. She will be available after school tonight and tomorrow if you want to drop in and say hello. Thanks Glen Lauder
10.01.2022 Buddies programming together this arvo in the corridors, great fun and noisy!
09.01.2022 Dear Parents/Guardians, Tomorrow term 3 starts for all students at Wallington PS. The same protocols as were in place in Term 2 will apply in Term 3. Students can be dropped off from 8:40 am in the designated zones in the staff car park, a staff member will be there to supervise. Pick up parking arrangements are the same but the times have been adjusted. They are as follows: Staggered finish times... Finish times will be staggered alphabetically by surnames 3.10pm A -H 3:20pm I - Q 3:30pm R - Z Please respect social distancing advice when waiting to collect children. Unfortunately parents and guardians cannot come on site unless they have an appointment or are dropping off students late or picking up early (please come to the office to sign in or out). Extra cleaning will continue throughout the day and children will be continually reminded to wash hands or sanitize every time they leave or enter a room. Where possible classes will not be mixing and all staff will be practicing social distancing and hygiene procedures. Children who have cold and flu like symptoms must be kept at home. If a student develops symptoms during the school day parents/guardians will be contacted to collect their children. A doctors certificate is not required to return to school but children must be free of symptoms. This advice is also relevant for staff and adults who come into the school. I look forward to having everyone back at school. Thanks Glen Lauder Principal
09.01.2022 Soccer pitch all ready for tomorrows first house competition between Connewarre and Moorabool. Good luck to both houses
09.01.2022 Welcome to Week 8: Good morning everyone! I hope that you all had a nice weekend and that movie day was a welcome break. The pictures I have seen look like it was a fun time. Hopefully we will have another "break day before the end of the term, stay tuned. Over the past week there has been a lot of discussion in the Dept of Ed around transitions, in particular Kinder to Prep and 6 to 7. While there are no definitive answers yet what they will exactly look like, our planning ...is underway for kinder to prep and the secondary schools are looking closely at their transition days. The staff have also begun to talk about doing a more comprehensive transition across the school this year given all the disruptions that have taken place. I am confident that the children will move into their next grade ready to go but also acknowledge some might need some extra support. Have a great week Glen See more
08.01.2022 Dear Parents/Guardians, Todays announcement by the Government is that we will remain remote learning for all of Term 3. Once there is clarity around the return in Term 4 I will update you. Stay safe Glen
08.01.2022 Dear Parents/Guardians, We have a limited number of laptops available to be loaned out to assist with remote learning. Our technician is working to set them up and they will be available for collection from Wednesday. If you would like to access a device please fill in the Google form by 12pm Tuesday 4 August, with your name and your childs name. At collection there will be a user agreement to sign. https://forms.gle/CL2MJ5vF2AT44Mz9A ... Thanks Glen
08.01.2022 Congratulations everyone on making it through to the end of Week 6. I am hearing some great reports from the teachers about the engagement of kids and of the high quality of the work that is being done. It also great to see the fun activities that some classes are using to check in each morning. This time around the small group video meets have been great for focused teaching and learning and I know that the teachers are enjoying their time with a smaller group. I was thinking of holding an open video conference meeting for parents to ask or just to catch up if people thought it would be of use. Let me know via the Facebook page if you think this would be helpful. As a final thought I was sent this earlier today and thought it was appropriate to share for some light relief. Have a great weekend and stay safe, Glen
07.01.2022 Laptops/iPads Could all laptops and iPads that were used during remote learning please be returned to school.Laptops/iPads Could all laptops and iPads that were used during remote learning please be returned to school.
07.01.2022 Dear Parents/Guardians, I hope that everybody was able to enjoy a good break over the school holidays and have had a chance to recharge their batteries. I have held back on sending out this announcement due to the constantly changing nature of advice and guidelines so thanks for your patience with the tight timeline. Tomorrow Term 4 starts with:... Monday 5th October a planning day for teachers (no students at school). Tuesday 6th October all students start back! The same protocols as were in place in Term 3 will apply in Term 4. Students can be dropped off from 8:40 am in the designated zones in the staff car park (drop and go), a staff member will be there to supervise. Pick up parking arrangements are the same, please park in the overflow car park and walk up to collect your children. Alphabetical groupings have changed following feedback from parents. They are as follows: Staggered finish times Finish times will be staggered alphabetically by surnames 3.10pm A - E 3:20pm F - M 3:30pm N - Z Please respect social distancing advice when waiting to collect children. Unfortunately, parents and guardians cannot come on site unless they have an appointment or are dropping off students late or picking up early (please come to the office to sign in or out). Extra cleaning will continue throughout the day and children will be continually reminded to wash hands or sanitize every time they leave or enter a room. Where possible classes will not be mixing and all staff will be practicing social distancing and hygiene procedures. Children who have cold and flu like symptoms must be kept at home. If a student develops symptoms during the school day parents/guardians will be contacted to collect their children. A doctor’s certificate is not required to return to school but children must be free of symptoms. This advice is also relevant for staff and adults who come into the school. I can’t wait to have all the students and staff back at school. Thanks Glen Lauder Principal
07.01.2022 Dear Parents/Guardians, As has been announced by the Premier as of Sunday night face masks will be compulsory across Victoria. Department of Education and Training guidelines are as follows: * All school-based staff must wear face coverings at school, and when travelling to and from school.... * Teachers and education support staff will not be required to wear face coverings while teaching, but those who wish to do so can (I fully support their decision either way). Teachers should wear face coverings in other areas of the school when not teaching (for example, in the staffroom, on yard duty and when providing first aid or taking temperatures), and when travelling to and from school. * Students who attend primary school will not be required to wear a face covering. Students who are aged 12 or over by Year 6 will not be required to wear face coverings. The Victorian Chief Health Officer has advised that it is not practical to require some primary school students to wear face coverings while others are not required to. If you choose to have your child wear a mask we will support that decision. *Any adult or child 12 and over entering the school must wear a mask. It may assist your child with any anxiety about this if you discuss with them that staff will be wearing masks around school over the weekend. Thank you for your continued support of the school and particularly of the students as we work our way through this current situation. As previously stated if a child is ill with cold and flu like symptoms please keep them home and get tested. If there is any change to this I will keep you updated Thanks in advance Glen Lauder Principal
07.01.2022 Bellarine Secondary Year 7, 2021 If you have received notification that your child has a place with Bellarine Secondary College in 2021, the College would like to inform you that, due to the impact of Covid, enrolment information will be distributed to families early in Term 4. Enrolment packages will be delivered to your Primary School and distributed from there to avoid postal delays. Please be assured that you do not have to contact Bellarine Secondary or your Primary School to confirm your students place with us in 2021. If your student has been offered a place it will be held for them. Thank you.
06.01.2022 Dear Parents/Guardians, Thank you for your patience as we move towards remote learning tomorrow, below are some important messages. Laptops/iPads:... Thank you to those parents who registered for the use of a laptop during remote learning. Due to the demand for devices we will also be using the schools iPads, these will be given to junior students. Devices will be available for collection on Friday 7th August between 9am and 4:30pm. If these times do not suit please email the school at [email protected] to arrange a suitable time. Student Workbooks: For students who were absent on Monday 3 August parents will be able to collect their childs work books to assist with remote learning on Friday 7th August between 9am and 4:30pm. Please come to the main office and we will collect their materials for you. Information regarding remote learning and login details for Google Classroom will be sent in a separate email. Stay safe, Glen Lauder Principal
05.01.2022 Congratulations!
05.01.2022 Welcome to a new week everyone. After such a challenging week for everyone last week as we worked through the process of managing a school closure, I am sure we are all looking forward to a productive week remote learning. The reports from teachers and the parents is that most students have settled well into the routine of learning from home. Teachers are working hard to make sure that they connect with students in small groups, prep to twos are doing guided reading in small groups with their teacher. 5/6 students undertaking book studies as a group and sharing their insights about the novels. Please make sure that you are taking breaks and keeping moving. As I said earlier no task should cause World War 3 and no student should be sitting at desk all day learning. Look after yourselves and have a great week! Glen
05.01.2022 Dear parents and carers, On Tuesday 25 August, the Department of Education and Training is presenting a free webinar for parents and carers by renowned child psychologist Dr Michael Carr-Gregg, on building family resilience during coronavirus (COVID-19). Parents and carers play a vital role in helping children feel safe through uncertain times.... Dr Carr-Greggs webinar is aptly named Managing the Coronacoaster Tips for building resilient families in the coronavirus era. In this webinar, Dr Carr-Gregg provides tools and strategies for parents and carers to help manage the lockdown and remote learning. Topics include: -your supportive role -setting the emotional tone -focusing on what you can control -how to deal with disappointment -further resources and where to get help. Dr Carr-Greggs presentation will run for 45 minutes. This will be followed by a 15-minute question-and-answer session in which parents and carers can ask Dr Carr-Gregg questions. Webinar details When: Tuesday 25 August Time: 7:30pm Duration: 45-minute presentation followed by 15-minute questions and answers session Format: online via Webex Cost: free How to register To register and for more information visit the Managing the Coronacoaster Tips for building resilient families in the coronavirus era eventbrite page. https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/managing-the-coronacoaster-
04.01.2022 Laptop/iPad Collection: Laptops and iPads will be available for collection earlier than expected. Collection can occur on either Thursday 6th August or Friday 7th August between 9am and 4pm. Please come to the office to collect. Those wishing to collect student workbooks may also come in that time. Thank you to Lachie our technician for powering through the set up today. Thanks... Glen Lauder See more
04.01.2022 Graduation lunch underway
04.01.2022 Dear Parents/Guardians, Welcome back to remote learning 2.0. This week teachers will be touching base with students and beginning to set work for students via Google Classroom. Please be patient with the work being set this week as teachers work towards getting set up again on such short notice. Please remember the guidelines for the amount of time a child should be spending working each day. For a Prep to Grade 2 student this is 2 and half hours and for Grade 3-6 it is 3 and... half hours. No student should be sitting all day completing set work. As a guide it is expected that each child will read, write and do maths each day. Please make sure you move and are physical and take mental breaks if needed. No task should create World War 3 in a home, take a break, check with the teacher and come back to it later. Dont be overwhelmed when you look at the tasks in Google Classroom, work through the basics and engage with the extension or challenge tasks as are suitable. Teachers will be setting up regular Google Meets to video conference with their grade and also for small group work. It is important for students to try and login into these as a way of keeping in touch with the friends and the grade. We are also planning to do themed days, like the movie day last time, every couple of weeks as a bit of fun. Parents can message their childs teacher privately via the Parent Portal on Sentral, https://sentral.wallington-ps.vic.edu.au/portal2/#!/login. For technical questions please email the school, [email protected] and I will attempt to assist with any issues. We have set up a method of contact with our wellbeing co-ordinator, Melinda Williams, [email protected], in case you have any questions or concerns regarding your childs wellbeing and mental health. This email address will also be accessed and monitored by Glen Lauder. Please use this communication method if you are concerned about your child and we will endeavour to support and assist you and your child through these challenging times. This email will also be used to pass on tips and useful information regarding student wellbeing and mental health. Please do not use this email for questions around teaching and learning, these questions need to your childs teacher. Just a reminder that this Friday 7th August is a Pupil Free Day and there will be no classes or onsite supervision. Please be safe and take care of yourselves, Glen Lauder Principal
04.01.2022 Dear friends, Could you please do me a HUGE favour and share this webinar for Kids with your communities? I am thrilled to be presenting this webinar with Micha...el Carr-Gregg and Susan McLean - Cyber Safety Expert especially aimed at High School students. After the stresses of remote learning last year, we hope this will be a high valuable session. PLUS, parents can sit with their children to view so all will be on the same page. And if you need ANY more incentive to join us- EVERY registrations receives a FREE COPY of my brand new book 'Surviving High School' posted out next week. Thanks so much for sharing with your networks. Sharon https://events.humanitix.com/surviving-and-thriving-in-high
03.01.2022 What a great first day back! It is amazing how well all of our students went today, their resilience and strength in coping with this whole situation is a credit to them, their parents and their teachers. It was fantastic to have the school buzzing again with the sounds of happiness and fun.
03.01.2022 Today we made the significant decision to go to Stage 4 restrictions in Melbourne and Stage 3 in regional Victoria. Its a tough call but one that had to be mad...e. Based on the advice of Victorian and national health experts, we need to go further in our efforts to drive the Coronavirus numbers down. So what does this mean for schools and early childhood? On Monday, students and staff will continue as they have been. Tuesday will be a pupil free day for schools. From Wednesday in metropolitan Melbourne all students in p-12 will learn remotely. On-site supervision will be available for students of permitted workers, vulnerable students, and in some cases, students with disabilities. From Thursday early childhood services in Melbourne will also only be open to families of defined workplaces where the child needs care and to vulnerable children. In regional Victoria all students will learn remotely although our specialist schools will remain open for students. On-site supervision will be available for all students of permitted workers, vulnerable students and any student with a disability. Early childhood services will also remain open as normal in regional Victoria. I know this is challenging for everyone but it something we simply have to do. We have no choice if we want to slow the spread of the virus. This is all about stopping around 1 million students, their families and teachers from moving around the state. For VCE students my message is clear. You will sit your exams and you will receive an ATAR by the end of the year. I know it is challenging but we will support you every step of the way. 2020 is turning out to be a year that none us could even imagine. But if we all stick together we will get through this. Thank you to our amazing principals, teachers, and school and early childhood staff who continue to do an outstanding job in circumstances that are extremely difficult. I could not be prouder of the work you do.
03.01.2022 Good morning all, Google Classroom appears to be running slow this morning, Mondayitis maybe.
03.01.2022 Found in the car park, probably dropped at drop off this morning at the first pedestrian gate. If it’s yours it can be collected from the office.
02.01.2022 I know lots of parents and students have been waiting for this one so heres all the info you need on whats happening for Term 3. As we flagged last week, al...l schools in regional and rural Victoria except for Mitchell Shire will return to face-to-face learning as planned tomorrow. Years 11, 12, and specialist school students within Stage 3 restricted areas will also start back in the classroom. School holidays for Preps to Year 10s in Stage 3 restricted areas have been extended by a week and on the advice of the Chief Health Officer, theyll begin remote learning on Monday 20 July. Thats because while were doing everything we can to drive case numbers down, its really important not to have hundreds of thousands of kids and their parents and carers moving around every day. Few points to note: Well still have on-site supervision for any student who needs it whether thats because their parents are out working, for vulnerable kids, or those with disabilities who need extra support. All students attending class or on-site supervision in Stage 3 restricted areas will be temperature-checked daily. Kids leaving the Stage 3 area for school will also be temperature-checked each morning when they get there. Students who received a laptop or tablet to learn from home last term should still have these but well also be loaning out a further 1,000 devices and 2,500 dongles to make sure everyone has what they need to learn. School breakfast and lunch clubs will continue to run for any student that needs them whether theyre learning face-to-face or at home. For families on the edge of the boundary, whether students learn in the classroom or remotely is based on the location of the school not where you live. This ensures kids will be doing the same thing as their classmates regardless of their home address. Im sure people will be wondering Why these year levels and not others? We want to make sure all our VCE and VCAL kids across the state are in the same boat and everyone gets an equal chance to do their best. Plus Year 12s have next year to plan for and we want to make sure they have as much support as possible over the next six months. Feedback last term was that remote learning for specialist school students, their families and their teachers was incredibly challenging. Thats why weve made this call. I know people will have differing views and mixed feelings about this. I know kids will miss their mates. And I appreciate that it probably feels a bit unsettling for everyone students and parents alike. My heartfelt thanks for your patience and resilience. There might be a few blips along the way but were doing our utmost to make this transition as smooth as possible. And finally, to our hard-working teachers and school staff: Thank you for everything. You are truly irreplaceable.
02.01.2022 Dear Parents and Guardians, The Department of Education and Training has provided updated advice regarding COVID-19 restrictions for schools. This is great news and means that we can begin to transition back to a COVID normal at school. Below I have outlined the changes that we will begin introducing from Monday 30th November. Staggered Finish Times and Parents Onsite Parents are welcomed back on site, for example for school drop-offs and pick-ups and as a consequence there w...Continue reading
01.01.2022 It is with great disappointment that we need to announce that the 2021 Wallington Strawberry Fair will not be going ahead. Due to current restrictions and COVID... circumstances, it was out of our hands but ultimately the best decision for everyone's safety. We would like to assure you all we are hopeful that we will be back in 2022 - bigger, brighter and better than ever. Thank you all for your continual support of Wallington Primary School! See more
01.01.2022 Yesterday we had a very productive day discussing, debating and committing to our literacy and numeracy curriculum for 2021. Staff all went away with a clear plan for the improvements we want to make and how to improve how we engage our students.
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